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Screw jack + note

  • Added: 23.05.2017
  • Size: 189 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Screw jack + note Technical specifications 1. Maximum load P = 10000 N. 2. Allowable force Q = 150 H. 3. Screw stroke h = 200 mm. 4. Mechanism efficiency h = 32.6%. 5. Transmission ratio U = 15

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icon Домкрат винтовой.cdw
icon Домкрат винтовой.doc
icon Спецификация.cdw

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1. Basic Source Data

2. Calculation of screw

3. Calculation of the heel

4. Calculation of nut

5. Calculation of handle

6. Calculation and design of the mechanism housing

7. Determination of mechanism efficiency


List of sources used


In this work, a screw jack is designed. Designed screw, nut, screw gear housing.

Screw-nut transmission is intended for conversion of rotary motion into translational motion. This ensures a very large gain in strength. Such transmissions are widely used in aviation technology: in jacks, extractors, chassis lifts, etc.

The advantages of such a transmission are a large carrying capacity at small dimensions, the ability to achieve high accuracy of movement, simplicity of construction and manufacture.

The disadvantage is the low efficiency of such transmissions.

1. Basic Source Data

1. Active force (H) F = 10,000;

2. Size H max (mm) = 500;

3. Screw stroke h = 0.4 H max;


In this work, a screw jack was calculated and designed. Materials of structural parts were selected, as well as strength verification calculations of parts were carried out. The material of the readable course was fixed and learned and the primary skills of design work were acquired,

The efficiency of this screw gear is 32.6%. This value is far from the maximum value of the screw gear efficiency, which indicates that the gear mainly works on friction.

Drawings content

icon Домкрат винтовой.cdw

Домкрат винтовой.cdw

icon Спецификация.cdw


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