• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 6

Reconstruction of ZRU-2, 6kV


many drawings, description

Project's Content

icon П00840~1.DOC
icon П00840~1.DWG
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icon П00840~1.XLS
icon П00840~2.DWG
icon П00840~3.DWG
icon л.01-05_.dwg
icon Объемы работ-198-ЭС.ВР.dwg
icon Расчеты-198-ЭС.Р.dwg
icon Спецификации-198-ЭС.С.xls
icon УБПВД-198-ЭС.ОЛ1.doc
icon -ЭМ кабельный журнал.xls
icon plot.log
icon л.01-21_спец -2.1-ЭМ.xls
icon л.01_ОД.dwg
icon л.02_План оборудования.dwg
icon л.03_План кабелей.dwg
icon л.04_План заземляющего устройства.dwg
icon л.05-08_Расчетные схемы ЩСН.dwg
icon л.05-08_Расчетные схемы ЩСН.dwl
icon л.09-20_Схема АВР-ЩСН на пост. токе.dwg
icon л.22_Электроотопление_схема.dwg
icon л.23_АВР _ЭОбогрев.dwg
icon л.24_ЭМ-cил спецификации.dwg
icon л.25_В1_схема.dwg
icon л.26_Козырек.dwg
icon Объемы работ -ЗРУ-ЭМ.doc
icon Р1_Расчет нагрузок.dwg
icon Р2_Расчеты кабелей.dwg
icon Расчёт заземляющего устройства ЗРУ.mcd
icon Расчет нагрузок 6кВ.xls
icon Расчеты_СН.xls
icon л.01-06_-2.1-ЭО.С.xls
icon л.01_осв-ие общие данные.dwg
icon л.02_план освещения.dwg
icon л.03_Спецификация_ЭО.dwg
icon л.04_схема осв-ия.dwg
icon л.05_Схема АВР освещения.dwg
icon л.01_Общие данные.dwg
icon л.02-03_ВВ1.dwg
icon л.04-05_ВВ2.dwg
icon л.06-07_СВ.dwg
icon л.08-09_Отходящая линия к СД.dwg
icon л.10-11_Отходящая линия к АД.dwg
icon л.12-13_Отходящая линия КТП с ТСЗ.dwg
icon л.14-15_Отходящая линия 6кВ.dwg
icon л.16-17_Отходящая линия РП КСАПТ.dwg
icon л.18-19_Головной выключатель УБПВД.dwg
icon л.20-21_ТН.dwg
icon л.22_Шинный ввод 1.dwg
icon л.23_Шинный ввод 2.dwg
icon л.24_CР.dwg
icon л.25_ТСН.dwg
icon л.26-27_Защитный ТАВР.dwg
icon л.28_ЛЭШ.dwg
icon л.29_УРОВ.dwg
icon л.30_Схема дуговой защиты.dwg
icon л.31_План шинок.dwg
icon л.32_АПСигнализация.dwg
icon л.33_ЭМБ блокировка.dwg
icon л.34_ТАВР.dwg
icon л.35_Схема ЗРУ-2.dwg
icon л.35_Схема ЗРУ-2.frw
icon л.36_Структура_ПС.dwg
icon л.37-38_Выключатель ТСН_6кВ.dwg
icon л. 02-07.dwg
icon л.01_ЭП2од.dwg
icon л.08_ТАВР.dwg
icon plot.log
icon ЗРУ-2-ЭП3 кабельный журнал.xls
icon л.01-02_ЭП3-Общие данные.dwg
icon л.01-21_спец -ЗРУ-2_ЭП3.xls
icon л.02_План оборудования.dwg
icon л.04-05_План кабелей_Разрезы.dwg
icon л.06-07_Расчетные схемы АУОТ.dwg
icon л.08_Схема ЗРУ-2.dwg
icon л.09_ЗРУ-cил спецификации.dwg
icon л.10_НЕВА.dwg
icon л.11_Cхема соединений Сапфир.dwg
icon л.12-л.13_АККЭ.dwg
icon л.14_-АККЭ.dwg
icon л.15- л.16_АККЭ.dwg
icon л.17- л.18_АККЭ.dwg
icon л.19_АСТУЭ.dwg
icon л.20-22_Microscada.dwg
icon ПЗ_ЗРУ-2_Рыбинская ЛПДС.doc
icon л.01_ТКЗ.DWG
icon л.06_Дифзащита.dwg
icon Л93_КА~1.DWG
icon Расчёт РЗиА ВВ.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА КТП-ТСН.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА МН1-МН4.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА ПН1-ПН4.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА ПН5.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА СВ.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА ТАВР.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА УБПВД.mcd
icon Расчёт ТКЗ.mcd
icon Расчёт уставок ЩСН.mcd
icon Расчёт РЗиА КТП-НПС-2.mcd
icon Релейная защита_ЗРУ-2.doc

