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Production building ATP for 150 KamAZ vehicles - 65115

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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icon Слесарно-механический участок.cdw
icon Технологическая часть.doc
icon F9A19000.xls
icon Генеральный план АТП.bak
icon Генеральный план АТП.cdw
icon Зона ТО-1.bak
icon Зона ТО-1.cdw
icon Показатели.bak
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icon Производственный корпус.bak.bak
icon Производственный корпус.bak.cdw
icon Слесарно-механический участок.bak

Additional information


The design of ATP and STP is based on design solutions for the technology and organization of maintenance and maintenance production, developed during the technological design of the enterprise.

At the same time, the technological design of the enterprise means a process including:

• Selection and justification of initial data for the production program calculation

• calculation of program, production volumes and number of production personnel;

• selection and justification of the method of maintenance and maintenance organization;

• calculation of the number of posts and lines for maintenance and TR posts of rolling stock;

• determination of process equipment requirements and calculation of the level of mechanization of production processes;

• calculation of areas of production, storage and auxiliary premises;

• selection, justification and development of space-planning solution of zones, sections and enterprise as a whole;

• development of a master plan;

• technical and economic evaluation of the developed technological design solution.

The results of technological design serve as the basis for re-work of other parts of the project (construction, plumbing, electrical, etc.) and largely determine the quality of the project as a whole.

Design stages. ATP can be designed in one or two stages. In one stage, projects are being developed for enterprises, construction, which will be carried out according to typical or re-used projects for technically simple facilities, as well as reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of enterprises. In other cases, the design is carried out in two stages.

Design in one stage.

At the same time, a working draft (with a consolidated cost estimate) is being developed, which consists of a general explanatory note and drawings.

The explanatory note contains: general data (initial data for design, characteristics and purpose of the enterprise, demand for energy and labor resources, technical and economic indicators.

• main decisions on the technology and organization of production (description of the general organization of production of the enterprise, the production processes envisaged in it and the adopted production regime, the results of calculations to determine the production program and the volume of production, labor, equipment, areas of production, storage and auxiliary premises, as well as a description of the adopted space planning decisions, environmental protection measures, etc.);

• main construction solutions;

• estimate documentation and working design certificate.

Detailed design drawings include:

• situational plan of the enterprise location in the development area ;

• Master Plan;

• process flow diagram;

• process layout indicating the location of the main stationary equipment (lifts, ditches, etc.);

• power supply, heat supply and other communications schemes;

• construction drawings (plans, sections, facades );

• utility routes (plans, diagrams).

Design in two stages.

A project with a consolidated cost estimate is first developed and then, once approved, working documentation with estimates. The project includes:

• Explanatory note containing general data and drawings similar to the working design, main solutions on production technology, main construction solutions;

• Basic solutions for the organization of construction, including housing;

• cost estimate documentation and project passport.

Working documentation (drawings) consists of installation drawings in the form of plans of production and storage rooms with placement of equipment, sections of rooms and drawings of certain parts, accessories and devices necessary for installation of equipment.

The ATP project is based on design solutions for the technology and organization of maintenance and maintenance, developed during the technological design of the enterprise.

The end result of the process design is the development of a master plan and a space-planning solution of the enterprise, ensuring the implementation of the established program and the scope of work for maintenance and maintenance, as well as the storage of rolling stock, in accordance with the production

The ATP process, with the appropriate level of technical and economic indicators of the design solution.

2.9.2 Methods of maintenance and maintenance

Basic basis of maintenance and repair system construction are:

1. the objective, which is set for road transport and its subsystem - technical operation;

2. vehicle operating conditions;

3. the level of reliability and quality of cars ;

4. organizational and technical limitations .

Maintenance includes 8-10 types of works (lubrication, fastening, adjustment, control, diagnostic, etc.) and more than 150-280 specific

maintenance objects, i.e. units, mechanisms, parts requiring preventive actions.

Each node, mechanism, connection can have its own optimal frequency of maintenance. If you follow these intervals, then the car as a whole must be sent almost continuously for the maintenance of each connection, mechanism, unit, which will cause great difficulties with the organization of work and additional loss of working time, especially in the preparatory and final operations.

Therefore, once the effects to be performed during maintenance and determining the optimal periodicity of each operation have been selected from the totality, the operations are grouped into maintenance types. This makes it possible to reduce the number of car runs for maintenance and downtime in maintenance and repair.

