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Rural house of culture with a hall with 400 seats

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Diploma project for the reconstruction of the rural house of culture with the addition of a sports hall. The project contains an explanatory note with calculations, explanations, BJD, economics, CER, drawings: NPP, PPR-total 24 drawings

Project's Content

icon Генплан.dwg
icon План 1-го этажа.dwg
icon План 2-го этажа.dwg
icon План зрительного зала.dwg
icon План кровли.dwg
icon план покрытия.dwg
icon Разрез 1-1.dwg
icon Разрез 2-2.dwg
icon Текст по архе.doc
icon Фасад.dwg
icon Плита 12 испр.dwg
icon простенок.dwg
icon Текст по конструктиву.doc
icon осадки.doc
icon фундамент 2.dwg
icon фундаменты.doc
icon Текст.doc
icon Кал план.dwg
icon СГП 2004.dwg
icon Т.К кровля.dwg
icon Т.к на утепление фасада.dwg
icon Т.к на утепление фасада2004.dwg
icon Т.К стекло.dwg
icon Т.к. бетонир полы.dwg
icon Т.К.земл. работы.dwg
icon Т.К.плиты.dwg
icon Тех.карта кирпичная кладка.dwg
icon тех.карта.блоки фундаментов.dwg
icon Текст по экономике.doc
icon Текст по БЖД.doc
icon Текст по экологии.doc

Additional information


Source Data

Brief description of the construction site.

The site allocated for the construction of an extension to the village club is located along Tsentralnaya Street in the village of Bolshoi Tolkai. The site is free from development. The building is attached to a 2-story basement basement; precast reinforced concrete foundation; walls above zero elevation of silicate brick with insulation of slabs by polystyrene foam on the outside; covering - precast reinforced concrete; windows - wooden; the roof is rolled.

The construction site is located in the developed area, where there are access roads, sources of water and electricity.

It is planned to provide construction with local materials, parts and semi-finished products from construction industry enterprises and from the bases of organizations participating in construction.

Provide construction with labor resources to be carried out at the expense of personnel available from the general contracting organization. Construction is provided with water and electricity from existing water supply and electricity networks.

For a relative elevation of 0.000, the elevation of the clean floor of the first floor is taken, which corresponds to an absolute elevation of 82.900. Start of construction - May 1, 2008


The project for the organization of the construction of the facility "Pristroy to the building of a rural club in the village. Big Tolkai" was drawn up in accordance with SNiP 3.01.0185 * * "Organization of construction production" and contains the following sections:

Selection of methods of work execution - BoQ is drawn up in this section according to the initial data, organizational and process diagrams for the main types of work have been developed (earthworks, construction of foundations, erection of walls, installation of slabs, roofing works, concreting of floors, insulation of the facade, glazing of openings), a calculation of labor costs and costs is made, on the basis of which a schedule for the performance of main construction and installation works and a schedule for the flow of workers are based, labor use factors by time and quantity are determined.

Development of the process sheet - scope of application, organization and technology of the construction process, scheme of works execution, schedule of works execution, requirements to quality and acceptance of works, engineering solutions for health and safety, material and technical resources, technical and economic indicators.

Development of a construction master plan for the period of construction of the above-ground part.

General position

Any building or structure is built on a soil base. Its strength, stability and normal operation are determined not only by the structural features of the structure, but also by the soil properties, the conditions for interaction of the structure and the base.

The cost of the foundation is on average 12% of the cost of the structure, labor costs reach 15% or more of the total labor costs, and the duration of work on the construction of foundations reaches 20% of the construction period. During the construction of buried parts of the building, as well as during construction in difficult soil conditions, these indicators increase significantly. Consequently, the improvement of design technological solutions in the field of foundation construction leads to large savings in material and labor resources, a reduction in the construction time of buildings and structures.

The foundation of the building serves to perceive the loads acting on the building and transfer them to the ground of the base. The foundation is one of the most important parts of the building, since its reliable operation is a prerequisite for the accident-free functioning of the entire above-ground part. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design of the foundation system.

