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Project of the site for the production of rubber mixture with a capacity of 3,600 tons / year

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In this thesis, the project of the site for the production of a rubber mixture with a capacity of 3,600 tons / year, intended for the manufacture of parts of various designs, machines and devices, a variety of rubber products, is considered.

The first section discusses the structure, composition and properties of rubbers; molecular structure of polymers; the characteristics of the rubber ingredients are described; the areas of application of rubber are also described.

         The second chapter describes the design of the rubber compound manufacturing site; annual production program and describes the modes of operation and time funds at this site 

         The technological process section describes in detail the process of manufacturing a rubber mixture.

         In the section labor protection, an analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors is carried out, measures to reduce them are proposed; the maximum permissible energy flux density was calculated; describes the safety precautions in the performance of the production process.

         In the section industrial ecology, an analysis of the ecological state of the plant's environment is carried out. The calculation of the emission of harmful substances was made, the methods of utilization and elimination of production waste were described.

         In the economic part, the cost of production, the wage fund and wages of workers were calculated, the annual economic effect and the payback period of the project were also calculated.


Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Characteristics of rubber materials

1.1 Nomenclature of polymer structure

1.2 Rubber

2  Workshop design..

2.1 Annual Production Program

2.2 Operating mode and time funds

2.3 Calculation of requirements for main process equipment...   

2.4 Room layout and equipment placement

3 Production process of mixtures

3.1 Production process of the mixture in rubber mixers

3.2 Mixing in rubber kneader

3.3 Factors affecting the mixing process in the rubber mixer

3.4 Loading Procedure for Ingredients

3.5 Mixing Time

4 HP JN mixer

4.1 Equipment Principle

4.2 Design of main units and conventional parts

5 Occupational safety

5.1 Analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors in the workshop

5.1.2 Harmful air concentrations

5.1.3 Microclimate parameters on the site.. 

5.1.4 Ventilation

5.1.5 Ionizing radiation

5.1.6 Electromagnetic radiation

5.1.7 Noise and vibration

5.1.8 Electric current

5.1.9 Static Electricity

5.2 Occupational safety measures

5.2.1 Measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances

5.2.2 Noise reduction measures

5.2.3 Main Lighting Solutions

5.2.4 Fire Safety Measures

 Fire safety calculation  

 Safety precautions when operating a driver with a rubber mixer

5.4.1 General Safety Requirements

5.4.2 Safety requirements before starting operation

5.4.3 Safety requirements during operation

5.4.4 Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.4.5 Safety requirements upon completion of operation

6 Industrial ecology

6.1 State Analysis of Rubber Mix Production Site

6.2 Calculation of emissions of harmful substances during manufacture of rubber mixtures

6.3 Waste disposal and disposal.. 

7 Economic part

7.1 Justification of production type and organization of production process

7.2 Determining the Value of Fixed Assets and Depreciation

7.3 Calculation of the number of employees

7.4 Calculation of remuneration of employees

7.5 Material Requirements Calculation

7.6 Calculation of overhead costs


List of literature used



The rubber industry covers enterprises whose main raw materials are rubber, and finished products are rubber products. The range of rubber products is extremely wide and constantly expanding; now it exceeds 60 thousand items. Rubber products are used in almost all areas of the national economy and in everyday life.

The main volume of rubber products (over 80%) is produced in the form of parts of various structures, machines and devices. Among them should be mentioned primarily tires. The second place in terms of production (but not in terms of assortment) is occupied by various rubber technical products - conveyor belts, drive belts, sleeves, rubber-metal, rubber-textile and purely rubber parts of various machines, devices and structures, rubberized technical fabrics, products from them, etc., as well as individual engineering objects - boats, rafts, pontoons, etc. Finally, the third place is occupied by rubber shoes, household products and sanguigiens; this should include those asbotechnical products that are made using rubber - brake linings for various machines, friction clutch discs, gaskets, seals, etc.

