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Special gripping device for assembly of gear pumps

  • Added: 05.11.2018
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CLASSIFICATION OF MANIPULATOR GRIPS.. 4 KINEMATIC DIAGRAM OF MECHANISM.. 9 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION OF MECHANISM 10 Complete explanatory note with abstract and description of grip, model of grip assembly + part models, drawing (compass file + pdf)

Project's Content

icon 17 цилиндр.m3d
icon 18 шпилька.m3d
icon 19 гровер м6.m3d
icon 20 шток.m3d
icon 21 гайка м6.m3d
icon СборкаКомпас.a3d
icon 3 винт.m3d
icon 4 внутр конус.m3d
icon 5 цангааа.m3d
icon 6 внеш кольцо.m3d
icon 7 штифт.m3d
icon 8 пружина.m3d
icon 14 корп.m3d
icon 16 шайба во втулку 15.m3d
icon DMM1.docx
icon чертеж _ СборкаКомпас12.pdf
icon чертеж _ СборкаКомпас12.cdw
icon чертеж _ СборкаКомпас12.cdw.bak

Additional information


Table of contents







Project Theme:

"Special gripping device for assembly of gear pumps"

Initial data for project execution:

Project theme: "Special gripping device for assembly of gear pumps"

Content of the calculation and explanatory note:

Cover sheet. Task. Abstract. Content. Introduction. Description of the kinematic scheme of the mechanism. Description of the mechanism design. Conclusion. List of literature. Application.

List of graphic material:

Kinematic diagram - 1 l. 3Model of mechanism.

Assembly drawing of the mechanism - 2 l.

Drawings of gear parts (shaft/gear/wheel).

Term of completion by the student of the completed project: May 20, 2018


Associate Professor, Ph.D. _______________ -

The task was accepted for execution _______________

types of automated assembly equipment

Assembly equipment and process equipment may have different degrees of automation. Assembly equipment on which all methods of the assembly process can be automatically performed, for example, dispensing, moving, orienting, connecting, and in some cases fixing, is called an assembly machine.

The automated assembly process can be carried out on one or more work positions of the assembly machine or on an automatic assembly line consisting of separate units. Assembly equipment, on which only part of the assembly process is performed automatically, and the rest - manually, is called an assembly semi-automatic.

Currently, the following types of assembly equipment are used to automate assembly processes.

Single-position semi-automatic assemblies are used to assemble simple assemblies consisting of a small number of parts. The base part and part of the parts difficult to automatically orient are manually mounted on the assembly position. The remaining parts are fed from the hoppers and installed to the assembly automatically in a given sequence. The assembled assembly is removed by an automatic ejector or manually.

In single-position assembly machines, the assembled parts are supplied from the hoppers to the assembly position of the unit automatically. The assembled assembly is also automatically removed from the assembly position of the machine. Single-position assembly machines can be built into automatic assembly lines.

Multi-position assembly semiautomats are used to assemble more complex assemblies with a relatively large number of transitions and assembly techniques. Semi-automatic machines of this type have a turntable, on the positions of which assembly devices are installed for fixing parts of the assembled unit. After a certain period of time, the table is rotated by the divider by a given angle depending on the number of positions. The base part, as well as parts which are difficult to supply from the hopper to the assembly position automatically, are manually installed in the fixture.

Assembly lines are used to assemble complex assemblies or products. They can be conditionally divided into mechanized, partially automated and automatic.

On mechanized lines, most operations are carried out using mechanized and manual tools and devices, the assembled product moves between workplaces on the conveyor, loading and unloading are carried out manually.

On partially automated lines, most operations are carried out with the help of semi-automatic and automatic assembly devices, and the rest - with the help of mechanized and manual, products are moved to work places using a conveyor with automatic control of flows of parts and mechanized unloading of products.

Automatic lines consist of a set of main, auxiliary and transporting devices that install the product in a strictly defined process sequence and a certain release cycle without the participation of workers. Such lines can be synchronous (the transport system moves all products between workplaces simultaneously with a certain stroke) and non-synchronous (pallets with collected products do not have a rigid connection with the conveyor and can occupy arbitrary places between assembly positions).

The number of work items on the automatic line can be significantly less than the number of assembly operations, since several assembly operations can be implemented on each part. In some cases, an operator is involved to perform particularly difficult and responsible operations.

Rotary assembly machines are designed to combine several elements into a single whole, i.e. for coupling (winding, screwing, winding, inserting, pouring, etc.) or fastening (welding, binding, stitching, screwing, crimping, soldering, riveting, bending, etc.) of parts elements. This ensures the required accuracy and reliability of the connection, a certain mutual arrangement of the parts. Such machines have several inputs and one output.

According to the main technological purpose, assembly rotors are distinguished for performing operations requiring:

• rotational and translational axial motion (winding, screwing, etc.);

• rotational and translational radial motion (winding, filling, etc.);

• one translational motion (pressing, riveting, bending, insertion, etc.).

According to the number of positions in one tool block, the assembly rotors can have one or two or more assembly (components) positions.

Automatic rotary line - a system of rotary machines located in a process sequence and combined by automatic mechanisms and devices for transporting parts, separating and connecting their flows, accumulating gaps, changing the orientation of parts, removing waste, as well as a control system.

Drawings content

icon 17 цилиндр.m3d

17 цилиндр.m3d

icon 18 шпилька.m3d

18 шпилька.m3d

icon 19 гровер м6.m3d

19 гровер м6.m3d

icon 20 шток.m3d

20 шток.m3d

icon 21 гайка м6.m3d

21 гайка м6.m3d

icon 3 винт.m3d

3 винт.m3d

icon 4 внутр конус.m3d

4 внутр конус.m3d

icon 5 цангааа.m3d

5 цангааа.m3d

icon 6 внеш кольцо.m3d

6 внеш кольцо.m3d

icon 7 штифт.m3d

7 штифт.m3d

icon 8 пружина.m3d

8 пружина.m3d

icon 14 корп.m3d

14 корп.m3d

icon 16 шайба во втулку 15.m3d

16 шайба во втулку 15.m3d

icon чертеж _ СборкаКомпас12.cdw

чертеж _ СборкаКомпас12.cdw