The design is carried out in accordance with the current requirements of SNiP 2.02.0183. "Foundations of buildings and structures," as well as based on the results of engineering and geological surveys for construction and data on the structural features of the building.

The design provides justification by the calculation for the choice of the type of foundation structure, soil, materials and dimensions of the foundation that meet the requirements of reliability and economy. The system is calculated by two groups of limit states: by bearing capacity and by deformations.

Work Schedule

In the schedule of work execution, the scope, terms of execution, technological sequence, combination, interconnection, regulation of all cycles, complexes and individual types of work are established.

The schedule is based on the schedule after analysis of the design materials and construction conditions. In this diploma project, the schedule is made in a linear version. When the planning board is built, the data on the scope of work, labor intensity of the work, are accepted from the "Calculation of labor costs and wages."

All works related to the engineering construction of the building, engineering equipment of the building, installation of various systems are calculated exclusively according to the enlarged indicators.

The schedule is designed in several stages with the return and correction of previous decisions.

The work schedule shall be developed in order to determine the sequence and timing of installation works and their interrelationship, to plan the delivery of material and technical resources to the construction site and the terms of work crews employment. This ensures the technological sequence of works, their maximum possible combination and compliance with safety requirements. The schedule reflects the dependence of individual types of work over time and technology. Each work is indicated by a horizontal line, the length of which is equal to the duration of the work in days.

The schedule is developed according to the standard form presented in the table, based on the calculation of labor costs and wages. The name and scope of work are determined from the summary list. The duration of each type of work is according to the formula:

T = R/( ncm· nk· nh), where:

R - labour intensity of this work, person (on ENiR);

ncm - number of shifts, ncm = 1 (work is carried out in one shift);

nk - number of links;

nh is the number of people.

Labor costs are determined by the formula:

Zg, human days = Zt.hel/8;

where 3 t, hr - labour intensity of certain types of calculation works

8 hours - working shift duration.

General information on the system of pricing and estimated rationing in construction in conditions of market relations development

The current system of pricing and estimated rationing in construction includes building codes and regulations - part 4 of SNiP "Estimated norms and regulations" (State federal estimated standards - GFSN-81) and other estimated regulatory documents (hereinafter - estimated standards) necessary to determine the estimated cost of construction. They are included in the List of regulatory documents for construction in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, issued systematically by the State Building of Russia.

Estimated standards are a generalized name for a set of estimated norms, prices and prices, combined into separate collections.

Together with the rules and regulations containing the necessary requirements, they serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and major repairs of buildings and structures, expansion and technical re-equipment of enterprises of all sectors of the national economy.

The estimated norm is a set of resources (labor costs of construction workers, working time of construction machines, needs for materials, products and structures, etc.) installed on the accepted meter of construction, installation or other work. The main function of the cost estimates is to determine the standard amount of resources required to perform the corresponding type of work as the basis for the subsequent transition to values.

Estimated standards can be used to determine the need for labor costs, construction machines, materials, products and structures in the development of construction organization projects (PIC) and work execution projects (PPR).

The estimated standards provide for the performance of work under normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors. When performing works under special conditions:

- tightness, gas content, near the existing equipment, in areas with specific factors (anhydricity, alpine, etc.) - the coefficients given in the general provisions to the compendium of standards are applied to estimated standards. The rules for determining the cost of certain types of work are given in the technical part of the corresponding collections of estimated standards .

Types of estimated standards and bases of the new system of standards

The estimated standards are divided into the following types:

- state federal estimated standards - GFSN-81 (Part 4 of SNiP "Estimated Norms and Rules");

- production and industry estimated standards - POSN-81 (Part 4 of SNiP "Estimated Norms and Rules");

- Territorial estimated standards - TSN-81;

- firm estimated standards - FSN-81.

