Reconstruction of Dostyk Street in Nursultan

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Additional information
Working project "Reconstruction of Dostyk street on the site from ave. Turan to the street. Orynbor. The section 1 from PK20 + 31 to PK23 + 66. "was developed on the basis of a task issued by the Main Directorate of Passenger Transport and Roads on February 20, 2014 The project was carried out on a planned basis, issued by Astana Orakhitektura LLP and updated on the materials of complex topogeodetic and engineering-geological surveys performed by Kazdorproekt FDI LLP
The PDP of the application area with the coordinates of the axis and red lines at the intersection points with promising streets, as well as the vertical layout scheme and a typical transverse profile with the layout of networks were obtained from the NIPI General Plan of Astana.
According to the task, the following sections were developed as part of the working project:
Roadway - main passage, local passages, intersections, exits;
Boulevard part, landscaping, IAF (sidewalks, lawns);
Utilities: Light-form alarm. Outdoor lighting. Water supply and sewerage. Storm sewer. Power supply and communications. Heat networks
Estimated documentation.
Engineering network design designs have been developed according to the network owners specification.
The working draft was agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure with all interested organizations.
Natural and climatic conditions
Geomorphologically, the design site is confined to the floodplain terrace of the river. Ishim. The surface of the design site and the adjacent territory is flat (built-up territory).
Rocks of the Mesokaynozoic crust of weathering along sandstones and aleurolites (eMzKz) take part in the geological structure of the site. Represented by loam with the inclusion of fragments of maternal rocks in the form of wood and small crushed stone from 10 to 30%, with lenses and interlayers of small power (510cm) of mother rocks, highly weathered, under the mechanical influence of crushed wood and crushed stone.
The thickness of the eluvial rocks is covered by alluvial deposits of medium-high-quaternary age (aQIIIII) represented by a layer of different-grained sands lying on the roof of the eluvial formations, above sandy loam and loam. From the surface there are bulk soils (tQIV) used during planning work during the development of the district. Bulk soil is represented by loam artificially compacted, in some areas mixed with the soil of the vegetable layer (the content of organic impurities is up to 14.5%).
CLIMATE (according to long-term observations of the Astana weather station)
Climatic zone as per SNiP RK 2.04012010 -Ic
Road-climatic zone according to SNiP RK 3.03.092006 * - IV .
Average air temperatures:
- Year - + 1.8 ° С;
- Hottest month (July) - + 20.4 ° С;
- Coldest:
- month (January) - -16.7 ° C;
- a five-day security of 0.98-36 ° С, security of 0.92-33 ° С;
- day with security of 0.98-41 ° С, security of 0.92-38 ° С.
1.2 Relief
Geomorphologically, the design site is confined to the left-bank floodplain terrace of the Ishim River. The general direction of the route from northwest to southeast. The surface of the design site and the adjacent area is of the nature of a weakly wavy plain. The natural terrain is partially disturbed during planning work (laying communications, old and new buildings). Along the entire length, the axis of the projected street passes through the territory of summer cottages, with residential and outbuildings and with the growth of wood-shrub plants.
Alluvial clay deposits of middle-upper quaternary age (apQIIIII) represented by loam and sandy loam and lenses take part in the geological structure of the design site to the investigated depth of 6.0 m. Below the base of the cut, to the explored depth, sands of medium size are composed.
1.3 Geotechnical conditions
According to the results of the chamber treatment of drilling operations and according to laboratory studies, the soils forming the survey territory were divided into engineering and geological elements in the sequence of their occurrence from top to bottom.
Modern technogenic education (tQIV)
EGE 0-1 - a vegetal layer of soil with roots of shrubs and trees, 0.2 a thickness of 0.3m, bulk. Present on the lawns of the boulevard part of the street.
