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Reconstruction of the first floor of the house on Aitek bi street in Taraz for a coffee shop - OW


Working project.
The Coffee Shop heating system is designed - single-tube vertical with lower wiring. Main pipelines are laid with slope i = 0.002. The heating system pipelines shall be made of polyethylene pipes. Insulation - mineral wool 40 mm thick. The cover layer is fiberglass roll. Aluminum "HELYOS R" are used as heating devices. Heat transfer of heating devices is controlled by automatic temperature controllers of RTD-G-20 type. Air is removed from the system by STD-7073 valves installed on the instruments. Pipelines after installation are subject to hydraulic test for strength and density: test water pressure exceeding the working pressure in the heating system by 1.5 times, but not less than 0.6 MPa: constant water pressure equal to the working pressure of the water in the heating system, but not less than 0.4 MPa.

Project's Content

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