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Reliability and repair of agricultural machinery.


Project for organization of maintenance and repair of the machine and tractor fleet in the central repair shops of the farm with an annual scope of work of 82000 hours

Project's Content

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icon Zapiska.doc
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icon spetsifikatsia_oborudovania_1.docx
icon Пример курсовой работы Скорина.docx
icon Титульники рецензия,рефераИГОРЯт.doc
icon МИША.xlsx
icon Пример курсовой работы Скорина.docx
icon Титульники рецензия,рефераИГОРЯт.doc

Additional information





1.1. Purpose of CMM

1.2. Distribution of annual scope of work to repair objects

1.3. Process of maintenance and repair of machines in CRM

1.4. Distribution of annual scope by process activities

1.5. Rationale for the composition of the CLD

1.6. Mode of operation and time fund

1.7. Calculation of the number and composition of employees

1.8. Calculation of the number of workplaces

1.9. Quantity calculation and equipment selection

1.10. Area Calculation

1.11. CMM Layout Plan Development


2.1. Appointment

2.2. Process Justification

2.3. Process Layout

2.4 Calculation of Energy Demand

2.5 Design of elements of production aesthetics



3.1. Justification of the composition of buildings and structures

3.2. Calculation of storage areas and platforms

3.3. Plot Plan Layout

3.4. Determination of techno-economic indicators

Master Plan


4.1 Analysis of part design, operating conditions and defects

4.2 Substantiation of methods of part defects elimination

4.3 Substantiation of part basing methods

4.4 Part Recovery Route Design

4.5 Development of Process Operation






The course work on the "Project for the organization of maintenance and repair of ICC in the CMM economy with an annual work volume of 82000 hours" contains 43 pages of the explanatory note, including 8 tables, 12 bibliographic sources, appendix, 2 sheet of the graphic part.


In the course work, the technological process of repair of machines in the Central House of Artists was considered, the annual volume of maintenance and repair of the machine and tractor fleet was distributed according to the technological types of work, the composition of the Central House of Artists was justified, the time funds, the number and composition of workers, the number of jobs were calculated, the equipment was selected and the areas of the Central House of Artists were calculated, the layout plan of the Central House House (A) was developed.

The repair site of agricultural machines was calculated, its technological layout was developed.

A technological process for restoring the primary shaft was developed, time standards for the surfacing operation were calculated, and an operating map was compiled. Technological part of the term paper is presented by the repair drawing (A1) and the layout plan of CRM with technological planning of the site (A1).


The country's agricultural production is based on the widespread use of modern high-performance technology, which, as it develops, becomes more complex. In order to ensure the continuous operability of the ICC in these conditions, the operating organizations must organize qualified control of the technical condition of the machines during various technological processes. The scientific justification for the rational distribution of repair and maintenance work is based on the fact that farms can and must carry out on their own any necessary repair and maintenance work, but subject to the required technology in order to ensure their quality. This, in turn, requires equipping the workshops with the necessary repair, metalworking, lifting and transportation and other equipment.

The purpose of this course work is to develop a set of engineering and technical solutions related to the organization of the technological process of maintenance and repair of the machine and tractor fleet in the CMM farm with a given annual volume of repair and maintenance work.

Design of farm centers

1.1. Purpose of CMM

Repair and maintenance bases of farms belong to the first level. One of the elements of the repair and maintenance base is the CMM. It is intended for scheduled technical maintenance, diagnosis and ongoing repair of tractors, combines, cars, as well as for routine repair of agricultural machines and equipment of livestock farms. It includes a number of departments, among which the bulk of the maintenance and repair of equipment is distributed.

1.3. Process of maintenance and repair of machines in CRM

The process is based on a typical machine maintenance and repair technology. The main method of restoring the operability of machines is the aggregate-node method using the exchange fund of units and assemblies, the restoration of which is carried out at specialized enterprises. TR of complex machines and units (engines, rear axles, checkpoints, etc.) associated with deep disassembly on complex equipment and subsequent containment operations are carried out in cooperation with repair enterprises of the district level. Units requiring restoration repairs are transferred to specialized repair enterprises.

Execution of body, welding, locksmith, machine works, maintenance and repair of fuel and hydraulic equipment, auto-tractor electrical equipment is carried out in specialized areas.

The machine is sent to scheduled maintenance or in case of failure by the machine operator, which is attached to it, is delivered to the outdoor cleaning area. Cleaning begins with units and assemblies that have complex difficult to remove contaminants. After cleaning, the technical condition of the machine is determined by diagnostics. Based on the results of diagnostics, taking into account the need for the machine, the established distribution of repair facilities between ROB facilities in the area, the presence of an exchange fund of units, spare parts, equipment and equipment, a decision is made on the place of repair of the machines.

When it is decided to repair the machines in the CMM, it is sent to the repair and installation section. After sub-assembly, technical diagnostics of individual units and parts are performed, on the basis of which a decision is made regarding the place of repair. At the decision on repair in the CMM, the assembly unit is sent to the corresponding section.

