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PPR for installation of billboard

  • Added: 13.10.2015
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Design of works for installation and installation of billboard. General plans. Cut. Sling diagrams. Explanatory note.

Project's Content

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Additional information



PDP familiarized with

General part

Design Solutions

Brief description of the object

Preparatory period

Crane installation

Construction Site Organization

Process sequence of billboard installation

Health and safety measures

Fire safety measures

General Health and Safety Measures

Environmental protection

Noise protection

Check of pipe axis verticality

Instrumental quality control of welds

Measures aimed at ensuring the safety of materials, products and structures

List of mechanisms, equipment, accessories, equipment and tools

List of necessary personal protective equipment

Graphic part

Stroygenplan of M; 200 Party of Pensioners of Russia on installation of a support under a billboard


Stroygenplan of M; 200 Party of Pensioners of Russia on installation of a billboard 5kh15m


Diagram of composite support unloading. Section 3-


Cut 1-1. M: 200 (PR-4, PR-5)

Cut 2-2 M:


Slinging diagrams of main structures (PR-7, PR-8, PR-9)

Foundation Binding Plan, Relocation for Construction


Explanatory Note to Work Project

This work design was developed for the installation of metal structures and the foundation of a billboard of the Talyochka type with a size of 5x15m. 27.115m high with an elevation of 22.115m. to the bottom of the advertising field in the area of ​ ​ st. Cherkizovo

General part

1. Design of structural solutions for steel structures and the foundation of a billboard of the Talyochka type with a size of 5x15m. 27.115m high with an elevation of 22.115m. to the bottom of the advertising field in the area of. Cherkizovo, developed by the Central Research Institute PSK named after Melnikov on the basis of the Customer's task issued by the Railway Advertising Agency "LISA"

developed by NIPI Prometalconstruction LLC on the basis of the Customer's task and the initial project data of the KM stage, code 674521KM developed by the Central Research Institute PSK named after Melnikov on the basis of the Customer's task issued by the Railway Advertising Agency " LYSA"

The following are used in the development of the project:

- The pile foundation project was developed by NIPI Prometalconstruction LLC on the basis of the Customer's task and the initial data of the project of the KM stage, code 674521KM, developed by the Central Research Institute PSK named after Melnikov.

- Design of steel structures and billboard foundation. Working drawings of the phase code 55466 KZ LLC "NIPI Prometalconstruction" and code 674521KM 1 Central Research Institute PSK named after Melnikov

- SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization."

- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction." Part 1. General requirements.

- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction." Part 2. Construction production.

- JV 121362002 "Labor Safety in Construction." Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects.

- JV 121352003 "Labor Safety in Construction." Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions.

- "Intersectoral rules on labor protection during operation at altitude" POT RM0122000.

- "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes" PB1038200.

- PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" (GPS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation).

Perform the works in strict accordance with this Project; If the conditions affecting occupational safety are changed, it shall be supplemented in accordance with the established procedure.

2.Production and acceptance of works during installation of steel structures, during assembly of bolted joints, welding of mounting joints shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of construction codes and rules SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures" and on the organization of construction production and safety in construction, fire safety rules during construction and installation works, with the requirements of state supervision bodies, as well as be guided by this PPR.

3. The Work Execution Project (PDP) provides for: safe organization of lifting machines and mechanisms, sequence of installation of structures providing the required installation accuracy, spatial immutability of structures during their installation in the design position; stability of structures during erection and safe working conditions.

4. When transporting and temporarily storing structures (articles) in the installation area, observe the following requirements:

structures must be in a position convenient for transportation and transfer to installation, provided that their strength is ensured;

The structures shall be supported by inventory liners and rectangular spacers located at the locations specified in the design; the thickness of the gaskets shall not be less than 30 mm and not less than 20 mm above the height of the protruding parts; during multi-level loading and storage of the same type of structures, the liners and gaskets shall be located on the same vertical along the line of lifting devices (loops, holes) or in other places specified in the working drawings;

The structures shall be securely fixed to prevent overturning, longitudinal and transverse displacement, mutual impacts on each other or on the structure of vehicles; The fasteners shall be capable of unloading each element from the vehicles without disturbing the stability of the others;

projecting parts shall be protected from damage; factory marking shall be accessible for inspection;

Small parts for mounting connections should be attached to the dispatch elements or sent simultaneously with the structures in packagings with tags indicating the part grades and their number; these parts should be stored under the canopy;

fasteners should be stored in a closed room, sorted by types and grades, bolts and nuts - by strength classes and diameters, and high-strength bolts, nuts and washers - by lot.

