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Project of measures to improve working conditions in JSC "Instrumental plant - PM," Perm

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FINAL QUALIFICATION WORK "Project of measures for improvement of working conditions in JSC" Instrumental plant - PM, "Perm

Project's Content

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Additional information





1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

1.2 Analysis of the noise impact of the enterprise on the employees of the enterprise and proposal of a design solution to the problem

1.2.1 Noise impact on site employees No.

1.2.2 Negative effect of noise on the human body

1.2.3 Possible options for reducing the negative impact of noise on the site

1.2.4 Analysis of patent developments. Acoustic screens and structures


2.1 Mounting calculation of acoustic screen

2.1.1 Calculation for each octave band of sound pressure levels at the operator's workplace located in the main room of the production room

2.1.2 Calculation of acoustic screen efficiency

2.1.3 Calculation of sound pressure level decrease after acoustic screen installation

2.1.4 Calculation of screen attachment strength


3.1. Description of process diagram of acoustic screen assembly and installation

3.2 Environmental safety of economic activity

3.2.1 Objectives and objectives of industrial environmental control in the field of waste management

3.3 Description of activity on production of products accompanied by waste generation

3.4 Characteristics of auxiliary production processes accompanied by waste generation

3.5 Waste management activities


4.1 Feasibility Study for Acoustic Screen Installation




The explanatory note of the graduation qualification work contains 56 pages of typewritten text, 1 figure, 11 tables and 2 names of the list of used sources. The graphic part consists of 6 sheets of A1 format.


Object of research - "JSC" Instrumental plant PM, "Perm" workshop No. 67 plot No. 3

The purpose of this exhaust work is to reduce the negative impact of groups of compressor units by introducing new equipment - acoustic screen.

In carrying out the work, an analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise, in particular section No. 3, was carried out. As a result, 1 type of negative impact was identified - excess of sound pressure levels at workplaces.

Installation of an acoustic screen at the boundary between the workplace and the group of compressor units will reduce the sound pressure levels to the limits of the established standards. Cost effectiveness of acoustic screen installation - 1168801 rubles; The payback period for the installation implementation is 6 months 11 days.

In the design part of the work, the effectiveness of the installation of the acoustic screen was determined


The safety of a person is determined by the absence, dangerous factors causing injury or a sharp deterioration in health, harmful factors causing a person's disease and a decrease in their performance. In particular, in an enterprise, an employee may be exposed to harmful physical factors in the production environment such as:

increased or decreased air temperature of the working zone

increased humidity and speed of air movement;

ionizing radiation;

ultrasound and infra-sound;

vibration (local, general);

natural lighting (absence or insufficiency);

artificial lighting (insufficient illumination, pulsation of light flux, excessive brightness, high unevenness of brightness distribution, direct and reflected blinding brilliance);

production noise.

Relevance ‒ elimination of harmful impact on employees of section No. 3 of building No. 7 of workshop 67 of JSC "Instrumental Plant-PM" enterprise and improvement of working conditions of employees of the enterprise.

Object of research ‒ site No. 3 of building No. 7 of workshop 67 of JSC "Instrumental Plant-PM" enterprise

The purpose of this graduation qualification work ‒ to reduce the negative impact of production noise by introducing new equipment (acoustic (sound absorbing) screens).

To achieve our goal, we need to:

Identify the sources of negative impact that have the greatest impact on the employees of the enterprise located directly on the selected site in the workshop of the selected enterprise.

Perform an analysis and select an option to reduce the class of working conditions for the employees of the selected site.

Calculate: efficiency of sound pressure level reduction by acoustic screen and cost-effectiveness of design solutions.

Degree of implementation: the design results of acoustic screens are applicable to any enterprises where the noise sources we have discussed are present.

