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Single apartment building with attic


A project has been developed for the building of a "one-apartment residential building with an attic."

Construction point - p.p. Ozinki

Climatic zone - Sh-in

Average air temperature - -27С

Freezing depth - 1.5 m

Geological conditions:

Vegetation layer - 0.3 m.

Loam - Ro = 0.18 mPa, power 0.8 m.

Soup - Ro = 0.22 mPa, power more than 6 m.

Groundwater level at elevation -2.60m

Basic constructions:

The walls are made of brick with internal insulation.

Floor - of reinforced concrete panels.

Roof - metal profile

The master development plan for the designed building is agreed with the existing and promising development of the microdistrict of the settlement. The size of the building site is accepted: 50 m long and 33.50 m wide. The building of the residential building is located at a distance of 6 m from the red line. For passage to outbuildings and a garage, an asphalt-paved road is provided, for passage along the site, tile-paved tracks are provided. On the building site, the planting of berry shrubs, vegetable crops, trees is provided. Individual areas are sown with lawn grass seeds.

Technical and economic indicators:

Plot area = 1675 m2.

Building area = 125.76 m2.

Landscaping area = 900.35 m2

1.2 Vertical layout.

The vertical layout of the building area is made taking into account the existing terrain with a slope in the South-West direction. Terrain is defined by contours 40.00; 39,50; 39,00. Drainage from the building territory is provided towards streets that have curb stone along the roadway. Along the perimeter of the building, drainage is carried out taking into account the water flow in the direction of the general slope 0.03. Black marks are calculated and red marks are determined according to the accepted slope. Elevation counting is carried out by interpolation method.

1.3 Cross-section of main street.

Construction is carried out along the main road with two-lane traffic 7 m wide. The road surface is made of asphalt concrete mixture along a sandy and crushed stone base, with a transverse slope of 1.5%. The longitudinal slope of the road is used 0.005%. The organization of drainage along the road is carried out along the curb stone. Along the road, a single-row planting of trees with a strip of 3m is designed. The pavement is designed with a width of 2 m. With asphalt pavement.

Project's Content

icon Архитектура.docx
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icon Констр.docx
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Additional information


Construction as a field of human activity for the first time developed its beginnings only in the primitive system. By this time, the first types of structures were determined.

The first and second five-year plans had a huge impact on the development of construction, which, being the plans of the world's first socialist state, created all the necessary prerequisites for significant improvement of construction in all areas. The development of social production as social needs grow will allow raising construction activities to a certain degree of art. The most important means of construction is tectonics - defines the structural structure of the structure and is a kind of artistic embodiment of the constructive form.

Construction is an area of ​ ​ human activity aimed at creating buildings and structures and their components to meet the social, everyday and spiritual and ethical needs of society. In its development, construction has always been, and be influenced by the development of society, the conditions of industrial forces, the nature of industrial relations, the needs of society of this time, the socio-political system, the level of development of science and technology of this time. These conditions, which influence the creation of structures, give them certain features characteristic of the construction of a particular people in a particular historical era. The development of construction depends on the natural and climatic conditions of the country, the life of the population, local building resources and the traditions of folk art.

To raise material well-being and cultural level, huge massive construction will be carried out. Housing and civil engineering is a prominent place in economic development programs.

There is a wide application in the design of progressive scientific and technical achievements, economic and planning solutions of materials, advanced methods of labor production, a sequence of reductions in material fuel and energy resources per unit of products, improvement of the quality of design documentation and construction, implementation in projects and construction of specific indications of the estimated cost of construction, including construction and installation works and improvement of their quality.

Architectural and construction part

1.1 Design Input

A project has been developed for the building of a "one-apartment residential building with an attic."

Construction point - p.p. Ozinki

Climatic zone - Sh-in

Average air temperature - -27С

Freezing depth - 1.5 m

Geological conditions:

Vegetation layer - 0.3 m.

Loam - Ro = 0.18 mPa, power 0.8 m.

Soup - Ro = 0.22 mPa, power more than 6 m.

Groundwater level at elevation -2.60m

Basic constructions:

The walls are made of brick with internal insulation.

Floor - of reinforced concrete panels.

Roof - metal profile

The master development plan for the designed building is agreed with the existing and promising development of the microdistrict of the settlement. The size of the building site is accepted: 50 m long and 33.50 m wide. The building of the residential building is located at a distance of 6 m from the red line. For passage to outbuildings and a garage, an asphalt-paved road is provided, for passage along the site, tile-paved tracks are provided. On the building site, the planting of berry shrubs, vegetable crops, trees is provided. Individual areas are sown with lawn grass seeds.

