Repair Plant Design

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
1. Job for Course Project
2. Introduction
3. Calculation of the repair plant
3.1 Theoretical Part
3.1.1 Production composition of the repair plant
3.1.2 Operating mode and annual funds of the enterprise time
3.1.3 Methods of calculation of annual scope of works of repair enterprises
3.1.4 Calculation of annual scope of work of production areas, areas of production, storage and auxiliary premises
3.1.4 Calculation of annual scope of work of production areas, areas of production, storage and auxiliary premises
3.1.6 Production building layout
3.1.7 Fire, sanitary and environmental requirements to the layout plan of the production building
3.1.8 Sanitary and environmental requirements
3.1.9 Design of disassembly and washing area
3.2 Design Part
3.2.1 Calculation of annual scope of works of the repair enterprise
3.2.2 Calculation of annual scope of work of production areas, areas of production, storage and auxiliary premises
3.2.3 Calculation of parameters of the recovery section of basic and main parts
4. Part Recovery Organization Typology
5. List of literature
2. Introduction
The sequence of design and structure of the project of the enterprise are regulated by "By the instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions" Construction Norms and Regulations 10195, put into operation since June 1, 1995. Design of construction objects is carried out by the legal entities and individuals who acquired the right for the corresponding type of activity and, as a rule, on a competitive basis. The design is carried out on the basis of the contract (contract) concluded between the customer and the designer for the performance of design and other works.
During the reconstruction of existing enterprises, the pre-design materials include a master plan, plans and sections of buildings and structures, data on their technical condition, necessary information on the production activities of the enterprise and its equipment.
Enterprises are designed in one or two stages. When designing large industrial complexes, as well as in the case of the use of new, untapped production technologies, new high-performance technological equipment and under especially difficult construction conditions, two stages are performed: first, they develop the project, and then - working documentation. The working documentation contains graphic materials and estimates necessary for the construction of the enterprise, and is developed after the project is approved by the customer.
If the design of an enterprise uses typical and reusable cost-effective solutions, then the design is carried out in one stage, at which a working project is developed. During one-step design, all documentation is approved simultaneously, so the necessary approvals of decisions are made in working order, and the project development time is much shorter than during design in two stages. The design stage is not strictly regulated and is specified in the design task.
3. Calculation of the repair facility.
3.1 Theoretical Part
3.1.1 Production composition of the repair plant
The repair enterprise includes the main and auxiliary production, warehousing, transport, laboratories, plant management.
The main production includes workshops and production areas directly engaged in the execution of the technological process of repair and the production of finished products.
The auxiliary production includes the tooling and the department of chief mechanics (OGM). Its functions include the maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings, structures and engineering networks, the manufacture, repair and sharpening of tools, the manufacture of devices and other works.
The warehouse includes warehouses of the repair fund, finished products, spare parts, materials, chemicals, metal, paint, fuel and lubricants, compressed gases, waste and other warehouses depending on the specialization of the enterprise.
The transport of the repair enterprise is divided into external and internal. To organize and carry out external transportation, a transport department is formed as part of the plant administration. Intra-plant transport includes a storage and repair area, as well as charging of electric vehicles batteries.
Laboratories of the repair enterprise: central, measuring, reliability. The central laboratory includes departments: chemical, metallographic, photographic.
Plant management includes officials and departments whose composition and functions depend on the specialization and size of the enterprise.
The main and auxiliary production can be organized according to seamless and workshop structures. Production sites are headed by craftsmen. With a seamless structure, the masters of the main production areas are directly subordinate to the chief engineer, the auxiliary production - to the chief mechanic. A seamless structure is recommended for repair enterprises with a number of workers up to 500 people. With the workshop structure, production areas are combined in workshops, and site masters are subordinated to workshop heads. As a rule, at least 125 people should work in the workshop.
Repair enterprises with a workshop structure are characterized by the following composition of the main production.