Justification of the design solution

1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Enterprise - JSC "Instrumental Plant - PM" at Perm Krai, Perm Sverdlovsk District, Komsomolsky Prospekt 93

Instrument Plant - PM JSC was established in 1997 during the restructuring of a large industrial enterprise of Perm Motors OJSC (Perm Motors OJSC traces its history to 1930) on the basis of six production workshops. The purpose of creating JSC "Instrumental Plant - PM" was to allocate instrumental production, which has a final product, a separate closed production cycle and its sales market, to an independent enterprise for profit.

The tool products produced by the plant are specialized in equipping the production of aircraft engines and ground installations based on aircraft engines, helicopter gears and rocket engines. Specialized products account for 90% of production.

JSC "Tool Plant - PM" has eighty years of experience in the production and repair of cutting, measuring tools, technological tooling, hot and cold dies, molds for rubber products, plastic products, abrasive and diamond tools. All special rubber and plastic products for aviation production are also produced in JSC "Tool Plant - PM."

The company has considerable experience in product quality management. A targeted quality policy has been developed. For the successful management and management of the organization in JSC "Instrumental Plant - PM," a quality management system (QMS) aimed at constantly improving performance and oriented to consumer requirements has been developed, documented, implemented and maintained. Quality management system in JSC "Instrumental Plant - PM" complies with the requirements of GOST ISO 90012011.

Shop No. 67 specializes on production of the lezviyny and carving tool, also on production of carving calibers, rezbonakatny rollers, rezbonakatny rollers and diamond rollers. The workshop consists of 5 sections. Section No. 3 makes cutters through, slotted, groove, shallow, strict, boring.

At this industrial facility in workshop No. 67 on site No. 3, 1 type of negative impact was identified, which exceeds the limit of permissible values ​ ​ - noise.

1.2 Analysis of the noise impact of the enterprise on the employees of the enterprise and proposal of a design solution to the problem.

1.2.1 Noise impact on employees of site No. 3

To develop a project to reduce the noise level of section No. 3 of workshop No. 67 of the enterprise Instrumental Plant-PM JSC, measurements were carried out by the Diagnostic expert center. According to the noise measurement protocol No. 0433Shr dated 12.02.2019 Sound pressure levels of noise sources have been measured and may have a negative impact on employees of production site No. 3. Measurements were carried out in octave bands with average geometric frequencies (31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz), for the purpose of production control. Regulatory documents regulating the selection method, the scope of laboratory studies and their hygienic assessment: GOST r ISO 96122013 "Acoustics. Measurement of noise to assess its effect on humans. Method of measurements at workplaces, "SanPiN 2.2.4/" Noise at workplaces. " In accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, SN 2.2.4/, in order to assess the levels of physical impact (equivalent sound levels) in the workshop, the sharpening section No. 3 was measured noise background in permanent workplaces. Measurement points in the production room (workshop) were selected at a distance of 2 meters from the walls and 20 m from each other. Measurements were carried out with ventilation on and operating equipment (at least 2/3 of the total amount in the workshop), with the presence of people at the workplace, with microclimate parameters: V = 0.1 m/s, ¼ = 51%, p = 747 mm Hg, t = 23.4 ° C. The maximum equivalent sound level is 93 dBA, with a permissible limit of 80 dBA. According to the results of the studies, the sources of increased noise in section No. 3 are: noise from the groups of compressor units "Atlas Copco ZE75."

An analysis of acoustic measurements showed that at points located on the west side at a distance of 10 meters and on the north side at a distance of 15, respectively, from the center of section No. 3 - the main sources of noise emission, there is an excess of the limits of permissible sound pressure levels. These points are located on the territory of site No. 3, which has a negative impact on the employees of this site.

Taking into account the above facts, we propose to implement a number of measures to reduce the noise impact of the site equipment on the site employees, using the installation of acoustic (soundtrack) screens on the equipment.

1.2.2 Negative effect of noise on the human body

Prolonged exposure to noise on a person can lead to irreversible changes in his body - partial (short-term deviation from the normal audible threshold, returning to its original position after the end of the impact) or absolute (hearing loss). A decrease in the sensitivity of the auditory organs occurs depending on the time and intensity of exposure to sound pressure.

