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Design of the repair plant for 65 pieces of equipment with detailed development of the TO-2 post

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Course project on Discipline Engineering of technical service enterprises on the topic: Design of a repair enterprise

for 65 pieces of equipment with detailed development of the TO-2 post

(Agromash 180 - 40 pcs., MA3- 18 pcs., Combine E-301 KIS-5T - 7 pcs., S/x machines - corn seeder - 7 pcs.)

Project's Content

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Additional information





1. Selection and justification of initial data

1.1 Characteristics of the object of investigation

1.2 Vehicle Operating Conditions

Table 1.3 Periodicity

2. Determination of quantity of maintenance and repairs

2.1 Determination of quantity of maintenance and repairs for tractors:

2.2 Determination of the scope of maintenance and repair of vehicles:

2.3 Determination of scope of works on maintenance and repair of combines:

2.4 Definition of maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery

3. Determination of labor intensity of repair and maintenance effects

3.1 Determination of labour intensity of current repair of tractors, cars and combines

3.2 Determination of labour intensity of technical services of tractors, cars and combines

3.3 Labor intensity of seasonal maintenance for tractors, combines and automobiles

3.4 Determination of labour intensity of agricultural machinery maintenance

3.5 Determination of labor intensity for repair of technical faults of tractors and cars

3.6 Calculation of labour intensity of additional works

3.7 Calculation of the number of conditional and reduced repairs of the designed enterprise

3.8 Substantiation of operation modes and calculation of annual funds of workshop time, workers, equipment

3.9 Calculation of the number of production workers and other personnel

4. Calculation and selection of equipment

4.1 Calculation of the number of workstations for maintenance

4.2 Calculation of the number of work posts for performing current repairs and diagnostics

4.3 Calculation of production and auxiliary areas of the repair plant

4.4 Determination of overall dimensions of the designed repair enterprise



List of literature

Z and d and N and e to the academic year project

Project Theme and Input

"Design of a repair plant for 65 pieces of equipment with detailed development of the TO-2 site"

approved at a meeting of the department protocol No. "" September 201

Provide the following materials:

text (draw up according to the current standard):

calculation and explanatory note in the amount of 2025 pages, according to the established structure of the course project.

Process calculation according to individual task ____________________


graphic (to be executed in accordance with ESKD requirements):

1) repair plant plan ___________________________________________

2) layout of post (section) with arrangement of equipment _____


32 pages, 13 tables, 12 sources

TEA standards; Technological calculation; Process design of individual production areas, workshops and warehouses; Annual production program, Daily production program; Number of production workers; Production area.

This course project presents the technological calculation of the CMM for 65 pieces of equipment: Agromash 180 40 pieces. MAZ of 18 pieces, E3017sht. Combine, agricultural cars seeder of corn-7 pieces.

The design of the TO-2 section has been developed. The course design contains a list of process equipment of the TO-2 station.

The graphic part of the project shows the layout of the CMM production building and the technological layout of the post.


The successful development of agricultural production largely depends on the reliability and economy of the mechanization tools used. Therefore, it depends on timely and high-quality maintenance (maintenance) and repair of the entire fleet (ICC) and equipment.

With a high level of mechanization and planned maintenance of agricultural production, maintenance and repair of machines should be carried out according to the planned warning system.

Maintenance (maintenance) is a set of works to maintain the operability or serviceability of machines during their use, storage and transportation. Maintenance includes wrapping, cleaning, control, diagnostic, adjustment, lubrication filling, fastening, as well as preservation, depreservation of machines and their components. Types, content, periodicity and conditions of maintenance shall be established by the tractor manufacturer in accordance with the current standards.

Over the years of reform, the quality of technical service of machines in the agro-industrial complex has sharply decreased, maintenance and repair are carried out in violation of the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. The main reason for this is non-compliance with scheduled operations, lack of diagnostic and technological equipment. Farm workshops are not equipped with craftsmen, diagnostic equipment does not meet the requirements that determine the quality of diagnosis.

Therefore, studying the design issues of technical service enterprises is an important task that must be solved by specialists in the maintenance and repair of machines in the agro-industrial complex.

Selection and justification of initial data

1.1 Characteristics of the object of investigation

The total number of equipment repaired at CMM for 24 units of equipment: Agromash 180 40 pcs. Piece MAZ18, the E301 Combine - 7 pieces, Agricultural cars the seeder corn - 7 pieces.

1.1.2 Intensity and Operation Information

This paragraph gives the values of the planned average annual operating time of one machine

Agromash 180 Vg = 900 mt. w.

MAZ Vg = 35000 km.

Combine E301 Vg = 240 mt. w.

Determination of labor intensity of repair and maintenance effects

Technological solutions are included in the main section when designing technical service enterprises. In this section, it is necessary to calculate the total labor intensity of repair and maintenance impacts and distribute it according to the types of work among various departments of the workshop (production areas, posts, sections).

The annual scope of work is one of the main parameters in the design, as it includes the scope of work on maintenance and repair of all machines on the company's balance sheet, as well as self-service work of enterprise divisions. At the same time, the scope of work is determined for each type of repair and maintenance actions on the basis of the production program and adjusted standard labor intensity separately for each group of machines (tractors, cars, combines).


In this project, we combined work from posts D1, TR into 1 universal post and TO1, TO-3 TO-2 D-2 into 1 universal post, leaving two specialized posts for TR, which made it possible to reduce posts for diagnostics and maintenance, as a result, the number of posts decreased from 9 to 5. The proposed type of association allows you to save money by paying wages to 10 employees per place 14, loaded with a small amount of work. The maximum use of production and auxiliary premises can be achieved through more detailed calculation and planning. The selection of equipment for the fuel equipment maintenance area was also made and its drawing on A1 was made on the basis of the CMM drawing, as well as on A1.


In this course project, the following was carried out:

process calculation of the CMM, namely calculation of the annual production program for the entire fleet of tractors, cars, combines and calculation of the annual volume of work and the number of production workers;

process design of individual production zones and sections;

process design of fuel equipment maintenance area, namely selection of the method of organizations in the production area, selection and arrangement of process equipment.

Drawings content

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