Technical and economic indicators:

Plot area = 1675 m2.

Building area = 125.76 m2.

Landscaping area = 900.35 m2

1.2 Vertical layout.

The vertical layout of the building area is made taking into account the existing terrain with a slope in the South-West direction. Terrain is defined by contours 40.00; 39,50; 39,00. Drainage from the building territory is provided towards streets that have curb stone along the roadway. Along the perimeter of the building, drainage is carried out taking into account the water flow in the direction of the general slope 0.03. Black marks are calculated and red marks are determined according to the accepted slope. Elevation counting is carried out by interpolation method.

1.3 Cross-section of main street.

Construction is carried out along the main road with two-lane traffic 7 m wide. The road surface is made of asphalt concrete mixture along a sandy and crushed stone base, with a transverse slope of 1.5%. The longitudinal slope of the road is used 0.005%. The organization of drainage along the road is carried out along the curb stone. Along the road, a single-row planting of trees with a strip of 3m is designed. The pavement is designed with a width of 2 m. With asphalt pavement.

1.4 Space-planning solution.

The length of the house is 13160 mm., Width - 9600 mm. The house is two-story. The height of the floor is 2.50 m. On the ground floor there is a kitchen (area of ​ ​ 10.37 m2), 2 rooms (area of ​ ​ 21.24 m2 and 11.09 m2), a plumbing complex, a veranda (area of ​ ​ 16.53 m2) .with access to the backyard. On the second floor there are 3 rooms (area 10.82 m2; 11.61 sq.m; 14.79 sq.m). The first and second floors are connected by a staircase. The total area of ​ ​ the premises in the house is 113.57 m2, residential - 66.55 m2.

1.5 Design Solution


Low-depth foundations have been adopted. The foundations are prefabricated. Grade FBS24.5.6; FBS12.5.6; FBS9.5.6; FBS24.4.6; FBS12.4.6; FBS9.4.6.

The shallow foundation is a concrete element. Coarse sand is used as the material for the pillow device. To avoid atmospheric water ingress into the cushion, its sinuses are hydro-insulated with ceramsite concrete.


External and internal walls are made of M75 clay brick on M25 solution. The outer walls have a thickness of 570 mm. To ensure energy saving, a heat insulation layer is provided from an effective insulation - mineral wool plates, with a volume density of 90 kg/m3. Insulation thickness is assigned by heat engineering calculation (140 mm for Saratov). Cement tiles are used as lining. Tiles are fixed to the wall using plastic parts. The thickness of the inner walls is 380 mm. Dressing of masonry seams - chain with seams for plaster into wasteland. Waterproofing of walls is provided from two ruberoid layers in the basement part below the floor level and above the ground level. Above the openings of windows and doors, bar reinforced concrete lintels are provided. A pavement is provided along the perimeter of the walls to divert water from the building. The pavement is made of ceramsite concrete. The pavement slope is 3%.


Slabs are horizontal structural elements that divide buildings into floors, linking walls, ensuring the rigidity of the building. The floor is designed from reinforced concrete slabs with round voids. Plate grades: PC 48.158; PC 48.128; PC 42.108; PC 30.154; PK 30.124 Slab slabs shall be laid on walls on a layer of cement mortar. On external walls the ends of panels are anchored in masonry, and when laid on internal walls they are fixed with anchors to each other. Seams between panels are filled with cement sand mortar of grade 100. A monolithic section is also provided.


Partitions are not included in the load-bearing structure of the building and perform enclosing, separating functions. Brick partitions are designed that meet the requirements of strength, durability, stability, soundproofness and economy. The thickness of the partitions is 120 mm. Soundproofing layers made of elastic material are provided at the points of adjoining the floor to the partitions. When baffles are joined to walls and to each other, density of seams is ensured. For this purpose clearances are punctured and sutures are sealed with solution. The partitions are attached to the ceiling by a special bracket embedded in the seam between the floor panels.


