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Nine-storey residential building (coursework project)


Architecture Course Project

Project's Content

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Additional information



Space-planning solution of the building

Thermal design of the outer wall in winter conditions

Structural solution of the building

Technical and economic indicators of the designed building

5. List of literature

Structural solution of the building


A pile foundation has been designed in the building under construction. The geometric dimensions of piles are based on the values ​ ​ of the loads acting on them, as well as the bearing capacity of the soil. Piles are accepted by section 350х350. Foundations are made of C2025 class concrete. To drain storm and meltwater from the foundations, a paving device is provided, with a slope of i = 0.03. Paving is made of asphalt concrete. Pavement width b = 1000 mm. The pavement is arranged on a crushed stone compacted base, which in turn is arranged on a compacted sand filling. To prevent water flowing into the equipment. underground along the blocks of the basement walls, vertical waterproofing is arranged in the form of coating hot bitumen twice. Horizontal waterproofing of 2 ruberoid layers on bitumen mastic

Under all bearing walls C9035 brand piles to sizes 350х350х8000 are accepted. (See graphic part sheet).

Walls and Partitions

The external walls of the building are made of three-layer wall panels: the first layer is ceramsite concrete sound= 1000 kg/m3 thickness δ = 0.08m, the second layer is insulation from mineral wool (in accordance with the heat engineering calculation) sound= 100 kg/m3, the third layer-concrete is heavy sound= 2400 kg/m3 thickness δ = 0.1m -.. The thickness of these walls is selected in accordance with 300 mm heat engineering design. Inter-room partitions are designed from wall panels 100 mm thick.


Floor slabs accept multi-structure reinforced concrete with a thickness of 220 mm. Prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs of the floor during their installation are rigidly sealed in the walls using anchor anchorages and are attached to each other by welded and reinforcement bonds. Floor slabs rest on bearing wall panels on M100 layer of cement mortar. Holes for passage of plumbing pipes and ventilation ducts are interplate (see floor plan in the graphic part).


For inter-storey communication in the designed building there is a reinforced concrete staircase made of prefabricated reinforced concrete platforms and slab marches (1LP28.16, LM 39.14.17) The width of the staircase is 2800 mm, the width of the staircase is 1350 mm. For fire safety purposes, 100 mm clearance is provided between the marches for free passage of the fire hose.


According to the design solution, the roof is designed as a flat combined 3 types. The roof is rolled, the coating is 3-layer roofing with a panelpot, a 40 mm leveling cement-sand brace is arranged, on which the Technonikol roll carpets are laid..

Drawings content

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