Power supply project of repair and operation section of UMMA LLC

- Added: 13.06.2014
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- Explanatory note;
- equipment layout plan;
- single-line power supply diagram.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. General part
1.1 Initial data
1.2 Characteristics of the energy economy
2. Design and processing part
2.1 Calculation of electrical loads
2.2 Selection and calculation of transformers
2.3 Power Supply Scheme Selection
2.4 Calculation of short-circuit currents
2.5 Selection and calculation of electrical networks
2.6 Selection and calculation of electrical equipment
2.7 Calculation of grounding device
2.8 Selection of automatics protection devices
2.9 Calculation of electric lighting
2.10 Reactive power compensation
3. Organizational and Economic Part
4. Occupational safety
5. Environmental protection
6. Fire safety
List of literature
A power supply system is a set of devices designed for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity. Power supply systems of industrial enterprises are created to provide power supply to industrial receivers (electric motors of various machines and mechanisms, electric furnaces, devices and machines for electric welding, lighting plants, etc.).
For the most part, enterprises receive electricity from the energy system, although some more developed industrial areas of the enterprise use their own sources of electricity (mainly CHP).
The modern energy system is rapidly developing and becoming more complex, which is integral to the increase in power consumption. The amount of voltage used in industry is constantly increasing, distribution networks are becoming more complicated, a system of automation of production processes is becoming widely in demand, telemechanics and telesignalization are widely used. Active work is underway to save electricity.
Modernization and technical re-equipment have become an integral part of modern technological processes, their need is associated primarily with the emergence of increasingly economical, simple, safe production methods.
Personnel requirements are exhaustive and include both proficiency and a wide range of occupational safety regulations.
Consumer Characteristics and Category Definition
Consumers of electricity are electric receivers of the workshop - industrial equipment installed in accordance with the technology of the site.
Electric drives, as well as electrotechnological, electrothermal and lighting devices and installations are a set of electric receivers, on the basis of reliable operation of which the normal course of the technological process depends.
Each of these receivers affects the process differently and therefore requires a different degree of reliability of the power supply.
The plant can have such receivers, the interruption in power supply of which is unacceptable even for a short period of time, necessary for the duty personnel for switching related to the restoration of power supply.
According to the nature of the damage, electrical receivers with regard to ensuring reliability according to PUE are divided into three categories.
Category 1 - electric receivers, disruption of power supply, which can lead to danger to people's lives, significant damage to production nationwide, damage to equipment, mass scrap of products, disorder of a complex technological process, violation of especially important elements of public utilities. An example is blast furnace receivers, mine and quarry drainage plants; fan installations of shafts and subways; flotation machines, etc.
Category 2 - electric receivers, the break in power supply of which leads to mass underdelivery of products, long downtime of workers, mechanisms and industrial transport. An example is electric receivers of rolling shops; skip lifting installations of mines and mines; grinding, classification mechanisms of processing plants, etc.
Category 3 - all other electric receivers that do not fit the definition of the 1st and 2nd categories: auxiliary production, rock transport, mechanical workshops, etc.
The repair and operation area belongs to the 3rd category of power supply.
The repair and operation area is designed for mechanical processing of metals and machine parts, the workshop room is dry, normal, especially dangerous.
Relative humidity does not exceed 60%.
Air temperature does not exceed 350С.
A particularly dangerous room is characterized by the presence of two conditions of increased danger: conductive reinforced concrete floors, the possibility of simultaneous contact of a person to the metal structures of the building, technological devices and mechanisms that have connections to the ground on one side and to the metal buildings of electrical equipment on the other side.
Calculation of short-circuit currents
The calculation of short-circuit currents is an important stage of the design of the power supply system of the enterprise. The amount of currents and short-circuit power depends on the power of the generator, the distance of the point at which the short-circuit from the source occurred (system resistance).
The main reasons for the short circuit are a violation of the insulation of the conductive parts due to aging or mechanical damage; overlapping uninsulated conductors with birds or animals; direct lightning strikes on overhead line wires or open switchgears; erroneous action of maintenance personnel.
Short-circuit currents are calculated to determine operating conditions, electrical equipment and electrical networks in case of emerging short-circuits. The exact calculation is very complex, so a number of simplifications are allowed. The calculation can be carried out in relative units, that is, in fractions or percentage of some accepted, so-called base value, for example, base power Sb. The advantages of calculating using base values are as follows: a simpler structure of most calculation expressions, better clarity of the calculation results, calculated values with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes. This method is most applicable if the total basis resistance from the power supply to the short circuit location is greater than three units. If the intended short circuit location is not far from the power supply.