Rubber is a multicomponent system consisting of rubber and additives, which come into complex interaction with rubber and with each other. The main component of the system is rubber; it is a polymer characterized by a low glass transition or crystallization temperature, which allows the products of these polymers to operate in a highly elastic state in a sufficiently wide temperature range (-100 + 300 ° C). Currently, in addition to natural rubber, the rubber industry has a wide range of synthetic rubbers (SK), which allows you to create rubber products with a wide variety of properties. The possibilities of the rubber industry in this regard are enhanced by the method of combining rubbers with each other or with other polymers. The use of various kinds of additives (ingredients of rubber mixtures) allows to further diversify the properties of rubber. The unvulcanized rubber/ingredient mixture is referred to as the rubber mixture and is the base material from which the rubber article is made.

However, in most rubber products, reinforcing materials are also used - textile fibers, threads, fabrics, metal wire and various shaped metal products.

The technology for the production of tires and rubber technical products (RTI) includes a number of operations, transitions and conversions of raw materials and raw materials. Processing of raw materials into products at plants of the rubber industry consists in changing its properties, state, shape and dimensions as a result of physical and mechanical effects and chemical transformations. The combination of targeted actions to turn raw materials and materials into finished products in industry is called a technological process.

With all the variety of rubber products, their production is based on a single technological scheme: preparation of materials, preparation of rubber mixtures, manufacture of semi-finished products, production of blanks, vulcanization, finishing. The first three processes are common for the production of all types of products. The following three (production of blanks, vulcanization and finishing) are different in each type of production, and sometimes in individual groups of products of the same type.

The production of rubber products is based on the processing of polymer materials, one of the main features of which is the conversion at the final stage (vulcanization) of plastic rubber or rubber mixture into elastic rubber, that is, an irreversible change in the structure and physical properties of the starting material. The process of processing consists in mechanical deformation of rubber or rubber mixture, which leads to plastic deformations and is accompanied by complex physicochemical transformations. Under processing conditions, rubber and rubber mixture do not transition to the state of melt and have a number of features of mechanical behavior (relaxation phenomena, elastic component of general deformation); rubber is capable of destruction and premature vulcanization. Therefore, when processing, it is necessary to take into account their viscoelastic and adhesion frictional properties.

In the production of RTI, it is envisaged to further expand the range of products and increase its quality with the simultaneous introduction of new progressive processes and equipment.

Characteristics of rubber materials

Non-metallic materials are increasingly used in various branches of technology. Sufficient strength, rigidity, elasticity at low density, chemical resistance in many aggressive media, the level of dielectric properties in their processability make non-metallic materials indispensable.

By origin, non-metallic materials distinguish between natural, artificial and synthetic. Natural materials, for example, include such organic materials as natural rubber, wood, resins (amber, rosin), cotton, wool, flax, etc. Inorganic drive materials include graphite, asbestos, mica, and some rocks. Artificial organic materials are obtained from natural polymer products (viscose fiber, cellophane, esters and ethers, cellulose). Synthetic materials are prepared from simple low molecular weight compounds.

It is from artificial and synthetic materials that it is possible to design and combine the properties of starting materials in order to obtain

specified properties of the final product and finished products. As a result, synthetic non-metallic materials displace natural materials and are the most common.

Annual Production Program

The form of the task in the form of an assortment program is characteristic of the design of large-scale and mass production, as well as for reconstructed workshops with an established range of products.

The workshop program is determined by the amount of processed raw materials for the production of suitable products, based on the weight of the product. Processing methods, weight of finished products and annual output volumes are known .

During the processing of the rubber mixture, raw material waste is formed - return and irretrievable. Return losses (scrap, trimmings, etc.) can be used as additives to raw materials, if this is permitted by the specifications (in the amount of not more than 1520%), or for the production of non-essential parts. The design calculations use the averaged data given below [1168] to calculate the mass of the feedstock: The mass of the feedstock is calculated after selecting grades of rubber mixtures and determining the actual volumes of product output. It is used when calculating the number of workers associated with raw material preparation and waste processing.

Mixing in rubber mixers

Basically, rubber mixtures in modern factories are prepared in rubber mixers. Rubber mixers have advantages over rollers and are characterized by

1) higher performance;

2) better working conditions and safety of work;

3) greater possibilities for automation of the displacement process;

4) lower power consumption (approximately 1520%).

The process of treating the mixture in a rubber mixer may be carried out in one or two steps.

One-step offset process

Rubber mixture is discharged from rubber mixers in the form of formless large pieces. Rolls are used to sheet the rubber mixture, thereby facilitating the cooling and laying of rubber mixtures. Therefore, rubber mixers always work in the same unit as rollers.