EGE 0-2 - roadwear. Within the boundaries of the roadway of the existing street, it is represented by the following structure: pavement - asphalt concrete from a hot fine-grained mixture; base, upper layer - cement concrete, lower layer of crushed stone of metamorphic rocks. On sections of side driveways and parking lots: pavement - asphalt concrete made of hot fine-grained mixture thick; base - crushed stone of metamorphic rocks (detailed description in chapter 4).
EGE 0-3 - paving stone on sand-crushed stone preparation. Present in the landscaped boulevard part of the street and on pedestrian paths .
EGE 11, 1-2, 13, 1-4 - bulk soil, loam of light brown color, hard - semi-solid consistency, artificially compacted. Opened under road clothes and under a vegetal layer of soil. The thickness of the layer is 1.2 2, 1m.
EGE 2, 2-1 - bulk soil, grayish-black loam, solid - semi-solid consistency, artificially compacted. Mixed with soil of vegetal soil layer - content of organic impurities up to 14.5%. Present on certain sections of the boulevard part of the street. It is opened under road clothes and under the soil of the vegetal layer of soil. The thickness of the layer is 1.5 2, 6m.
Alluvial formations of middle-middle quaternary age (aQIIIII).
EGE 3, 32, 3-3 - light-brown loam, hard - half-wood consistency, with low-power sand layers. It is opened under bulk soil, in the boulevard part of the street under road clothes and soil of a vegetal layer of soil. The thickness of the layer is 1.0 3, 7m.
EGE 3-1 - light-porous loam, from refractory to soft-plastic consistency, with low-power layers of sand saturated with water. Opened at a depth of 2.0 sound4.3m. The opened layer power is 1.1 the 2.6m .
EGE 4 - light-pointed soup, plastic consistency. Opened at a depth of 2.0 sound4.3 m. The open layer power is 1.3 the 4.0m .
EGE 5-1 - dusty sand, light porous, medium density, saturated with water. Opened in the lower horizon, at a depth of 4.5m. The opened power is 1.5 m.
EGE 5-3 - medium-sized sand, light-porous, polymyctic composition, medium density, saturated with water. Opened in the lower horizon, at a depth of 4.2 5, 6 m. Uncovered power 0.4 sound 1, 8 m.
EGE 5-4 - sand of large polymyctic composition, medium density, saturated with water. The content of gravel particles is 18%. Opened in the lower horizon. at a depth of 4.7 m. Open power 1.3m .
EGE 5-5 - gravelly sand, medium density, saturated with water. The content of gravel particles is 32.3%. Opened at a depth of 5.0 m. The opened power is 1.0 m .
Soils forming the upper horizon of the design site (to the freezing depth) are subject to frost.
Soil propagation in plan and depth is reflected in engineering and geological sections. The location of the wells is shown in the attached plan.
According to laboratory data, the soils in the design area are not salted (GOST 25100). Above the established ground water level, possess sulphatic aggression, from weak to average degree to W4÷W8 brand concrete on usual portland cement. Chloride aggression, from weak to medium degree, to reinforced concrete structures (SNiP RK 2.01192004). The corrosive activity of soils with respect to carbon steel is high.
Recommendations - when designing, it is recommended to use normative values of soil characteristics given in Table No. 3 ;
- provide for measures to protect concrete and reinforced concrete structures from aggressive properties of soils and groundwater, corrosion protection of steel structures;
- excavation of the foundation shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.0187, SNiP RK 1.03052001;
- take into account design features on soils with inclusion of organic impurities;
- take into account design features on heavy soils, to provide measures against frost straining (laying of communications below the freezing depth, arrangement of a pillow made of unpowered soil, waterproofing, bituminous coatings);
- to prevent flooding by underground and surface waters of the territory, during construction and subsequent operation, we recommend to provide comprehensive engineering protection (organization of surface runoff, local protection of individual structures, creation of reliable water disposal protection, etc.).
Construction properties of soils in the route area for
use in the working layer of the earth belt
In the process of field work, soil of the working layer was examined under the existing roadway and within the boulevard part of the street for reconstruction.
