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Project of 9-storey residential building as part of coursework


Course work in the discipline "Fundamentals of Architectural and Structural Design"
1. Natural and climatic conditions of the construction site
4. Structural solution of the building
4.3 Overlaps
5. Building Finishes
Drawings: plot plan for A3, elevation for A2, 1st floor plan for A3, typical floor plan for A3, section for A3, floors for A3, pavements for A3, foundation for A3, roof for A3, specifications for A4 and A3, nodes.

Project's Content

icon !Содержание.doc
icon ГЕНПЛАН А3.dwg
icon кровля.dwg
icon кровляспецификация.dwg
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icon перекрытия1спецификация.dwg
icon план1экспликация.dwg
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icon покрытия1спецификация.dwg
icon пояснительная.doc
icon развертка.dwg
icon разрез а.dwg
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icon разрез.dwg
icon титульник.dwg
icon узлы.dwg
icon узлы2.dwg
icon ФАСАД.dwg
icon покрытия.dwg

Additional information



Introduction...............................................................3 of p

Natural and climatic conditions of the construction site........ 4 pp

Master plan of the site.....................................................................6 of p

Space-planning solution of the building......... 9 pages

Structural solution of the building................................. 11 pages

4.1 Foundations.............................................. 11 page

4.2 Wall characteristics..................................... 15 pages

4.3 Overlaps.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4.4 Ladders.................................................................................................................................

4.5 Coating............................... 20 pages

Finishing of the building.......................................23 of p

5.1 Design of window and door openings .23 pp

5.2 Exterior and interior decoration of the building.... 24 pp

Engineering equipment...................... 26 pp

Conclusion.27 of p

List of used literature... 28 pages

6. building engineering support

Building engineering equipment includes elevator, water supply, sewerage, wiring, gas supply and heating system.

Power supply of the building is carried out from the general power grid. Wiring in the designed building is carried out before plastering the internal walls and partitions and is attached by means of special fasteners to the building structures. If necessary, the holes for the electric wire in the walls and floors shall be arranged.

A conventional elevator with a mixed simple control system is designed to lift and lower goods and passengers at the same time. The elevator is made in accordance with the requirements of the standard. The cabin is suspended from its upper part.

The sewerage system of the building is connected to the central city sewerage network.

Water supply is carried out from a common water supply.

Gas supply is provided from external gas network. Gas columns located in the kitchen and bathroom are designed to heat the water entering the bathroom and kitchen.

The building heating system consists of pipes and heating batteries through which water circulates. Such a heating system is called central. Heating batteries are located in all rooms and run along the internal walls of the building on both floors.


This course work was devoted to the development of a project for a multi-storey residential building .

When performing this course work and more detailed study of the main structural aspects of multi-storey construction, not only normative literature (GOST, SNiP, etc.) was used, but also textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, albums on the subject of research.

Thus, in conclusion of this work, it should be concluded that only a comprehensive study of the technical and economic aspects of modern multi-storey construction and the subsequent application of the acquired skills allows you to get a full-fledged project that will satisfy not only the regulatory acts in force in the Russian Federation, but also the constantly increasing requirements of comfort on the part of society and building owners.

Drawings content

icon ГЕНПЛАН А3.dwg

icon кровля.dwg


icon кровляспецификация.dwg


icon переекрытия1ппр.dwg


icon перекрытия1спецификация.dwg


icon план1экспликация.dwg


icon план1.dwg


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icon покрытия1спецификация.dwg


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разрез а.dwg

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разрез б.dwg

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