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Routing for zero cycle

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Routing for zero cycle

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icon Записка к карте.doc
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icon Чертеж.dwg

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4.1.Technological map for zero cycle


The basement requires a pit under the entire building.

For backfilling, the DZ42 bulldozer based on DT75 is used.

In accordance with [31], when developing soils that change their properties under the influence of atmospheric influences, a protective layer of soil is left in excavations - a defect that is removed immediately before the foundation is erected using a bulldozer.

4.1.10.Development of safety measures.

Safety measures shall ensure safe excavation in specific conditions of the specified site. They are developed in accordance with SniP 120302. [36]

Prior to the start of excavation works in the locations of the existing underground communications, measures for safe working conditions shall be developed and agreed with the organizations operating these communications, and the location of underground communications on the ground shall be indicated by appropriate signs or inscriptions.

Excavation work in the area of the existing underground communications should be carried out under the direct supervision of the foreman or foreman, and in the protective zone of cables under voltage or the existing gas pipeline, in addition, under the supervision of employees of the electric or gas economy.

If explosive materials are found, excavation at these locations should be stopped immediately, pending authorization from the relevant authorities.

Before starting earthworks in areas with possible pathogenic contamination of the soil (landfill, cattle farms, cemeteries, etc.), permission of the State Sanitary Supervision Bodies is required.

Pits and trenches developed on streets, driveways, in courtyards of settlements, as well as places where people or vehicles move, must be fenced with protective fencing taking into account the requirements of GOST 2340778. Warning signs and signs must be installed on the fence, and at night - signal lighting.

Places where people pass through trenches should be equipped with transition bridges illuminated at night.

Soil extracted from a pit or trench should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the brow of the excavation.

It is not allowed to develop soil in pits and trenches by "dig."

Boulders and stones and soil peels found on slopes shall be removed.

Digging of pits and trenches with vertical walls without anchorages in non-rock and non-frozen soils above the ground water level and in the absence of underground structures near it is allowed to a depth of not more than, m: 1.50 - in loams and clays.

Work in pits and trenches with slopes subjected to humidification is allowed only after a thorough inspection by the work manufacturer (foreman) of the condition of the soil slopes and collapse of unstable soil in places where "visors" or cracks (delaminations) are found.

Loading of soil on the dump trucks shall be carried out from the rear or side side.

One-sided filling of sinuses near freshly laid retaining walls and foundations is allowed after implementation of measures ensuring stability of the structure under accepted conditions, methods and procedure of filling. works.

In the area (gripping) where installation works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons.

It is forbidden to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops or marks that ensure their correct slinging and installation.

Cleaning of structural elements to be installed from dirt and ice should be performed before their lifting.

Components of the structures or equipment to be mounted shall be kept from swinging and rotating by flexible braces during movement.

People are not allowed to stay on elements of structures and equipment during their lifting or movement.

During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures and equipment on weight.

Use inventory stairs, walkways, and railing ladders to move installers from one structure to another.

Elements of structures or equipment installed in the design position must be fixed so that their stability and geometric stability are ensured.

Prior to installation works, it is necessary to establish the procedure for the exchange of conditional signals between the person directing the installation and the driver (motorist). All signals are sent only by one person (the foreman of the installation team, link, rigger-slinger), except for the "Stop" signal, which can be sent by any employee who has noticed a clear danger.

Installation of structures of each subsequent tier (section) of a building or structure should be carried out only after reliable fixation of all elements of the previous tier (section) according to the design. provisions.

All persons on site are required to wear protective helmets as per GOST 12.4.08784. Workers and engineers without protective helmets and other necessary personal protective equipment are not allowed to perform the work.

The issue, storage and use of workwear, footwear and other personal protective equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable norms and instructions.

Workers, managers, specialists and employees employed at construction sites should be provided with sanitary facilities (dressing rooms, clothes and footwear dryers, showers, food, recreation and heating facilities, women's hygiene rooms and toilets) in accordance with the current norms, the Nomenclature of inventory buildings, structures and installations and their complexes for construction and installation organizations, approved by the State Building, and Hygienic requirements for the construction and equipment of sanitary facilities approved by the Ministry of Health.

Drawings content

icon Чертеж.dwg