The order of displacement in rubber mixers of PC25020 type is as follows. First, when the lower gate is closed, rubbers, regenerate, solid softeners are loaded into it, then after a certain period of time, powdered ingredients and other softeners are loaded in 2-4 takes. After the next loading, the upper shutter is closed each time. At the end of the set time, the lower seal is opened and the rubber mixture is discharged onto the rollers by means of a belt conveyor or through an inclined trough.

Rollers operating in a unit with a rubber mixer are installed next to it or under it. In the latter case, rubber mixers are mounted on a special site.

On rollers, the rubber mixture is cooled, so sulfur and some accelerators are usually introduced into the rubber mixture on the rollers. At the same time, the possibility of premature vulcanization of the rubber mixture is significantly reduced. In addition, additional treatment of the rubber mixture on the rollers increases its uniformity.

Due to the fact that the charge capacity of the rubber mixer is much larger than the optimum charge capacity of the rolls, certain difficulties are created when introducing sulfur into the rubber mixture. In practice, the following method of sulfur management has been developed. After acceptance of the rubber mixture on the rolls about 2\3 it is cut into a pan, and sulfur is introduced into the remaining part of the mixture. The previously cut portion of the mixture is then loaded onto rollers and the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed. The introduction of sulfur is much faster and more evenly distributed in the rubber mixture.

At the end of the displacement process, the rubber mixture is cut from the rolls in the form of sheets 810 ml thick and cooled. Such a displacement process is called one-step.

Factors affecting the mixing process in the rubber mixer

Displacement in the rubber mixers is influenced by the following factors: the weighing of the rubber mixture, the order of loading of the ingredients, the duration of mixing, the displacement temperature, the pressure of the upper gate, the frequency of rotation of the rolls (rotors) of the rubber mixer.

The volume of the suspension (filling) of the rubber mixture obtained in one displacement cycle should be equal to the loading capacity of the mixing chamber; the latter depends primarily on the free volume of the mixing chamber. In addition, the capacity, loading of the mixing chamber of the rubber mixer, and, consequently, the volume of the mixture obtained in one displacement cycle, depends on the composition of the rubber mixture and the type of rubber. Higher capacity loading is allowed up to softer and more ductile rubber mixtures.

The volume of the rubber mixture to be treated increases as the ingredients increase during the displacement cycle and at each given moment depends on the loading order of the ingredients .

The maximum volume of the rubber mixture when mixed in the RS 250 rubber mixer is 140165 liters.

The shear stress and energy consumption during mixing depend not only on the viscosity of the rubber and rubber mixture, but also on the volume of the mixture moved by the rotor ridges (blades), so an increase in the volume of the treated rubber mixture to a certain limit leads to an increase in the quality and intensity of mixing.

Order of ingredients loading

In the manufacture of rubber mixtures in a single step based on rubbers having increased rigidity, there is a risk of significant heating of the rubber mixture and its subvulcanization, so the ingredients are gradually loaded in 4-5 steps; first - rubber with ingredients used in small quantities (antiquants, activators, fatty acids), then - carbon black and other fillers, and last - softeners. Sometimes alternating or simultaneous loading of fillers and softeners is used. However, when softeners and camouflaging carbon black (clumping soot) are simultaneously loaded into the mixing chamber, the distribution of the latter in the rubber mixture deteriorates and the physical and mechanical properties of the rubbers decrease.

Fillers and other powdered ingredients, especially carbon black, zinc and magnesium oxides, are better distributed in a viscous medium under conditions of increased shear stresses, which are proportional to the energy consumed when mixing energy per unit time (power). The viscosity of rubbers and rubber mixtures decreases with increasing temperature (the degree of decrease in viscosity depends on the type of rubber), therefore, in order to increase the shear stress when mixing fillers and, especially, carbon black is introduced at the beginning of the mixing cycle, when the rubber has not yet had time to warm up and maintains an increased viscosity. For the same reason, the softeners are added after dispersing the carbon black. This is especially possible in the manufacture of mixtures based on soft rubbers (oil-filled butadievsterile and butadievmethylsterile, SCI 3, natural rubber plasticate and combinations thereof) with a Defoe stiffness of not more than 11, 012.0 N (11001200 g). With the introduction of softeners after the distribution of technical carbon in the rubber mixture, the degree of its agglomeration (camping) decreases, as well as the physical and mechanical characteristics of rubber are improved. The latter depend on the ratio of the mixing time of technical carbon with rubber and the mixing time of softeners with rubber and technical carbon. The best results are obtained at a certain ratio, which depends on the formulation, and above all on the type of rubber and the type of filler. An even greater increase in shear stress in the production of mixtures based on oil-filled butadiene-styrene and other soft rubbers is achieved by loading all materials into the mixing chamber. With the exception of sulfur, at the beginning of the cycle and with an increase in the volume of the treated mixture, i.e., with an increase in the capacity of the equipment load, as previously recalled.

