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Sports and recreation complex, Kulebaki-AR.



Project's Content

icon 2 Фасады цвет.bpn
icon 2 Фасады.bpn
icon Ген.план.cdw
icon календарный план.cdw
icon стройгенплан.cdw
icon Ферма.cdw
icon Оценка рын.ст..doc
icon Приложение Б_Ферма расчет.doc
icon подбор сечений.docx
icon Приложение А_Теплотехнический расчет ограждающей конструкции.docx
icon Приложение Б_Ферма расчет.docx
icon Приложение Б_Ферма расчет.rtf
icon локальная смета.xlsx
icon Объектная смета №1.xlsx
icon Объектная смета №2.xlsx
icon Объектная смета №3.xlsx
icon Сводная смета.xlsx
icon Копия архитектура.docx
icon Копия Конструктивные решения.docx
icon Копия содержание.docx
icon Копия Технология и организация строительства.docx
icon Копия Эконом. и управлен. реш..docx
icon Титульник.docx
icon теоретическая_часть.doc
icon 2 Фасады.pln.lck
icon 1_ФОКА.кул.П(блок1).pla
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icon 2 Фасады цвет.pln
icon 2 Фасады.pln
icon 3-й блок.pln
icon Разрез с фунд.pln
icon разрезы.pln
icon opis.txt

Additional information



1 Architectural and construction solutions

1.1 General characteristics of real estate

1.1.1 Description of location

1.1.2 Technical and economic indicators on volume-planning solution of the designed facility

1.1.3 Plot Plan

1.1.4 Basic Space Planning Solutions

1.1.5 General characteristics of design solutions

1.1.6 Sanitation and engineering Heating Ventilation Water supply Sewerage Lighting and power equipment Fire safety

1.2 Real Estate Construction Physics


2.1. General characteristics of design solutions

2.2 Calculation of trusses

2.3 Corrosion protection of metal structures

2.4 Fire resistance of steel structures


3.1 Calculation of Scope of Work

3.2 Selection and substantiation of methods of main construction and installation works

3.2.1 Earthworks

3.2.2 Foundation concreting

3.2.3 Installation of the frame

3.2.4 Installation of coating elements

3.2.5 Installation of wall fence

3.2.6 Roofing works

3.2.7 Clean Floor Arrangement

3.2.8 Finishing works

3.3 Determination of labor intensity of works, requirements for basic construction structures, materials and construction machines

3.4 Work Schedule

3.5 Workers Demand Schedule

3.6 Schedule of consumption and delivery of main building structures and materials

3.7 Schedule of requirements for basic construction machines

3.8 Construction Plot Plan

3.9. Rationale for Health, Safety and Fire Safety Solutions

3.10 Environmental Protection


4.1 Determination of estimated cost of construction of the facility (local estimate, object estimate, consolidated estimate of construction cost)

4.2 Determination of the market value of a real estate object

4.3 Evaluation of investment efficiency in project development and implementation




The task of this thesis is the technical and economic justification of the feasibility of creating a Sports Complex.

The purpose of the project is to develop and justify a management decision that ensures the maximum efficiency of the adopted option of using real estate based on the construction of a building for rental of premises.

The existing project for the construction of a sports complex is designed for regular physical education (FC) and sports for more than 1,500 people, in addition, it is planned to create 19 workplaces. In the project: two storey building with three sports halls, showers, changing rooms and coaching rooms.

Starting costs are high, therefore, before starting construction, it is necessary to consider the relevance of creating an SK in Chkalovsk,

This thesis includes an analysis of the situation that has developed today in Chkalovsk on the development of FC and sports and the organization of active leisure of the population, a description of the future of the UK, its social functions, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, determination of the goals of the QMS, analysis of the market of possible consumers, social significance.

The decision to build a sports complex in Chkalovsk was made on the basis of serious prerequisites.

It so happened that city structures work mainly with children and adolescents of preschool and school age, mainly engaged in the organization of leisure activities of adolescents, and all sports clubs and sections are mainly aimed at children and adolescents of school age. After leaving school, teenagers who are accustomed to spending their free time in sections find themselves deprived of the opportunity to do their favorite business, or simply spend time - for lack of a suitable base. Many students achieve high results in sports and want to engage further, realizing their abilities in their favorite business, but they are deprived of this opportunity, because there is no prospect of further development.