The projected section of the street is located on a built-up territory. The close location of the river. Ishim, flowing east of the design site, in the flood period creates a threat of flooding of the site with surface water. Groundwater throughout the site is located close to the daily surface. The estimated groundwater horizon in the pre-frost period is located above the safe level (Nb. level. for sandy loam = 3.64 m. from the day surface, for dusty loams = 3.94 m. from the day surface). Groundwater will influence the humidification of the working layer (the location of the calculated groundwater horizon in the pre-frost period is reflected on the longitudinal profile, determined according to the "Manual" [11]).
According to the experience of construction in Astana, the demolition and subsequent development of the territory is accompanied by an increase in the level of groundwater as a result of leaks from water-carrying communications, disruption of the natural flow of groundwater, overlapping of condensate and other causes.
Considering the above circumstances, the design area is classified as the third type of terrain by the nature and degree of humidification.
On the projected section of the street (within the roadway), to the estimated depth of the core of the working layer, according to the results of engineering-geological survey and statistical processing of laboratory analyses of soils, two engineering-geological elements (EGE) were identified.
The density of soils forming the working layer does not meet the requirements of SNiP RK 3.03092006 *. The compaction coefficient, according to laboratory tests, ranges from 0.88 to 0.91 .
Soils are ubiquitous. Considering the location of the estimated groundwater horizon in the pre-frost period in the hazardous zone, if it is impossible to arrange water reduction, it is recommended to replace the soils with 2/3 of the freezing depth from the top of the road clothing.
Within the boundaries of the boulevard part of the street, nine engineering-geological elements (EGE) are allocated to the estimated depth of the core of the working layer. There are both bulk soils and natural soils. In some areas, during planning work, bulk soils mixed with soils of the vegetal soil layer were used (organic content up to 14.5%). The use of such soils in the working layer is not allowed. Soils everywhere (bulk and natural soils) are potentially buoyant. During reconstruction, in the case of local driveways and parking lots, it is recommended to replace the soils with 2/3 of the freezing depth from the top of the road clothing.
Replacement of soils is recommended to be performed with unpowered, draining soils with Kfilter. in a dense state not less than 1 m/day (crushed stone, sandy).
Soil propagation in plan and depth is reflected in the soil part of longitudinal and transverse profiles.
1.4 Hydrological and hydrogeological conditions
The design area is confined to the floodplain of the river. Ishim flowing in the immediate vicinity, east of the design area. In the flood period, there is a threat of flooding of the site with surface water. Groundwater at the design site was opened in alluvial formations at a depth of 3.30 sound4.40m (absolute elevations of 342.35 sound343.41m). The design horizon is recommended to be taken 1.5 m higher. The groundwater regime is subject to seasonal fluctuations, minimum standing is observed in January - February, maximum level rise in late April - early May. The predicted maximum estimated groundwater level in the spring is 1.85 wave2.19 (average 1.98 m) higher than noted for the survey period. The maximum estimated level of groundwater in the pre-frost period is 1.14 1, 33m (average 1, 20m) higher than noted for the survey period. Groundwater is fed by absorbing flood runoff and precipitation from the autumn-winter period. The aquifer is confined to a layer of grained sands. In clay formations, the distribution of groundwater is sporadic in nature, their presence is confined to lenses of sand and to ruffled layers of large-shell rocks in clay formations .
The values of soil filtration coefficients given in the list of physical and mechanical properties of soil bases are taken according to the generalized actual data for Astana of the Tselinograd department of KarGIIZ and according to laboratory tests.
According to the chemical composition, the groundwater is hydrocarbonate-sodium, with a dry residue of 891 mg/l and a total hardness of 8.7 mgeq/l. They have a slightly alkaline reaction (pH=7,0). Underground waters have weak carbon dioxide aggression to W 4 concrete, weak chloride to reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures during periodic wetting.
To Design a Roadway
Excavation volumes were calculated by the method of transverse profiles taking into account the thickness of the roadway, sidewalks and lawns, as well as the removal of CAP.