Hearing loss is divided into 3 degrees:

I degree (mild hearing reduction) - hearing loss in the area of ​ ​ speech frequencies is 10-20 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20-60 dB;

Grade II (moderate hearing loss) - hearing loss in the speech frequency range varies in the range of 21-30 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20-65 dB;

III degree (significant hearing reduction) - hearing loss in the field of speech frequencies - 31 dB or more, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20-78 dB.

The effect of noise on the human body is not limited to the effect on the hearing organ. Through the fibers of auditory nerves, irritation by noise is transmitted to the central and vegetative nervous systems, and through them it affects the internal organs, leading to significant changes in the functional state of the body, affects the mental state of a person, causing a sense of anxiety and irritation. The effect on the vegetative nervous system is manifested even at small sound levels (40-70 dBA). Of the vegetative reactions, the most pronounced is impaired peripheral circulation due to narrowing of the capillaries of the skin and mucous membranes.

The effect of noise on the central nervous system causes an increase in the latent period of visual motor response, leads to a violation of the mobility of nerve processes, a change in electroencephalographic indicators, disrupts the bioelectric activity of the brain with the manifestation of general functional changes in the body (already with a noise of 50-60 dBA), significantly changes the biopotentials of the brain, their dynamics, causes biochemical changes in brain structures. With pulsed and irregular noise, the degree of exposure to noise increases.

Currently, "noise disease" is characterized by a complex of symptoms:

reduced auditory sensitivity;

altering digestive function in terms of reduced acidity;

cardiovascular failure;

neuroendocrine disorders [19].

Design Solution and Basic Parameter Calculation

2.1 Mounting calculation of acoustic screen

Calculation tasks:

Calculate for each octave band the sound pressure levels at the operator's workplace located in the main room of the production room at a distance of r = 4 m from the compressor units groups;

Calculate noise reduction depending on distance;

Compare with allowable normative levels and determine (present as a table) the required noise reduction in dB for a particular octave frequency band;

Calculate how much noise level will decrease after installation of the acoustic screen;

Strength calculation of struts and components of screen attachment;

Calculation conditions: at this industrial facility in workshop No. 67 on site No. 4, an excess of noise level was recorded. We offer the installation of an acoustic screen with a height of 3 meters. Calculations are presented only for the average geometric frequency of 500 Hz, the results for the remaining frequencies (31.5, 63, 125, 250, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000) are presented in tables after similar calculations.

Implementation of the project and improvement of the security system

3.1. Description of process diagram of acoustic screen assembly and installation

The sound protection screen shall be installed according to the designed and accepted design. First of all, according to the project, the foundation is being prepared. The choice of base depends on the type of sound protection screen selected. Currently, four types of foundations are most often used - pile, columnar, block and ribbon. The installation of the foundation for noise protection screens is necessary due to the fact that, in most cases, such screens exceed a height of 3 meters, and therefore it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a sailing effect. Through the calculations made in the program "EcologNoise 2," we found that in section No. 3 it is necessary to install a noise shield 3 meters high. We propose the use of a columnar fill foundation.

Foundation installation shall be carried out in the following order:

drilling of a well with a diameter of 304 mm and a depth of 630 mm;

filling the sand-gravel pad on the bottom of the well (30 mm) and fixing the ruberoid over the pad;

installation of asbestos cement pipe;

filling the well with concrete;

installation of 1,450 mm I-beam strut in undisturbed concrete in depth, fixation of strut in this position until concrete hardens.

The post is a beam, which can be made in the form of a pipe, channel or I-beam. The main task of the strut is to reduce the wind and aerodynamic loads that appear on the panel, and transfer them to the foundation. For section No. 3, we offer the installation of I/O racks .

After that, the support profiles are installed, which are installed in the gaps between the posts. The support profile receives the load from the mass of the screen web and transmits it to the foundation. The profile must be mounted in such a way that there is no clearance between the screen web and the foundation, for this the support profile is equipped with a rubberized apron.

