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Project for the repair and reconstruction of the building of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Internal Affairs in the Kaluga Region


Sauna power supply: lighting, sockets, force, lightning protection, grounding + DBE

Project's Content

icon ПЗ_Калуга ЭОМ.doc
icon Сауна ЭОМ.dwg

Additional information


Section Composition

Chief Project Engineer Warranty Record

Explanatory Note


General Instructions

Design solutions

Installation Instructions

Fire safety

Graphic part

1. Introduction

Design documentation for the repair and reconstruction of the building of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Kaluga Region at the address: Kaluga, ul. Kalinina, d. 13 was developed on the basis of a program task approved by the customer.

Design Input:

- Design assignment;

- Set of architectural and design drawings;

2. General Instructions

In terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply, the electrical installation of the facility belongs to category III.

Design power is 19.2 kW

All metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment are grounded. PE conductors are used for grounding.

Protective grounding and installation of the electrical installation shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of PUE, SNiP 3.05.0685 and other guidance documents.

The building shall have a potential equalization system with

as per item 7.1.87 of PUE. The potential equalization system shall be performed as per

drawing sheet 21 of the present project

3. Design solutions

Electrical part of the project for the reconstruction of the building

the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Kaluga Region as a whole consists of the following

EOM section - electrical part; Electrical equipment and

electric lighting of rooms is performed using

lamps, devices, instruments and materials

mass-produced both by the industry of the Russian Federation and by foreign

manufacturers. All electrical equipment and materials

must have the appropriate certificates.

To receive and distribute power to the facility in the project

distribution boards are provided.

4. Installation Instructions

Switchboard Inlet Switchgear

FR supplied from the existing BRU.

Distribution board is installed on the wall in the niche, at the elevation

1500 mm from the floor.

Group electric lighting networks are made by cable

IWG 3x1.5.

Group mains supplying sockets, I perform

3x2.5 IWGng cable.

Branches to lamps and sockets shall be made in from

branch boxes. Make the connection in the boxes "under the clem-mu"

or by twisting with subsequent soldering and insulation of the cores.

The potential equalization conductor shall be laid in PVC pipe in the wall and connected to the plumbing and sewage risers by means of AM8 terminals.

5. Fire safety

Fire safety of electrical installations operation is provided by the following design solutions:

application of electrical equipment, lighting fixtures, electrical installation products corresponding to environmental conditions and nominal voltage;

selection of grades and sections of wires and cables, methods of their laying meeting the requirements of PUE, GOST R 50571.1597;

selection of settings of protective devices providing their actuation in areas of short-circuit currents and overloads;

protective part of electrical installation.

Drawings content

icon Сауна ЭОМ.dwg

Сауна ЭОМ.dwg

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