The amount of excavation works is:
on the roadway:
- trough arrangement: excavation - 47419 m3, filling - 511 m3;
along the boulevard part:
- excavation - 12811, filling - 2325 m3;
During the construction of the right-turn congress along Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, the project provides for the construction of ledges with a width of at least 2 m, with the expansion of the existing embankment. The slopes of the existing embankment must be blown up to a depth of 0.3 m.
Before installation of layers of road clothing, the bottom of the trough must be compacted to Ku - 0.98 with Type 1 and Ku - 0.95 with Type 3 road clothing.
Attention! Excavation works during vertical layout, arrangement of trough and trenches for engineering networks shall be carried out only in the presence of the owners of communications laid in the places of work.
3.2 Design of longitudinal profile
The longitudinal profile is designed along the street axis taking into account the control marks issued by the NIPI General Plan of Astana, according to which the street profile is interconnected with the vertical layout of the adjacent building.
Working elevation of not less than 6 cm is maintained in longitudinal profile to provide laying of design thickness of asphalt concrete mixture. Due to the fact that the existing carriageway is widened and cannot be dismantled, for leveling the cross section to design slopes, an arrangement of a leveling layer of porous coarse asphalt concrete mixture is provided
3.3 Cross Profile Design
To ensure the flow of surface water into rainwater wells, the roadway is designed with a two-pitched profile.
The roadway of the street is designed with transverse slopes of 1520 ‰ to the edges, sidewalks of 5 ‰ - 30 ‰ towards the roadway.
The transverse slope of the stopping areas is 525 ‰ towards the roadway tray.
Lawns for linking with the design elevations of the development according to the RDP are designed with a slope of 1040 ‰ both towards the roadway and back.
At the approaches to the intersections, a smooth transition is provided from the transverse slopes adopted on the roadway to the slopes of the vertical layout of the intersection.
Design of small artificial structures
Small architectural forms in the project are located in places of stopping points of public transport next to green spaces and are represented by benches and urns, urns are also placed throughout the sidewalks on both sides at a distance of 5070 m from each other. The location and quantity are shown in the Landscaping and Landscaping Plan drawing.
4.2 Calculation of storm water runoff
The design of the relief of the boulevard part was carried out taking into account the provision of meltwater and rain water diversion towards the roadway, where rainwater wells of storm sewage are arranged .
The vertical layout of the boulevard part is solved by the method of design contours with a section of 0.1 m. The minimum transverse slopes are 5 40 ‰. The plan for organizing the relief of the boulevard part is carried out together with the roadway and is presented on the sheets "Relief Organization Plan."
4.3 Calculation of meltwater runoff
The removal of rain and meltwater from the roadway of the street is provided by longitudinal and transverse slopes of the roadway and along the trays along the edges to the rainwater wells of the designed storm sewage system .
5. Roadway Design
According to the Customer's task, road clothing is provided for a rigid type - asphalt concrete pavement on a cement concrete base.
The design and calculations of road clothing (the purpose of the material of layers and their thickness) were carried out comprehensively using materials for design: SN RK 3.03192006 "Design of non-rigid type roadwear," SN RK 3.03342006 "Instructions for the design of rigid road clothing"; "Road structures of Astana" SKD 0102.
The thickness of the layers of road clothing of the main carriageway - (asphalt concrete coating on a cement concrete base) is calculated on the basis of the condition of the work of road clothing on strength under the influence of the design load, depending on the amount of adhesion between the layers of asphalt concrete and cement concrete, taking into account the joint work of these layers on bending.
Composition of movement in%:
Passenger - 92.5%;
Cargo - 2.5%;
Buses - 5%;
The following data were taken into account in the calculation of road pavements:
1. Road - climatic zone IV;
2. Type of terrain by nature and type of humidification 3;
3. Type of road clothing - capital;
4. Strength factor - 1.0;
5. Reliability factor - 0.95;
6. Design load - Car of group A1.
Organization of the movement
This type of work consists in the installation of permanent road signs and signs, supports and posts for them.