Additional information


P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05.С CONTENT

P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05-SP PROJECT COMPOSITION


P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05-SPZ Summary Explanatory Note

P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05-IPZ General Explanatory Note

P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05-OS Construction Organization

P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05-SD Estimate documentation

P.0.084.01298/1-TSMN-K4.33.E-05-SSO Collection of equipment, products and materials specifications

Working documentation

Pos.2.1 6 kV ZRU-2 closed switchgear

Poses.198 UBPVD Block box

Pos.0 Onsite Networks

Source Data

This chapter is based on:

- OTT10.00-74.20.13KTN006104;

- OT16.01-74.20.11KTN012105;

- design tasks for the facility "NPS2 LPDS Rybinskaya pumping station building. Closed switchgear ZRU2, 6kV. Reconstruction. Adjustment, "No. TZ01.03-74.30.00TSN1190105, approved by the 20.06.05 at the Technical Council of JSC AK Transneft;

- tasks from adjacent departments in accordance with the process diagram of the designed object;

- proposals of the services of the main power engineers of OAO Transsibneft, KRNU, Rybinsk LPDS;

- Electrical installation rules (PUE 6th and 7th editions);

- Regulations for ensuring the stable operation of the NPS when one power supply source is disconnected (disconnection of the supply VL, disconnection of the supply transformer) of Transneft AK.

The project provides for the reconstruction of the existing ZRU2, 6kV. Power supply of the reconstructed ZRU2 is carried out from RU6kV by PS No. 26 YuVES which food is executed from two transformers 1T, 2T 110/35/6, via dual reactors. From the reactor connected to transformer 1T the 1st and 3rd sections of tires RU6kV of PS No. 26 YuVES are powered. From the reactor connected to transformer 2T sections of tires RU6kV of PS No. 26 YuVES are powered the 2nd and 4th. The existing 6kV closed switchgear ZRU2 has two bus sections. At that, in normal mode each section of ZRU2 buses is connected from its input of operating power supply, section switch is disconnected. Input No. 1 is connected from feeder No. 2615 (section III, RU6kV), and input No. 2 of ZRU2 is connected from feeder No. 2606 (section II, RU6kV). This power supply scheme allows to provide power supply to all consumers of I, II, III category with required reliability.

The main source of power supply for consumers of the reconstructed ZRU2 are transformers 110/35/6 PS No. 26 of the YVES of Krasnoyarsk Energy JSC. For consumers of a special power supply reliability group, the sources are a diesel power station (DES) and uninterrupted power units (UPS). DES existing, built according to project No. 816. UPS for part of the process automation equipment and devices of the low-current complex are installed according to the corresponding sections of the NPS2 reconstruction project.


Climatic characteristics and geological characteristics

The site of the LPDS "Rybinskaya" is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The construction site refers to the high-speed wind head to the II district

(50 da/m2).

Ice area - II. The thickness of the ice wall is 15 mm.

Design air temperatures for this area are:

- average temperature per year - 7.60С;

- absolute maximum - plus 350С;

- estimated winter outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period - minus 410С.

The average duration of thunderstorms is from 20 to 40 hours.

Project Composition

According to the terms of reference and the materials for approval of design solutions at OAO Transsibneft, the project provides for:

- Reconstruction of existing building ZRU2, 6kV.

- Location of the heat insulated container of the external installation, full factory readiness, for the HPMS system in the area of the existing building ZRU2, 6kV.

- Grounding, lightning protection and protection against static electricity of designed and reconstructed objects.

- Automated technical accounting of electric power of ZRU2, 6kV LPDS "Rybinskaya."

- Organization of automated power quality control for ZRU2, 6kV.

- Organization of the AWS of the duty electrician and the main energy of the LPDS "Rybinskaya."