Together with the Code of Rules for Determining the Cost of Construction in the Design and Estimate Documentation (SP 810194), which contains the basic rules for the development and application of estimated standards, as well as for determining the estimated cost of construction, all estimated standards form a system of pricing and estimated rationing in construction.

Estimated standards are divided into elementary and enlarged.

Element cost estimates include:

- elementary estimated norms and prices of the base level for types of resources, including the Collection of estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines (SNiP 4.0391), the Collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures (SNiP 4.0491), the Collection of estimated prices for the transportation of goods for construction (SNiP 4.0491), etc.;

- elementary estimated norms and rates for types of works, including collections of estimated norms and rates for construction works (SNiR91 or SNiP 4.0291, SNiP 4.0591) together with General provisions for their application, collections of resource estimated norms (RSN) for installation of equipment and special construction works, collections of estimated norms and construction works for 9 repair and repair

The consolidated estimates include:

Estimated standards expressed as a percentage, including:

- standards of overhead costs for the types of construction and installation works, as well as consolidated standards of overhead costs for the main types of construction;

- industry-wide standard of estimated profit;

- estimated additional costs for construction and installation works in winter (SNiP 4.0791);

- estimated cost standards for construction of temporary buildings and structures (SNiP 4.0991);

- others;

- consolidated estimated standards and indicators, including consolidated indicators of the basic cost of construction (BSS), consolidated indicators of basic cost by types of works (BSS BP), collections of cost indicators for types of works (RBP collections), consolidated resource standards (RBM) and consolidated resource indicators (OIP) for individual types of construction, estimated equipment and equipment costs for public and administrative buildings (NIAZ), estimated standards for tool and inventory costs of production buildings (NIPZ), etc.

General provisions for the determination of construction costs.

Basis for cost determination, classification of construction products and types of estimated documentation

The cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures (hereinafter - the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures) is the amount of money required for its implementation, determined as part of pre-design studies (justifications of investments).

The estimated cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is the amount of money necessary for its implementation in accordance with the design materials.

The estimated cost is the basis for determining the amount of capital investments, financing construction, forming contractual prices for construction products, settlements for the contractor's (construction, repair and construction) work, payment for the costs of acquiring equipment and delivering it to construction sites, as well as reimbursement of other costs from the funds provided for by the consolidated estimated calculation. On the basis of the estimated documentation, accounting, economic calculation and evaluation of the activities of construction and installation (repair and construction) organizations and customers are also carried out. Based on the estimated cost, the book value of the assets put into operation for the built enterprises, buildings and structures is determined in accordance with the established procedure.

The basis for determining the estimated cost of construction is:

- design and working documentation (RD), including drawings, bills of quantities of construction and installation works, specifications and lists for equipment, main decisions on organization and priority of construction, adopted in the construction organization project (PIC), as well as explanatory notes to design materials ;

- Current estimated standards, as well as selling prices and trans-tailor costs for equipment, furniture and equipment ;

- separate decisions of federal and other government bodies related to the relevant construction.

The estimated cost of construction in accordance with the technological structure of capital investments and the procedure for carrying out the activities of construction and installation organizations is divided into the following elements :

- cost of construction works;

- cost of works on installation of equipment (installation works );

- costs of acquisition (manufacture) of equipment, furniture and equipment;

- other costs.

For determination of estimated cost of construction of the designed enterprises, buildings, constructions or their turns the budget documentation consisting of local estimates, local budget calculations, object estimates, object budget calculations, budget calculations on separate types of expenses, summary estimates of cost of construction, lists of expenses , etc. is formed.

The estimated documentation shall be prepared in accordance with the established procedure regardless of the construction method - by contract or by economic method.

Local estimates are primary estimated documents and are made for individual types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for site-wide works based on the volumes determined during the development of detailed design documentation (RD) and working drawings.

Local estimates shall be made in cases where the scope of work and cost dimensions are not definitively defined and shall be specified on the basis of RD, or in cases where the scope of work, nature and methods of their execution cannot be determined sufficiently accurately during design and specified during construction .

