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Reinforced concrete frame of single-storey two-span production building

  • Added: 12.12.2014
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In the course design under development, the reinforced concrete frame of a single-storey two-span production building is calculated according to the basic principles of calculation, design and layout of reinforced concrete structures. Load collection is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and Impacts," and the calculation of structures  in accordance with SNB 5.03.01-02 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures." The characteristics of cranes are accepted as per GOST 25.711-83.

Project's Content

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Building Crust Layout

Disassembly of cross frames, links and fachwerk diagram

Determination of general dimensions of the cross frame of the workshop

Installation of loads on transverse frame

Definition of constant load from the shackle, its own mass of structures and from wall barriers

Determination of crane loads

Determination of snow and wind pressure loads

Static Cross Frame Calculation

Column Section Calculation

Design Input

Above-crane part calculation

Calculation of crane part

Calculation of intermediate spacer

Calculation of off-center loaded foundation

Design Input

Sizing the Sub-Column

Sizing the Foundation Floor

Determination of reinforcement section of foundation slab part

Calculation of the prestressed pokrition beam

Final Design Data

Define Loads

Defining Forces in Beam Sections

Preliminary selection of valves

Geometric characteristics of beam cross sections

Pre-stress of valves and its losses

Calculation of beam strength during operation

6.7.1 Check of concrete section dimensions

6.7.2 Strength of normal sections

6.7.3 Strength of inclined sections

6.7.4 Strength of the beam in the groove

Beam calculation during fabrication, transportation and installation

6.8.1 Checking the strength of normal sections

6.8.2 Check of crack resistance of normal sections

Calculation of beam by crack formation

6.9.1 Calculation of normal sections

Defining Beam Deflections

List of literary sources used


In the course design under development, the reinforced concrete frame of a single-storey two-span production building is calculated according to the basic principles of calculation, design and layout of reinforced concrete structures.

The loads are collected in accordance with SNiP 2.01.0785 "Loads and Impacts," and the structures are calculated in accordance with SNB 5.03.0102 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures." The characteristics of the cranes are accepted as per GOST 25.71183.

Building Frame Layout

1.1. Design of cross frames,

links and fachwerk

The main elements of the supporting reinforced concrete frame of the industrial building, which receives almost all the loads, are flat transverse frames formed by columns and load-bearing rafters. In the longitudinal direction, the frame elements are: crane beams, wall fence girders, coating plates, lights.

The system of structural elements, which serves to maintain the wall fence and perceive the wind load, is called a fencer. With self-supporting walls, as well as with panel lengths equal to the pitch of the columns, there is no need for a fencer design.

We accept the end frame with a section of 250 x 250 mm with zero binding to the transverse axis.

Communications are important elements of the steel frame of an industrial building. Proper linkage arrangement ensures that the carcass structures work together, which is important for increasing the rigidity of the structure and saving material. Connections designed to perceive certain power impacts should ensure consistent transmission of forces from the place of application of load to the foundation of the building.

The system of connections between the columns provides geometric stability of the frame in the longitudinal direction and stability from the plane of transverse frames. Vertical connections are placed in the middle of the workshop and between the extreme columns.

The coating bonds are arranged to provide spatial rigidity of the framework, stability of the coating as a whole and its individual parts .

Installation of loads on the cross frame of the workshop

On the transverse frame of the workshop there are constant loads from the weight of the enclosing and load-bearing structures of the building, temporary from bridge cranes and atmospheric effects of snow and wind.

Several loads can be applied to a building at the same time and several combinations of loads are possible, given the absence of some of them or possible changes in their application diagrams. Therefore, the frame is calculated for each of the loads separately, and then a calculated combination of forces is made at the most unprofitable combination of loads. At the same time, the load values ​ ​ should be calculated separately, even if they have the same distribution patterns on the structure, but differ in the duration of the impact.

Drawings content

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