Disassembly and washing shop includes areas of external washing and acceptance, disassembly, defects of parts and incoming control, and at large repair enterprises - centralized preparation and cleaning of solutions.
The assembly shop includes a part picking area and other areas depending on the type of enterprise:
at engine repair enterprises - areas of restoration of basic and main parts, assembly of engines, testing, completion and refinement of engines, repair of power supply devices, repair of electrical equipment, painting of engines; at repair enterprises of other units - restoration of basic and main parts of units, assembly of units, repair of pneumatic and hydraulic systems devices, painting of units and units;
at enterprises for the repair of complete cars and buses - areas for the repair of frames, repair of electrical equipment, assembly of cars (buses), adjustment and testing of cars (buses), bus assembly, battery, during the repair of buses - repair of pneumatic devices and hydraulic systems. If the last enterprises do not receive repaired units for cooperation, then the assembly shop includes sections for assembly and repair of engines, testing and completion of engines, repair of power supply devices, assembly and repair of units.
The body repair shop (cabins and plumage) is created at the enterprises for the repair of complete cars (buses) and includes the following sections: wallpaper, painting, woodworking, platform repair and assembly (with a small program, the last two sections can be combined into one woodworking section), as well as a section for repairing cabins and plumage (when repairing trucks) and sections for repairing bodies, tin-making, rebar, body assemblies (when repairing buses and cars).
The workshop for the restoration and manufacture of parts has sections: locksmith, welding and surfacing, polymer, galvanic, blacksmith (blacksmith-spring), copper (copper radiator), thermal (with a small program, the last three sections can be combined into a thermal section).
Auxiliary production includes tools and the department of chief mechanics (OGM) with repair mechanical, electrical repair areas (with a small program they are combined into a single repair and mechanical section) and repair and construction.
3.1.2 Operating mode and annual funds of the enterprise time
The operating mode of the enterprise is determined by the number of working days per year, the number of shifts per day and the duration of the working week and shift. All components of the work regime, except for the number of shifts, are established by labor law. With a five-day working week, the number of working days per year is 253, and the duration of the working shift is 8 hours.
Two-shift operation is recommended for repair enterprises with the exception of areas with a continuous process (electroplating, thermal), where a three-shift mode should be adopted. In areas with a small number of employees, it is allowed to take a single-shift mode, if this does not cause an additional need for equipment and areas.
The annual fund of the time of the worker, equipment, workplace is the number of hours that the worker, equipment, workplace can work during the year. There are nominal and valid (effective) annual time funds.
The nominal annual time fund serves as the basis for determining the valid (effective) time funds and is determined without taking into account the loss of working time. The nominal annual time fund for production with normal working conditions is 2020 hours.
The actual (effective) annual working time fund with normal working conditions is 1776 h. Effective (calculated) annual equipment time funds are given in Table 34.1.
3.1.4 Calculation of annual scope of work of production areas, areas of production, storage and auxiliary premises.
The general plan (plot plan) of the ARP reflects the location on the development site (territory of the enterprise) of buildings and structures, storage sites, transport routes, green spaces, fences and other objects. The list of placed objects and their dimensions must be established before the development of the plot plan. The most important is the determination of the number of production buildings and the location of auxiliary (administrative and household) premises.
There are recommendations to place disassembly and washing plants in one building, and the rest in another in order to ensure cleanliness in the main production building. However, the opposite recommendations are more widespread - to block workshops and premises in the same building, if possible, which allows you to reduce the cost of building construction and laying engineering communications.
At the entrance to the enterprise, a site for parking cars is provided at the rate of ten cars per 100 working in two adjacent shifts with an area of one car - a space of 25 m2.
Storage areas serve goat crane. The direction of movement of the car during its repair is indicated by arrows.
Master plans of repair enterprises are usually carried out on a scale of 1:500.
