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Project of ice cream plant in Voronezh.

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Exchange rate project of the plant for the production of ice cream in Voronezh. Drawings and Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Additional information




1. Feasibility study

1.1. Brief description of the locality and place


1.2. Characteristics of the raw material zone

1.3. Providing the enterprise with energy and water

1.4. Substantiation of product assortment

1.5. Finished Products Market and Main Competitors

2. Literary review

2.1. Analysis of modern product production technologies

2.2. Characteristics of modern machine and apparatus designs

2.3. Design Tasks

3. Organization of production

3.1. Description of Main Process Operations

3.2. Product Settlement

3.3. Equipment selection and verification calculations

3.4. Analysis of steam, water, cold, electricity flow charts

3.5. Construction part

3.6. Calculation of electrical lighting

3.7. Sanitary treatment of equipment

4. Installation, operation and repair of process equipment

4.1.OSV-3 capacity,

4.2. A1-OGM homogenizer

4.3. Plate pasteurization and cooling unit


5.Automatization of production process

ice cream

6. Structural development of the container for ice cream mixture

7. Life safety

8. Environmental protection

9. Project Feasibility Study

10. Preparation of Job Instruction


List of literary sources



Diploma project developed by: student of 154 groups

Airplane P.V.

Head: Shevchuk V.B.

The theme of the project is "The project of an ice cream plant with a production capacity of 13 tons per shift of the finished mixture."

In the diploma project, a plant for the production of ice cream with a capacity of 13 tons per shift of the finished mixture in Voronezh was developed, while the necessary technological equipment was selected, the ice cream production process was automated, the building plan was designed, life safety at production was developed, and the project was given a technical and economic assessment. New equipment has been developed - a container for an ice cream mixture.

The diploma project consists of eight sheets of graphic material in the format A1 and 118 pages of text material. In the text material there are 23 tables, 10 figures. When creating the project, 39 literary sources were used.


Ice cream is a sweet whipped frozen product produced from liquid mixtures prepared according to special recipes, containing in certain ratios components of milk, fruits, berries, vegetables, sucrose, stabilizers, in some recipes - egg products, flavors and aromatics. Many recipes provide for the simultaneous use of dairy and vegetable raw materials.

Ice cream is one of the most favorite products of the population, especially children. This is due not only to its high taste, but also to its great nutritional and biological value.

Ice cream is produced in specialized workshops and factories at refrigeration plants and dairy plants, at catering enterprises. Ice cream can be prepared at home.

The precursors of ice cream can be considered mixed with snow or ice natural and sweetened juices, which in China used almost 3,000 years ago. It was from the Chinese that ice cream in the form of fruit ice became known in Europe. Venetian traveler Marco Polo brought ice cream recipes from a trip to China at the end of the 13th century, and it became one of the exquisite dishes in Italian yards. Ice cream recipes were kept in the strictest secret. [1]

1.2. Characteristics of the raw material zone.

Raw materials and materials necessary for the production of ice cream continue to work with enterprises in the Voronezh region, various regions of Russia, and the CIS countries. Imported raw materials allowed for use in the production of ice cream by the bodies and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation are also used.

Unfortunately, the deplorable state of Russian agriculture negatively affected the number of cows, the volume of fresh milk production and, as a result, dairy products. Lack of milk raw materials forces enterprises to look for additional resources. The production of whole milk substitutes for new recipes and dry whey began to increase. The disadvantage and high cost of animal oil are one of the reasons for the active introduction in the production of vegetable fats and fat and oil systems.

Under these conditions, the Ice Cream Union began to create a Register of Raw Resources for Ice Cream Production. The regulation on the Register, the procedure for collecting and evaluating samples of products, requirements for oil and fat systems have been developed. It was decided to start this work with the most complex type of raw materials - oil and fat systems. Using the presented samples of raw materials, an experimental batch of ice cream is produced in the VNIHI laboratory and evaluated over a certain storage period. Products that have passed such testing are included in the Register with the indication of its name and the company of the supplier or manufacturer.

By the decision of the Union of Ice Cream Workers of Russia No. 1 dated 22.02.06, the following products are included in the Register :

- vegetable fats "Maslao 7328," "Isao 4310," "Confao B 7326," "Butao NT 7326" and "Butao 06" - supplier of LLC "TD Case All";

- plant fat "Isker" - supplier of LLC "Inform Cocoa";

- plant fat "Denoil 2" - supplier of ZAO "Soyuzsnab";

- plant fat "Ertimix 230" supplier "Fuji Oil Yurop";

- Premium melted mixture - supplier of Jay Elan LLC.

