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Production building of an industrial enterprise - Machine-building production in Voronezh

  • Added: 25.03.2022
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Course project on the discipline "Architecture of buildings"

on the theme : "Machine-building production in Voronezh".


The projected building of the blacksmith and stamping shop is one-storey rectangular in plan with total dimensions in the axes of 108 x 72 m. The building is 3 x span with a mutually perpendicular span. Adjacent spans of 24.0 m, mutually perpendicular span of 24.0 m. Height to the bottom of the supporting structures is 12.6 and 14.4 m, respectively. The location of the internal supports is span.

Pitch of internal columns 12 m, external 6 m



Introduction. 3

1. Design assignment. 5

2. Master plan. 6

3. Space-planning solution of the designed building. 2

4.Constructive solution. 8

5. Calculations for the architectural and construction solution of the building. ... 12

6.Technical and economic assessment of the volumetric-planning and structural solution of the building.... 13


List of sources used.......... 14

Project's Content

icon poyasnitelnaya_arkhitektura_pev.doc
icon promzdanie_pevchenko (1).dwg

Additional information



1. Design Task

2. Master Plan

3. Volume and planning solution of the designed building

4. Constructive solution

5. Calculations for the architectural and construction solution of the building

6. Technical and economic assessment of the space-planning and structural solution of the building

List of sources used


Industrial construction is a field of construction engaged in the creation of fixed assets of industry, including the implementation of a complex of construction and installation works related to the construction of new ones, as well as the expansion, modernization and reconstruction of existing industrial enterprises.

Industrial buildings are subject to the following requirements:




architecturally - aesthetic.

Modern aspects of industrial construction include:

technological aspect,

construction aspect,

urban planning aspect.

The main factors determining the solution of an industrial building (dimensions, shape used in a building structure, used engineering and lifting and transportation equipment, etc.) are the technological process carried out in it, and the internal environment (air environment in general, light, temperature - humidity and noise modes in particular).

Industrial buildings, regardless of industry, are divided into 4 main groups in accordance with their functional purpose, namely: production (main workshops), energy (CHP, substations, etc.), transport and storage (garages, warehouses, etc.) and auxiliary (ABC). This course project is devoted to the design of a production industrial building - a forging and stamping workshop of a machine-building plant, which is the result of solving complex problems: correct establishment of the relationship between industrial and residential areas, formation of

development of the factory territory.

The purpose of the course project is to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in the study of the theoretical course of the discipline "Architecture of industrial buildings," acquire skills in the practical use of theoretical knowledge for the integrated solution of architectural and construction problems when developing architectural and structural projects of industrial and administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, using unified, standard space-planning and structural solutions, subject to existing standards, technical conditions and standards of construction solutions.

Master Plan

The master plan is an important component of the industrial complex. Design of the general plan of the industrial enterprise shall be carried out in accordance with SP 18.13330.2011 "SNiP 279080 * General plans of industrial enterprises" [8]

The drawing shows a piece of the master plan.

On the plot plan fragment, in addition to the designed building, there are:

Open metal warehouse;

Mechanical and assembly buildings;

Blacksmith building;

Administrative and household building;

Auxiliary shop units;

Water supply unit;

Treatment facilities;

Acitelen station;

Cooling tower;

Administrative complex;

Protection zone.

The territory of the plant has a perimeter fence and is equipped with entrances and exits for auto-transport. Departures are controlled by checkpoints.

The area of ​ ​ the industrial enterprise includes pre-factory, production, utility and storage areas. Lawns and flowers are used as landscaping.

The plot plan shows the geodetic grid (100X100m).

Space Planning Solution

The designed building of the forging and stamping shop is one-story rectangular in plan with general dimensions in axes 108 x 72 m. The building is 3-span with a mutually perpendicular span. Adjacent spans measuring 24.0 m, mutually perpendicular span measuring 24.0 m. The height to the bottom of the supporting structures is 12.6 and 14.4 m, respectively. Location of internal supports is span.

Pitch of internal columns 12 m, external 6 m

Drawings content

icon promzdanie_pevchenko (1).dwg

promzdanie_pevchenko (1).dwg

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