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Production building - ATP design

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project for the design of a motor transport enterprise. The calculation of the production building and the aggregate section is carried out in the work

Project's Content

icon КР бузов Мой.doc
icon Участок.cdw
icon КР АТП 1181 итог.cdw

Additional information


1 Selection and justification of additional input data

1.2 Adjusting Maintenance and Repair Standards

1.3 Calculation of the annual production program by the number of impacts

1.4 Calculation of maintenance and maintenance capacity of rolling stock

1.5 Calculation of the number of maintenance workers and their distribution by specialties

1.6 Process design of vehicle maintenance and maintenance zones

1.7 Calculation of production area

1.8 Calculation of storage areas

1.9. Total area of production and storage facilities

2. Layout of ATP production building

3. Process calculation of the production area of the aggregate area

List of used literature

Drawings content

icon Участок.cdw


icon КР АТП 1181 итог.cdw

КР АТП 1181 итог.cdw