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Production Building - Drawings


Diploma project on the topic: ATP project for 300 cars with the development of the TR zone and a hydraulic lift for bridge repair

Project's Content

icon ЗТО.bmp
icon КВ.bmp
icon ктг.bmp
icon сс.bmp
icon 00000Оглавление.doc
icon 0010БЖД.doc
icon 0011Экономический раздел.doc
icon 0012Заключение.doc
icon 001титульный лист.doc
icon 002Аннотация.doc
icon 003введение.doc
icon 004Анализ прозв-хоз. деят-и.doc
icon 005технологический расчет.doc
icon 006Технический проект зоны ТР.doc
icon 007Технологическая часть.doc
icon 008конструкторская часть.doc
icon Список используемых источников.doc
icon Спецификация.dwg
icon чертежи.dwg
icon opis.txt

Additional information




Section 1. Analysis of production and economic activities

1.1 General description of Naberezhno-Chelninskoye GATP OJSC

1.1.1 General provisions, location and name of JSC Naberezhno-Chelninskoye GATP

1.1.2 Goals, tasks and activities of Naberezhno-Chelninskoye GATP OJSC

1.1.3 Organization of repairs in JSC Naberezhno-Chelninskoye GATP

1.1.4 Logistics base

1.2. Technical and economic indicators of Naberezhno-Chelninskoye GATP OJSC

Conclusions under section

Section 2. Process calculation

2.1 Selection of initial data

2.2 Calculation of Production Program for Maintenance

2.2.1 Adjustment of standard periodicity of maintenance and resource mileage

2.2.2 Calculation of the number of maintenance per group of cars per year

2.2.3 Determination of annual number of diagnostic effects

2.2.4 Definition of daily production program for car maintenance and diagnostics

2.3 Calculation of annual scope of work and number of production workers

2.3.1 Selection and adjustment of normative labour intensity

2.3.2 Determination of annual scope of maintenance and maintenance works

2.3.3 Distribution of maintenance and maintenance scope by production areas and areas

2.3.4 Calculation of annual scope of auxiliary works

2.3.5 Calculation of the number of production workers

2.3.6 Calculation of the total number of production workers

2.4 Calculation of posts and flow lines

2.4.1 Calculation of EU flow lines

2.4.2 Calculation of the number of EO posts for operations other than cleaning and washing

2.4.3 Calculation of maintenance flow lines

2.4.4 Calculation of specialized diagnostic posts

2.4.5 Calculation of number of TR posts

2.4.6 Calculation of total number of posts

2.5 Space area calculation

2.5.1 Calculation of areas of maintenance and maintenance areas

2.5.2 Calculation of production areas

2.5.3 Calculation of storage areas

2.5.4 Calculation of technical premises areas

2.5.5 Calculation of total area of production and storage facilities

2.5.6 Calculation of car storage area

2.5.7 Calculation of administrative and domestic premises

2.5.8 Calculation of territory area

2.6 Project Feasibility Study

Conclusions under section

Section 3. Technical design of TR zone

3.1 General Information

3.1.1 Purpose of maintenance and repair

3.2 Repair of cars

3.3 Organization of work of posts and performers

3.2 Process Equipment List

3.3 Calculation of TR zone mechanization level

3.4 Updated calculation of TR area

3.5 Procedure of TR organization

Conclusions under section

Section 4. Process Part

4.1 Removal of rear trolley

4.2 Installation of rear trolley

Conclusions under section

Section 5. Design Part

5.1 Analysis of existing structures

5.1.2 Patent Search

5.2 Analysis of the principle of actions and layout

5.3 Selection of hydraulic pump

5.4 Selection of electric motor

5.5 Process calculation of hydraulic hoist

5.5.1 Determination of diameters of hydraulic cylinders

5.5.2 Check calculation for strength of hydraulic hoist cylinder parts

5.6 Frame Strength Calculation

Conclusions under section

Section 6. BZHD

6.1 Enterprise Overview for Hazardous and Harmful Factors

6.1.1 Characteristics of fire hazard plant premises

6.1.2 Characteristics of the plant premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock

6.2 Lighting

6.2.1 Natural lighting

6.2.2 Artificial lighting

6.2.3 Calculation of TR area illumination

6.3 Improvement of air environment and normalization of microclimate parameters

6.3.1 Air pollution by harmful substances

6.3.2 Ventilation systems

6.4 Protection against production vibrations and noise

6.4.1 Vibration, its sources and human impact

6.4.2 Vibration Control Methods

6.4.3 Noise and its effect on humans

6.4.4 Methods of noise control on ATP

6.5 Electrical Safety

6.5.1 Action of electric tone on a person and types of lesions

6.5.2 Measures to protect against electrotraumatism

6.6 Fire Safety

6.6.1 Combustion processes

6.6.2 Fire prevention in buildings and structures

6.6.3 Fire extinguishing equipment

6.7 Safety of developed equipment

6.8 Emergency Response

6.8.1 Emergency Response

6.9 Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

6.9.1 Laws and Regulations

6.9.2 Regulatory and technical documentation

6.9.3 Rights and guarantees of employees under HSE

6.9.4 State legal acts on HSE

Conclusions under section

Section 7. Economic part

7.1 Calculation of the Transfinplan of the Freight Transport Enterprise

7.1.1 Initial data

7.1.2 Cargo Transport Plan

7.1.3 Indicators for each type of cargo

7.1.4 Specific indicators

7.1.5 Production program and rolling stock operation plan

7.1.6. Operational Production Program Key Figures

7.1.7 Indicators for ATP as a whole

7.2. Calculation of maintenance and repair plans for rolling stock and logistics