Materials shall comply with the following standards:
Panels of road signs ST RK 1125-2002
Attachment and posts of signs GOST 2545982, GOST 2545882 and Album of typical structures, series 3.503.980.
Road signs are installed in accordance with GOST 2345786 and ST RK 11252002 according to the Sign Installation List.
The design provides for the installation of closed type signs (type I and II) on the racks not closer than 0.6m from the front surface of the side stones. If it is technically impossible to install road signs in the places provided for by the layout scheme, minor changes in their location are allowed, taking into account local conditions, when agreed with the representative of the UDP Internal Affairs Department of Astana.
Supports and posts of road signs are installed using special devices on the prepared foundation in accordance with the Album of typical structures of the 3.503.980 series. All supports damaged during installation are replaced.
Panels of road signs are installed on supports in accordance with the Album of typical designs of the 3.503.980 series. It is allowed to install signs from prefabricated panels of individual design, at the place of their installation .
All face surfaces of the sign panels shall be retro-reflective (type 3B) and then coated with colourless lacquer, the quality of the coatings shall be in accordance with their certificates and pre-tested .
White cold plastic markings are applied by special machines to a prepared coating that meets the regulatory requirements for flatness and coupling qualities.
Before marking, the surface of the roadway is cleaned of debris, dirt and foreign objects, as well as organic binders, lubricants with special solutions. The markup boundaries are then marked using geodetic tools according to the Layout Sheet.
Marking lines shall have a clear, uniform and accurate appearance, both during the day and at night, in accordance with GOST 1350878. Areas with cold plastic should be protected from collision of vehicles until it completely dries.
Materials have to correspond to ST of PK11242003 (Change No. 4) and the existing standards, to have the certificate of conformity. The type of markings used should be aligned with Kazdorproekt FDI LLP.
Road Safety Analysis by Accident Rate Methods
Traffic regulation, safety and organization are provided in accordance with the recommendations of SNiP RK 3.03092006 "Roads" by installing road signs, marking devices, installing signal columns and barrier fencing.
The installation of road signs is provided for the I and II stage of road reconstruction separately for each side. When opening traffic on a new lane (1 stage), before commissioning the entire complex, it is necessary to install temporary road signs (it is possible from the dismantling of existing ones) for the safe joint operation of the new and existing road lanes at the intersection and junction sections.
In total, it is provided to install road signs 58 pcs.
Sign panels should be made of galvanized metal with a calculated thickness for zone III by wind load, with a retroreflective film type 3-V. The type size of the boards is adopted as for highways - III.
Metal posts of road signs are fixed by prefabricated foundations and installed on sprinkled berms.
To ensure the transit passage of pedestrians along the entire length of the designed section of the street, sidewalks with a width of 3.0m were designed on both sides according to the customer's task.
The location of transit sidewalks with a width of 3.0m is assigned according to specific conditions. During construction works it is allowed to adjust due to changes and refinements on the ground.
Along the edges of the roadway along the entire length, on the basis of the Customer's task, an adjacent (technical) sidewalk with a width of 0.8 m is arranged, the functional purpose of which is to protect the adjacent lane of the roadway from pollution from the lawn and ensure the safety of the adjacent strip of the lawn from embarkation during landing and disembarkation of passengers from vehicles.
The construction of pavement paving is designed taking into account the passage of special vehicles weighing 6.0 tons.
Construction of roadworks of transit and technical sidewalks:
paving stone - 0.08m;
fine sand for leveling layer - 0.05 m;
fractionated crushed stone - 0.12 m;
medium-grained sand - 0.15 m.
The side stone separating the sidewalk from the lawn is adopted by the BR brand 100.25.10 from vibrated cement concrete (manufactured by Aple Sity in Astana).