Object estimates combine data from local estimates in their composition for the object as a whole and are estimated documents on the basis of which contractual prices for objects are formed .

Object estimated calculations combine data from local estimates and local estimates in their composition for the whole object and are subject to refinement, as a rule, on the basis of RD.

Estimated calculations for certain types of costs are made when it is required to determine, as a rule, on the whole by construction the amount (limit) of funds necessary to recover those costs that are not taken into account by the estimated standards (for example: compensation for the seizure of land for development; expenses related to the application of benefits and up to fees established by government decisions, etc.).

Consolidated estimates of the cost of construction of the enterprise, buildings and structures (or their queues) are made on the basis of object estimates, object estimates and estimates for certain types of costs.

A cost summary is an estimated document that determines the cost of building enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues in cases where design and estimate documentation for housing and civil and other facilities is drawn up along with production facilities.

Methods of estimating the estimated cost

Resource method of cost determination - calculation in current (forecast) prices and tariffs of resources (cost elements) required for implementation of the project solution. Calculating is carried out on the basis of the demand expressed in natural meters for materials, products, structures, data on distances and methods of their delivery to the construction site, energy consumption for technological purposes, operation time of construction machines and their composition, labor costs of workers. These resources are allocated from design materials, various regulatory and other sources.

The basis-index method of determining the cost of construction is based on the use of a system of current and forecast indices in relation to the cost determined in the base level.

Local estimates (estimates) for certain types of construction and installation works, as well as for the cost of equipment are made based on the following data:

- parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design decisions;

- scope of works accepted from the lists of construction and installation works and determined by design materials;

- nomenclature and quantities of equipment, furniture and equipment accepted from custom specifications, lists and other design materials;

- current estimated standards and indicators for types of works, structural elements, as well as market and regulated prices and tariffs for production and technical products and services.

In local estimates (estimates), data are grouped into sections by individual structural elements of the building (structure), types of work and devices. The order of grouping shall correspond to the process sequence of works and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction. For buildings and structures, separation into the underground part (work of the "zero cycle") and the above-ground part can be allowed.

Site Installation Data

The object is a designed gym attached to the rural house of culture with a hall with 400 seats in the village of Bolshoi Tolkai, Pokhvistnevsky District, Samara Region, located along Tsentralnaya Street.

The project building is equipped with centralized heating, natural ventilation, cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, fire and security alarm system, telephone communication.

According to SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology," the site location corresponds to I in the climatic area. The following are the main characteristics of this climatic region:

Air temperature of the coldest days,

- with security of 0.98: t = - 39 ° С

- with security of 0.92: t = - 36 ° С

Air temperature of the coldest five days,

- with security 0.98: t5c = - 36 ° С

- with security of 0.92: t5c = - 30 ° С

Air temperature with coverage of 0.94: - 18 ° С

Absolute minimum temperature: tmin = - 43 ° С

Absolute maximum temperature: tmax = + 39 ° С

Prevailing wind direction for December - February: SA

Standard value of snow cover weight for III snow area is: S0 = 1.5 kPa

Winds in winter: 5 m/s

Standard value of wind pressure for the zone: 0.38 kPa

The normative depth of soil freezing for Samara is 1.65 m according to the map of seasonal soil freezing. Soils of the base are loams of natural humidity, non-swelling, non-sedimentary.

Considering the inevitability of leaks from water-carrying utilities during the building operation, the design provides for :

removal of atmospheric and emergency water to storm sewage;

production of quality filling of pit sinuses and trenches;

arrangement around the building of widened bridges not less than 1m wide

Sanitary components and equipment

Ventilation ducts:

Natural ventilation from showers, bathrooms, tambours, etc. is carried out through ventilation ducts arranged in the inner walls. In this building, they are performed in the process of brickwork. Air enters the channels through holes in the walls located under the ceiling of the room and equipped with grids.