- Soyuz 51 vegetable fat - supplier of Soyuz LLC;

- vegetable fat "Margot S107N" - NMZHK supplier;

A wide range of vegetable fats - monofats and their fractions, milk fat substitutes, special fats for glaze of the combined company Aarhus Karlhamn are supplied to us by Delo All (St. Petersburg). Milk fat substitutes are adapted as much as possible in terms of fatty acid and triglyceride composition to milk fat and, as a result, have similar physical and structural-mechanical properties. In addition, some substitutes contain a variety of additives: emulsifying systems, flavors, dyes.

Interest in whey is characteristic as a raw component for ice cream production, which is due to its composition and economic feasibility of use. The most effective for making ice cream is subsoil whey and its processed products. Curd whey having increased acidity is not used. The use of serum requires strict compliance with technological regimes. For example, if you replace more than 30% of SOMO with whey solids in milk-based ice cream, there will be undesirable changes in the taste, structure and consistency of the product. Enterprises guaranteeing high quality of their products usually replace 2025% of SOMO with serum, and, in the seal, this replacement is not provided at all.

Soyuzsnab organized the production of ready-made dry mixtures for soft ice cream of the Summer Waltz brand of a wide range: for dairy low-fat ice cream based on dry defatted milk; for classic milk ice cream based on whole milk powder; for cream classic ice cream based on dry cream. In addition, each type of mixture, in turn, is divided into vanilla, chocolate, with coffee and using time-personal flavors and dyes.

The main advantage of the new dry mixtures is that they allow you to produce light, tender creams such as "Whipped Cream" radically white. The cream does not contain cholesterol and animal fats, is characterized by a reduced calorie content compared to traditional norms. Stability of raw material base guarantees constant quality characteristics of dry mixtures. They include dry dairy products, vegetable fat, sugar paste, glucose syrup, stabilizing system, emulsifier.

In connection with the creation of products with a balanced fatty acid composition, in which dairy fat is partially or completely replaced by vegetable fat, it is very relevant to use natural flavors to replenish and preserve dairy taste. This range of ingredients with a high concentration of aroma-forming substances has been widely used in all branches of the food industry, including ice cream.

Interesting novelties in the fragrance palette are offered by the company "Fromatech." For example, the milk and cream direction can be supplemented by such interesting tastes as cheeses such as Philadelphia and Mozzarella, yogurt. Yoghurt can be both in the form of flavouring agent and in the form of natural powder. Among fruit and berry flavors, both traditionally Russian flavors are cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, and exotic flavors are guava, kalamansi, and maracua. In the alcohol direction: brandy, cognac, rum, liquors.

There are various, fashionable, complex composite flavors that give the product several flavors at the same time: raspberry and yoghurt, chocolate and mint, pineapple and coconut, and even exotic fruits with horseradish.

Technologists of BogucharovoMarket Trading house develop essentially new and very perspective direction - creamy Bogucharovskiye cream-paste with various fruit tastes (raspberry with cream, strawberry with cream, a lemon, orange, a kiwi, etc.). The products have a milk-fat base, have a delicate fruity taste. A variety of color shades, a beautiful gloss give ice cream an individuality of taste and performance. The product is recommended for application in the form of a layer or rod, as well as in the production of cakes, rolls. [4]

1.3 Providing the enterprise with energy and water

The power supply of the facility is a very capacious concept. Its components are electro, water, heat and gas supply. Industrial enterprises with their own mini-power plants and power plants also require fuel supply.

If the city where you need to order energy supply to Voronezh, then a reasonable decision will immediately contact GazstroyChernozemye. We offer a wide range of additional services, as well as carefully approach each situation. Our company guarantees high-quality and fast performance of works. Let's tell you more about the power service.

All communications required to provide enterprises with energy sources form a single system.

There are two types of power supply:

External - supply the consumer with electricity, water and fuel. For small enterprises, heat supply is also added.

Internal power supply consists of provision of industrial production with oxygen, nitrogen, cold.

Power supply from Gazstroy-Chernozemye

LLC GazstroyChernozemye carries out a full range of energy supply works in Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk, Lipetsk, Tambov. The company works in the following areas:

- implementation of heating boilers, mini-CHP and gas power plants;

- design of power supply systems;

- construction and reconstruction of gas distribution units and gas transmission systems, utilities.

