Solikamsk Magnesium Plant

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Additional information
Source Data
The diploma project was developed on the basis of an assignment for graduate design for the organization and planning of construction.
The geographical area of construction is the city of Solikamsk. The specified city belongs to climatic area I B, according to SNiP [3]. The humidity zone is normal. The relative elevation 0.000 corresponds to the elevation 126.000 in the altitude system of the Solikamsk Magnesium Plant.
Geological conditions: fine sand soils, brown plastic soup, loam, standard depth of seasonal freezing of soils: for bulk soils 2.2-2.4 m; for small sands; 2.2-2.4 m; for sandy foams 2.4-2.6 m.
Groundwater is present at a depth of 21.2 m. According to the zoning data of Solikamsk, according to the degree of flooding, it belongs to the II type of territory in terms of potential flooding.
The weight of the snow cover for the V region is 320 kg/cm2 (calculated value); wind pressure for the II district - 30 kg/m2 (standard value);
The estimated air temperature of the coldest five-day period, with a security of 0.92 is t = 35 ° C; the security of 0.98 is t = 38 ° C.
The building is heated. Internal air temperature t = + 18 ° C. Relative humidity of internal air inside the workshop is 60%, in emergency situations up to 75% is possible.
Group of aggressive gases B.
Level of responsibility of building II. Category of premises by explosion hazard B-1.
Functional fire hazard class - 5.1.
The fire resistance of the building is II.
Space-planning solution of the building
The erected workshop for the production of sponge titanium with a capacity of 5000 tons/year in plan has a simple rectangular shape, in axes - 120,000 mm long, 49,500 mm wide, is a two-story, two-span building. The structural diagram of the building is frame.
The pitch of the extreme columns is 6m, the pitch of the middle columns is 6m.
The longitudinal deformation (sedimentary) seam between the 1st and 2nd flights is provided in axes and also between axes 10,1111,12 in in flight by A/1D and axes 17.17/117/1.18/1 in flight E-to. Distance between axes D-E at height difference is 900 mm.
In the span A-D, two bridge cranes with a carrying capacity of Q = 32 tons with a mode of operation of 7K and a passage along the crane track were designed. In the E-K span, in axes 415, one bridge crane with a carrying capacity of Q = 12.5 tons was designed with a 5K operating mode without passing along the crane track and a telfer with a carrying capacity of Q = 2 tons, also in the E-K span in axes 1721/1, a telfer with a carrying capacity of Q = 3 tons was designed.
Attachment of columns of middle and extreme rows to longitudinal axes - in span A/1D - 1000 mm, in span E-K in axes 415-750 mm, in span E-K in axes 1721/1 - 550 mm.
The reference of the middle and extreme columns to the transverse axes is symmetrical.
The Fachwerk column reference is zero.
Structural solution of the building
Designed frame-type industrial building.
According to the material of the main load-bearing structures - a building made of a metal frame.
Provision of spatial stiffness:
- in longitudinal direction - V-shaped over-crane connections in the form of connected trusses with parallel belts;
- in the transverse direction - rafters bearing a springy character.
2.4.1. Foundations and foundation beams
For metal columns, the foundation is made in the form of a pillar with anchor bolts for attaching the column base, the elevation of the foundation cut is assumed to be 0.7 m in order to protect the column base from mechanical damage and corrosion. The depth of the columnar foundations throughout the building ranges from 2.780 m to 3.980 m, respectively.
Trapezoidal foundation beams according to the 1.4151 series with a size in the upper part of 300 mm and a height of 400 mm. Foundation beams are installed on sand, previously poured with water and tamped. A clay lock is arranged on the front side of the foundation beam. Reinforced with mesh and poured out of concrete of class B15. A layer of waterproofing is arranged on the top.
Foundation beams are installed along the perimeter of the building under wall panels and are absent in places of gate arrangement.
Also, pile foundations for walls made of finely sized brick elements, consisting of driven piles with a section of 350x350 mm, a length of 14000 mm, and a monolithic reinforced concrete pile pile that unites their heads, were designed into the building. The heads of piles are turned into a pile pile for 50 mm.
2.4.2. Columns
Extreme middle row is made of steel columns of composite section in the form of two profiles connected by grid.
The crane part of the column goes to the base directly supported by the concrete foundation. The base consists of a base plate and crossbars, on which tiles with anchor bolts recessed in concrete lie.
The grid of the crane part of the column is double-plane, from rolling angles.
The scaffolding columns are made of steel rolled stock. It is attached to foundation cups through the plate with anchor bolts.
2.4.3. Crane beams
Crane beams rest on the consoles of ordinary columns with a strict lower edge of ordinary support edges.
Crane beams consist of a welded I-beam with a developed upper belt of the same width. The height of the unified beams on the support for the pitch of the columns of 6 m is 0.9 m with a crane lifting capacity of up to 50 tons.
