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Explanatory Note, Bill of Materials, Sections, Floor Plans, Process Diagram

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1 Status of the question

1.1 Dynamic regeneration filter for collection and disposal of dust emissions during storage and processing of grain

1.2 Development of the theory of vibrational movement of grain mixtures

1.3 VESTA and ASTRA grain dryers

2 Process Part

2.1 Schematic diagram of elevator

2.2 Calculation and selection of equipment

2.2.1 Determination of granary capacity

2.2.2 Weighing equipment

2.2.3 Receiving and receiving devices from vehicles

2.2.4 Reception and disposal devices with railway transport

2.2.5 Calculation of grain cleaning equipment

2.2.6 Calculation of grain drying equipment

2.2.7 Calculation of transport equipment

2.3 Daily work schedule

2.4 Description of the process flow chart of grain and waste

3 Construction part

3.1 Calculation of number of silos and warehouses for grain

3.2 Calculation of elevations of working tower floors

3.3 Layout of equipment by floors of the working tower

3.4 Communication Design

3.5 Linkage of links

3.6 Enterprise Master Plan

4 Grain Storage Technology

5 Documentation for reception, placement and release of grain

6 Occupational safety

List of sources used



Grain production is the main and decisive basis for the development of all sectors of agriculture, the great importance of grain crops is determined by the fact that products obtained from grain (bread, pasta, cereal) serve as the basis for human nutrition. Organic substances necessary for human and animal life (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) from inorganic substances can mainly create, using the radiant energy of the sun, only green plants, including grain crops.

Grain is stored in the elevator and raw materials for processing in the flour, cereal and feed processing industries. Flour is the main raw material for the bakery, pasta and partially confectionery industries. Grain products have great value as one of the main and most important sources of concentrated, and bread plants - coarse and green feed for animal husbandry.

Corn, barley, soybean, sorghum and other crops are valuable raw materials for technical production. Grain and its processing products are used in brewing (barley), starch, alcohol and other industries.

Government grain harvests are the link between production and consumption of agricultural products.

The elevator industry, being an important link in the agro-industrial complex of the country, is designed to ensure uninterrupted acceptance, post-harvest processing, rational placement and storage of grain supplied by harvests to state resources. To accommodate the grain received from collective farms and state farms, a network of granaries has been organized in the country, both in places of grain production and in places of its consumption. The need for granaries and the significant size of their capacity are due to the seasonal supply of grain and its uniform consumption throughout the year.

The main task of harvesting elevators: receiving grain from bread pickers with its simultaneous classification, processing to improve quality, compiling large batches of grain from individual small ones, placing, storing and shipping grain for its intended purpose. A characteristic feature of these granaries is the presence of a developed reception and vacation front. The supply of grain is limited to very short periods (15... 30 days), which increases the capacity of granaries .

VESTA and ASTRA grain dryers

Two different design principles have been implemented in grain dryers manufactured by OJSC Melinvest. They are divided into the so-called "mine" - the VESTA series - "column" - the ASTRA series. The products of Melinvest OJSC will ensure the independence of the economy from the mercies of the "heavenly chancellery." A wide range of units and complex lines with a capacity of 5 to 125 t/h allows you to choose a reliable and, most importantly, the most suitable grain dryer for your tasks. Melinvest also produces a full range of grain cleaning equipment. Its application significantly increases drying efficiency, allows to divide commercial grain into fractions, obtain seed grain and ensure fire safety of operation.

In the design of this dryer, the principle of straightness is implemented, but if desired, the client can be dried portionwise, i.e. one batch of grain can be subjected to several processing cycles, freeing 35% of moisture at each stage. Exhaust fans drive hot air through the thickness of the grain, it picks up excess moisture and takes them away through the discharge ducts.

Shaft grain dryer is equipped with air separator, which allows to distribute grain evenly, optimally using working volume of sections. The separator further cleans the grain of light impurities (husks, dust) that inevitably appear during transport and helps to prevent undesirable self-sorting. Thanks to the original design of the exhaust duct, air passes evenly through the grain pole; here the formation of stagnant zones is completely excluded.

The most loaded elements of the VESTA dryer transport mechanisms are coated with a wear resistant polymer coating. This not only increases the durability of the parts, but also improves the quality of the product - the percentage of grain injury is reduced.

Each mechanism has a special service area, which makes the operation of the VESTA dryer convenient and safe.

The high accuracy of machining remains unchanged for all products of OJSC Melinvest and, as a result, the high reliability of the mine dryer. Made of aluminum, galvanized and stainless steel, VESTA has maintained its high performance for many years, and individual units are easy to replace and upgrade.

The source of energy is gas or diesel fuel. At the same time, the efficiency of the dryer is about 50%, which corresponds to the level of the industry leader, and can be increased due to additional heat insulation of the shaft and vent boxes. Almost complete combustion of fuel and the absence of carcinogenic impurities in the product distinguishes this model from domestic analogues.

The operation of the dryer is provided both in automated and in manual mode. The drying temperature and unloading speed are initially set on the console according to the type of grain (seed, forage, food). Depending on these parameters, automation supports the combustion mode, including and turning off the burner stages.

