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Project for the construction of gas stations on the street Imam Gazimagomed No. 1D in Buinaksk


External 6/0.4 kV Networks, Power Supply Network Plan, Lightning Protection, Earthing, Control Room, Fuel Manifold Connection, Connection of String-M Level Meter and PMP Level Sensors, Location Plan and Connection Diagram of Fire Alarm Devices

Project's Content

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icon записка электрика.docx

Additional information

1. Power supply

The designed facility for reliability and power consumption according to PUE2007 belongs to category III. The gas station power supply is provided in accordance with specifications N1638 dated 10.12.2010, issued by the UTP of the branch of IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC Dagenergo1 with the installation of a transformer substation of the mast type MTP25 with a capacity of 25 kVA. In the area of ​ ​ the construction of gas stations passes power transmission line VL6 kV. The design envisages measures for transfer of VL6 kV support (see NET2 sheet)

The total installed power is 12.4 kW, including the electric heating power of the control room of the DAKON PTEM type - 6 kW.

Explosion safety area class B-1 for fuel storage tanks and II for operator room.

The designed 6 kV supply line is air-wired

AS-35 from the standing close by existing VL6 support of kV to the projected TP and a cable of 0.4 kV from TP to a power case of power supply (ShchRN36 type) established in the operator. Special protective measures according to the requirements of PUE are performed at the point of supply and entry of the 0.4kV supply line into the operator's room.

For emergency power outage at gas stations in case of emergency

in situations, as well as to provide electric consumers (lighting and power electrical equipment and equipment) during repair and preventive work, a common electric circuit breaker is provided on the power cabinet.

Cable lines along the filling station site shall be laid:

- in trenches with a depth of not less than 0.7 m from the planning mark, places of possible mechanical damage and intersections with utility networks, protect with pipes ;

- in steel pipes at a depth of not less than 0.2... 0.5 m from the planning mark (cable entry into the process shafts of tanks and islands of TRC).

Cable entries into the control room building, TPL islands and process shafts of tanks shall be sealed with non-combustible material, cable laying in TPL islands and process shafts of tanks shall be performed in a flexible PVC pipe. Supply networks of process equipment are made with MKSH 1 * (10 * 0.5) cable, 0.66 and MKASH 1 * (3 * 0.5), 0.66 and 1 * (5 * 0.5) cable, 0.66 *; power and lighting the VVG cable of the section (ES5) corresponding to calculations.

All electrical cables and electrical wires for automation and control of filling stations laid between the operator's rooms and gas dispensers must be laid in steel pipes (ES2).

1.1. Internal electrical lighting and electrical equipment.

Operating and emergency electrical lighting is provided in the control room premises, considering that in the area of the PUE class, the operator's room belongs to the IIIa category according to the conditions of explosion and fire hazard and the activity of the reversed medium in it does not require any special protective measures for the lighting and power utilities.

Electric lighting is made according to SNiP 23.05.95, normalized illuminations by rooms are indicated on the drawings. Lights with filament lamps and lamps with energy-saving fluorescent lamps are used as light sources. Lighting control - switches in place.

For emergency evacuation lighting, the installation of a lamp with a built-in battery LBO41 1 * 8 (with "Exit" labels), powered by a common lighting network, is designed .

A potential equalization system is designed, connecting: PENB feed cable conductor, grounding device metal pipes of utilities included in the building.

As protective (PE) conductors, separate conductors of supply and distribution cables are used.

1.2. External lighting of filling stations.

External lighting is performed by lamps with high-pressure mercury lamps DRL250 installed in the canopy ceiling and on railway racks on metal brackets.

Control of outdoor and promotional lighting - from the introductory control room switchgear.

Advertising lighting is performed by lighting fixtures with fluorescent lamps installed in light displays and canopy emblem and spotlights with halogen lamps installed on the information board.

The cables shall be lifted to the electrical lighting of the canopy in the canopy column. Install 2-a searchlight IO500 on the information panel.

Branch and cutting of external lighting cables shall be performed in U995 boxes installed at a height of 0.5 m on railway supports.

Branches to lighting fixtures must be made with IWG 3 * 1.5 cable .

Cables shall be laid by railway supports in PVC pipe (from boxes to lamps) and in steel pipe ∅32 mm from box to ground.

Cables shall be lifted to electrical illumination of the data board in the column on which it is installed.

Install the 4th spotlight of IO150 on the information panel.

1.3. Requirements for installation of electrical equipment.

Installation of lighting and power electrical equipment must be performed in strict accordance with the requirements of PUE85 and SNiP P3376 "Electrical Installation Rules." Electrical schematic diagrams for the operator's room and gas filling columns are given in ATS Certificate 011.145.00.

