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Recreation center Blue torch in the Novgorod region - reconstruction of the boiler room


Gas supply to the recreation center in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Project's Content

icon ВОР-365.201.01-ГСВ.doc
icon Лист 5 спецификация .DOC
icon Лист1 ОД-365.201.01-ГСВ.doc
icon Обложка ГСВ.doc
icon Спец.зак-365.201.01-ГСВ.С1.doc
icon Спец.подр-365.201.01-ГСВ.С2.doc
icon Лист 2 План на отм.0.000. Разрез 1-1.dwg
icon Лист 3 Разрез 2-2. Вид А,В.dwg
icon Лист 4 Аксонометрическая схема.dwg

Additional information

General Instructions

1. Working documentation for the reconstruction of the GSV system of the Blue Torch recreation center in the Novgorod region was made on the basis of the design task and technical requirements approved by I.S. Harisov, Deputy General Director for Production of Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC.

2. This documentation provides for gas supply of Turboterm250 boilers (2 pcs) installed in the boiler room and existing De Dietrich GT350 type boiler. GRU is installed in the boiler room, which is provided to reduce gas pressure for summer and winter periods. After GRU, pressure gauge NM061001M2.5 kPa-1.5 was ordered for pressure measurement in summer; for winter measurement - pressure gauge NM061001M6 kPa-1,5NM061001M6 kPa-1,5.

3. Working documentation is developed in accordance with PB1252903 and SNiP 42012002.

4. The system power supply is provided by natural gas according to GOST 554287 with the following characteristics:

- combustion heat - 34 MJ/m3 * 8000Kcal/m3 *;

- specific gravity - 0.68 kg/m3.

5. The use of gas is provided for hot water supply and heating. For selection of gas equipment to be installed, refer to Table "Main parameters as per working drawings of GSV grade." To account for gas flow, a rotary natural gas meter of type "Delta" G16, DN 40 is installed.

6. In accordance with SNiP 42012002, at the commissioning of heating units in the room, it is provided to install an electromagnetic valve of the type BH2N3 Dn50, which stops gas supply when the gas content of the room is higher than normal.

7. The construction of the gas supply system should be carried out by a specialized construction and installation organization in this area in accordance with the requirements of:

- SNiP 42012002.

- PB 12-529-03

8. Steel seamless pipes hot and cold-deformed GOST 873278 and GOST 873475 are used for gas pipeline laying.

9. All parts and equipment are accepted by the factory and have corresponding certificates and passports.

10. The gas pipeline is open. Horizontal sections of gas pipelines shall be laid in compliance with slopes to gas instruments.

11. The gas pipeline is installed from steel seamless pipes on welding .

12. Turns of pipes diameter of less Du50 to carry out with a bent radius of 3 Du.

13. In the places where the gas pipeline passes through the external wall, the installation of cases is provided in accordance with the drawings of the 5.90525.05 series. Joints of gas pipelines in cases are not allowed.

14. The gas pipeline shall be attached on site. The distance between the supports shall not exceed 3.0 m - for Du25; 5.0 m - for Du50; 6.0 m - for Du89.

15. Perform pneumatic leak test according to SNiP 42012002.

16. Internal gas pipelines shall be protected against corrosion by two layers of Primastic Universal Alu two-component coating and Hardtop AS polyurethane coating. Gas pipelines shall have identification painting in accordance with GOST 1420289 p.618.

17. Main requirements for gas supply:

17.1 The condition of safety of gas fuel boilers operation is high-quality installation with compliance with the requirements of SNiP and instructions for installation and operation of equipment and instruments.

17.2. The system of gas pipelines of the boiler room is equipped with blowdown and discharge gas pipelines. These pipelines are led outside to places providing safe conditions for gas dispersion, but not less than 1 m above the roof of the building and not less than 3 m to the places of air intake for plenum ventilation.

17.3. The gasified room shall be provided with primary fire fighting equipment according to the norms of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or departmental rules agreed with the State Unitary Enterprise of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

17.4. In the boiler room, natural plenum ventilation must be constantly operating.

17.5. Start, stop and operate the unit in accordance with the approved operating manual.

18. Prior to installation works perform check of ventilation channels and chimneys for serviceability and presence of thrust. Before presenting the gas supply system for delivery, perform additional check of ventilation channels for serviceability and presence of thrust with execution of corresponding acts.

19. The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other standards applicable in the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings.

20. The right to design is granted by a license for the design of buildings and structures, with the exception of seasonal or auxiliary structures No. GS-2-781-02-1026-0-7805018099-032481-2 dated 25.12.2008, issued by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Drawings content

icon Лист 2 План на отм.0.000. Разрез 1-1.dwg

icon Лист 3 Разрез 2-2. Вид А,В.dwg

icon Лист 4 Аксонометрическая схема.dwg