5. Structures during warehousing should be sorted by grades and laid taking into account the order of installation .

6. Movement of any structures by fibre is prohibited.

7.For relative elevation 0.000 the terrain level is taken, which corresponds to absolute elevation - (146.40).

9.All factory connections - welded, installed on normal accuracy bolts.

10.Flannel connections shall be made on high-strength M24 bolts. The surfaces of the elements to be connected shall be cleaned of rust, window and not painted. High-strength bolts are installed with two washers: one under the bolt head, the other - under the nut. Tensioning forces - refer to the drawings .

Steel grades of structural elements are specified in the lists of elements and in the technical specification.

11. Manufacture and install steel structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures."

12.Protection of steel building structures against corrosion shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.1185 "Protection of building structures against corrosion," SNiP 3.04.0385 "Protection of building structures and structures against corrosion."

Design Solutions

1. The joint foundation from Concrete of class B25, W6 according to GOST 747394 consists of a pedestal with a size of 4.0x4.0x2.0m and two rows of piles 300x300mm with a length of 8.5m by 4pc. in a row (8 piles in total). Fittings of AS (A400s) in accordance with GOST 5781-82

The foundation is designed for loads from the project of the advertising installation code 674521 KM1 Central Research Institute PSK named after Melnikov.

Geological data according to project 041491KZhI1 of Moszheldorproekt of Russian Railways.

Piles as per GOST 1980491. Grade C8530 are rigidly embedded in the pile pile. In the pile ends sticking above the ground at 0.5m, bare the reinforcement by 400mm and weld it to the pedestal reinforcement.

The spacing of rebar in all directions is 200mm.

Protective layer 25mm except as specified.

7.3 protective layer of lower reinforcement - 40mm.

Concrete preparation of 100mm of Class 7.5 concrete shall be performed under the pile.

Foundation tying in place ensuring absence of communications is performed by Owner

Material of bearing steel structures of billboard:

- brand 09G2S12 steel in accordance with GOST 1928189

- for sheet structures;

- brand 09G2S12 steel in accordance with GOST 1928189 for pipes;

- C245 brand steel - for structural steel;

- steel 09G2S6 for circles f120mm. F75mm.

- all bolted mounting connections on high-strength M20 bolts except for flange strut connections.

- Flange connections of sections (CT3 and CT4) on high-strength bolts of M24

- Contacting surfaces of elements and parts in connections on

do not ground or paint high-strength bolts

- Unspecified 50 mm cuts

- Catches of prefabricated joints AND = 4 mm, except for specified ones

- All holes with a diameter of 22 mm except as specified

- Lower part of tubular support is filled with Concrete or dried quartz

sand (humidity not more than 2 "/, Fraction 0.62.0 mm) to the height of three pipe diameters

Brief description of the object

For a relative elevation of + 0.000 (146.40), the elevation of the terrain is taken .

The tubular support of the billboard is designed with a diameter of 1420x14 mm of grade 09G2S12 according to GOST 1928189. The height of the tubular support of the billboard is 26m. Tubular support barrel is made composite in height and consists of 4 sections: - ST1 L = 2700mm, weighing 4750kg; - ST2 L = 10500mm, weighing 5100kg; - ST3 L = 9600mm, weighing 5245kg; - ST4 L = 3200mm, weighing 3040kg;

The lower part of the pipe support (ST1) is filled with concrete or dried quartz sand (humidity not more than 2 "/, Fraction 0.62.0 mm) to the height of three pipe diameters after installation of the section pre-assembly (ST1, ST2 and ST3)

Supports ST1, ST2 and ST3 are connected by welding in factory conditions, and supports of sections ST3 and ST4 are connected by flanges on high-strength bolts M24 during installation of the spatial structure of the billboard ..

The support section of the tubular support (ST1) is designed with reinforcing stiffeners. The collected tubular support from sections CT1, ST2i has to CT3 L=22800mm on welding at design is checked for durability and stability taking into account its transportation and installation. In order to be able to install a tubular support from sections L = 22800mm during CMD development, it is necessary to provide a maintenance platform at an elevation of .21.14m for the possibility of flange connection between section CT3 and CT4. in addition, a running staircase to a height of 21.14 m should be provided with a hatch at the bottom of the maintenance platform at an elevation of .21.14 m.

Preparatory period

1.2You must perform the following measures before commencing work:

- Install temporary fencing;

- Disconnect utility networks and move them (if necessary);

- Protect the hazardous area from possible cargo drop;

- Remove the air cable networks;

- Perform measures to protect utilities;

- Organize sanitary conditions for workers;

- Design the construction site with visual safety information and provide the construction site with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

- Prior to the commencement of works, the PPR shall be agreed with the owners of engineering networks. GAI.

