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Reconstruction of sports and recreation complex

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Reconstruction of sports and recreation complex. Drawings of CG section. Plus Explanatory Note.

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1. Introduction

The decision to develop the design documentation was made on the basis of the design assignment.

Sports and recreation complex "YAMAL" at the address: st. Lenin 37, Muravlenko, Purovsky Ron, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, Russian Federation.

The technical solutions adopted in the working design comply with the current norms, rules and standards.

2. Information on the main natural climatic conditions of the territory

Regime hydrometeorological observations in the area were not carried out. To characterize the natural conditions of Muravlenko, data from long-term observations (1938-1988) at a hydrological post and weather station, materials from expeditionary surveys of the region and literary data were used.

The territories of Muravlenko and the surrounding area are located within the Purovskaya lowland, belonging to the West Siberian plain. Geologically, the plain is a young (post-Greek) platform covered with a powerful thickness of Quaternary sediments.

A characteristic feature of Quaternary deposits is the abundance of sands, indicating significant participation in the formation of sediments of current and lake waters.

The close occurrence to the surface of permafrost soils, which are a relative water stop, overwetting of the upper horizon (a large amount of precipitation and their low evaporation), difficult runoff of surface waters, high floods - all this leads to waterlogging of the territory. In the area of ​ ​ Muravlenko, swampiness reaches 45%. Swampy areas are represented by nomadic and mocha complexes of peatlands. Large hummingbirds and small hummocks with watercolors, open hummingbirds with ducts replace each other. All this is complicated by flat bulging hills up to 0.5-1.0 m high. The power of peat of swamps and swampy areas ranges from 0.4 to 1.0 m., In some areas of low floodplain up to 1.5 m. Peat is weakly and medium decomposed, sedge and peat - fluff - sphagnum. In a frozen state, the texture of peats is massive, microlenslike, porphyric. The volumetric weight of frozen peat reaches 0.85 g/cm3. Thermal conductivity coefficient of melted peat: 0.7 kcal/kg; frozen 1.15 kcal/mgrad; the volume heat capacity of tor-fa melt is 900 kcal/m3grad, frozen - 550 kcal/m3grad.

At the distribution sites of flat-charred moist peatlands with well-developed permafrost rocks, mutually interplating layers of sandy loam and loam form a sandy loam thickness of 1.0-5.0 m. The lower part of the alluvium from a depth of 10-15 m is composed of sands of small and medium size, sometimes with an admixture of gravel.

Lakes in the area are common on watersheds in depressions of hilly moraine relief and in a wide river valley. The surface area is 12%. Part of the lakes is gradually overgrown and thawed, turns into swamps.

The slight evaporation of atmospheric precipitation causes the creation by seepage of abundant groundwater, which mostly lie close to the surface. Soft, fresh, rather abundant groundwater in the sands of the Quaternary thickness forms several horizons at depths from 2 to 33-40 m from the surface. A deeper occurrence of groundwater level (up to 70 m.) And good drainage is noted on the river terrace, where the village of Purovsk is located.

In the area of ​ ​ Muravlenko, the waters of melted sediments are found mainly in sandy alluvial sediments of the floodplain and planted areas of floodplain terraces. These waters are characterized by a shallow occurrence - from 0.5-1.1 m. To 3-5 m., They have minor mineralization - up to 0.5 g/l, mainly they have a hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium composition and an acidic reaction.

Winter is cold, long (7-8 months), the average temperature of the coldest month of January is 29.80C - 310C (absolute minimum - 560C).

From mid-October, snow cover is established with a height of 50-60 cm. The duration of the period with stable frosts is 189-206 days. From December to March, frequent snowstorms (60-70 days a year).

The average annual temperature on the soil surface is 90C - 40C. Summer is short (50-60 days), relatively warm and humid from June 15 to August 15.

The average temperature of the warmest month of July 180C is 20.70C. Precipitation is mainly low in intensity, the largest number of them falls in July, August.

Transitional seasons (spring, autumn) are short and cool.

In winter, winds of the south and southeast directions prevail, in summer - the north-west direction. Very strong winds of 20 m/s are possible.

Annual precipitation rates are 394-461 ml.