Smoke supply ventilation is designed in the building: inflow - by two centrifugal fans located on the roof and supplying air to the ventilation channels; exhaust - using roof

smoke removal fan installed on exhaust shaft with smoke removal valves. Smoke removal valves open only on the fire floor, automation is developed in the kit.

Water supply and sewerage:

Water flow rates are accepted in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 *.

The following systems are designed in the building:

- economic and drinking water supply;

- hot water supply with circulation from external networks;

- fire-fighting water supply;

- domestic sewerage;

According to the TU, guaranteed heads in city networks are 25 m.

Internal fire extinguishing of the building as a whole is provided by fire cranes with a diameter of 50 mm, located in cabinets with fire hoses 20 m long. Narrowing diaphragms are installed in front of fire cranes. Water supply systems shall be installed from steel water and gas-supplied light galvanized pipes as per GOST 326275 *.

The sewage system is mounted above el. 0.000 from sewage pipes

PVC as per TU 61930786. Cast iron sewage pipes according to GOST 69423.80 are accepted in the basement to the first well. Floor connections to risers shall be 10 cm above the floor.

PVC piping shall be closed by non-combustible material ducts with 30x40 cm manholes, against cleaning and revision.

Pipelines from steel pipes of systems and risers are insulated by Armaflex AC products. The risers of the main and supply systems to sanitary devices are painted with oil paint in two layers.

Heat supply:

Central heating system. Design ambient temperature minus 30 ° С. Coolant - water with parameters t = 15070 ° C, pressure 6848 m. Water. St.

Heating systems are installed from ordinary water and gas pipes as per GOST 326275 *. Cast iron radiators MS140 108 are installed as heating devices. Air from the 1st floor heating system is removed through air cranes, from residential heating systems and electrical panel through horizontal air collectors and air cranes. Heat metering devices are located in the heat station to maintain and control the pressure in the dormitory heating system.

Power supply:

Electrical receivers of the building and premises of the first floor by the degree of reliability of power supply belong to category II, fire protection devices to category I. Electrical equipment of the facilities was developed on the basis of the Rules for devices of electrical installations of PUE99 and VSN 5988 ("Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings").

Environmental protection

The object of reconstruction - the rural house of culture - is located in the village. Big Tolkai of the Pokhvistnevsky district of the Samara region. The plot allotted for construction borders: in the north with a common road

(Central St.), in the south with one-story private buildings, in the west with undeveloped territory, in the east with low-rise buildings. The section of the street on which the object of reconstruction is located is not a road with a large flow of cars.

There are no green spaces on the projected site.

There are no nearby industrial enterprises within a radius of two kilometers, so the enterprise does not fall into the sanitary protection zone.

The prevailing wind direction in winter: south, southeast;

in summer: northern, northeastern.

Climatic conditions of the construction area are described in the Architectural and construction section.

The noise level at the reconstruction site exceeds the permissible value of 60 dBA, and in accordance with SN 2.2.4/2.18.56296 "Noise at work places, in residential, public buildings and in residential buildings" the permissible noise level during the day is up to 55 dBA, at night - up to 45 dBA.

In order to improve the comfort of residents at the reconstruction site, the measures described in paragraph 1 of this section were taken.

Information on the physical and mechanical characteristics of soils, the presence and level of groundwater, the nature of the relief of the construction site is contained in the section "Foundations and foundations" (see page)

The amount of financing for environmental protection measures is 2% of the cost of construction work (see the consolidated estimate of the economic section of the explanatory note).

7.1. Measures for rational location of the facility and

protection of the population from harmful effects.

The reconstruction provides for the addition of a sports hall to the existing building of the rural house of culture. The object is designed in accordance with the main documentation of SNiP 2.07.0189 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "and SNiP 2.08.0289" Public buildings and structures "

The following measures are envisaged for noise control:

- improvement of pavement condition

- since the noise from vehicles passes mainly through the windows, special attention should be paid to their design. To fill the window bindings, we use sealed double-glazed windows with three glasses of various thicknesses, the inner glass is made thicker. Such designs have improved sound insulation qualities. Rubber gasket providing high degree of tightness is laid over entire perimeter of flaps opening.

