Redevelopment of a three-room apartment of a residential building - electrical part

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
Section "Electrical part" of the project "Redevelopment of the apartment" at the address:.......................... designed for commissioning of the design object and developed on the basis of:
1. Exit and inspection of the facility.
2. Construction drawings of the object .
3. Regulatory and technical documentation.
1. Characteristics of the object.
Connection point - floor distribution board (ShE).
Power consumption - 3 kW - does not exceed the power allocated to apartments with gas stoves, according to regulatory documents.
Voltage - 220 V
Category for power supply reliability requirements - 3.
TN -C S earthing system
2. Power supply.
As an introductory switchgear, an existing floor switchboard is used. To place the protection devices of the group networks and the metering unit in the corridor of the apartment at the front door, a modular apartment board (CB) is provided.
The height of the board installation from the floor is 1.4 m.
The main consumers of electricity in the apartment premises are:
- lighting,
- socket network.
Lighting is carried out by lamps with compact fluorescent lamps, with halogen lamps, with fluorescent lamps, LED tape is used for cornice lighting of ceilings.
Lighting is controlled by key switches, dimmers, pass-through switches. Height of installation from the floor:
- switches - 0.9 m (except for those specified);
- sockets - 0.35 m (with the exception of specially designated ones).
The places of installation of switches, sockets and lamps are specified according to the design design during installation.
Installation of group networks is performed by 3x1.5mm2 VBGng cable, 3x2.5mm2 VBGng cable is hidden in corrugated pipes made of self-extinguishing PVC plastic behind the wall skin and behind suspended ceilings. Sections of internal networks cables are selected according to heating conditions with long-term design current. The socket line is routed with a single cable without rupture of the PEconductor.
Installation of distribution network (ShE - ShK) is carried out by 3x4 mm ² HVGng cable in metal box along the wall of the floor platform at a height of not less than 2.2 m
At points of matching of wiring routes with pipelines, wiring shall be performed in accordance with PUE, p.2.1.56, 2.1.57, 2.1.63.
3. Reactive power compensation.
According to SP311102003 item 6.33 for consumers of residential and public buildings, reactive power compensation is not required.
4. Electricity accounting.
Energy consumption of apartment premises is taken into account by single-phase electric meter TsE272612 5 (60) A, accuracy class 1.0, programmed in two-tariff mode. The metering unit is installed in the apartment control and distribution board.
6. Protective electrical safety measures.
To ensure the electrical safety of people during the operation of power grids and electrical installations, the project provides for:
- system TN - C - S of electric networks for connection of electric receivers ;
- the third cable core is used as the PE conductor;
- accepted for installation of socket with third grounding contact;
- setting of differential circuit breaker,
- arrangement of additional system of potential equalization in room of combined bathroom.
Housings of portable electric receivers are connected to protective conductors through grounding contacts of plug sockets. If several outlets are supplied from one group line, branch of protective conductor PE to each outlet should be performed only in branch boxes.
Serial connection of grounding contacts of sockets to the protective conductor is not allowed.
The design provides for the laying of a single-phase three-wire network (L, N, PE) to the lamps.
All electrical installation works shall be performed in accordance with the Rules for Electrical Installations (PUE), Rules for Technical Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers (PTEEP), Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection (Safety Rules) during Operation of Electrical Installations (POTRM0162001 ).
The design used installation, lighting electrical equipment, cable products that comply with fire, explosive standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
7. Instructions for installation of electrical installations.
Installation work shall be carried out in accordance with the working design .
General norms and rules for organization and execution of electrical installation works are defined in SNiP 3.05.0685 and SNiP 3.01.0195.
Prior to the commencement of work, working documentation shall be received, a work schedule agreed with the customer shall be developed, and deliveries of necessary materials, products and equipment shall be planned. Cable and wire passes through non-burning walls (partitions) shall be made in pipe sections or ducts, and through burned ones - in steel pipe sections. In places where cables and wires pass through the walls or exit them outside, the gaps between cables or wires and the pipe (conduit) should be closed with easily removable mass from non-combustible material.
Wires and cables shall be marked at the beginning and end of pipes and ducts, as well as at the points of branches and their connection to electrical equipment. Connection and branch points shall be accessible for inspection and repair. At the points of connections and branches, the wires and cables shall not experience mechanical forces. Contact connections shall meet the requirements of GOST 10434 - 82.
Wire and cable headers shall be provided with a margin of wire or cable for re-connection.
The lamp body shall be insulated from the hook by placing a polyvinyl chloride tube on the rounded part of the hook. Terminate the cable strands with clamps. A separate zero protective conductor shall be laid for each line of the group network coming from the switchboard. For grounding, a separate conductor with a section equal to phase, laid from the lead-in panel, is used. Installation of installation devices is allowed by connection of electrical wires to contact clamps after their base is fixed in operating position. These devices are fixed with screws or spacer dowels. Each part of the electrical installation to be grounded and grounded shall be connected to the grounding or grounding network by means of a separate branch. The earthing or protective conductor shall not include in series the parts of the electrical installation to be grounded or occupied. The attachment must be available for inspection.
General safety requirements according to SNiP III -4-80 (2000), SNiP 120399, GOST 12.3.03284 (1990) SSBT shall be met during the works performance and personal protective equipment provided for in GOST 12.4.01189. Quality of electrical installation works shall be ensured due to:
- incoming quality control of used structures, materials, products and
- operational control of individual operations;
- acceptance control of electrical installation works.
Incoming quality control of used structures, materials, products and equipment is carried out by external inspection. At the same time, their compliance with the requirements of standards, passport data of manufacturers, working documentation is evaluated.
During operational control, compliance with electrical installation work technology, compliance of performed works with working drawings is checked. Results of operational control shall be recorded in the log of works according to the forms given in Appendix 1 of SNiP 3.01.01 - 95, and, in case of practical necessity, in special logs for certain types of works. The results of hidden works performance shall be executed by acts of hidden works inspection (Appendix 6 SNiP 3.01.01 - 95 and VSN 12390).
During acceptance control of electrical installation works, the quality of the performed works is checked and evaluated, and the installed equipment is tested. The results of acceptance control are executed by acts provided for in VSN 12390.
The project was executed in accordance with the current norms and rules, fire and explosion safety is ensured subject to the measures provided by the project and regulated rules of operation.

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