6 kV power supply

The single-line power supply diagram of the reconstructed ZRU2, 6kV is shown in the drawing l.8 of the set P.0.084.01298/1TSMNK4.33.E052.1-EPZ.

As the source of power supply for ZRU2, 6kV, the existing two-transformer substation GPP110/35/6kV PS No. 26 VVES with transformers 2x25000kVA owned by OJSC Krasnoyarsk Energy is used. Power supply of process ZRU2, 6kV LPDS "Rybinskaya" is made from different transformers GPP110/35/6kV PS No. 26 via two flexible existing current wires on suspended insulators .

Process ZRU2, 6kV is designed using a package switchgear based on cells KXXVI, K-XXVII, KXXVIII and consists of two sections. Redundancy of disconnection of one of the 6kV supply lines is implemented using a section switch (CB), with automation of the ATS and the section disconnector (CB). Grounding knives are installed in the section switch cabinet to ground the jumper between CP and CB. In order to ensure the minimum time of interruption in power supply of consumers connected to the section of buses "lost" power, as well as to provide favorable conditions

for boot-starting of electric motors, the design provides for the use of a high-speed TAVR device.

The projected ZRU2, 6 kV is a connection point for electric motors of the main pumps STD6300/60002UHL4 NPS2, electric motors of retaining pump VAOV2710M4U1 NPS2 (Rn =1250kvt), the pump of intra park transfer VAOV2560M4U1 (Rn =400kvt), one existing two-transformer substation of NPS2, 6/0.4kv, with transformers 2x400kBA, and also existing T-1 transformer (the second transformer is connected to the existing ZRU1) 6/0.4kv, 250 kVA of KTP "Lived. village. " The project also provides for the possibility of connecting two long-distance VL6kV and RP KSAPT to ZRU2, 6kV, in the future.

In order to comply with the requirements of the regulations for ensuring the stable operation of the Transneft AK NPS when one power supply source is disconnected (disconnection of the supply VL, disconnection of the supply transformer) and in accordance with the design specification, the following technical measures are provided:

1. Application of Evolis type vacuum switches with RPA microprocessor devices.

2. Use of fast-acting thyristor ATS (TAVR) providing minimum power supply interruption time for consumers connected to the bus section "lost" power and as a result, creating more favorable conditions for self-starting of asynchronous motors of main pumps when the supply input and subsequent TAVR are disconnected.

3. Application of the device of non-impact smooth starting of engines (UBHD) of the main pumping units, which allows to implement automation of alternate automatic starting, as well as self-starting (re-starting of the "running out" electric motor) in case of malfunction of the TVR device.

Power supply by voltage 0.4kV

The project does not provide for the complete reconstruction of the existing power supply scheme for consumers of 0.4kV LPDS "Rybinskaya."

In order to organize the connection point for part of the electrical heating devices of the building ZRU2, 6kV, the design provides for the installation of additional circuit breakers (2pcs) in the existing shield Sch19, located in the room of the panel building NPS2 .

To organize power supply of 0.4kV auxiliary loads of the reconstructed ZRU2, 6kV LPDS "Rybinskaya," the project provides for the use of designed auxiliary transformers of the type TSKS145/10U3, 6.3/0.4kV, 40kVA, gr. U/Un0, located in the room RU6kV R of the building, 6KRU 2. 2.1), and included in the complete delivery of KRU6kV by the manufacturer.

The connection point for the designed consumers of 0.4kV of the auxiliary needs of ZRU2, 6kV is the designed ShSN, located in the room of the OMP and MV of the ZRU2, 6kV building.

In accordance with the design assignment, the third independent power source - the existing diesel power plant with a capacity of 500 kW, the third degree of automation - is provided on the ZRU2 auxiliary panel (ShSN). The design provides for the possibility of starting the diesel generator in automatic mode in the event of a voltage loss on the first and second sections of the ShSN. The signal is supplied to the diesel generator shutdown in automatic mode when voltage is restored from the external mains on one of the sections of the diesel generator. Maximum possible break time in power supply of consumers connected to ZRU2 ShSV up to 5 sec (time required for acceleration of diesel generator and subsequent start of generator machine).

Power supply sources are switched over by ALT devices of the designed SFCV. The design provides for the possibility of manual control of the diesel generator, which is carried out from panel No. 4 of the designed ShSN.

Standby power supply of APCS NPS2 system is provided by existing sources of guaranteed power supply.