To ensure stability, the beam wall is equipped with transverse stiffening edges with an interval of 1.5 m. The edges break at a height of 60 mm from the lower shelf.
Crane tracks are laid from railway rails for cranes with a carrying capacity of up to 50 tons. Fastening of railway rails of type P38 and P43 is carried out on hooks.
To prevent accidents when the crane is operating at the ends of the building, the crane tracks are equipped with a device that automatically turns on braking, and are limited by end stops such as railway dead ends. End stops are welded to crane beam. To soften the impact, they are equipped with bar shock absorbers.
2.4.4. Overlappings
Slab slabs of the building are prefabricated from reinforced concrete ribbed slabs with a thickness of 400 mm, according to the series 1.442.1-5.94 issue 1. Floor slabs are laid on load-bearing walls (the support value is 125 mm), rigidly sealed in the walls and fixed to each other and to the walls by reinforcement connections using anchor fasteners. Joints between slabs are filled with cement sand mortar of M200 grade. Slabs with PC grade are designed to rest on two sides, and with PKT grade, on three sides.
There are also monolithic sections in the building.
2.4.6. Lamps
For uniform and active illumination with natural light, two light-aeration lights 48 m long and 42 m long, 6 m wide, 2818 mm high, respectively, were designed in the production building in span A-D. The light-aeration lamp is a U-shaped superstructure above the opening in the roof. The vertical planes of the lantern above the side 0.6 m high from the roof level are filled with opening bindings. The canopy bearing element is a lamp truss. Upper belt of truss consists of single bent corner. Paired corners are used as racks and braces.
2.4.7. Drainage system
For design reasons, an internal drainage from the main coatings is adopted. Gutters are installed in endovas. External drain from canopy.
2.4.8. Walls.
The outer walls are mainly made of self-supporting three-layer reinforced concrete panels with insulation from polystyrene foam.
Based on their thermal design, we accept hinged self-supporting three-layer reinforced concrete panels 250 mm thick.
Main panel dimensions: 6.0x1.2 m; 6.0x1.5 m; 6.0x1.8 m; simple-day 3.0x1.2m; 3.0х1.5 m of 3.0х1.8 m respectively on a series of 1.030.1-1 issue 1-1.
Wall panels are attached to the frame columns and to the framing columns by welding embedded parts. The basement wall panel is supported by a foundation beam. Vertical and horizontal seams in panel joints are sealed with elastic synthetic gaskets and sealing mastic.
At the gate locations, the free space of the wall is enclosed by brickwork.
Part of the walls with gates by process openings is made of single brick with a hollow of not more than 13% by grade 100 on cement sand mortar of grade 100.
Work seams in masonry shall be made in the form of sloping seams not more than 1 m high.
Reinforce the masonry with rebar nets. Lay grids every 5 rows of masonry in height.
Masonry of 120 mm thick partitions is made of M75 ceramic full-white brick, on M50 solution.
As a protective and decorative finish of the external walls, take the front ceramic brick of the M150 strength brand and the F30 frost resistance brand.
2.4.9. Ladders
The stairwell is planned as an internal day-to-day operation, from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, staircase marches in the 1.251.1-4 series of issue 1, and platforms in the 1.152.1-8 series of issue 1. Two-march staircase resting on staircases. The slope of the stairs is 1:2. The stairwell has artificial and natural lighting through window openings. All doors along the stairwell and in the vestibule open towards the exit from the building.
The height of the railing of the stair flights is 1200 mm. Fences are arranged from steel links welded to embedded elements in the side plane of the march. The links of the fence are filled with steel grids. The handrail is made of polyvinyl chloride, which is worn on the steel strip of the fence in a heated state.
To get from the top of the platform to the attic, steel stationary ladders are used. The ladder is 600mm wide, welded in the form of tetanus from profiled steel and steps from rods with a diameter of 16 mm with an interval of 250 mm. Stationary ladders are welded to embedded corners in reinforced concrete steps and slabs. Slope of ladders 60.
Based on the requirements of fire safety and maintenance of the roof, metal stairs were designed in the production building. For lifting to the roof of the building, as well as at the ends of the facades of the building and for lifting to lanterns .
Building engineering equipment
2.6.1. Heating
Water heating is provided in the workshop. Heat carrier is heating water with parameters: direct - 100 C0, reverse - 70 C0. The heating system is double-tube, with lower and upper wiring. Out-of-hours on-duty heating is provided, designed for temperature - 5 C0, heating units AO26.3-03-U3.
2.6.2. Ventilation
In the premises of the workshop, where foundry machines are installed according to the project, there is mechanical supply ventilation.