7.2.1. Calculation of norms and norms

7.2.2 Calculation of Maintenance Quantity

7.2.3 Calculation of labor intensity of maintenance and repair works

7.2.4 Calculation of rolling stock production and technical readiness factors

7.2.5 Logistics Plan Calculation of average annual fuel consumption rates Calculation of costs for lubricants and wipers Calculation of tyre repair and repair costs Material and Spare Parts Costs

7.3 Calculation of Labor and Wage Plan

7.3.1 Calculation of Labor Plan

7.3.2 Calculation of the number of ITR, employees, MOS

7.3.3 Payroll Plan Calculation Annual Salary Fund for ITR, Employees, MoS and PSO Pay drivers Compensation for repair and auxiliary workers

7.4 Calculation of profit, cost and profitability plan

7.4.1 Calculation of the cost of transportation

7.4.2 Calculation of Motor Vehicle Company Revenues Calculation of revenues from hourly cars

7.4.3 Calculation of Profit and Profitability

7.5 Development of Road Transport Plant Efficiency Plan

7.5.1 Calculation of main technical and economic indicators

Conclusions under section

List of sources used



The diploma project considered seven sections. The graphic part consists of ___ sheets of A1 format, as well as a calculation and explanatory note with a volume of ___ sheets.

Section 1 describes the analysis of the production and economic activity of the enterprise, similar to the one I am developing in the diploma project.

Section 2 includes calculation of the production program for maintenance and repair, calculation of the annual scope of work and the number of production workers, technological calculation of production zones, areas and warehouses, calculation of space areas and technical and economic evaluation of the project.

In Section 3, the TR area was designed and the necessary process equipment was selected.

Section 4 describes the process for the replacement of the rear axle.

Section 5 provides a hydraulic lift for bridge repair.

Section 6 deals with safety of ATP life in general and calculates illumination of TR zone.

Section 7 calculates the transfinant plan, the logistics plan, the labor and wage plan, the profit, cost and profitability plan, and the cost-effectiveness of the APP.


Maintenance of cars in technically working order substantially depends on the level of development and operating conditions of the technological base of the enterprises of the road transport representing set of the buildings, constructions, the equipment, equipment and tool intended for the maintenance (M), the maintenance (M) and storage of the rolling stock. At the same time, it should be noted that the contribution of PTB to the efficiency of technical operation of cars is quite high and is estimated at 1819%.

Currently, the development of PTB is defended from the growth rate of the fleet of cars. The outstripping growth in the number of cars has led to the fact that on average in the country the supply of ATP with production areas is 5065%, posts for maintenance and maintenance 6070% of the standard. The level of equipment of production by means of mechanization of maintenance and maintenance processes does not exceed 30%. Such situation leads to considerable idle times of cars waiting of TO and TP and, in the investigation, to increase in costs of their maintenance in good repair.

However, it should be borne in mind that the establishment of a developed PTB requires a large investment through a comprehensive feasibility study.

The construction of new ones, the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing road transport enterprises should meet the modern requirements of scientific and technological progress and the conditions for the transition of the economy to market relations.

The efficiency of PTB development is largely determined by the quality of design solutions, which should provide:

implementation of science, technology, best domestic and foreign experience in projects so that newly built or reconstructed enterprises at the time of their commissioning are technically advanced and provide high quality maintenance and repair of rolling stock in accordance with scientifically justified standards for the cost of labor, raw materials, materials and fuel and energy resources;

high efficiency of capital investments;

High level of urban planning and architectural solutions;

land management;

minimal impact on the environment, as well as seismic resistance, explosion safety and fire safety of objects.

In recent years, the country has increased its work related to the construction of new roads and the repair of existing ones. In this regard, there is a shortage of dump rolling stock.

The efficiency of investments is ensured by:

mechanization and automation of production processes and further reduction of manual labor;

application of industrial methods of construction and effective forms of its organization, ensuring increase of labor productivity;

improvement of space-planning and structural solutions of buildings and structures and, in particular, their combination (blocking), rational use of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete, wide use of light structures and materials, efficient engineering equipment.

Reducing labor-intensive work, equipping workplaces and posts with high-performance equipment should be considered as one of the main areas of technological progress in the creation of ATPs.

Drawings content

icon Спецификация.dwg


icon чертежи.dwg