Duration of mixing

In rubber mixers, the mixing time is much shorter than on the rollers, since the mixing process occurs in almost the entire volume of the rubber mixture (not only in the gap between the rotating rollers, but also between the rotors and the walls of the mixing chamber). The duration of the mixing cycle depends on the composition of the rubber mixture, the type of rubber, the volume of ingredients to be introduced, the order in which they are loaded, and therefore the mixing intensity. As the carbon black content of the rubber mixture increases, the displacement time increases. At application of rezinosmesitely PC25020 and PC25030 duration of mixture is 12 and 7 min. according to.

The most intense mixing in the rubber mixer occurs with the upper closure closed. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the duration of the individual operations associated with loading the ingredients is minimal. In practice, with the use of advanced operating methods, the duration of the closed top seal mixer is about 70% of the total mixing time.

Increasing the mixing time contributes to improving the uniformity of the distribution of ingredients only to a certain limit, limited by the level of plasticity and the temperature of the rubber resin .

4 HP SR mixer 250

Rubber mixers are the main type of equipment used to prepare rubber mixtures and plasticize natural rubber. The rubber mixer is a closed chamber with rolls rotating towards each other with a shaped profile or a worm-type machine, into the loading funnel of which all components of the rubber mixture are supplied in a certain sequence.

The advantages of rubber mixers are: sealing the working process (as a result of which loose components do not wake up and there is no dust release), more favorable material mixing conditions, high productivity, a significant reduction in the duration of the mixing process, and work safety. In addition, the rubber mixers are easily aggregated with the post-treatment machines; the process occurring in them is amenable to automation.

There are periodic and continuous rubber mixers. Periodic rubber mixers include machines in which components are loaded and the finished mixture is discharged periodically. Continuous rubber mixers are machines in which the loading and unloading of the finished mixture occurs continuously.

Periodic rubber mixers differ from each other in size and volume of simultaneously loaded material, shape of rotor working part, rotation frequency, drive power and pressure on processed material in mixing chamber.

Depending on the cooling method, all the rubber mixers are divided into two groups. The first group includes machines with open cooling of the mixing chamber, the second - with closed cooling.

4.1 Principle device of rubber mixer

The working elements of the rubber mixer are rotors and a chamber consisting of two semi-cylinders (half-chambers) and two sidewalls and closed in the lower part by the gate of the loading device, and in the upper part - by the weight of the upper gate.

Rotors rotate towards each other at slightly different speeds.

Mixing of ingredients with rubbers is performed mainly in sickle-shaped gap formed by rotor blade contour and chamber wall, and in gap between blade ridge and chamber wall.

Rotors are rotated in rolling bearings mounted in side lugs.

Labyrinth seals are installed in places of rotors outlet of their chamber.

Mixing chamber in upper part is mated with loading funnel and upper shutter, and in lower part - with folding shutter of unloading device.

Rotors, mixing chamber housing and folding gate hump are cooled by water. The water flow is controlled manually by means of valves.

To prevent wear, rotor ridges, as well as working surfaces of mixing chamber and hunchback of folding gate are directed with hard alloy.

Rotors are driven by electric motor through blockdector, slow-moving shafts of which are connected to rotors by means of hinged couplings.

The ingredients of the rubber mixture are loaded through a loading funnel in which a loading door is provided for loading rubbers, rosin, an opening in the rear wall for loading soot, holes in the side posts for loading bulk.

To introduce liquid components into mixing chamber under pressure without lifting load of upper gate, pneumatic-controlled valve is installed in side of mixing chamber.