The ground floor floors are designed on a solid concrete base. The floors of a solid structure made of sheet boards with a thickness of 37mm are designed, laid on wooden beams (lags) with a section of 200x70 mm. The base for the floor is a layer of ground sand of 200 mm and concrete preparation of 100 mm (class B 3.5), a waterproofing layer of two ruberoid layers. Insulation is carried out by placing 180 mm mineral wool plates on the ruberoid by vapor insulation from a polymer film. The floors of the second floor are designed linoleum with a soundproofing device along the floor from ICE laid on a cement brace. Linoleum is made on the basis of felt. Sanitary and technical units provide waterproofing from two layers of ruberoid, on which tiles are placed. The tiles are taken square, with a size of 100x100 mm and a thickness of 1013 mm.


Stairs are located in a stairwell that has artificial lighting. Stairs provide communication between floors, and serves for evacuation in case of fire and other emergency cases. The stairs are made wooden with a slope of 1: 1.5. They consist of the following elements: site beams with a section of 160x220, connected by tetanus. In the thread there is a recess for installation of steps from boards. The thickness of the boards (for steps) is taken as 3540 mm. The stairs have a fence, 0.9 m high with wooden railings.

Windows and doors

Window and door openings (boxes) are selected according to GOST. Windows provide natural lighting and ventilation of the room. Brands of window blocks - SHOUTING 1513.5; RR 1518. Wooden window blocks have a box and bindings. For windows, glass is used - 4 mm. For waterproofing purposes, window boxes are lined with ruberoid strips before installation in the opening, but the entire perimeter. The gaps between the wall and the box are filled with a ground pack. Slopes are plastered with lime and cement mortars. Blocks are attached to spacers by nails to wooden plugs, which are installed during masonry of walls. The plugs are isolated with ruberoid or impregnated with hot bitumen. From the outside, a cast of galvanized roofing steel is provided for the removal of atmospheric precipitation.

In the external and internal walls, partitions, the openings are filled with door blocks of the manufacturer, selected according to the catalog. The following door brands are designed: NAM 2110; DG 217; DG 218; DG 219; DG 2110; DO 2113.

The blocks consist of a box and a door canvas. Canvases accepted: deaf and glazed. In order to ensure strength, a solid shield is provided for external doors. For internal - lightweight. The door box is a frame consisting of jambs and ties. Blind webs are solid shields 30-40 mm thick. Glazed doors are equipped with transparent glass, 5 mm thick. Boxes are installed in openings with gaps of 15-20 mm. In the outer walls, they are sheathed with ruberoid strips, and the seam is filled with pacel. The boxes are attached to wooden plugs installed in masonry.


A pitched roof with inclined rafters is designed above the building. Runs are made of wooden elements. The roof is adopted as a gable and the supporting part is rafter legs, mauerlat, runs, posts, braces. The pitch of the rafters is taken from 1.2 to 1.4 m. In the cornice part there is a mare from boards with a section of 70x40. Metal roof. Fastening is performed by galvanized screws or nails with galvanized cap. Sheets are laid in horizontal rows along the lattice from bars or boards with overlaps. Roof overhang at external drainage is made of roofing steel.

Finishing works

In residential rooms, corridors, walls are plastered with mortar and glued with wallpaper, ceilings are whitened. In bathrooms, walls are laid out with tiles to a height of 2.3 m. In the kitchen, the working wall is laid out with tiles to a height of 2.1 m, and the remaining walls are glued with water-resistant wallpaper. Window and door blocks are painted with oil paint in 2 times. Previously, all the elements of the window and door blocks are impregnated with hot olefin. The architectural block of buildings and their durability depends on its exterior wall decoration. The exterior decoration of the walls improves their appearance, protects against atmospheric precipitation. External finishing includes: stitching, lining of the basement of the building with cement tiles.

Economic section

4.1 Construction Services Market Research

In a market economy, firms operate in a competitive environment. It is necessary to carefully study and analyze the competitive environment in which the company operates.

The first stage of the study of the competitive environment is the assessment of the characteristics of the market in which the company operates or intends to operate.

Next, you should study who is a real or potential competitor.

A competitor is an important element of the marketing system infrastructure that influences the company's marketing strategy in relation to goods, suppliers, intermediaries, buyers. Competitive research covers a wide range of issues and requires a significant amount of information. It can be obtained from various sources: general economic, industry, advertising projects, booklets, catalogs. Often, marketers and intermediaries have important information about competitors. A comprehensive and continuous study of competitors brings noticeable results.