Design features define the specialization of the model. OJSC "Melinvest" VESTA series grain dryer is ideal for the treatment of cultures requiring a well-maintained, delicate drying regime. She has established herself perfectly in working with seed grain, with small seed crops, oilseeds, with brewing barley.

Productivity of VESTA series grain dryers - 5-30 t/h. When installing several modules (shafts) - it can be increased to 70 t/h or more - there are no design restrictions for this. Mine grain dryers are supplied in the form of separate sections, completely ready for assembly. This greatly facilitates the transportation process.

In the grain dryer design, the burner is placed directly inside the housing, which allows a simpler process of recovering the drying agent, both from the cooling zone and partially from the drying zone, and simply use the exhaust air again. This is the secret of the record efficiency of the ASTRA column dryer. It is recognized as one of the most efficient in the world in terms of fuel costs for removing 1% of moisture from a ton.

Cold air is first used to cool the dried grain at the bottom of the column. Passing through its layer, the air is heated and already in a warm form enters the burner. Air heated to the required temperature is used to dry the upper layers of grain. Part of it (about 25%) leaves the column along with excess moisture, and the remaining volume of exhaust air from the drying zone is again supplied for heating. Heat loss is thus minimized and grain dryer efficiency reaches 7075%

Enterprise Master Plan

The master plan is called the project of the location and interconnection of all buildings, structures, engineering networks, railways and roads of the enterprise.

The general plan of the enterprise is developed with "SNiP 118980 Design Codes. Master Plans of Industrial Enterprises. "

The site for construction is selected on the basis of technical and economic comparisons of the conditions of construction and operation of enterprises, after topographic, geological and climatic surveys. Climatological surveys are taken into account. At the same time, meteorological data are taken into account not only for construction work, but also for the organization and maintenance of the technological process at a future enterprise.

The site for the construction of the enterprise shall meet the following basic requirements:

- have minimum dimensions taking into account rational density of development;

- ensure the location of buildings and structures in accordance with the direction of movement of raw materials and finished products and be able to expand production;

- have a relatively flat surface and slope (0.001... 0.003) providing surface water runoff;

- groundwater level shall be below the depth of basements, tunnels, etc.;

- have convenient connection to the nearest railway station;

- Site layout shall not be related to large scope of work.

The following requirements are taken into account when designing master plans of grain processing enterprises:

- buildings and structures are placed and mutually linked in accordance with the requirements of the production process, observing the technological sequence, without return and counter movements of raw materials and finished products;

- distance between buildings and structures shall comply with fire safety standards and sanitary standards of industrial enterprises;

- Railway tracks and roads shall be placed on the territory of the enterprise in accordance with the nature of the movement of freight flows, ensuring their minimum length;

- place buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, dividing it into separate zones: pre-plant, production, utility and warehouse;

- buildings and structures are placed taking into account the direction of the prevailing winds, from the leeward side on the deviation to the residential buildings with breaks of at least 100 m.

In accordance with the design standards, water supply, sewerage, energy supply and heat supply networks are located on the territory, etc.

The pre-plant zone (outside the fence or the conditional boundary of the enterprise) is designed to accommodate checkpoints, passing, auxiliary buildings, the pre-plant site, parking area, etc.

In the production zone there is an elevator, a flour mill, a cereal and feed mill, finished products warehouses, a bulk storage shop, grain dryers, and a waste shop.

The auxiliary zone is used to accommodate the building of auxiliary rooms (repair shops) of the boiler house, transformer substation, power route, heating line, water supply, sewerage and other communications.

In the storage area there are premises, buildings of the transport facility (depot, garages) water storage facilities, reservoirs, a warehouse of fuel and lubricants, a fuel platform, car repair shops, etc.

Industrial enterprises with sources of industrial hazards (noise, smell, smoke, dust, etc.) adversely affect the environment, divide by hazards into five classes, which provide for a sanitary protection zone of 50 to 1000 m between enterprises and a residential zone.

According to fire safety standards, buildings and structures are placed on the master plan taking into account their fire resistance, the degree of fire danger of wind roses.

Grain Reception, Placement and Release Documentation

Operations and primary accounting of grain are executed in accordance with special instructions. Well-established accounting of the quantity and quality of grain and products is the most important condition for the preservation of bread products, the successful fight against losses, compliance with the regime of economy and frugality.

The complexity of the current accounting system for bread products in the industry is explained by the peculiarities of grain as an object of accounting, the variety of characteristics and properties taken into account, their change in the process of post-harvest processing and storage, the multiplicity of technological operations, the large volume of processed grain masses, etc.

Primary documents issued for various operations are a guarantee of reliable accounting, so they must be correctly completed.

Grain acceptance by rail. Grain and its processed products from other enterprises are usually delivered by rail, water, and transferred to the consignee with a mandatory mass check. The arrived grain is weighed by the weighers of the consignee and the railway station (marina). Load weighing results are recorded in weight logs f. No. 28 or No. 29. Wagons with grain are weighed on wagon scales with stopping, disengagement of weighed wagons and determination of actual weight of empty wagon (container) and weight of cargo (net).