The EO includes filling operations and control aimed at ensuring daily safety and maintaining the proper type of car. Performed by the driver of the car.

Maintenance provides for the performance of a certain type of work through the established operational mileage of the car.

Seasonal maintenance (SO) provides for the performance of work on the preparation of the car for winter and summer operation.

All works are performed at the posts of the production building.

2.10. construction requirements

2.10.1. Requirements for the General Plan

Blocked construction has an advantage over pavilion in terms of economy of construction, convenience of building production processes, implementation of technological connections and organization of movement. Advantages of the second building method include fire hazard reduction and overall simplification of the planning solution .

Repair shops are considered to be the most dangerous in terms of fire, so they must be placed in rooms isolated from parking.

Movement on the territory of the enterprise is a bilateral ring. The width of the carriageway is at least 4 meters. The driveways are located so that the car, entering the territory of the enterprise, should either be unloaded or to a closed parking lot. If necessary, the car is sent to the building for inspection, where if problems are detected, maintenance is carried out. Then the car gets back to the closed parking lot. Before sending the car (serviceable) to the flight, it is sent to a gas station, then to the loading area of ​ ​ the main workshop of the enterprise, and to KTP. To pass TO or TR, the car is removed from the storage area and sent to the site.

The working gates of entrances and exits must be located with an indentation from the red line of development by at least the length of the largest car at this enterprise, while the entrance gates must precede the exit gates, counting in the course of street traffic, which will exclude the cross-section of the movement of leaving cars .

It is not permitted to store empty packagings of fuel or lubricants in vehicle maintenance and repair rooms, therefore a special warehouse is provided for this purpose.

2.10.2.Productive enclosure requirements

The foundation for the walls is reinforced concrete blocks of 6 meters. Support for columns - reinforced concrete shoes. The walls are made of brick. The floors between the columns are reinforced concrete single-slope beams, on which there are slabs that provide roof support. In special holes in the roof there are ventilation windows. All joints in walls, between slabs, walls, joints and partitions are treated with waterproofing. Along the entire perimeter, the body is covered with a pavement.

The floor in all rooms is filled with cement to a height of 0.05 meters. In the battery and charging shops, the floor and walls - to a height of 1.25 meters are covered with special acid-resistant tiles. In these rooms there is a personal local suction and exhaust ventilation. Also, cold water is supplied in these workshops and a drain is provided in special containers underground.

In the main and small shops of the production building there are inter-gauge ditches of the dead end type. The floor in the ditches is filled with cement for 0.05 meters, the walls are covered with tiles. The depth of the ditch is 1.2 meters. Lighting in ditches - safe - 12 volts DC (carry ).

Lighting in mixed rooms: lighting fixtures for 150 watts and through windows with single binding.

In the main workshop of the production building there is a compressor with a receiver for 200 liters. Compressed air enters the premises of small shops, engine section, battery and charging shops through pipes.

To enter the main and small workshops, an oar-type gate is installed.

In case of fire in shops fire-prevention boards, fire hoses, hydrants are established, boxes with sand and class D fire extinguishers are placed: OU5, OU8, VP10, OVPS250A .

2.10.3. Site Requirements

Since the work of the wallpaper shop is part of the ongoing repair, the workshop is located in close proximity to the TR zone. The location of the maintenance area was chosen so that more work is done in it, so it requires more natural light.

The fuel and lubricants warehouse is located near the maintenance zone in order to reduce the length of the pipeline.

The compressor station is located in the maintenance area, since it requires the maximum amount of compressed air.

Column grid - a quadrilateral with a column pitch of 6 meters and a span of 18 meters. The columns have a rectangular shape of 600 × 600 mm, the doors are double-hollow open, and the width is 1.5 meters. The height of the room is 9 meters.

Windows in height - 2.0 meters, in width - 4.0 meters, windows with one binding, of the same type, are located at equal intervals.

Asphalt concrete floors were used in the wallpaper shop.

Drawings content

icon Слесарно-механический участок.cdw

Слесарно-механический участок.cdw

icon Генеральный план АТП.cdw

Генеральный план АТП.cdw

icon Зона ТО-1.cdw

Зона ТО-1.cdw

icon Показатели.cdw


icon Производственный корпус.bak.cdw

Производственный корпус.bak.cdw

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