It is advisable to analyze the characteristics of the main competitors in the following sections:

a) Market (market segments and market strategy of competitors)

b) Product (niche of competitors in the market, assortment of products and services, production and development of new products)

c) Prices (competitor pricing strategy and policy)

d) Promotion of the product in the market (forms of advertising used by competitors)

e) Sales and distribution organization (competition strategy in sales, sales forms, distribution channels).

The firm's performance should be assessed in a comprehensive manner, including an analysis of its weaknesses and strengths.

The necessary comprehensive assessment can be obtained using special developed tables that contain data on the company and its main competitors. Analysis of the materials of these tables will make it possible to establish the true position of the company in the market, to determine the key success factors.

Information about competitors, grouped by certain indicators, will help the company to better understand the strategy of competitors, the methods of their industrial, commercial, price, advertising activities.

Market segmentation by competitors will allow the company to more clearly present its comparative advantages, identify strengths and weaknesses.

An objective assessment of the company's position in the competitive environment should be carried out in all functions, divisions and areas of activity (production, sale, management organization, finance, marketing).

Studying a competitor's product allows you to identify not only his, but also his weaknesses and strengths. Some firms use consumer panels to evaluate their own products and competitors, conduct surveys of distributors, specialists, buyers. Finding your own distinctive advantage can ultimately result in increased profit and sales, mastering new market segments. A distinctive advantage should provide consumers with a clear orientation towards your product among many others.

There is a generalized version of indicators that determine the preference of suppliers: reputation and image; reliability; product quality, compliance with its progressive standards; possible scope of supply; observance of deadlines, delivery schedules; price level for products or services (price/quality, price/quality comparison); delivery conditions and settlement forms (deliveries according to plan, on demand, packaging, transportation and insurance services, settlement currency); relationship with customers (trusting, close, long-term, comfortable or episodic, formal, dictatorial); additional services.

Exploring the capabilities of suppliers may include the following activities.

1. Determine product requirements according to the company's marketing objectives. It is considered reasonable and profitable to purchase more on the side, leaving only the most responsible components and assembly. When selecting suppliers, the company must determine the most acceptable option for itself.

2. Search for the most trusted vendors. Information about suppliers and their characteristics can be obtained from various sources: publications, fairs, exhibitions, direct mailing, radio and television, advertising booklets.

3. Comparative analysis of suppliers by the above indicators.

4. Pre-selection of suppliers meeting the specified requirements and marketing program of the company.

5. Formation of a set of corporate requirements for suppliers, its coordination with them.

6. Review vendor proposals for requirements package.

7. Vendor selection and approval.

8. Conclusion of contracts.

The choice of suppliers is a complex and responsible task, since the rhythm of production largely depends on them, and ultimately the profitability and reputation of the company before customers and consumers of its products.

The problem of choice is most acute for new firms changing the range of products, scope of activity or strategy.

Supplier selection can be made on a competitive basis. The criteria for selecting applicants can be indicators: the regularity of deliveries and their quality.

The company's products can be sold to the consumer directly or through distribution channels including one or more intermediaries.

The producer, bringing his goods to the market, has to solve an important strategic task: use his own sales network or use the services of intermediaries, use one - or multi-channel sales system.

Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of certain distribution channels will allow the company to make the right, reasonable choice.

Producers increasingly prefer to deal with large intermediaries with significant purchasing power; high level of management and cost management. Automation of the processes of warehousing, transportation, accounting and processing of orders is easier and pays off more quickly from large intermediaries. New methods for storing, processing and selling goods are being implemented more effectively.

The research of distribution channels and the study of intermediaries are interconnected processes that ensure the formation of distribution channels. In addition, serious attention should be paid to the analysis of the characteristics of the manufacturer himself, his products, consumers and the competitive sales environment.

These elements have a significant and dynamic impact on the schemes of distribution channels, the need for the services of an intermediary, the system of its connection to the distribution of products.

In order to resolve the issue of intermediary, it is advisable for the firm to conduct a qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis of the effectiveness of intermediary services and the functioning of its own trade and marketing structures.

The initial analysis can be carried out on the following indicators: the potential of a trading intermediary to meet the market need for the company's products; competitive environment, the company's own current and one-time costs related to the promotion and marketing of products, in comparison with the payment of intermediary services; prospects for the development of the market as a whole and its individual segments.

The results of the analysis will not only determine the need for the use of intermediary services, but also pre-select the most beneficial partner for cooperation among the intended intermediaries based on their own considerations or experience.

Drawings content

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Календарный график.dwg

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Стройген план..dwg

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