Then acoustic panels are installed. Acoustic panels are the main elements of the screen. OJSC "Acoustic Structures Factory" provides for sale two types of acoustic panels: transparent - the panel is noise-reflecting and opaque - the panel is noise-absorbing and the panel is noise-protective shock-resistant. The sound absorbing element of the noise absorbing panels is mineral wool, which is protected from wetting with a thin polyethylene shell. It is recommended to install the noise-proof shock-resistant panel in the lower row of the acoustic screen, since such panels have increased strength. The filler for noise protection panels is a chip-cement slab, which in its soundproofing properties is in no way inferior to mineral wool. The transparent noise reflecting panel is a sheet of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) glass.

A large number of different acoustic screens can be assembled from these types of panels. Given that it is not necessary for the screen to be transparent and that there are no motorways near the screen, we offer only noise-absorbing panels for the road transport company. The panels are installed in the following order:

installation of horizontal profiles between posts and their attachment by means of angles, which are fixed by bolts;

installation of noise absorbing panels in horizontal profiles with perforated side to noise source;

horizontal profiles are mounted on noise absorbing panels from above.

This procedure is performed 3 times.

3.2 Environmental safety of economic activity

3.2.1 Objectives and objectives of industrial environmental control in the field of waste management

The objectives of the PEC in the field of waste management are to ensure:

compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management of production and consumption;

implementation of environmental protection programmes and plans of the enterprise;

compliance with technological standards of waste generation in the course of production activity;

Compliance with the principles of natural resource management and restoration in the production process;

compliance with environmental requirements in the field of waste management established by permits;

promptly informing management and staff about cases of violations of environmental requirements and the causes of established violations;

timely and prompt elimination of the causes of possible emergency situations associated with negative excess (over-limit) environmental impact;

obtaining primary information for planning works on adjustment and modernization of process equipment.

The main tasks of the PEC in the field of waste management are:

verification of compliance with requirements, conditions, restrictions established by laws, other regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental protection and use of natural resources ;

Providing the enterprise with the necessary permit documentation for hazardous waste management agreed upon in the established manner:

draft waste generation standards;

waste disposal limits;

Analysis of existing technologies to identify opportunities and ways to reduce the amount and extent of waste generated;

Recording of waste generated, used, neutralized, transferred to other persons and organizations or received from other persons, as well as placed in their own or specialized areas;

Determining the hazard class of all types of wastes according to the degree of possible harmful impact on the natural environment with direct or indirect impact of hazardous waste on it;

certification of IIV hazard classes wastes;

Approval of production instructions on waste management;

keeping logs and monitoring compliance with standards of generation, use and disposal of waste at specialized sites of the enterprise;

obtaining information on qualitative and quantitative content of pollutants in control objects, on indicators of physical and biological parameters of objects;

control of timely removal of waste from the territory of the enterprise;

conclusion of contracts for transfer of waste with enterprises and (or) individual entrepreneurs licensed to carry out activities on disposal, disposal of waste of at least a hazard class;

Monitoring the implementation of orders to eliminate violations of environmental legislation issued by officials carrying out state environmental control;

verification of implementation of action plans for implementation of low-waste and waste-free technological processes, waste use and disposal technology and achievement of waste disposal limits;

checking the efficiency and safety for the environment and public health of waste storage sites, environmental systems and equipment;

timely and timely submission of the necessary and sufficient information provided by the environmental management system at the enterprise.

Timely submission of reliable information provided for by the State statistical surveillance system;

Prevention and prompt elimination of damage to the environment caused by the enterprise;

monitoring of the state of the environment at waste storage sites;

compliance with the requirements of uniformity of measurements in accordance with legislative norms;

analysis of information on processes occurring in places of waste accumulation.