Bulk and liquid component tanks, as well as a pump for supplying liquid components to the rubber mixer packages, are not included.

The mixture is discharged from the chamber through an opening closed during mixing of the hunchback flap.

To suck gases and dust above the loading funnel, an exhaust roller is installed, which is connected to the ventilation system of the workshop.

To measure the temperature of the rubber mixture in the side of the mixing chamber and in the hunchback of the folding gate with an installed thermocouple, connected to one indicating device through a switch.

To control the temperature of cooling water at the inlet and outlet, liquid components (at the inlet to the valve) and oil in the hydraulic tank of the hydraulic drive station installed in resistance thermometers, connected to one indicating device through a switch.

Rotor supports are spherical two-row roller bearings.

To ensure easy installation and removal, bearings are installed on the rotor on the adapter bushing.

Bushing is protected from turning relative to rotor by key. Sealing of rotors with chamber - 3-ring labyrinth and bushing with reverse screw thread.

4.2 Design of main units and conventional parts

The structure provides for the possibility of adjusting the axial clearance in the labyrinth due to grinding and distance rings.

Half-chambers of the mixing chamber are cast-welded.

Shell is welded to cast housing of half-chamber, inner surface of which is working surface of mixing chamber.

Between the shell and the housing there are cavities for cooling - "jacket."

A characteristic feature of the loading funnel is that the rear wall is attached to the side posts of the funnel with bolts.

This should give the funnel additional rigidity. Loading door is driven by pneumatic cylinders. The extreme positions of the door (open, closed) are controlled by the end switches. An opening in the rear wall of the soot loading funnel and an opening in the side layers for loading loose closed plugs of sheet steel. When connecting the respective containers, these blinds shall be removed. If the ingredients are loaded into the mixture only through the loading door, the plugs must be preserved, and it is recommended that they be reinforced and locked to the inside of the plate, which in size and thickness should correspond to the opening or window to be closed and should not protrude inwardly beyond the working surfaces of the funnel. Using these plates, not only the reinforcement of the plugs is achieved, but also the "pockets" in which the ingredients of the mixture can accumulate are eliminated. These slabs are not included in the delivery package of the Bolshevik plant and are carried out locally by the customer's forces and means. The load of the upper seal during operation can be in 3 positions in the extreme, in the extreme lower under pressure, and in the extreme lower without pressure (floating position). Cargo extreme positions are controlled by limit switches. To keep the load in the upper position, during repair commissioning work, the structure provides for two fuses installed on the side posts of the loading funnel.

The upper gate of this structure differs in that in the lower position the rod of the pneumatic cylinder presses directly on the weight, while the pin is unloaded .

In the upper position, the piston rests against the cover of the pneumatic cylinder, and a gap remains between the load and the crosspiece, thereby eliminating the transfer of tensile forces to the rod. The unloading device consists of a folding bolt and a locking device.

Hinged shutter is made in form of lever fitted on shaft and hunchback secured on lever. Shutter shaft in bronze bushings pressed into sides of mixing chamber. The "floating" attachment of the hump to the lever of the hinged shutter using studs and springs allows the hump to be mixed in the opening of the mixing chamber. This ensures accurate and tight closure of surfaces of mixing chamber conjugated with humpback. Humpback has drilled holes for cooling. Cooling water is supplied to the hump through the shaft of the folding gate. Folding gate is driven by means of hydraulic motor secured on side of mixing chamber and connected to shaft of folding gate by splined coupling. The hydraulic motor allows rotation (opening) of the hinged shutter by an angle of 135 degrees to unload the mixture and by an angle of 180 degrees to service (cleaning, etc.) the final pressing and holding of the shutter in the closed position is provided by the locking device. The extreme positions of the shutter (closed, open) are controlled by the end switches. Cooling system provides for closed cooling of working elements (half-chambers, rotors and hunchback of folding gate).

The cooling tools of the same name are connected in series, thereby reducing the flow rate of water and increasing its flow rate. Water is supplied from a supply manifold, in which a shut-off valve is provided on the supply of a mesh filter with a sump, a water sensor for determining the water flow showing and summing a pressure gauge and branches with a cooled body.

Valves for water flow control are provided on the branches.