- Prior to the commencement of works, obtain the certificate of admission and work permit in conditions of increased danger.

Crane installation

Before the crane works start, the following must be performed:

- site layout;

- arrange access road with platform for crane parking. The site and temporary road shall be made of reinforced concrete slabs of PDP grade by a layer of sand 0.1m thick, having previously removed the soil layer..

- install temporary fencing of the construction site in accordance with GOST 2340778 (as per the construction plan of the PPR));

- perform lighting: at the places of loading and unloading - at least 10 lux; in places of installation works - 30 lux;

- in the crane operation area and at the storage site install stands with sling diagrams and weight table;

- install safety signs, sign N 3 along the hazardous area boundary, sign N 2 along the crane service area restriction line.

Construction Site Organization

1. When performing works, be guided by the following requirements:

- SNiP 10032001 "Occupational safety in construction" Part 1 General requirements;

- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Part 2 Construction;

- CH12-136-2002 "Decisions on labor protection and construction safety in projects of the organization of construction and

Work Execution Projects ";

- SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures";

- "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes";

2. Provide fire safety measures at the construction site in accordance with the requirements of PPB0103.

3. The site fencing shall be made inventory, in accordance with GOST 2340778. The fence shall be installed no closer than the boundaries of the dangerous area of the installation cranes.

4. For temporary roads, use the existing coating and temporary coating of road slabs along a layer of crushed stone with a thickness of 0.1m, having previously removed the soil layer and performed sand preparation.

5. When entering the construction site, show the traffic pattern, warning and prohibiting signs..

6. Perform general lighting of the construction site with lighting not less than 2.0 lux. When working at night, illumination of production areas by the slave should be carried out using inventory portable towers with searchlights. At that illumination must be not less than 30 lux.

7. On the construction site, install fire shields painted red with inventory improvised fire extinguishing equipment: 1) ax - 3 pcs, 2) scrap, 3) shovel - 3 pcs, 4) bagor - 3 pcs, 5) fire extinguisher - 3 pcs. Place a box of sand and barrels of water near the shields. Domestic and storage rooms shall be provided with foam fire extinguishers .

The buildings under construction shall also contain primary fire extinguishing equipment. Prior to construction, locate the nearest existing fire hydrant (SG). On the fence of the platform, indicate the direction of the hydrant location with the distance to it with red paint.

Access of unauthorized persons to the construction site is not allowed.

Work areas, workplaces, driveways and passages to them in the dark shall be illuminated in accordance with GOST 12.1.04685. Work in unlit places is not allowed. Requirements for the lighting of workplaces are given on page 16 of this Project.

Driveways, passages and workplaces must be cleaned regularly, not cluttered, but located outside buildings, sprinkled with sand or slag in winter.

Warehousing of materials, structures and equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or specifications for materials, products and equipment. Materials (structures, equipment) should be placed on leveled platforms, taking measures against their spontaneous displacement, drawdown, waking and rolling.

Workplaces and passages to them at a height of more than 1.3 m or more must be fenced. If it is impossible to arrange a fence, then work at height is carried out using safety belts. The place of attachment to strong supporting structures is determined by the manufacturer of the work. Operation from stairs is prohibited.

Noise protection

When performing construction and installation works on the construction site, follow the requirements of SNiP 23032003 "Noise Protection."

During the construction period, establish constant monitoring of the content of harmful substances in the air, as well as limit values ​ ​ of vibration and noise.

Work related to the use of construction machines such as excavators, bulldozers, cranes, compressor units, etc., should be carried out from 8.00 to 21.00 hours

Check of pipe axis verticality

Pipe axis verticality is a parameter that requires constant monitoring during installation and is performed sectionally with recording of data in the pipe verticality check log.

Geodetic survey is performed by theodolite from two points located on mutually perpendicular lines relative to the pipe design axis. The actual position of the pipe axis in the plane of the perpendicular line of sight is calculated from the points of the structure outline and does not require the placement of special signs. Based on the obtained data, the absolute deviation of the stack axis from its design position is calculated from two points of sight, and the necessary adjustments are made during installation.

Instrumental quality control of welds

Instrumentation during construction and installation works is performed in the following order:

Measuring inspection of welded joints - the dimensions of surface defects are controlled: the height and width of the weld, undercuts of the main metal, non-penetration of the outer and inner sides of the weld. During inspection, a set of tools for VIC is used.

Drawings content

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