In addition, there are green spaces on the site that are subject to conservation and protection for the period of construction, and upon completion of construction, in order to protect against noise and pollution, we carry out landscaping of the territory with trees and shrubs resistant to atmospheric influences .

Trees are planted at the age of 4-6 years with a coma around the root, in several rows so that their crowns touch. Lilac dust is best trapped, acacia. Maple, linden, poplar contribute to climate improvement and air cleanliness. A shrub is planted between the trees. This greening method reduces the noise level by 10 dB. In addition, landscaping serves to prevent erosion and weathering of the soil.

The project provides for the organization of driveways, footpaths, parking areas. Footpaths have a width of 2.03.0 meters (SNiP 2.07.0189 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements, "Table 8 *) and covered with shaped concrete tiles, since such paving of sidewalks does not create a" carpet "impervious to moisture, i.e. does not disturb the natural humidity of soils, and rainwater easily penetrates between the seams of the tiles. If necessary, the tile is easily replaced. Atmospheric precipitation is removed from the building along the driveways and further to the green lawn, which improves soil moisture and plant growth.

Footpaths are laid based on the shortest paths of pedestrians.

The width of the driveways is adopted 6 m. The pavement of the driveways is asphalt concrete, equipped with curb concrete stones

7.2. Environmental protection in the production of construction


1. Reduction of construction time.

The degree of environmental pollution directly depends on the construction period, i.e. the longer the construction continues, the more the environment is polluted.

During the reconstruction of the building, it is planned to reduce the construction period by 8 days. The reduction of construction time leads to a reduction of environmental pollution and is achieved by working in two shifts, the in-line method of construction, combining work and the use of unified building structures (slabs, pavements, brick walls, prefabricated stairways and staircases).

2. Full development of the built-up area within the established period.

The built-up areas are developed in full and technological sequence within the specified time frame, with the primary implementation of zero-cycle works, due to the timing of the work of contracting and subcontracting organizations .

3. Control of gas pollution and noise at the construction site.

To protect the environment during construction works, we envisage the following measures to combat gas pollution and noise at the construction site:

- works, parking of construction mechanisms and transport, storage of materials (new and waste) is carried out only within the construction site;

- use of machines and mechanisms running on diesel fuel (motor crane KS6973A on special chassis of automobile type MZKT6923 with YaMZ238D engine), electric power (concrete mixer SB116A, electric tamping IV112) and natural gas (KamAZ5511);

- continuous maintenance of internal combustion engines in serviceable condition;

- use of catalytic converters (palladium) for exhaust afterburning;

- prohibition of idle operation of internal combustion engines of any construction machine or mechanism;

- cold masks for flooring and waterproofing of foundations are used during works to limit open fire;

- replacement of open fire for heating of building materials, water, etc. - by electric heaters;

- store pulverized materials (cement, lime, gypsum) only in closed containers in specially designated warehouses;

- during garbage collection, it is not allowed to drop it from the roof and the building without using closed trays and storage bins;

- rational transport of goods, excluding empty runs of vehicles;

- observance of the correct technology of materials movement and storage during their unloading from vehicles, which allows to reduce dust distribution and air gas content from loose materials (cement, sand, crushed stone) and structures.

- timely removal of construction debris from the site. Regular cleaning of work sites from garbage and waste that causes pollution.

4. Preservation of trees, land reclamation with volume calculation.

Removal of the fertile layer of the earth is carried out to a depth of 20 cm in accordance with GOST "Nature Protection. Requirements for determination of standards for removal of fertile soil layer during earthworks. "

At the construction site, we conduct a complete inventory of green spaces: young trees are dug up and removed from the construction site for transplantation to another place, the remaining trees are cut down, and stumps are uprooted and exported from the construction territory.

