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Screw jack design

  • Added: 17.05.2018
  • Size: 261 KB
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Coursework of a 3rd year student of Meh-Mash Polytechnic University. DN + Drawing Screw Pair Design Wear Resistance Criteria Screw-Nut Pair Design Lead Screw Static Strength Criteria Lead Screw Stability Criteria Check Design Jack Compliance with Functionality Criteria Power Matching Check Jack Stability Design Lead Screw Nut.............. Criterion for absence of collar section of nut flange Determination of jack handle diameter, etc.

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Table of contents

Screw Pair Design

1.1.Criteria of wear resistance of screw-nut pair

Lead screw design

2.1. Static strength criterion of lead screw body

2.2. Propeller stability criteria

2.3.Verifying that the designed jack meets functional criteria

2.3.1. Power approval check........... 6 2.3.2. Check of jack stability

2.4. Screw Nut Design

2.4.1. Criterion of nut thread thread strength during cutting

2.4.2. Criteria of nut body static strength

2.4.3. Criterion of absence of contact surface crushing "nut flange - jack housing"

2.4.4. Criterion of nut flange collar section absence

2.4.5. Criterion of absence of crushing of contact surface of locking screw and conical hole in body of running nut


2.5.Determination of jack handle diameter

List of literature

Attached to the explanatory note is a drawing made in the Compass 3D program

Drawings content

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