The material responsible person of the receiving enterprise receives the amount of grain that actually turned out to be during overweight. Discrepancies in mass against the consignment note station (marina, port) of departure within the limits of the norms of natural loss during transportation are drawn up by marking on the back of the consignment note signed by the head of the station (marina, port) and the material responsible person who took the grain. These deficiencies are written off by order of the director of the enterprise based on the marks made on the turnover of the invoices.

Shortages in the mass of grain and products exceeding the norms of natural loss in railway and water transportation are drawn up by a commercial act drawn up by a railway station (marina, port). The said shortfall is written off by the decision of the state arbitration.

Each shipment of grain and products delivered by rail or water, accompanied by a consignment note and a certificate of quality or certificate of the State Inspection.

Employees of the laboratory of the receiving enterprise at the time of unloading of grain (products) take combined samples and analyze them in accordance with standards.

If a discrepancy with the quality indicated in the sender's certificates is detected, in excess of the permissible deviations, the combined sample of grain or seeds weighing at least 2 kg is sealed and, together with the sampling act, a copy of the sender's certificate of grain quality and the recipient's analysis card, is presented to the inspector of the State Security Inspectorate. Based on the conclusion of the Goskhlebinspekt, the enterprise draws up an act-complaint and presents it to the sender for correction in the book of quantitative and qualitative accounting.

Acceptance of bakery products received by railway or water transport is executed by acceptance certificates by the material responsible person upon receipt of one wagon (one barge) according to f. No. 15, several wagons (barges) - according to f. № 14.

Batches of grain and products are systematically monitored from the moment of their receipt for storage. Temperature, humidity, contamination of bread stocks by pests, smell, grain color and other quality indicators are controlled. The results of all observations are recorded in laboratory journals. For each homogeneous batch of grain, laboratory workers write stacking and silo labels.

Stacking labels f. Nos. 77, 78 and 91 are posted in a warehouse near the stored lots. Silo labels are placed on silo board with diagram of silos and silos of elevator tower, numbered according to established procedure. Laboratory employees record quality indicators in stacking and silo labels at its arrival and during storage. The material person responsible labels the batch mass according to warehouse report f. № 37. After the lot is consumed, the stacking labels are transferred to the laboratory for storage for a year.

Financially responsible persons (heads, masters of production areas, heads of warehouses, heads of elevators, etc.) are responsible for the quantitative and qualitative safety of bread products accepted by them by mass.

Quantitative and qualitative accounting is maintained by accounting in books by f. No. 36 for each repository separately, and sometimes for a group of repositories related to mechanization and managed by one material person. The need to maintain quantitative and qualitative accounting is due to the fact that in the process of post-harvest processing and storage of grain and products there is a change in some quality indicators (humidity, clogging, etc.), and together with it there is a change in the mass of bread products. To identify the patterns of change in the physical weight of grain and products during storage, data on their quantity and quality are needed.

Orders and orders received by the bakery from the department serve as the basis for accounting to write out their internal document for vacation or shipment of bread products - order f. No. 16, signed by the director and chief accountant on the quantity determined by weighing (except for products in bags with standard mass), and on the quality determined by the laboratory of the enterprise or the Goskhlebinspekt. In the absence of wagon or elevator scales at the enterprise, bread products are weighed on the wagon scales of the station (marina) of departure, the weigher of the railway (marina) together with the weigher of the enterprise. Load weighing results are recorded in weight logs f. No. 28 and f. № 29.

The freight forwarder of the enterprise makes a railway consignment note for each car (ship), in which he indicates the mass of grain in them. Shipped bakery products should be accompanied by documents on their quality issued by the sender's PTL or the Goskhlebinspekt, and seeds should be accompanied by certificates on the quality of seeds issued on the basis of certificates on the conditionality of the seeds of the Gossheminspekts. When sending bread products on ships, they issue one certificate of quality according to f. No. 43 for the entire consignment carried on one consignment note.

When transferring bread products to the railway, quality certificates are issued for each car. It is allowed to issue one certificate of quality for homogeneous shipments of grain in several cars to one recipient for one railway consignment note.

Goods transported by rail (water) must have accompanying documents: a railway (water) consignment note, the first copy of the quality certificate, and for seed grain and a certificate of seed quality issued for each car (ship), which the forwarding agent transfers to the goods office of the station (marina). After delivery of the goods for transportation, the forwarder receives freight receipts from the station (marina) for each consignment note and on the same day transfers them to the material responsible person to issue the shipment and draw up a list of railway (water) consignment notes for the shipment of bread products by f. № 20.

The documents that are the basis for the shipment of grain (products) include: order for shipment by f. No. 16, list of f. No. 20, cargo receipts with a third copy of the certificate of quality or duplicate certificate together with the warehouse report. The material person responsible submits these documents to accounting.

Cargo receipts, a second copy of quality certificates, grade documents (for seed grain) are attached to the invoice and sent to the recipient.

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