3.1.6 Production building layout
ATM buildings are designed, as a rule, with reinforced concrete columns. Column axes that define the location of their rows in the plan are called layout axes. The distance between the laying axes in the transverse direction is called the span, in the longitudinal direction - the pitch of the columns. The span L and the pitch of the columns t in meters form a column grid denoted by L x t. In the drawings of layout plans, layout axes are marked on the long side of the building with numbers from left to right and on the short side with capital letters of the Russian alphabet from bottom to top.
Depending on the direction of movement during the repair of the frame (for enterprises for the repair of complete cars) or the basic part (for enterprises for the repair of units), three layout schemes are distinguished: straight-flow, L-shaped and U-shaped
The advantages of a straight-flow scheme are straightforward and, accordingly, convenient movement of the base part and other large and heavy parts, minimal crossing of traffic flows. Disadvantages are the presence of restrictions on the length of disassembly and assembly flow lines, the relative increase in the transportation range of parts from disassembly sites to assembly sites, the difficulty in isolating the disassembly and washing section from other areas.
The use of L-shaped and U-shaped schemes makes it possible to more efficiently isolate the disassembly and washing section from other sections, slightly reduce the transportation range of parts, significantly reduces restrictions on the length of disassembly and assembly flow lines (especially in a U-shaped scheme), however, the non-straightforward movement of the base part and other large and heavy parts causes increased intersection of traffic flows and difficulties in their organization.
3.1.7 Fire, sanitary and environmental requirements to the layout plan of the production building
Fire protection requirements. Production areas and warehouses according to their explosive and fire danger are divided into five categories.
Category A - explosion and fire hazardous production. These include the repair area of carburetor engine power supply devices, the painting area and the warehouse of paint and varnish materials (when using fuel and organic solvents with a flash point of up to 28 ° C), as well as the charging area of storage batteries and the charging area of electric vehicles (when charging storage batteries without removing them from electric loaders and electric cars).
Category B - explosion and fire hazardous production. These include the repair area of diesel engine power supplies, as well as the painting, polymer and paint materials storage areas (when using organic solvents and hardeners with a flash point of 28 to 61 ° C).
Category B - fire hazardous production. These include tire assembly, woodworking, wallpaper, polymer section (when using organic solvents and hardeners with a flash point of more than 61 ° C), as well as warehouses of tires, fuel and lubricants, materials (burnt textiles, rubber-asbestos, etc.) and any other products stored in burnt containers or packaging, acidic at the battery section.
Category D - industries that use hot and molten non-combustible substances and burn solid, liquid or gaseous substances. Category D production includes automotive adjustment and testing areas, engine testing and completion, frame repair, cabin and plumage repair, blacksmith, welding, thermal, copper.
Category D - production in which non-combustible substances and cold materials are used. Production of category D includes all other fire-safe areas.
The following fire protection requirements shall be observed when developing the building layout.
1. Production areas and warehouses that are more dangerous in terms of fire should be located near the external walls of the building.
2. Areas with production of categories A, B and B shall be located in isolated rooms separated from other rooms by non-burning walls (partitions) and doors (gates).
3. In multi-storey buildings, areas with industries of categories A and B are recommended to be located on the upper floors.
4. The necessary number of exits shall be provided from all production, auxiliary and storage facilities for the safe evacuation of persons.
5. The distance from the most remote workplace to the evacuation exit shall not be less than the established standards.
3.1.8 Sanitary and environmental requirements.
Production areas with significant heat generation from technological equipment (blacksmith, thermal), as well as polluting air with harmful gases, vapors, dust (painting, galvanic, etc.) should be located near the external walls of the building. In addition, the last production areas should be located in isolated rooms.
The volume and area of the room per worker shall not be lower than the established standards:
Specific volume of production
rooms, m3/person.................................................................................. 15
Specific area of production premises, m2/person........ 4.5
Same as design bureaus.................................................................. 6
administrative and office premises......................... 4
rooms for studies................................... 1.75
участок востановления дет.cdw

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