Another reason for the construction of a sports complex is the health problems among the population of Chkalovsk, which are becoming more and more striking. Interest in the healthy lifestyle of the population is the main social significance. Promoting a healthy lifestyle thanks to sports activities, it is necessary to provide a base of sports services, and without the implementation of the sports complex project this is impossible.

The activities of the Sports Complex are planned as follows:

- Development of training programmes for sports cultivated in the city;

- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, attracting clients;

- development, together with leading trainers, of programs for preparation of city teams for competitions;

- development of a plan - schedules of city competitions, linking schedules with regional, Russian and international competitions.

- preparation of rehabilitation plans for athletes ,

- development of working documentation for athletes ,

- organization of services provision (work schedules of trainers by sports, preparation of gyms for work)

The implementation of the SK project is impossible without subsidized support from the local budget for the depreciation of the building and equipment. But the SK project is the first project for the construction and operation of a sports facility that does not require a subsidy for the operation of the building and the payment of employees from the local budget.

The implementation of this project requires constant monitoring of the market for the provision of sports and recreational services, constant improvement of the quality of service, expansion of the market for services and involvement of the city population in the conduct of a healthy lifestyle, which will thereby increase the volume indicators of consumers. When these conditions are met, the UK can provide strong competition in this area.

1. architectural and construction solutions

1.1 General characteristics of real estate

1.1.1 Description of location

The construction site is located in the eastern part of Chkalovsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, along Komsomolsky St .

Relief with a slight slope.

Snow district - IV

Wind district - I

Absolute minimum air temperature -40 ° С

Absolute maximum air temperature + 36 ° С,

Air temperature of the coldest five days with coverage of 0.92 31 ° С

The predominant wind direction of the cold period of the year is SW.

The prevailing wind direction of the warm period of the year is Z.

The normative depth of seasonal freezing is 1.7 meters.

1.1.3 Plot Plan

The construction site is an undeveloped site. The master plan is based on the topographic basis provided by the customer.

The altitude system is Baltic.

The binding of structures is linear, to existing structures.

The planning marks of the new structures are adopted taking into account the existing topography of the site and existing structures. The project provides for the dismantling of the existing water supply network passing through the territory of the designated site .

The project provides for the following improvement of sites: the installation of driveways, turning platforms, sidewalks, lawns, planting trees, the installation of urns and the installation of park sofas and benches.

The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other standards applicable in the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.

1.1.4 Basic Space Planning Solutions

The space-planning solution of the building is made in accordance with the task and reflects the specifics of the purpose of the building.

The overall dimensions of the building in axes 1-10 are 54,000 meters, in axes A-J - 27,000 meters. The maximum height on the skate is 11.800 meters.

The zoning of the building volume is made in accordance with the technology and involves the placement on the 1st floor in axes 6-10 of a universal gym with dimensions of 14.620 x 23.620 meters, which is intended for game sports with markings for basketball and volleyball games. The height of the hall is 7.800 meters. The hall is equipped according to the project technology. There is a coaching room and an inventory room. At the level of the second floor there are two glazed balconies for spectators. Also at the level of the first floor there is a small sports hall, which is designed for gymnastics and martial arts, and at the level of the second floor - a fitness hall. The dimensions of the halls are 16.060 x 8.860 meters. The height of the halls is 3,600 meters. Locker rooms of athletes are located at the level of the first and second floors and are in convenient connection with sports halls. Changing rooms are equipped with comfortable lockers for changing clothes, benches. Hair dryers and a filter with clean water are provided. The project laid down shower units without pallets with the arrangement of floor slopes with a system of water reception ramps.

Also on the ground floor is a medical center. A gym is provided for power training. There is a ski storage and preparation room, which is located in close proximity to the additional entrance. There is also a skate storage and rental room on the first floor, which is located in close proximity to the second additional entrance.

The lobby of the sports complex is located in axes 3-5. There is a wardrobe of outerwear and a security room with a fire alarm panel. In the center of the lobby there is an open staircase leading to the second floor.

The second floor is occupied by administrative rooms, a coaching room, a methodological room with a library, a chess class, and a club yacht training class.

A ramp at the main entrance is provided for the low-mobility population.

The facade of the sports complex building is made in light colors.

1.1.5 General characteristics of design solutions

Based on functional and technical and economic requirements, the frame system of the building is adopted.