The company has the following permits:

Document on approval of standards of waste generation and limits for their placement No. 608 dated from 02.02.2010 to 08.04.2014, issued by the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management in the Perm Territory;

License No. OT48001221 (59) for the collection, use, disposal, transportation, disposal of hazardous wastes from 08.04.2009;

Permit No. 80 for the release of harmful (pollutants into the atmospheric air from 21.01.2009

Waste water discharge of the Enterprise from industrial sites of Perm, Komsomolsky Prospekt, 93; ul. Minibus, 3, is carried out on the basis of agreement No. EN16/2311 dated 01.01.2003 for waste water reception with OJSC EnergetikPM. Washing waste water of galvanic production is transferred under an agreement to Modern Technologies LLC.

3.3 Description of activity on production of products accompanied by waste generation

Workshop No. 60 - production of measuring tool, templates, control instruments

The following operations are used to manufacture the accessories:

metal machining - turning, milling, grinding;

locksmith treatment;

electrical erosion treatment;

heat treatment, blowing;


galvanic processing of articles - chromium plating, copper plating ;

soldering with lead-tin solders;

welding works.

The following waste types are generated as a result of these activities and activities:

Mercury lamps fluorescent mercury-containing, spent tubes and scrap;

Industrial used oils;

Remnants of lubricating and cooling oils for mechanical treatment, which have lost consumer properties;

Concentrate wastes (concentrated technological solutions of galvanic production);

Wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust;

Abrasive wheels worked, scrap abrasive wheels;

Spent emery paper;

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

Aluminum scrap unsorted;

The scrap of alloyed steel is unsorted;

Unsorted ferrous scrap;

Wastes containing copper alloys in lump form;

Garbage from domestic premises.

Shop No. 61 is production of control devices, the machine industrial equipment, machine equipment of the 2nd order, the metalwork replacement tool, load-lifting devices, conductors.

The following operations are used to manufacture the accessories:

metal machining - turning, milling, grinding;


machining and assembly;

electric arc and argon welding.

The following waste types are generated as a result of these activities and activities:

Mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes spent and scrap;

Industrial used oils;

Remnants of lubricating and cooling oils for mechanical treatment, which have lost consumer properties;

Wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust;

Abrasive wheels worked, scrap abrasive wheels;

Spent emery paper;

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

Aluminum scrap unsorted;

The scrap of alloyed steel is unsorted;

Unsorted ferrous scrap;

Wastes containing copper alloys in lump form;

Garbage from domestic premises.

Workshop No. 62 - sharpening of the cutting tool.

Main technological processes:

sharpening and grinding of blanks;


chromium plating;

hardening of parts by oxidophosphotation;


The following waste types are generated as a result of these activities and activities:

Mercury lamps fluorescent mercury-containing, spent tubes and scrap;

Abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust;

Wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Used abrasive wheels, scrap of used abrasive wheels:

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

Garbage from domestic premises;

Aluminum scrap unsorted;

The scrap of alloyed steel is unsorted;

Ferrous scrap unsorted.

Workshop No. 63 - manufacture of abrasive tools, rubber and plastic products.

The following operations are used for manufacturing:

screening, weighing of components;

preparing a mixture of components;

pressing of rubber and plastic articles;


heat treatment;



pressure testing;

preparation of grinding material blanks;


injection molding.

The following waste types are generated as a result of these activities and activities:

Mercury lamps fluorescent mercury-containing, spent tubes and scrap;

Abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust;

Used abrasive wheels, scrap of used abrasive wheels:

Cut the felt and felt products;

Waste polyethylene in the form of scrap, runners;

Rubber trimmings;

Wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

Garbage from domestic premises.

Workshop No. 64 - the manufacture of dies and presses.

The following operations are used for manufacturing:

turning, milling of blanks with and without LPG;

heat treatment;


dry grinding and using LPG;


welding of ADF, RDS;

AD, RD surfacing;

electrochemical metal treatment;

locksmith treatment.

The following waste types are generated as a result of these activities and activities:

Mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes spent and scrap;

Industrial used oils;

Remnants of lubricating and cooling oils for mechanical treatment, which have lost consumer properties;

Wiped material contaminated with oils (oil content 15% or more);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - 15% or more)

Abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust;

Abrasive wheels worked, scrap abrasive wheels;

Spent emery paper;

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

The scrap of alloyed steel is unsorted;

Unsorted ferrous scrap;

Wastes containing copper alloys in lump form;

Garbage from domestic premises.