Project Part
Green spaces on the street play an important role in the architectural and artistic perception of the street space and protecting the population from traffic noise, dust, exhaust gases of cars. The project provides for the planting of trees and shrubs on green lanes between the roadway and sidewalks located along red lines.
The assortment of shrubs is selected, in accordance with the climatic conditions of the district, the category of the street - citywide, as well as with the general compositional solution of landscaping the street, of the most gas-resistant and fast-growing varieties - pyramidal poplar, Siberian apple tree.
A two-row yellow acacia hedge is provided on the green strip along the sidewalks.
Two-row planting is carried out at the rate of 5 seedlings per 1 linear meter, the gap between the rows is 0.5 m. A number of trees are planted behind a hedge.
Landscaping works should be carried out after the construction of the roadway cover, sidewalks and laying of utilities. Trees are planted with a coma of land.
Plant trees and shrubs only with benign standard seedlings that meet the Gosstandart:
- hardwood seedlings GOST 2490981;
- shrub seedlings GOST 2483581.
Planting plants with a root system in a coma of the earth is possible both in winter and in summer. The size of the ground coma should be equal to 1015 times the size of the trunk diameter at a height of 1.3 m. The size of the landing pit should be greater than the ground coma:
width by 80100 cm, depth by 3040 cm. The space between the walls of the pit and the coma is filled with fertile soil mass. The size of the planting pit 1.0 m and H = 0.8 m. According to Item 1.3 of the Recommendations for the Creation and Maintenance of Green Spaces of the City of Astana, the project provides for the installation of lawns with a layer thickness of soil and fertile soil 0.22 m. A drainage screen layer (DES) of sand 0.10 m thick is arranged on a planned and compacted surface.
Lawns are arranged by sowing with grass mixture (with flow rate of 40gr/m2) with simultaneous watering of 10m3 with water per 100m2.
Prior to commissioning, the contractor needs to perform care work on trees and lawns. Perform additional watering of trees - 4 times, lawns - 10 times, 2 times weed and 2 times cut lawns.
Estimated Financial Calculation
The estimated cost of construction is determined in the current prices for SN RK 8.02042002 and for city catalogs on the basis of the "Bill of Quantities," detailed documentation drawings and specifications in current prices.
Prices for materials are accepted for new collections.
12. Organization of construction
Prior to commencement of construction works for reconstruction it is necessary to perform :
- Disassembly of intersections, exits, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, lawns, billboards, car pavilions, road signs;
- planning of territory and arrangement of trough for road carriageway of parking lots and sidewalks;
The project provides for milling of the existing carriageway by a thickness of 5 cm. The edges of the existing carriageway are milled by the entire thickness of asphalt concrete and by a width of 0.5 m, for the subsequent placement of reinforcing glass mesh on the seam of interface with the widened carriageway. Milled asphalt concrete (asphalt granulate), existing paving, side stones, road signs, auto pavilions should be transferred to the regional akimats for subsequent use in medium street repairs. Crushed stone, asphalt crushed stone and crushed stone sand material should be collected and stored for reuse in the construction of road clothing. The project also provides for the removal and removal to lowered places of existing soil on lawns. The disassembled concrete foundation shall be taken to landfill. Along Orynbor Street, partial dismantling of retaining walls on approaches to the transport facility is provided. All prep quantities are listed in the Summary BOQ.
After completion of the preparatory period it is necessary to perform all works on the construction of new, removal and protection of existing underground utilities according to the working drawings.
During the reconstruction of the road, high transport and operational qualities were obtained at a minimum of construction costs, and it was found that these costs would pay off in 0.5 years.
This road ensures safe movement of both single vehicles with a design speed and traffic flows with a high level of convenience, even in the most unfavorable periods of the year.
This project provides the best combination of road elements with terrain and the lowest negative environmental impact.
The designed road allows you to drive along it at any time of the year, regardless of weather factors.
Thus, this project has significantly improved traffic conditions, increased safety and speed.

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