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Site bench for check of steering wheel installation angles

  • Added: 28.04.2021
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UUK-1337 unit is two platforms 1 attached to concrete base with anchor bolts. To the platform 1 are attached and recessed the tracks under the crossbeam 4. The deepening of the tracks under the traverse 4 is associated with the provision of low clearance vehicles. In the platform there are recesses for turning circles 2. The platform is a rectangular welded structure consisting of two channels and a steel sheet 1. The crossbeam tracks are a welded structure consisting of channels 2, steel strip No. 10 3 and steel strip No. 4. The channels are fixed to the foundation using anchors and poured with concrete.

Technical characteristics of UUK-1337 unit

Lifting capacity, t 7100

Minimum gauge of the car, mm 1580

Maximum gauge of the car, mm 2170

Overall dimensions, mm:

length 6050

width 2580

depth 1750

Project's Content

icon MilovanovEA.docx
icon Установка .cdw
icon Технологическая карта.cdw

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1. Rationale for rational selection of process equipment design

2. Selection and description of proposed upgrade of process equipment design

3. Development of Job Instruction for Equipment Maintenance (Performance of Works on Equipment)

4. Occupational safety and environmental measures



One of the main problems facing road transport is improving the operational reliability of cars and reducing the cost of maintaining them. The solution to this problem, on the one hand, is provided by the automotive industry due to the production of cars with greater reliability and processability (repairability), on the other hand, by improving technical diagnostic methods.

The growth of the fleet of cars poses increased requirements for the functioning and development of the car maintenance system. The complication of the design of cars, the increase in the number of people who are not always competent in the technical operation of their cars, the intensification of traffic on the roads and other factors led to the creation of a essentially new industry - car service.

A modern car must provide stability, easy handling and traffic safety. One of the factors that has a significant effect on the parameters of the movement of the car is the adjustment of the angles of the controlled wheels. In addition, adjustment of the angles of the controlled wheels affects the wear of the tires, the duration and accident-free operation of the car.

The above factors make the issue of designing a modern workshop and installation for adjusting the angles of controlled wheels of cars important and relevant.

The paper presents an installation for adjusting the angles of controlled wheels of cars, which allows you to perform high-quality maintenance and maintenance with minimal economic costs. The developed installation can be used at passenger car maintenance stations.


In accordance with the assignment for course design, a set of issues including the design solution of the UKK-1337 unit was considered

As a result, the following results have been achieved:

1. Analysis of functional and technological requirements for process equipment was carried out.

2. Patent search for selection of device analogues is carried out.

3. Selection and description of proposed modernization of process equipment design is provided.

4. The Job Instruction using the accessory has been developed

6. Proposed measures for labor protection and environmental safety.

Solving the problems of introduction of improvement and development of new types of technological equipment of its efficient operation requires deep knowledge about the structure, principle of operation, operation and design of technological equipment in relation to various production processes of maintenance and maintenance.

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icon Установка .cdw

Установка .cdw

icon Технологическая карта.cdw

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