At the end of the repair, the assembly units are installed on the machine being repaired or sent to the warehouse of the farm for the exchange fund.

The assembled machine is filled with lubricating materials, water and directed for running-in, if necessary, adjustments are made. Then, painting is carried out, and in good condition of old paint, individual places are painted.

A repair acceptance certificate is drawn up for the repaired machine, after which it is put into operation or put into storage.

1.11. CMM Layout Plan Development

Based on the calculation of the areas of the CMM, we determine the overall dimensions of the building. We accept workshop 24x18. width of the central span is 18 m and with lateral spans of 6 m. height of central span 7.2. Thus, the workshop area is 2286 m2.

CMM is designed in the form of a monoblock structure. Bearing reinforced concrete structures of industrial manufacture, external walls brick (510mm), internal in one brick (260mm), partitions (200mm). We take the colon step 6 m. The repair and installation department is located in the central span, and the main production areas (blacksmith, locksmith, etc.) in the side spans.

Design of agricultural machinery repair site

2.1. Appointment

The site of repair of agricultural machines is designed for ongoing repair of various agricultural equipment, including harrows, plows, seedlings, cultivators, sprayers, diggers, reapers, mowers, etc.

The agricultural machinery repair department usually occupies part of the repair and installation site and does not have protective structures. In this area, agricultural units are disassembled (assembled), failed units are replaced (lemechs, knives, sowing devices, elevators are replaced). And also the repair of frames (brewing cracks, editing).

Repair of more complex units or restoration of parts is carried out in the corresponding areas of the workshop.

2.2. Process Justification

Agricultural machines received for repair in the workshop, as a rule, are pre-cleaned and washed. Then the cause of the failure of an organ (unit, element) is determined and an approximate scope of work is compiled. After that, the agricultural machine (unit) is disassembled (if necessary) and its components (parts) are sent to the disassembly, and then to the defect section, where the final scope of repair work is determined.

The prefected parts (depending on size and mass) are sent to the respective maintenance areas by means of an electric motor or other lifting vehicles.

As mentioned above, the agricultural machinery repair area cooperates closely with other production units of the workshop, which ensures a coherent and uniform loading of the site.

Machine frames, and other metal-intensive structures are repaired on site using electro and gas welders, as well as various devices.

When repairing machines, faulty parts (units) are replaced from among the repaired or from the exchange fund of the farm, that is, an aggregate method of repairing agricultural machinery is used on the site, which reduces machine downtime and thereby reduces losses.

After assembly, the agricultural machine undergoes careful adjustment of all components, and complex agricultural machines are usually tested.

2.3. Process Layout

The process layout shall show on an appropriate scale all equipment related to the workplace:

machines, stands, presses and other production equipment installed on the floor;

verses, desks, stands;

workplaces without equipment with designation of their dimensions and dimensions;

Location of the worker during operation

consumers and places of power power supply, compressed air, steam and other media;

local ventilation units;

instrument cabinets, racks and supports;

lifting and transportation equipment.

During process planning it is necessary to maintain the standards of distances between equipment and building elements. The plan should give all the necessary dimensions: the width of the spans, the width of the passages and driveways, the binding of equipment to the building elements of the building.

2.5 Design of elements of production aesthetics

The design of production aesthetics includes the design and improvement of the territory of the enterprise, the appearance and interior of industrial and administrative buildings and premises. The introduction of production aesthetics is one of the most important reserves for increasing productivity and improving working conditions. Reducing injuries and occupational diseases as well as staff turnover.

To visually organize the working environment, certain industries and firms develop and apply a certain range of colors. Correct color decoration increases the efficiency of visual perception, reduces fatigue and exacerbates the reaction to possible danger. The colour of the equipment shall be taken out of the general background of the colour of the room and, in addition, shall ensure optimal conditions for viewing the workplace and occupational safety. The reflective ability of coloring of the main surfaces of the equipment has to be in limits of 25...55%.

Improvement and design of the territory of the enterprise is one of the main issues in solving its architectural appearance. The territory of a modern enterprise can be divided into three zones: production, pre-production and subsidiary. The production zone includes entrances and approaches, administrative buildings.

Production area - includes the territories of industrial buildings, domestic, technological structures, entrances and footpaths. This zone is landscaped taking into account each site.

The utility area includes buildings and structures of auxiliary services (warehouses, loading and unloading sites). The territory of the enterprise is equipped with platforms for rest which have to be a component of a complex system and improvement and gardening.

Recreation areas are equipped with pavilions, terraces, table tables for board games. All this must meet the requirements of hygiene.

To prevent diseases of working personnel, buildings shall comply with sanitary standards:

Air speed;

Air temperature in the workshop premises;

Illumination of sites and workplaces directly;

Gas and dust content of premises.