5. Construction of internal roads, type of coatings.

On the construction site, the project provides for in-house roads 3.5 meters wide with a gravel base, which is strengthened by a lignodor. Rubble is watered with lignodor once every 2 months.

The slope of the road is 10. Channels 40 cm deep are arranged along the edge of the road to collect surface water with subsequent discharge into the sewage system.

6. Environmentally friendly ways of laying communications.

Laying of utilities (water supply, sewerage, heating system, telephone) is carried out by pneumatic punching method and we create single headers. At the same time, there is no significant damage and contamination of the soil. This method of laying communications reduces the amount of work and simplifies the preventive repair of utility networks.

7. Water protection during construction.

During work, water is used from the existing water supply, since there is no passing technical water supply nearby.

To wash motor vehicles, we use mechanized washing plants equipped with a complex of treatment facilities with a closed cycle of water circulation of the Crystal type. Used water is sent to the sewage system. It is forbidden to leak water in vain, as well as to drain untreated water.

8. Cleaning of the territory, methods of restoration of vegetation cover.

During the period of curtailment of construction work, all construction waste is removed from the construction site. During oil change in construction equipment working fluids are poured into tanks and directed for regeneration. Waste from machine operation is disposed of.

The construction of the facility is completed by high-quality cleaning and improvement of the territory with restoration of vegetation cover, which reduces air and water erosion of soils. The effective method of restoration of vegetation cover is hydropsonic

working the surface with an aqueous emulsion containing perennial seeds

herbs (three-leaf clover, ragrais, meadow mint) and the use of soil-fixing materials.

7.3. Use of construction waste.

At the end of the construction of the facility, a significant amount of waste remains on the construction site in the form of remnants of concrete, clay, sand, gravel, broken brick, wood, etc. It is necessary to reuse these wastes for the production of building structures. Otherwise, when waste is taken to landfill, the environment is contaminated.

The remains of the reinforcement will be used in the form of shorts, grabs or sent for disposal (re-smelting) to the Pokhvistnevsky ZHBI plant.

Sand waste is used during backfilling of the pit and during landscaping, and is also supplied to Avtodorozhnik MP for subsequent use in road construction.

Crushed stone, sand, broken brick and other large-breaking material are used as preparation of the base for roads.

Wood waste is exported to a wood processing plant, where it is used as a raw material for the manufacture of wood fiber and particle boards.

Unused construction debris is stored in standard metal containers and exported on the basis of an agreement with MP "Special Auto Farm" to landfill.

Drawings content

icon Генплан.dwg


icon План 1-го этажа.dwg

План 1-го этажа.dwg

icon План 2-го этажа.dwg

План 2-го этажа.dwg

icon План зрительного зала.dwg

План зрительного зала.dwg

icon План кровли.dwg

План кровли.dwg

icon план покрытия.dwg

план покрытия.dwg

icon Разрез 1-1.dwg

Разрез 1-1.dwg

icon Разрез 2-2.dwg

Разрез 2-2.dwg

icon Фасад.dwg


icon Плита 12 испр.dwg

Плита 12 испр.dwg

icon простенок.dwg


icon фундамент 2.dwg

фундамент 2.dwg

icon СГП 2004.dwg

СГП 2004.dwg

icon Т.К кровля.dwg

Т.К кровля.dwg

icon Т.к на утепление фасада.dwg

Т.к на утепление фасада.dwg

icon Т.к на утепление фасада2004.dwg

Т.к на утепление фасада2004.dwg

icon Т.К стекло.dwg

Т.К стекло.dwg

icon Т.к. бетонир полы.dwg

Т.к. бетонир полы.dwg

icon Т.К.земл. работы.dwg

Т.К.земл. работы.dwg

icon Тех.карта кирпичная кладка.dwg

Тех.карта кирпичная кладка.dwg

icon тех.карта.блоки фундаментов.dwg

тех.карта.блоки фундаментов.dwg
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