Pneumatic system (refer to the schematic pnemvatic diagram) includes equipment for air preparation of control and distribution equipment, as well as utilities (pipelines) for control of pneumatic cylinders of the upper, shutter, loading door and valve for introduction of liquid components. Pneumatic equipment is arranged in dust-proof cabinet.

To clean compressed air from moisture and metal impurities, as well as to supply finely sprayed oil to the pneumatic system, a moisture separator and an oil sprayer are installed. Open and close the unloading door using 2 pneumatic cylinders.

Compressed air supply to pneumatic cylinders is performed using 4x running 2x position air distributor with electro-pneumatic control. When EM11 electromagnet is switched on, compressed air enters rod chambers of pneumatic cylinders and piston chambers are connected to atmosphere. throttles with check valve (6) 1and (6) 2 are installed on pipelines connecting air distributor to pneumatic cylinders, which provide free air passage when supplied to pneumatic cylinders and flow rate control during exhaust (throttling ).

By adjusting the flow section of the throttles, smooth operation of the pneumatic cylinders is achieved. In addition, needle throttles are provided on the covers of pneumatic cylinders to adjust the braking speed at the end of the stroke, which prevents impacts in extreme positions. Compressed air is supplied to pneumatic cylinder of valve for introduction of liquid components (9) by means of 4x running 2x position air distributor with electro-pneumatic control, with one electromagnet (8). In the position shown on the diagram, compressed air enters the piston cavity of the pneumatic cylinder (valve is closed).

When the EM4 electromagnet is switched on, the main slide valve of the air distributor moves to the 2nd position (up) - compressed air enters the rod cavity of the pneumatic cylinder, and the piston cavity is connected to the atmosphere - the valve opens.

The pressure control unit in the piston chamber of the pneumatic cylinder in the diagram is provided with the installation of a pressure switch. At the moment of full opening of the valve, the pressure of compressed air in the piston region of the cylinder drops to atmospheric, at the same time the pressure switch outputs the corresponding electric signal.

To prevent impacts in extreme positions of the valve, it is possible to adjust the braking speed of the piston of the pneumatic cylinder similar to the pneumatic cylinder of the loading door. Compressed air supply of pneumatic cylinder of upper gate is performed by means of double 3-way 2-x position valve with pneumatic control and spring return. Two air distributors are used to control the valve. Each air distributor controls one cavity of the valve in connection with this in one direction in air distributors is plugged. When M21 electromagnet is switched on, compressed air is supplied to piston chamber of pneumatic cylinder of upper shutter - weight is lowered.

When the electromagnet M2 - 2 is switched on, compressed air enters the rod cavity of the pneumatic cylinder, and the piston cavity is connected to the atmosphere - the load rises.

When both electromagnets are disconnected in the lower position of the load, pressure is released from the load; when both electromagnets are switched off in the upper position - the weight drops under its own weight .

To adjust the pressure on the mixture (pressure when lowering the load), a pressure regulator is provided.

Gate valve designed to stop load in intermediate position during repair and adjustment works is installed on exhaust line from rod cavity of cylinder.

During the operation of the machine in the production cycle, the gate valve must be constantly opened .

To prevent piston impacts, the cover of the pneumatic cylinder is provided with a needle throttle in the cover when lifting the load, which allows adjusting the braking speed of the piston .

Adjustment of pressure on the mixture from the side of the upper gate is performed by rotation of the control regulator flywheel located on the front panel of the air communication cabinet, control of adjustment by monometer readings (drawing).

Hydraulic system is used to drive unloading device.

It is made on the basis of a normalized hydraulic pipeline station.

The station is a hydraulic unit consisting of a hydraulic tank, a pumping unit, a hydraulic cabinet and an air heat exchanger.

Welded hydraulic tank divided by transverse partition into two compartments. Oil indicator, receiving filter for oil filling, magnetic cuts for preliminary filtration of oil from metal particles, pipes for drain, oil from hydraulic system and heat exchanger are located in drain compartment, which is sump of oil drained from hydraulic system.

In the second compartment of the hydraulic tank, which communicates with the first compartment through a window in the partition, an air filter ("sapun") and a resistance thermometer are installed. Hydraulic tank is equipped with panels for cleaning and plug for oil drain.

Pump unit is made in the form of independent unit with pump submerged under oil level, which protects hydraulic system from air suction. The cavity pump is double.