Workshop No. 67 - manufacturing of cutting and measuring tools.

The following operations are used for manufacturing:

making crust molds and casting metal into molds;

machining of workpieces: turning, milling, grinding, sharpening;

electrochemical metal treatment;

electroplating (nickel plating of diamond rollers);

sandblasting of blanks;

sintering of hard-alloy blanks;

contact welding of workpieces.

The following waste types are generated as a result of these activities and activities:

Mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes spent and scrap;

Industrial used oils;

Remnants of lubricating and cooling oils for mechanical treatment, which have lost consumer properties;

Wiped material contaminated with oils (oil content 15% or more);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - 15% or more);

Abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust;

Other solid mineral waste (spent moulding mixture);

Abrasive wheels worked, scrap abrasive wheels;

The scrap of alloyed steel is unsorted;

Unsorted ferrous scrap;

Wastes containing copper alloys in lump form;

Spent emery paper;

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

Garbage from domestic premises.

3.4 Characteristics of auxiliary production processes accompanied by waste generation

Maintenance and repair of process equipment is accompanied by generation of the following wastes:

Industrial used oils;

Remnants of lubricating and cooling oils for mechanical treatment, which have lost consumer properties;

Wiped material contaminated with oils (oil content 15% or more)

The scrap of alloyed steel is unsorted;

Unsorted ferrous scrap;

Aluminum scrap unsorted;

Wastes containing copper alloys in lump form;

The general economic activity related to cleaning of industrial, domestic premises and the territory of the enterprise, providing the employees of the enterprise with workwear, is accompanied by the formation of the following wastes:

Mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes spent and scrap;

Garbage from household premises of the organization is unsorted (excluding large);

Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content - less than 15%), (note: waste is generated during cleaning of oiled floors in production premises using dry clean sawdust);

Municipal solid waste (road estimate).

Construction and repair activities related to ongoing repairs, buildings and premises, internal roads and pedestrian sidewalks, roofs, etc. carried out by specialized organizations involved under economic contracts are accompanied by the formation of the following types of waste:

Building debris from disassembly of buildings;

Ruberoid waste;

Battle of brickwork from dismantling of buildings and structures;

Scrap of concrete products, waste of concrete in lump form;

Wood waste from natural clean wood is unsorted (forests, formwork, window and door blocks).

The resulting construction debris is collected on an asphalt site near the place of work, then it is overloaded into the dump truck body and immediately taken to burial.

Administrative and management activities are carried out by the services and departments of plant management and workshop administrative structures. The main activities are the development of enterprise documentation (technological materials, administrative documentation, etc.), organization of internal and external correspondence, ongoing maintenance of the buildings, structures and equipment of the enterprise.

Performance of these works and operations involves generation of the following types of wastes:

Mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes spent and scrap;

Paper and cardboard waste from clerical activities;

Garbage from domestic premises;

Other municipal waste (estimates from the territory).

3.5 Waste management activities

The enterprise collects, transports, accumulates waste generated during the production activity of the enterprise.

Waste accumulation is carried out on the territory of the enterprise in specially designated and equipped for this purpose places (facilities) of waste accumulation in compliance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 0103) and the requirements of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the placement and neutralization of production and consumption waste. As waste accumulates, it is transferred to contractors for disposal, use or placement, under contracts.

Transportation of waste shall be performed by contractor transport (waste consumer).

There are no waste disposal and processing plants at the enterprise, waste from third-party organizations is not accepted.

Wastes of hazard class 1

Mercury fluorescent lamps spent in workshops are collected in sealed containers. Temporarily accumulate in metal boxes in open areas with hard coating or in metal containers in a closed room. Responsible persons for handling mercury, fluorescent lamps - power plants of workshops and units.