• Structures of the building frame - metal load-bearing columns with longitudinal arrangement of girders, with a grid of columns 6 x 6 and (6 + 3) x6m. Columns are made of I-beams with parallel faces of shelves. The column bases have support plates, which are embedded in the foundation at elevation -0.130. Top of columns - a support plate is welded to the rigged ends of the column, which receives the load from the coating through the support rib of the truss .

• Foundations - stand-alone stepped reinforced concrete cups buried in the ground for 3,200 meters, which corresponds to the data on the depth of freezing of the soil of this area.

Reliable fastening of anchor bolts in the foundation is achieved by their adhesion to concrete. Prefabricated reinforced concrete foundation beams are laid between separate foundations to perceive load from external walls. To prevent corrosion of the lower supporting part of the steel columns, their surfaces contacting the soil must be carefully vetonized.

• External walls - multi-layer prefabricated structures. On the outside, the foam concrete wall (380 mm thick) is protected by facing bricks (120 mm thick), and on the inside with Ursa insulation (150 mm thick). Internal walls are made of brick, wall thickness is 120 mm.

• Floor panels are multipost dimensions 8980x1198x220. Brand IZH 51097 NVK 90-12

• Stairways - reinforced concrete, lined with ceramic granite slabs, external - with anti-slip coating.

• Roof - attic type, segment truss covered with Katepal glue plate. The Ruflex roof features excellent performance with significant fluctuations in average daily temperatures, high humidity and wind loads. The base of Ruflex tiles from Katepal is a non-woven glass fiber, bearing the main mechanical load, covered with a layer of modified bitumen on two sides. The Katepal soft roof features ductility and flexibility, which are based on the properties of plasticized bitumen. The underside of the Katepal shingle is a self-adhesive layer of SBSmodified rubber bitumen. This design of Katepal bitumen tiles facilitates laying, guarantees additional stability of the roofing. The upper layer of bitumen of soft cathepal tiles is covered with painted mineral granules, which protect the entire system from damage and paint the cathepal roof in bright colors. The cathepal roof arrangement is fast enough, as the flexible Katepal tile is easily fixed with a self-adhesive layer and roof nails.

• Partitions are used by 8 cm thick gypsum concrete assemblies manufactured at the supplier's plants. The use of prefabricated partitions accelerates the construction process and reduces wet processes at the construction site.

• Fill window openings with plastic double-chamber double-glazed windows. The top of the windows is as close to the ceiling as possible, which provides better illumination in the depths of the rooms

• Doors used as single-floor and double-floor, size: 2.1 m high and 0.9; 0,8; 0.7 m wide. To ensure quick evacuation, all doors open outside in the direction of traffic on the street based on the conditions for evacuating people from the building in case of fire. Door boxes are fixed in openings to unsepted wooden plugs laid in masonry during masonry of walls. For external wooden doors and on staircases in tambours - boxes are arranged with thresholds, and for internal doors - without thresholds. Inlet tambour doors are made of double-layer stamped aluminium of corrugated surface. Door boxes are made of stamped aluminum profiles with anchors attached to walls.

• Floors shall be made on floors on the ground floor containing hydro and thermal insulation layers; in the universal gym - from the HAROsport sports parquet, in the lobby and toilets - tile, in the rest of the rooms - linoleum on the mastic.

1.1.6 Sanitation and engineering Heating

The design of heat supply of the sports complex building was developed on the basis of the technical assignment, architectural, construction and technological drawings and in accordance with the current sanitary norms and rules in accordance with SNiP. [1,2,5,6]

Heat supply is provided from external heat networks with installation of central heat station. Heat carrier for heat supply system of plenum plants - water with parameters 95-70 ° С. Coolant for heating system - water with parameters 95-70 ° С.

Design ambient temperatures for design are accepted in cold period: for heating -40 ° С

Internal design air temperatures are accepted in cold period:

- in administrative premises t = 20 ° С;

- in sports halls t = 18 ° С;

- in the foyer, lobby t = 18 ° С.

Two pipe heating systems from the distribution header are provided in the building:

- with vertical risers with lateral connection of heating devices to main pipelines (laid in underground channel, in floor preparation behind the plinth structure);

- with horizontal risers laid in floor preparation behind the plinth structure, with bottom connection of heating devices.

The main pipelines laid in the underground channel are made of water and gas pipes according to GOST 326275 * and are heat insulated with Thermoflex material.

Pipelines laid in floor preparation are made of polypropylene "REHAU."