GazstroyChernozemye performs all the work: from the design of the object to its commissioning. The ability to order power supply "snooze" in one company allows you to save your time and monitor the quality of each operation. [5]

The main source of water is the Voronezh reservoir - the largest reservoir in the Central Black Earth Region. The area of ​ ​ the water mirror of the Voronezh reservoir is 70 km ². Its length and width are 35 km and 2 km. The average depth of the reservoir is 2.9 m, and the total volume is 204 million m ³. [3]

The main source of electricity is the Novovoronezhskaya NPP - a nuclear power plant, located in the Voronezh region near the city of Novovoronezha. It is a branch of Concern Rosenergo-Atom OJSC

Novovoronezhskaya NPP is a source of electric energy, providing 85% of the Voronezh region. The station is not only a source of electricity. Since 1986, it has provided 50% heat to the city of Novovoronezh. [6]

1.4. Substantiation of the product range.

The most popular type of ice cream in Voronezh was and remains a seal. Therefore, for this type of ice cream, 9.5 tons of the mixture: 6 tons for ordinary ice cream and 3.5 tons for chocolate.

The company also plans to produce less fat ice cream. In this case, cream ice cream is 3.5 tons.

1.5. Finished products market and competitors.

Production for 2011 throughout Russia amounted to 334.7 thousand tons in kind. Compared to previous years, ice cream production decreased slightly.

We are designing a new ice cream production workshop for 13 tons per shift, with steady demand, the annual output will be 4745 tons of ice cream. The project provides for the production of three varieties of ice cream: "Plombir" 6 tons, "Chocolate ice cream" 3.5 tons and "Creamy" 3.5 tons.

Any enterprise operates in a complex, volatile marketing environment. If an enterprise wants to survive, then it must produce products of value to a particular group of consumers, and must also constantly fight for the quality of the products produced, since only a high-quality product can occupy a decent position on the market and have demand. The company must constantly look for new ideas, monitor changes in the market, study the products of competitors.

The company's products will be in demand among customers, as they will be affordable and of good quality. When buying products, the buyer primarily pays attention to quality, but packaging plays an important role.

The sales department will implement the finished products. Products will be sold in Voronezh in a retail chain, supermarkets; in the Voronezh region, as well as in the central region of the country - Kursk region, Tambov region, Lipetsk region, etc.

In the Voronezh ice cream market there are 2030 production bodies. The companies discussed below remain obvious leaders:

AOR (NP) Cold (Voronezh) is considered competitive, firstly because it is a local producer, and secondly, due to the presence of its own retail network and the presence in the range of the cheapest ice cream -- a bottle in a cup, which in value terms accounts for 24% of the total sales of the product.

Lipetsk Cold Processing Plant OJSC managed to establish relations with all large wholesalers in Voronezh, as a result of which the company's products are highly represented in the retail chain .

The main competitive advantage of Nestle is the effective organization of sales, which consists in creating an exclusive retail network (branded kiosks, refrigerators) and in controlling the sale of products.

These enterprises have long and firmly fixed their position in the Voronezh market, which, however, has not prevented six more manufacturers from finding their place in the market over the past few years, including the following companies :

-OAO "Belgorod Cold Packing Plant" achieved its success due to the popularity in the Voronezh market of the brand "Strong Cow."

OJSC AisFili (Moscow) gained a foothold in the Voronezh market due to the fact that a few years ago it offered wholesale organizations of the city more attractive prices compared to other Moscow manufacturers.

-KFH "Serebryanka" (Voronezh region) owns a network of its own kiosks.

-Thalosto Company (St. Petersburg) trades through the local representative office.

Today, the turnover of products of these companies is 90% of the Voronezh market.

The most effective marketing policy of the manufacturer in the ice cream market is to expand the retail network by providing freezers and installing branded kiosks. However, this policy requires strict control over the sale of products, otherwise ice cream of competitors or even frozen semi-finished products will also be laid out in the stalls owned by the manufacturer.

In July 2002, the turnover of the wholesale ice cream market in Voronezh was 44 million rubles, and the weighted average wholesale price of 100 g of ice cream was 4.66 rubles.

The retail market is divided into spheres of influence by several large wholesale organizations, each of which sells products from 5 to 15 manufacturers.

The total number of wholesale participants is 45 organizations, 12 of which control 85% of the retail market. This group includes:

two manufacturers selling their own products through branded retail outlets are Cold and Serebryanka;

eight independent large wholesale companies (Alpha and Co, IP Bondarenko, IP Dedenko, IP Erin, Ermak, IP Kapustin, IP Rodionov, IP Gray) that sell products from several manufacturers;

two representative offices - Nestle and Talosto, Nestle in the Voronezh market is represented by IP Rodionov, and Talosto is represented by Ta-Losto-Voronezh. [7]

Drawings content

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