The first pump is more efficient than the second pump is less efficient.

Pressure maximum (both pumps) P =63kg \cm2

Discharge pipe leads of both pumps are located on the installation plate of the pump unit.

Hydraulic cabinet has vertical shield for installation of hydraulic devices of usual design on intermediate plates of electronics for arrangement of terminal blocks and trough for wiring of electric wires.

A push-button station is installed on the hydraulic cabinet board for adjustment start-up and shutdown of the pump unit electric motor.

Attach the trough to the panel to collect external oil leaks.

Air heat exchanger has oil radiators cooled by air flow from axial fan.

In this case, the supply of cooler water oil is provided, which is installed by the customer only if necessary, and the air heat exchanger must be disconnected.

The main hydraulic equipment from which the diagram is made is listed below. The pressure slide valve is designed to discharge the pump of higher capacity from the pressure in the closed (or open) position of the unloading device.

The safety valve is designed to protect the system from overload and maintain a constant (tightened spring) pressure. A reversible distributor with electrohydraulic control is designed to change the direction of oil flow in the hydraulic system.

Pressure spools with check valve, (9) 1 and (9) 2 are designed to pass oil with specified pressure in one direction and with minimum resistance in the opposite direction.

Pressure spools provide the necessary sequence of operation of the hydraulic motor of the folding gate and the hydraulic cylinder of the locking device.

Braking box is mounted on axis of hydraulic motor, 11 is designed to reduce speed of hinged shutter movement in extreme sections of track.

Braking is performed due to throttling on the drain using cam throttles.

The position of the starting point of the speed change can be changed by changing the position of the cam throttles.

A check valve is also installed in the brake boxes, designed to freely pass oil during discharge.

The needle valve of the brake box is designed to pass oil when opening the hinged gate by an angle of more than 135 degrees during repair and adjustment work, as well as for cleaning humpback.

The manual pump (15) is designed for emergency opening of the unloading device in case of failure of the main pump, as well as for adjustment of hydraulic testing of the systems.

Valve (3) is used to disconnect the pumps from the rest of the hydraulic system during repair and adjustment of the rubber mixer to avoid accidents.

During the operation of the machine in the production cycle, the valve must be constantly open.

Monometers and control pressure of oil blower, respectively, at closing and opening of loading device.

Monometer, designed to control the pressure developed by the pump

Operation of hydraulic system at opening of unloading device.

EMZ electromagnet is disconnected. Oil is pumped.

At the moment of full opening of the ramp the pressure (40... 45kg\cm2) of pressure slide valve spring adjustment; pressure spool moves to the right, opening the drain line of the hydraulic motor, at that the hinged shutter opens.

When the hinged shutter is opened at an angle of approximately 135˚ (mixture unloading position), the cam throttle (11) 2 completely closes the drain line of the hydraulic motor - the shutter stops.

After the shutter stops, the pressure in the system continues to increase, reaching a value exceeding the pressure (50... 55kg\cm2) of the pressure spool spring adjustment, (10). The pressure spool moves downwards, opening the oil passage pumped into the hydraulic tank.

The pump is unloaded (pumps oil with the minimum pressure determined by the resistance of the drain pipe directly to the hydraulic tank).

The slide valve holds in the lower position due to the pressure of the pump;

At further increase of pressure in the system and reaching 60kg\cm2 the safety valve operates

In this case, the oil pumped by the pump is drained into the tank, passing through the safety valve, filter and oil cooler (16), and the pressure in the hydraulic system is maintained approximately 60kg\cm2.

Electromagnet EM3 distributor is turned on to close the unloading device

Distributor spools are shifted to the second position and oil is supplied for closing.

At that pressure in hydraulic system initially drops, spring-loaded pressure slide valve displaces the slide valve upwards, and oil is injected into the system by both pumps.

First of all, the gate is closed, since the oil passage to the wedge hydraulic cylinder is closed by the spring force of the pressure slide valve (9) 2, and oil is supplied to the hydraulic motor with minimum resistance through the check valve of the pressure slide valve 1, and through the check valve, (11) 3, at the moment of complete closure of the shutter, the pressure in the system increases and overcomes the spring resistance of the pressure slide valve, oil is injected into the wedge hydraulic cylinder and the shutter is locked.

