Selection of a set of machines during the development of longitudinal excavations
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course work on the topic: selection of a set of machines during the development of long cuts 1 drawing to the course
Project's Content
Additional information
1.1 Soil Information
1.2 Soil characteristics
1.3 Information about the impassable channel tray
1.4 Sizing the Pipe Trench
2.1 Determination of excavator operating conditions
2.2 Selection of automatic dump truck
2.3 Calculation of one-bucket excavator face "reverse shovel"
2.4 Selection of installation crane
The main purpose of the course work is to obtain skills for formulating a technological task using regulatory literature and searching for technical information, choosing options for mechanization means according to their technical characteristics, calculating the operating parameters of machines in specific technological conditions and forming a set of machines.
Depending on the structure and parameters of the earth structure, the method of work is chosen and a technological system is formed for its implementation. The process system includes the necessary tools for mechanization of works, a detailed list of which is determined by the selected technological method, taking into account the need for the maximum possible performance of work by the machines. When laying utilities, the leading excavating machine is an excavator serviced by car dump trucks, an installation crane, machines for backfilling and compaction of soil. Deadlines are set for performance of works, delivery of materials, structures and components, after which the required number of machines, tools and workers of appropriate qualification is determined.
Quality control of earthworks
Quality control of earthworks consists in systematic observation and verification of compliance of performed works with design documentation, requirements of SNiPs, instructions and manuals on special types of works. For this purpose, day-to-day operational quality control is organized, which is carried out by the work manufacturer and the foreman with the involvement of representatives of the soil laboratory and the geodetic service.
The main document when performing operational control are operational control schemes, including: a sketch of an earthen structure with a leader of permissible deviations and basic quality requirements; list of control operations with indication of control persons, control composition (what is checked), control method (how and what is checked), control time (when and how often); instructions on involving a construction laboratory, geodetic service, etc., in the verification of this operation.
Thickness and degree of compaction of filled layers, soil humidity and rhythm of rolling machines are controlled. Soil density is checked by laboratory examination of samples taken. It is especially important to carefully monitor the quality of soils and their compaction in winter conditions. The amount of frozen soil should not exceed the established limits.
When arranging temporary structures (pits, trenches), horizontal alignment, correct axis splitting, vertical elevations are checked.
Accidental soil overruns, that is, removal of it below design elevations, are filled with soil that is homogeneous to the taken out, with its subsequent compaction, and in especially critical cases - with lean concrete.
When washing the areas, pulp and discharge water, as well as soil laid in the structure, are monitored.
Acts are drawn up for completed parts of earth structures, including hidden works, which together with as-built drawings, results of laboratory tests of soils, logs of works and other documents are presented during technical acceptance of the facility.
Acceptance of embankments and excavations consists in checking in kind the position of the earth structure, its geometric dimensions, bottom elevations, drainage device, etc.
When accepting site and area planning works, make sure that the elevations and slopes correspond to the design ones, there are no overwetted areas and local subsidence.
Taking pits and trenches, check compliance with the design of their dimensions, elevations, soil quality in the base, correctness of fixtures. After inspection of the performed works, it is allowed to arrange foundations, lay pipes, etc.
5.1 Organization of works
5.1.1 When performing earthworks and other works related to placement of workplaces in excavations and trenches, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent exposure of employees to hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:
5.1.3 In order to prevent soil erosion, formation of landslides, collapse of excavation walls at excavation sites before their start, it is necessary to ensure removal of surface and underground water.
The place of work should be cleaned of boulders, trees, construction debris.
5.1.4 Excavation works in the protection zone of high-voltage cables, the existing gas pipeline, other communications, as well as in areas with possible pathogenic contamination of the soil (landfills, cattle trucks, a cemetery, etc.) must be carried out along with permission after obtaining permission from the organization operating these communications or the sanitary supervision body.
5.1.5 The development of soil in the immediate vicinity of the existing underground utilities is allowed only with the help of shovels, without the use of impact tools.
The use of earth-moving machines at the intersection of excavations with existing communications that are not protected from mechanical damage is allowed by agreement with the organizations - owners of communications.
5.1.6 In case of detection of earthworks not specified in the design of communications, underground structures or explosive materials during the process of excavation, the earthworks shall be suspended until the permission of the relevant authorities is obtained.
5.2 Organization of workplaces
5.2.1 At placement of jobs in dredging their sizes accepted in the project have to provide placement of designs, the equipment, equipment and also passes in workplaces and to jobs with width in light not less than 0.6 m, and in workplaces - also necessary space in a zone of works.
5.2.2 Excavations developed on streets, driveways, in yards of settlements, as well as in other places of possible location of people, shall be protected by protective fences taking into account the requirements of state standards. Warning signs must be installed on the fence, and at night - signal lighting.
5.2.3 For the passage of people through the recesses, transitional bridges must be arranged in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12032001.
5.2.5 At the average daily air temperature below minus 2 ° С, it is allowed to increase the maximum depth of vertical walls of excavations in frozen soils, except for loose frozen ones, compared to the value set in 5.2.4 by the depth of ground freezing, but not more than 2 m.
5.2.9 When attachments are installed, their upper part must protrude above the edge of the recess by at least 15 cm.
5.2.10 Before employees are allowed into recesses with depth of more than 1.3 m, the responsible person must check the condition of the slopes, as well as the reliability of the groove walls attachment.
Boulders and stones and soil peels found on slopes shall be removed.