2. Protective grounding. Lightning protection

2.1. Protective grounding.

All normally non-flowing metal parts of electrical equipment, cable and process structures shall be grounded. The grounding device is made of 8 vertical grounding conductors L = 3.0 m (steel angle 40) connected to each other by steel strip 4 * 40 mm and steel pipes of cable sewer (see sheet 3) laid at a depth of at least 0.5 m from the planning mark. All connections shall be made by overlapping welding.

Connect the following to the grounding device:

- the main grounding tire (RE 1VRU tire);

- lightning rods and lightning screen of the control room;

- metal structures of canopy and islands of TRC;

- tanks and process pipelines;

- Tanker truck grounding device (UZA);

- steel pipes of cable sewerage;

- metal housings of fuel dispensers and level sensors.

The joints shall be made with steel strip 4 * 40 mm and steel wire ∅6 mm (for lightning screen) by overlapping welding.

Tanker grounding device shall be made of steel angle 40 mm, length 2 m, with tanker grounding device VUUKUZAV installed at the end of the angle (to indicate the presence of a circuit between the tanker and the grounding device), deepen the steel angle by 1 m and connect the steel strip 4 * 40 mm by welding to the grounding device.

Connect the metal housings of the process equipment (fuel dispensers, level sensors) with the grounding device by wire PV3 1 * 2.5 (weld the M6 * 25 bolt near each grounded process equipment to the metal structures of the structures).

In the control room cable pit, weld M8 * 35 bolt to the steel cable sewer pipe, connect PE 1BRU bus to the grounding device with PV3 1 * 16 wire.

When entering the control room building, perform the potential equalization system by connecting the supply cable conductor, the filling station grounding device, and the metal sewage pipe to the main grounding bus (PE 1BRU bus).

The resistance of the grounding device is not more than 10 ohms.

2.2. Lightning protection.

Lightning protection calculation is performed according to protection category II (zone B) according to RD 34.21.12287.

Protection of fuel dispenser column for diesel fuel delivery from direct lightning strikes is made with single rod lightning outlet h = 11 m.

Protection of fuel dispensers for dispensing gasoline from direct lightning strikes is made by metal canopy structures.

Protection of the tank farm (breathing valves) and the AC drain area is made with a double rod lightning outlet h = 11 m.

The control room building is protected by lightning screen with 2.5 * 4.5 m cell made with steel wire of ∅6 mm. Connect the lightning screen to the grounding device with steel wire ∅6 mm in two points. All joints shall be welded.

3. Process equipment control.

To fill vehicles with liquid motor fuel, a fuel dispenser control complex is used. The complex includes:

- (1RU) - a board of food of fuel-dispensing columns

- two fuel distribution columns "Nara5312" (two types of fuel, 4 hoses);

- personal computer with "ToopAZS" software installed;

- "StrichFR" fiscal recorder;

- "Strunam" level meter.

The operator can use the personal computer to select the TPC, set the TPC to release the required fuel dose and monitor the fuel release information on the display.

For commercial fuel accounting, 2 StrunAm level gauges with eight level converters are used, data on the level, temperature and density in fuel tanks are transmitted to a personal computer. When the fuel level reaches 90% and 95% of the tank volume, an alarm signal is output to the operator. When minimum fuel level is reached, fuel output from

of this tank.

PMP066 level sensor with MS-3-1 (R) -GS annunciator is used for level monitoring in the emergency storage tank. When reached

90% of the volume of the tank is supplied with a light-and-sound signal to the operator about the emergency situation.

PMP066 level sensor (complete with tank) is installed in each fuel storage tank to monitor the tightness of the interwall space. Signal from sensors is transmitted to MS-3-1 (R) -GS annunciators .

When the level of toasties in the inter-wall space of the tanks increases or decreases, a light-and-sound signal is sent to the operator both emergency situations.

Connect cables to process equipment in accordance with its technical documentation.

7. All electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas shall have appropriate explosion protection marking and permission to use the Russian Rostekhnadzor.

All metal parts of electrical equipment normally not energized, cable and process structures shall be grounded.

4.1. Fire alarm.

Fire safety requirements under various conditions are taken into account and set out in the corresponding sections of the project explanatory note and in the working drawings. In the control room building, an automatic fire alarm installation was designed, made on the basis of smoke detectors of the IP 21241M type designed to detect fires by the appearance of smoke in closed rooms, and a manual fire detector of the IPR-M type. 2. Perform the fire alarm loop using KPSVV 1 * 2 * 0.5 cable and install "Granit2" fire alarm cable on the instrument. Install the fire alarm loop using KPSVV 1 * 2 * 0.5 cable. For fire warning, "Mayak12KP" light-and-sound detector is installed on the outer wall. in the operator's room. Install fire alarm devices, refer to RD 78.14593 . 4.

Drawings content

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