After closing the locking device, the pump is unloaded and the pressure in the system is maintained only by the pump, as well as when the unloading device is opened.

It is recommended to adjust the springs of the safety valve and pressure spools after installation of pipelines connecting the hydraulic drive station with the unloading device and with the manual pump, and pouring oil into the hydraulic tank and in the cavity of the manual pump.

The pressure values to which the springs are adjusted shall comply with the requirements of the SS 521059 - 2600000 drawing.

Adjustment is performed by rotation of adjusting screw of corresponding device.

Adjustment of spring, safety valve "L" is recommended at operation of the manual pump only by readings of pressure gauge "opening pressure" at opening of unloading device, or "closing pressure" at opening.

Adjustment of a spring of pressure head valve core "P" is recommended to be made during the operation only of the manual pump on indications of the "opening pressure" manometer when opening the unloading device.

The pressure of the spring corresponds to the pressure gauge at the moment of the start of lowering of the hinged shutter lever.

Adjustment of a spring of folding valve core "H" [(9) 2, according to the scheme] it is recommended to make during the operation only of the manual pump on indications of the manometer "closing pressure" when closing the unloading device.

Spring pressure corresponds to pressure gauge readings at the moment of closing device wedge movement beginning.

Ramp movement must start after stop (complete closing) of folding shutter. A slight "advance, that is, the beginning of the wedge movement at the moment when the shutter has not yet reached the stop, is allowed.

To make adjustment of a spring of the pressure head valve core "M" (10) at short-term (adjustment) launch of the electric pump according to indications of the manometer "pressure of the pump of bigger performance".

The pressure of the spring corresponds to the pressure gauge at the time of "unloading" the pump.

During adjustment opening and closing of the unloading device, it is necessary to remove air from the hydraulic system, that is, fill the entire system with oil.

Air is discharged from the corresponding cavity of the locking device or hydraulic mater by means of air-sink ball valves provided in the structure, for which purpose, when the valve screw is turned off at approximately 0.5 turns, pump oil to the corresponding cavity until the air bubbles exit stops.


The finished product of the rubber mixture production is rubber containing the necessary ingredients affecting the rubber property.

The main volume of rubber products (over 80%) is produced in the form of parts of various structures, machines and devices. Among them should be mentioned primarily tires. The second place in terms of production (but not in terms of assortment) is occupied by various rubber technical products - conveyor belts, drive belts, sleeves, rubber-metal, rubber-textile and purely rubber parts of various machines, devices and structures, rubberized technical fabrics, products from them, etc., as well as individual engineering objects - boats, rafts, pontoons, etc. Finally, the third place is occupied by rubber shoes, household products and sanguigiens; this should include asbotechnical products that are made using rubber - brake linings for various machines, friction clutch discs, gaskets, seals, etc.

Rubber is a multicomponent system consisting of rubber and additives, which come into complex interaction with rubber and with each other. The main component of the system is rubber; it is a polymer characterized by a low glass transition or crystallization temperature, which allows the products of these polymers to operate in a highly elastic state in a sufficiently wide temperature range (-100 + 300) ° C. Currently, in addition to natural rubber, the rubber industry has a wide range of synthetic rubbers (SK), which allows you to create rubber products with a wide variety of properties. The possibilities of the rubber industry in this regard are enhanced by the method of combining rubbers with each other or with other polymers. The use of various kinds of additives (ingredients of rubber mixtures) allows to further diversify the properties of rubber. The unvulcanized rubber/ingredient mixture is referred to as the rubber mixture and is the base material from which the rubber article is made.

The nominal production volume per shift is 14,250 kg, which allows increasing the production capacity to 3,600 tons per year.

Thanks to the modular principle, production mobility is achieved. So, the production of one batch, from receiving a task for production to packing finished products, takes, on average, no more than 1 hours. After that, the transition to another type of product can be carried out promptly (no more than 10 minutes).

Also in the work are considered sections of ecology and labor protection; The project cost estimate has been performed. Comparing the base case with the design, the payback period of the project was calculated, which is 1.5 years, which is economically acceptable.

Thus, the implementation of this project allows you to obtain an environmentally friendly paint with a lower cost, taking into account the satisfaction of all the requirements of the modern consumer, which makes the paint competitive on the market.

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