The power supply scheme of the designed auxiliary consumers of ZRU2, with a voltage of 0.4 kV, allows to provide power supply to all electric receivers with the required reliability.

The ATS device of the designed ShSN, in accordance with the design task, is made using microprocessor units such as BMRZ0,4VB04, BMRZ-0,4AV05 and BMPA0.4-01.

Input and section circuit breakers of MCC have built-in protection, monitoring and control units with the possibility of recording events, current and voltage parameters. It is possible to integrate power supply into the ACS system according to the ModBus protocol. The input panels of the SFV have relay and instrument voltage control before the inputs and on the bus sections.

Protection of consumer equipment with a voltage of 0.4 kV from short-circuit currents is carried out by electromagnetic disconnectors of circuit breakers, and from overload currents and other abnormal operation modes (current asymmetry, phase break, reduction of insulation resistance) - by microprocessor relay protection and control devices (sensitive elements of thermal relays are used as backup protection devices). As an additional protection against direct touch and fire protection in the heating and electric lighting power supply circuits, ultrasound systems with a maximum leakage current setpoint of 30 mA are provided. The design provides for connection of electric motor control units, circuit breakers to bus bars of the MCC board through a disconnector to a group of two units (two or three circuit breakers).

Cable lines of 0.4 kV voltage are made by cables of VBGngLS, VBbShng and KBbShng grades. In order to ensure the most favorable electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) conditions for the designed microprocessor relay protection and control devices, shielded cables of the KVVGengLS type for control and alarm circuits are used in the design. Cable screens shall be connected to the designed grounding device on both sides of the organized connection points. The length of the cable screen cut at the connection point must be minimal. If it is necessary to eliminate unacceptable interference due to the formation of distribution circuits on screens, grounding of cable screens on only one side (control equipment) is allowed. The method of grounding the screens on both sides or only on one side should be clarified during commissioning by the installation and operating organizations. The design also provides for the maximum possible mutual removal of cable routes. Cable lines are selected according to the long-term load current, checked according to the condition of compliance of permissible current with the set points of protective devices, execution of automatic protective shutdown of power supply and voltage losses. Cables for power supply of mutually redundant electric receivers are laid in different boxes, trays and are located on both sides of span bearing structures.

All cable products have fire safety certificates. Certificates for cable products are provided by the customer.

6kV power electrical equipment

The designed power electrical equipment of 6kV is represented by:

- thyristor ATS device;

- the system of the device of non-impact smooth starting of high-voltage motors UBPVDV6800, located in the area of the existing building ZRU2, 6kV, in a heat-insulated container of the external installation, full factory readiness, for the UBPHD system.

To connect high-voltage electric receivers to the 6kV network, equipment consisting of KRU6kV is used. The equipment installed in the switchgear provides control of 6kV electric receivers, their relay protection in the required volume. BMRZ microprocessor devices are designed as protection and control devices as part of the switchgear. BMRZ units provide functions of protection, automation, control and alarm in the required scope.

Reactive power compensation for LPDS "Rybinskaya" as a whole is provided by existing synchronous motors of NPS2 main units, as well as capacitor units located in the existing ZRU1. No additional condenser units are required.

Power electrical equipment 0.4 kV

The main consumers of 0.4 kV electricity are the asynchronous electric motor of the exhaust fan, electric lighting, as well as electrical heating devices of the building ZRU2, 6kV.

The decision to perform electric heating in the reconstructed ZRU2 building was agreed at OAO Transsibneft (letter No. 0310/13395 dated 23.07.2005).

Protective shutdown devices are installed at the inputs of electrical heating lines, which ensure safe operation of the equipment in case of insulation damage.

To organize the connection points and distribution of electricity between consumers at a voltage of 0.4 kV, the design provides for the BSN panel, as starting equipment, units of the B5000I type are adopted.