Design of farm rob plot plan diagram

3.1. Justification of the composition of buildings and structures

The composition of the engineering and technical facilities of the ROB, which ensure the operable state of agricultural equipment and its preservation during the non-working period, depends on the number of machines in the farm and their fixation to production sites. Each type of ROB of the central estate provides for various methods and means of storing machines. We choose a typical layout of the repair and maintenance base on the central estate of the farm.

Tractors, automobiles and complex C/C machines should be stored in enclosed rooms. It is recommended to store other s/c machines in open areas with hard coating. The machine yard of the farm is being developed taking into account the size and configuration of land, the presence of departments and brigades with PTO. Taking into account these factors, we choose the type of engine yard V.

Typical layout B - all divisions are located in the same economic center, where all farm equipment is based. Such farms, as a rule, have one unit (brigade, branch). The entire complex of ROB structures is concentrated on the central estate.

The machine yard shall have the following buildings and structures:

Central Repair Shop;

Closed rooms and open areas for storage of machines;

Storage facilities for spare parts and materials;

Loading and unloading area;

Oil depot with refuelling;

Recreation area;

Boiler room;


Design of process for recovery of Belarus-800 primary shaft

4.1 Analysis of part design, operating conditions and defects

The structural and technological features of the part are characterized by the geometric shape, dimensions, material, accuracy and quality of the treated surfaces, hardness and structure of the material, the type of technical processing, the need for alignment, balancing, etc.

Defect 1. Wear of journal for bearing No. 311 up to size less than ø 54.95mm.

Defect 2. Thread failure is more than 2 threads.

4.2 Substantiation of methods of part defects elimination

The choice of the method for eliminating the defect depends on the structural and technological features and working conditions of the part, the magnitude and nature of wear. The applicability of the method of correcting the defect is determined in the following sequence:

Based on the wear value of the surface, we choose methods to restore their dimensions;

We consider the possibility of technical implementation of the process depending on the technological properties of the part material and the technical capabilities of the equipment;

If possible, obtain required physical and mechanical properties of coatings.

When restoring defect 1, we use vibration surfacing (wire Np65G ø 1.6 GOST 1054375) of the outer surface. The essence of the bath method consists in surface preparation, surfacing operations, surface treatment (wrapping, heat treatment, grinding) and grinding to a normal size.

When restoring defect 3, use vibration surfacing (wire Np65G ø 1.6 GOST 1054375) of the outer surface. Then wrap and thread to normal size.

4.3 Substantiation of part basing methods

The accuracy of machining when restoring a part depends primarily on the correct selection of technological bases and their skillful use.

The method of restoring a part is determined by the geometric dimensions and shape, material, hardness, accuracy of the restored surface.

We choose a rational method of restoration according to two criteria:

technological, that is, the criterion of applicability;


The process criterion is not quantified and the solution based on it is preliminary, that is, it cannot be used to decide on the choice of a rational method of restoring a particular part, since this part can be restored in several ways. This criterion allows you to choose only a list of possible recovery methods.

The technical and economic criterion linking the cost of restoring the part with its durability is used to finally solve the issue when choosing a rational method of restoring.

4.4 Part Recovery Route Design

When you begin to draw up a repair route for a part, you must first draw up a surface treatment plan - the structure of the repair operations for the part:

Turning →Naplavochnaya (def. 2) →Tokarnaya (def. 2) → milling (def. 2) →shlifovalnaya (def. 1,2) → remaining (def. 1) →shlifovalnaya (def. 1) →kontrolnaya.

1. Turning. Correct center holes.

2. Naplavochny (def.2). Weld the surface to ø 580,060.29.

3. Turning (def.2). Turn the surface to ø 550,290.06. Thread.

4. Milling (def.2). Mill slot, size ø 510.4.

5. Grinding (def.1,2).

6. Ostalivaniye (def.1). Perform electrolytic rest. Wash the parts in hot water. Isolate the voids that are not to be left. Rinse the parts in a cold water bath. Rinse the parts in a hot water bath. Perform the rest to ø 55.5 0.12 and ø 65.5 0.12. Rinse the parts in a hot water bath. Neutralize the parts in the electrolytic decontamination bath. Rinse the parts in a hot water bath.

7. Grinding (def.1). Grind to ø550,0230,003.

8. Check surface A and threaded hole (def. 1,2).


The presented course project solved a set of engineering and technical issues related to the detailed development of the main facility of the repair and maintenance base - CMM.

The planning of the CMM was calculated and proposed taking into account the recommendations of standard design solutions. The required workshop area is 2286 m2. The proposed layout solution and the composition of the necessary production units will ensure the required level of maintenance and repair of the ICC in the farm.

The process of repair of screw 02 036155 40RSB has been developed. Using modern recovery technologies will restore the resource of this part. The build-up process operation was calculated. The technical time limit was 32.09 minutes.

The obtained technical and economic indicators indicate the economic feasibility of the project. Cost of one repair 19382 thousand rubles. Specific production area per unit of conventional repair 5.76 m2/ramp. Specific standard of volume of repair and maintenance works per tractor is 2.53 RM/tr.

Drawings content

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