The volume of supply air is designed for dilution, released during the process of injection molding of magnesium alloys, the concentration of harmful substances to the maximum permissible concentration.
2.6.3. Water supply and sewerage
The project on water supply and sewerage was carried out on the basis of regulatory documents.
Production water supply. For production needs, namely for cooling of casting machine units, the installation of a cooling tower and tanks was designed (see individual design for a cooling tower). Industrial cooling water is used for parts washing, vibration processing and grinding. Water is supplied to loopback systems. There is no makeup in the systems. The water in the systems is treated locally, completely replaced 1 times a month. Dirty water is drained and pumped into the tank and taken out to drain acid sewage into the well. Solid sludge is exported to the landfill of the enterprise.
Artesian water supply and household sewerage. Artesian water supply and household sewage systems were previously designed at the injection molding site. Condensate drain from the roof fan trays is made into the existing industrial well 0122. In laboratories, water is supplied to sinks, to a foggy salt chamber, to a grinding and polishing machine for preparing an emulsion. Outlet from machine tools is made through spillway funnel. Artesian water wiring is provided in the bathroom for plumbing devices. Artesian water tie-in is made from main pipeline along axis "A."
Releases to outdoor sewer. Earlier, the production of K1, K2 from the bathrooms to the external networks of household sewerage was carried out, additional wells K1, K2 were designed. Conditionally clean drains from the laboratory are diverted to the industrial storm sewer. To connect the outlet to the existing external networks, the K1 well was designed. According to the drawing, the exhaust of spent condensate water from the water treatment room to the existing well 0609 was designed for industrial storm sewer. Very reinforced insulation of the laid pipe is made.
2.6.4. Power supply
Consumers of electricity belong to category II and III in terms of reliability of electricity.
Transformers are powered from existing cells No. 6, 27 KP6. Power accounting is provided on the 10 kV side with transmission of information to USD23. Implementation of TP 6-7 grounding device and cable structures is provided.
2.6.5. Electric equipment
The design provides for installation of switchboard Sch3 in the room of 0.4 kV panel TP 6-7. Power distribution network voltage 380/220V, 50 Hz.
The main consumers of electricity are:
- casting machines supplied complete with equipment;
- hoop presses;
- units of electric pumps of water treatment compartment;
- plumbing fan;
- bridge single-beam crane;
- reversible window axial fans;
- coordinate-measuring machine;
- air conditioner;
- processing centres;
- vibration machines;
- conveyor dryer;
- Centrifugation unit;
- industrial cabinet air conditioners;
The installed power of electronic receivers is 935 kW. According to environmental conditions, the production room belongs to fire hazards, class PII (according to PUE 7th edition).
Control of electric receivers - manual (local or remote) and automatic.
Cable routes are laid by existing cable structures, by structures of suspended ceilings, in PVC pipe, in the floor in pipe and in channels.
All metal non-current-carrying parts of the electrical equipment, ground the protective pipes using the zero wire of the supply cable by connecting to the existing grounding circuit of the workshop. All electrical installation works are performed according to PUE.
2.6.6. Lightning protection
The workshop building is protected by rod lightning rods installed on the roof.
Descents from lightning rods are made on grounding devices on both sides of building.
Protection against high-potential drift through external ground metal communications is carried out by connecting technological and plumbing pipelines to grounding devices at the entrance to the building.
2.6.7. Electric lighting
In the production preparation department, where the injection molding area is located, there is working, emergency (evacuation) and repair lighting. Illumination standards are adopted according to SNiP 230595. The upper lighting of the production room of the workshop and casting laboratory was performed earlier, according to the project. The project again provides for: working lighting of attachments, office premises in axes 4052 in row B; working, emergency and repair lighting of water treatment and vibration treatment rooms, connection of axial fan; working and emergency lighting of the pressing mold processing room, rooms in axes 4042, A-B; working emergency and repair lighting of processing centers premises; lighting of the working area of injection molding machines; lighting the shift room.
The choice of illumination is made in accordance with the standardized lighting indicators for public and general industrial premises according to SNiP 230595.
2.6.8. Communication and signaling.
The building of the workshop provides for telephony, radialization, made by telephone sewage. Fire alarms are provided from fire detectors.
Лист №1(Генплан)1.cdw

Лист №3 (Фасад)1.cdw

Лист №4 (план на 0,000)1.cdw

Лист №5 (план на 8,150 )1.cdw

Лист №6 (разрез 1-1)1.cdw

Лист №7 (разрез 2-2)1.cdw

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