Hazard Class 3 wastes

Industrial used oils, residues of lubricating and cooling oils are collected by gravity through pipelines or manually by canisters in sealed, metal underground tanks with a volume of 3 m3. (one tank on the north side of the 7 building for workshops 60,61,67; one container on the south side 16 of the workshop housing 64). Tanks are located on fenced platforms, equipped with measuring tubes and breathing valves. From shop 63, the used oils and the rest of the lubricating and cooling oils are drained into metal barrels, which are stored in a cold warehouse on the east side of body 8. As oil waste is accumulated, it is removed by contractor transport for use.


Overflow of tanks and pouring of oil into the relief, water ingress into the container;

Draining of oil and LPG spills into the sewage system;

Use fire and perform welding works near spent oil storage sites.

Responsible persons for handling spent oils - mechanics of workshops and subdivisions.

Wiped material and sawdust contaminated with oils are stored in metal boxes with a tight lid. Metal containers are installed in all divisions in production areas. As they accumulate 1 times a week, they are taken out by the contractor for neutralization.


Ingress of foreign objects into the container for rags collection;

Rags entering the container with household waste and export to the landfill;

Violation of fire safety rules during accumulation.

Responsible persons for handling wiped material and sawdust contaminated with oils are the masters of AHO workshops and departments.

Concentrate waste (concentrated electroplating process solutions) is pumped from the working bath to the contractor's vehicle as it is worked out, and transferred for neutralization.

DO NOT Drain spills of concentrated solutions into the sewage system.

Responsible persons for waste management of concentrates - mechanics of workshops and subdivisions.

4th, 5th hazard class waste

Construction debris (including: building debris from disassembling buildings, ruberoid waste, concrete scrap, brickwork scrap, wood waste) during repair and construction work is stored on a paved site determined by the construction project. Upon completion of repair and construction works, the waste is exported by the contractor's transport for disposal.

Responsible persons for the management of construction waste are the masters of AHO workshops and divisions.

Unsorted debris from household premises, abrasive waste in the form of powder and dust, other mineral waste (spent moulding mixture) is collected in common metal containers that are installed in workshops on specially designated hard-coated sites.


Overflow of containers;

Incineration of waste at the industrial site.

Scrap of metals (unsorted aluminum scrap; unsorted alloy steel scrap; unsorted ferrous scrap; waste containing copper alloys in lump form) is collected in separate containers at waste collection sites. When forming a transport lot, they are exported by contractor transport for further use.


Ingress into scrap metal of other wastes;

Transfer to third-party organizations that do not have a license.

Waste polyethylene in the form of scrap, runners, cutting of felted products is collected in separate PE bags at the waste collection site. When forming a transport lot, they are exported by the contractor's transport for processing.

Rubber trimmings; waste of paper and cardboard from clerical activities and office management; spent grinding skin; other municipal waste (estimates from the territory); used abrasive wheels, scrap of spent abrasive wheels are collected in common garbage metal containers located at garbage collection sites. When forming a transport batch, they are exported by the contractor's transport for burial at the landfill.

Responsible persons for waste management - craftsmen of AHO workshops and divisions.


1. In this final qualification work, the production activities of Instrumentation Plant-PM JSC workshop No. 67 section 3 were analyzed and 1 type of negative impact was considered in detail, which exceed the limits of the established permissible values. Based on the results of the analysis, which showed that 3 sections exceeded the permissible values ​ ​ of sound pressure levels, solutions to existing problems were proposed.

2. We have found that there is a risk of suspension of the site due to exceeding the sound pressure levels, which means that there is a need to install an acoustic screen. By calculation, we have confirmed the feasibility of this decision. The sound pressure levels at the point at the NWZ boundary, as a result of the installation of the acoustic screen, will decrease to the limits of the established hygienic standards for all octave bands. The payback period in this case is 6 months 11 months.

The implementation of the measures proposed by us will have a positive impact on the working conditions of the company's employees. As a result, the risk of occupational diseases in employees of the enterprise will be minimized.

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