Relative humidity is the highest in October - 85%.

According to sanitary and climatic zoning, the entire territory of the Purovskoye municipal district belongs to the construction climatic zone 1, subarea 1E. The climate is characterized by severe, highly variable weather in winter and moderately cold in summer.

3. Volumetric planning solutions

Building responsibility class - II

Functional fire hazard class of the building - F3.6

Fire resistance rating of the building - II

Structural fire hazard class of the building - CO

The body of the object has a rectangular broken shape in plan with dimensions in the extreme axes of 49.2x60 m. The length of the building is 60 m. The width is 49.2 m.

The administrative building is 11.4x47.7 m. The building is two-story, multi-level. The first floor of the ABK - elev. 0,000 - +2,600. Second floor of ABK - elev. + 2.800 - + 5.400. The first floor of the sports building - elev. 0, 520 - +7,280; 0,520 - +2,600. The second floor of the sports building is elev. + 2.800 - + 2.600. Height of attic room above ABK - el. + 7.110 - + 8.830. The height of the attic room above the sports complex is el. + 7.750 - + 10.770. The ABK building with a technical floor having a room height of 1.8 m.

4. Design Solutions

This section of the project was developed on the basis of the technical assignment for the implementation of the design documentation, the conclusion of the technical survey of the building.

The design documentation was developed in accordance with the design task approved by the urban planning plan of the land plot, in compliance with the requirements of the existing regulatory documents.

The project is implemented in compliance with the existing norms and rules, complies with the norms and rules of explosions and fire safety and ensures safe operation of the designed facilities.

4.1 Steel frame of the building.

Bearing structures of the second floor are made of metal frame, with spacing of 6000 mm, span of 18000 mm.

Columns of steel frame of the building are made of channels 50P, h = 8100 mm .

In the span - welded I-beams of the Bulgarian assembly, 550 mm.

4.2 External walls.

External walls of ABK and sports housing in axis 1 and A are made of hinged self-supporting wall panels, 300 mm thick.

The outer walls of the sports body are made of sandwich panels, 250 mm thick.

The heat engineering calculation revealed the following: the thermal conductivity coefficient of the existing external walls of the ABK and the sports building in the axis 1 and A does not correspond to the normalized one. The reconstruction project provides for the replacement of 50 mm insulation. mineral wool = 150 g/m3 by 200 mm. mineral wool = 100 g/m3.

4.3 Internal walls and partitions.

In the ABK in axis A/3, the internal walls are made of hinged self-supporting wall panels, 300 mm thick. Partitions in the reconstructed building are made of both ceramic concrete blocks and silicate brick. The renovation project identified some changes in the layout of the existing LCS building:

Dismantling brick partitions 120 mm thick. total area 66.6m2

Dismantling of ceramic concrete partitions 200 mm thick. in the amount of 14.3m3

Removal of internal doors in the amount of 12 pcs., External doors - 2 pcs.

Laying of 120 mm thick partitions. brick with a total area of ​ ​ 47.9 m2

Laying of partitions 200 mm thick. ceramic concrete blocks in the volume of 17 m3

Laying of 200mm thick doorways with 1,4m3 ceramic concrete blocks

4.4 Ceilings and coverings.

Floor slabs are made of railway slabs. In rooms 93 and 99, before filling the leveling layer of concrete, coat the floor surface with hot bitumen in 2 times, with entry to the walls of 100 mm.

Covering of sports halls, concert hall and pool are made of metal insulated panels on metal beams.

4.5 Roof.

The roof of the building is gable, ventilated, cold. The substructure system is made of metal trusses assembled from a double corner 60, 50 and channels 20 resting on non-core columns. Roof covering of building is made of folded metal galvanized sheet. The reconstruction project determined the widening of the auditory windows in order to achieve the normalized ventilation of the attic rooms.

4.6 Ladders.

Stairs in "YAMAL" JCS are made prefabricated reinforced concrete. Internal stairways are not affected by the reconstruction project. To provide access to low-mobility groups, a ramp with a slope of 10% of the right side of the entrance porch of the building is provided.

4.7 Landscaping, porches.

Replace the pavement of the building along the A/1 axis .

Drawings content

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