5.2.12 Excavations developed in winter shall be inspected at thaw onset and measures shall be taken based on inspection results to ensure stability of slopes and fixtures.
5.2.13 Development by rotary and trench excavators in connected soils (loams and clays) of recesses with vertical walls without attachment is allowed to a depth of not more than 3 m. In places where workers are required, attachments or slopes must be arranged.
5.3 Procedure of works execution
5.3.1 Install the fasteners in the top-down direction as the recess is developed to a depth of not more than 0.5 m.
5.3.2 It is not allowed to develop soil in excavations by "dig."
5.3.3 When developing excavations in the ground with a single-bucket excavator, the height of the bottomhole should be determined by the PPM so that "visors" from the soil are not formed during operation.
5.3.4 During excavator operation, it is not permitted to perform other operations from the face side and to be within the excavator range plus 5 m.
5.3.7 One-way filling of sinuses during construction of retaining walls and foundations is allowed in accordance with the PPR after implementation of measures ensuring stability of the structure under the accepted conditions, methods and procedure of filling.
5.3.8 When developing, transporting, unloading, planning and compacting soil with two or more self-propelled or trailed machines (scrapers, graders, rollers, bulldozers) running one after another, the distance between them must be at least 10 m.
5.3.9 Dump trucks during unloading on embankments, as well as during backfilling of excavations, must be installed not closer than 1 m from the edge of the natural slope; unloading from racks that do not have protective (baffle) bars is prohibited.
Installation works
8.1 Organization of works
8.1.1 During installation of reinforced concrete and steel elements of structures, pipelines and equipment (hereinafter referred to as erection works) it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the following hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:
location of workplaces near the difference in height 1.3 m or more;
moving structures, loads;
collapse of loose structural elements of buildings and structures;
drop of higher materials, tools;
rollover of machines, fall of their parts;
increased voltage in the electric circuit, closure of which can occur through the human body.
8.1.2 In the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors specified in 8.1.1, safety of installation works shall be ensured on the basis of execution of the organizational and technological documentation (PIC, PPR, etc.)
8.1.3 In the area (gripping) where installation works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons.
8.1.5 The use of installed structures for attachment to them of load polyspasts, diverter blocks and other installation devices is allowed only with the consent of the design organization that has completed the working drawings of the structures.
8.1.9 Unpacking and depreservation of the equipment to be installed shall be carried out in the area allocated in accordance with the PPM and carried out on special racks or gaskets with a height of not less than 100 mm.
8.2 Organization of workplaces
8.2.1 During installation of structures of buildings or structures, the installers shall be located on previously installed and reliably fixed structures or scavenging facilities.
It is forbidden to stay on elements of structures and equipment during their lifting and movement.
8.2.3 Ladders, transition bridges and ladders with fences shall be used to transfer the installers from one structure to another.
8.2.6 It is not allowed to find people under the mounted elements of structures and equipment until they are installed in the design position.
If it is necessary to find those working under the mounted equipment (structures), special measures must be carried out to ensure the safety of those working.
8.2.8 Braces for temporary attachment of mounted structures shall be attached to reliable supports. The number of bricks, their materials and section, methods of tension and places of fixation are established by the work execution project.
8.2.9 Elements of mounted structures or equipment shall be kept from swinging and rotating by flexible braces during movement.
8.2.10 Slinging of structures and equipment must be performed by means that meet the requirements of SNiP 12032001 and provide the possibility of remote disengagement from the working horizon in cases when the height to the lock of the load-gripping device exceeds 2 m.
8.3 Procedure of works execution
8.3.1 Prior to installation works it is necessary to establish the procedure of signals exchange between the person, the installation manager and the engineer.
8.3.2 The installed components shall be slung at the locations specified in the working drawings and shall be lifted and supplied to the installation site in a position close to the design one.
It is forbidden to lift elements of building structures that do not have mounting loops, holes or markings and marks that ensure their correct slinging and installation.
8.3.3 Cleaning of structures elements to be installed from dirt and ice must be performed before their lifting.
8.3.4 The mounted elements shall be lifted smoothly, without jerking, swinging and rotating.
The structures should be lifted in two steps: first to a height of 20-30 cm, then after checking the reliability of the sling, further lifting should be carried out.
8.3.5 When structures or equipment are moved, the distance between them and protruding parts of mounted equipment or other structures shall be not less than 1 m horizontally, and at least 0.5 m vertically.
8.3.6 During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures and equipment on weight.
8.3.7 Elements of structures or equipment installed in the design position shall be fixed so that their stability and geometric stability are ensured.
8.3.9 It is forbidden to perform installation works at altitude in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s or more, in case of ice, thunderstorm or fog, which exclude visibility within the scope of work front.
8.3.10 At sliding of structures and equipment by winches the lifting capacity of brake winches and polyspasts shall be equal to the lifting capacity of traction means, if other requirements are not specified by the design.
8.3.14 The movement of structures or equipment by several lifting or traction means shall be carried out in accordance with the PPM, under the direct supervision of the persons responsible for the safe operation of cranes, while the load on each of them shall not exceed the lifting capacity of the crane.
To develop an extended excavation, the following set of construction machines was chosen:
Excavator with hydraulic drive EO3322D on pneumatic wheel drive with working equipment "reverse shovel"
ZILMMZ555 car dump with lifting capacity of 5.25 tons and body capacity of 3.1 m3
Car crane KS4562 with a boom departure length of 10 m based on the KamAZ 53229 car.
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