As heating devices in the premises, steel radiators of the KORADO type with a height of 400 mm, 500 mm are adopted, with the exception of devices in the gym, where a height of 900 mm at a height of N.S.5.3 m according to SNiP, an architectural grille is provided that covers the heating device to a height of up to two meters. Radiators are equipped with built-in air discharge valves and thermostatic valves with thermostatic heads.

Control of these systems is carried out by installation of shutoff and drain valves on each horizontal riser and main pipelines. Control is carried out through installation of manual balancing valves on return pipelines. Heating of staircases provides for the installation of instruments on the lower floors with lateral connection of steel panel radiators "KORADO" with regulators without a thermostatic head. Water purification to protect control valves from mechanical impurities occurs in mesh filters installed on heating system lines. All steel pipes shall be treated with anti-corrosion coating before heat insulation. Ventilation

Ventilation of the sports complex building is developed on the basis of the technical assignment, architectural, construction and technological drawings and in accordance with the current sanitary norms and rules in accordance with SNiP. [1,2,3,4,5,6].

Ventilation in the building for all rooms is designed plenum with mechanical inducement.

Air exchanges in the rooms are accepted:

- in administrative and public - at the rate of 60 m ³/h (inflow) and 54 m ³/h (extract) per person;

- in other rooms - by multiplicities.

Plenum systems P1 - P3 are located in the ventilation chamber at elevation 0.000, equipped with special structures that exclude noise penetration from operating ventilation units.

Exhaust systems are located in the ventilation chamber at elevation 7.200, equipped with check valves that prevent air overflow.

Air ducts are designed from Class H galvanized steel sheet.

The external doors of the lobby are equipped with electric air-heat curtains (VTZ). Two installations of the "Frico" brand in horizontal design above the doors are adopted as curtains, taking into account the opening of the latter inside.

In order to create comfortable conditions and assimilate heat losses, the project provides for an autonomous Splitter System. To reduce the sound pressure levels from ventilation plants and pumps to the regulated limits, the design provides for the following measures:

- all ventilation units and pumps are installed on vibration isolators and connected to the mains through flexible inserts;

- all plenum units are installed on floating base (concrete slab on vibration insulation layer);

- enclosing structures of ventilation chambers have sound insulation;

- noise silencers are installed on air ducts of plenum and exhaust systems serving rooms of buildings.

In order to ensure the specified parameters, reduce heat, cold and electric power consumption and reduce maintenance personnel, the project provides for automatic execution of the following system control operations:

- maintenance of design air parameters in rooms;

- closing of air dampers before calorifers at fan starting and their opening at starting;

- control of supply air heating and protection of calorifers from freezing in winter;

- disconnection of plenum ventilation systems of premises by signals of fire alarm system;

- actuation of standby engines. Water supply

The section was developed on the basis of the assignment for design, technical specifications, architectural and construction drawings and in accordance with the current regulatory documents: SNiP [7,8,9,10,12].

1. The source of cold water supply is the city network of fire and drinking water supply. The input to the housing is provided in one thread with a diameter of 80mm from the designed intra-quarter network. Entry is made to the pit below the freezing depth. Water metering unit with Dou25 counter and fire flow pass along bypass line with gate valve for electric drive is provided at the input.

2. The source of hot water supply is intra-quarter CTP. Entry is performed together with heating pipelines to the pit. A common thermal energy metering unit is provided at the input.

3. Water supply systems are accepted with lower supply. Mains are laid under the floor floor 1 behind suspended ceilings. Supply pipelines of water supply systems in shower rooms are looped.

4. The system of combined domestic and drinking water supply is dead end, designed from PVC pipes. External watering cranes are designed around the perimeter of the building, with the possibility of using one of them to fill the rink. Sewerage

The section is developed on the basis of the design task, technical specifications, architectural and construction drawings and in accordance with the current regulatory documents: SNiP [7,8,9,10,12].

1. Sewerage of the designed building is carried out by three gravity outlets to the designed wells of the external intra-quarter network. Sewage pipelines are laid mainly above the floor, 1 floor each - in floor preparation. Pits with a depth of 2.5 m are provided at the outlets.

2. The sewerage system above the elevation of 0.000 is installed from pipes and shaped parts from PVC as per TU 61930786, the outlets - from pipes of cast iron pressure-free as per GOST 6942.380.

3. In the attic, insulate the exhaust part of the sewage risers with insulation of the Thermoflex type.

Drawings content

icon Ген.план.cdw


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icon Ферма.cdw
