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Safety valve assembly drawing and components


Assembly drawing and from which it is assembled .


The main purpose of the safety valve is to protect the system from increased pressure, which can lead to its damage or even destruction. The valve releases excess working medium when the limit value of its head is exceeded. Discharge occurs to the drain system or to the atmosphere. After the pressure in the system drops to normal, the safety valve closes and the discharge stops.

Principle of valves operation

The operating principle of any safety valve is extremely simple. Locking element is pressed to seat by spring. As the pressure increases, it begins to overcome the compression force of the spring, compressing it and moving the locking element away from the seat. Excess liquid or gas rushes into the open lumen. As the head goes out, the spring presses the locking element back to the seat.

The device closes and is ready for the next work cycle. The compression force of the spring, and therefore the trigger threshold, is controlled by the screw.

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icon Винт регулировочный (14).cdw

Винт регулировочный (14).cdw

icon Штуцер....cdw


icon (14)Фланец и Пластина _ 21..cdw

(14)Фланец и Пластина _ 21..cdw

icon (14)Колпачек.cdw


icon Клапан.cdw


icon (14)Корпус.cdw


icon (14)Разрез Пружины _ 21..cdw

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