Drawings content

icon П00840~1.DWG


icon П00840~2.DWG


icon П00840~3.DWG


icon л.01-05_.dwg


icon Объемы работ-198-ЭС.ВР.dwg

Объемы работ-198-ЭС.ВР.dwg

icon Расчеты-198-ЭС.Р.dwg


icon л.01_ОД.dwg


icon л.02_План оборудования.dwg

icon л.03_План кабелей.dwg

icon л.04_План заземляющего устройства.dwg

icon л.05-08_Расчетные схемы ЩСН.dwg

л.05-08_Расчетные схемы ЩСН.dwg

icon л.09-20_Схема АВР-ЩСН на пост. токе.dwg

л.09-20_Схема АВР-ЩСН на пост. токе.dwg

icon л.22_Электроотопление_схема.dwg


icon л.23_АВР _ЭОбогрев.dwg

л.23_АВР _ЭОбогрев.dwg

icon л.24_ЭМ-cил спецификации.dwg

л.24_ЭМ-cил спецификации.dwg

icon л.25_В1_схема.dwg


icon л.26_Козырек.dwg


icon Р1_Расчет нагрузок.dwg

icon Р2_Расчеты кабелей.dwg

icon л.01_осв-ие общие данные.dwg

л.01_осв-ие общие данные.dwg

icon л.02_план освещения.dwg

icon л.03_Спецификация_ЭО.dwg


icon л.04_схема осв-ия.dwg

л.04_схема осв-ия.dwg

icon л.05_Схема АВР освещения.dwg

л.05_Схема АВР освещения.dwg

icon л.01_Общие данные.dwg

л.01_Общие данные.dwg

icon л.02-03_ВВ1.dwg


icon л.04-05_ВВ2.dwg


icon л.06-07_СВ.dwg


icon л.08-09_Отходящая линия к СД.dwg

л.08-09_Отходящая линия к СД.dwg

icon л.10-11_Отходящая линия к АД.dwg

л.10-11_Отходящая линия к АД.dwg

icon л.12-13_Отходящая линия КТП с ТСЗ.dwg

л.12-13_Отходящая линия КТП с ТСЗ.dwg

icon л.14-15_Отходящая линия 6кВ.dwg

л.14-15_Отходящая линия 6кВ.dwg

icon л.16-17_Отходящая линия РП КСАПТ.dwg

л.16-17_Отходящая линия РП КСАПТ.dwg

icon л.18-19_Головной выключатель УБПВД.dwg

л.18-19_Головной выключатель УБПВД.dwg

icon л.20-21_ТН.dwg


icon л.22_Шинный ввод 1.dwg

л.22_Шинный ввод 1.dwg

icon л.23_Шинный ввод 2.dwg

л.23_Шинный ввод 2.dwg

icon л.24_CР.dwg


icon л.25_ТСН.dwg


icon л.26-27_Защитный ТАВР.dwg

л.26-27_Защитный ТАВР.dwg

icon л.28_ЛЭШ.dwg


icon л.29_УРОВ.dwg

icon л.30_Схема дуговой защиты.dwg

icon л.31_План шинок.dwg

icon л.32_АПСигнализация.dwg


icon л.33_ЭМБ блокировка.dwg

л.33_ЭМБ блокировка.dwg

icon л.34_ТАВР.dwg


icon л.35_Схема ЗРУ-2.dwg

icon л.35_Схема ЗРУ-2.frw

л.35_Схема ЗРУ-2.frw

icon л.36_Структура_ПС.dwg

icon л.37-38_Выключатель ТСН_6кВ.dwg

л.37-38_Выключатель ТСН_6кВ.dwg

icon л. 02-07.dwg

л. 02-07.dwg

icon л.01_ЭП2од.dwg


icon л.08_ТАВР.dwg


icon л.01-02_ЭП3-Общие данные.dwg

icon л.02_План оборудования.dwg

icon л.04-05_План кабелей_Разрезы.dwg

icon л.06-07_Расчетные схемы АУОТ.dwg

л.06-07_Расчетные схемы АУОТ.dwg

icon л.08_Схема ЗРУ-2.dwg

icon л.09_ЗРУ-cил спецификации.dwg

л.09_ЗРУ-cил спецификации.dwg

icon л.10_НЕВА.dwg


icon л.11_Cхема соединений Сапфир.dwg

icon л.12-л.13_АККЭ.dwg

icon л.14_-АККЭ.dwg


icon л.15- л.16_АККЭ.dwg

л.15- л.16_АККЭ.dwg

icon л.17- л.18_АККЭ.dwg

л.17- л.18_АККЭ.dwg

icon л.19_АСТУЭ.dwg


icon л.20-22_Microscada.dwg


icon л.01_ТКЗ.DWG


icon л.06_Дифзащита.dwg


icon Л93_КА~1.DWG