For calculation, the design scheme of power supply of the enterprise is drawn and on its basis a replacement scheme is made, on which calculation points are indicated. The calculation is reduced to the determination of the total circuit resistance to the assumed short circuit locations and the determination of the short circuit current and short circuit power values.
Personnel requirements
1) Age 18 years (in the mine 21 years);
2) Qualification (vocational training);
3) Medical examination;
4) The electrotechnical personnel must be trained in the rules of providing first aid to the victims of the electric current before admission to independent work and be able to use PPE;
5) Employees with the right to carry out special work must have a record about this in the certificate (top-track work; operation on current-carrying parts without voltage relief; high voltage electrical equipment tests)
In the absence of professional training, such employees should be trained in specialized personnel training centers (training mills, training centers, etc.)
Personnel training, professional development, knowledge testing and training are carried out in accordance with the requirements of state and sectoral regulatory legal acts on the organization of labor protection and safe work of personnel.
The health condition of the employee is checked before hiring him, and such periodically, in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of Russia. Combined professions should be indicated by the administration of the organization in the direction of a medical examination.
Electrical personnel prior to admission to independent work must be trained in techniques for releasing the victim from the action of electric current, providing first aid in case of accidents.
Personnel servicing electrical installations shall pass the knowledge check of the present Rules and other regulatory and technical documents (rules and instructions on technical operation, fire safety, use of protective equipment, devices of electrical installations) within the requirements for the corresponding electrical safety group.
Personnel shall comply with the requirements of these Rules, safety instructions, instructions received during instruction.
An employee undergoing an internship, duplication, must be assigned by order to an experienced employee. Admission to wealthy work must also be issued by an appropriate order of the head of the organization.
Each employee, if he cannot take measures to eliminate violations of these Rules, must immediately inform the superior manager of all violations noticed by him and posing a danger to people of malfunctions of electrical installations, machines, mechanisms, devices, tools, protective equipment, etc.
Operation of electric installations of pump stations should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of labor protection rules during operation of electric devices.
The personnel serving the electric installations of the pump stations shall have the appropriate electrical safety group.
During operation of the pump station, employees are obliged to:
1) Monitor and monitor the state and mode of operation of pump units, utilities and auxiliary equipment in accordance with their operating instructions;
2) Perform inspections and repair of the equipment within the established time frame;
3) Maintain proper sanitary condition in the premises;
4) Keep systematic records of hours worked by units and make records in operation logs or on computer media
5) Duty personnel must immediately stop the faulty unit and start the standby unit when there are faults in the pump unit
6) Personnel servicing pump stations shall be provided with personal protective equipment
7) In case of interchangeable work, the employee can finish the work no earlier than the changer accepts maintenance of pump units from him
8) Reception - delivery of shift by duty employees is carried out according to the schedule approved by the manager responsible for operation of pump stations, with a record of work performed in the shift transfer log. Changes to the schedule are allowed only by the manager who approved the schedule.
Procedure for actions in case of fire
If a fire is detected, immediately inform the city fire department by phone "01," indicating the exact address of the object that is on, your name and the phone number from which the message is transmitted. Take measures to urgently transmit fire information to the management of the institution (the first to detect a fire).
If there is a threat to people from exposure to open fire, high temperature or heavy smoke, stop all work and organize the evacuation of people, materials and documentation in accordance with this plan, using the main and spare evacuation exits and guided by prescriptive and indicative safety signs. If necessary, call emergency, medical, police services and ensure the protection of material assets and documents (administration and employees).
Prevention of fire spread and extinguishing in the initial stage is carried out immediately from the moment of its detection using available primary fire extinguishing means (foam, powder, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers; internal fire craps) and compliance with the necessary personal safety measures (security personnel and employees).
Upon arrival at the facility of the city fire department, escort the head of the guard to the fire site and provide it with information about the fire center, the presence of a threat to people, measures taken to localize the fire, characteristic features of the layout of premises and other specific ones, relevant information affecting the situation and making decisions in case of fire at the facility {location of external fire hydrants, availability of gas cylinders, high voltage installations in rooms, expensive equipment, valuable documentation, etc.), (administration and security personnel).
To prevent a fire in the initial stage, I carried out the following activities:
1) underground pipeline for water suction from the mine is laid to PZK;
2) fire-fighting crane with flexible hose;
3) fire hydrant;
4) fire departments are provided at both entrances.
The fire department contains:
1) luggage;
2) shovel;
3) scrap;
4) axe;
5) cone-shaped buckets.
6) Asbestos.
In this diploma project of power supply of the repair and operation section, it was determined that this section belongs to the 3rd category of consumers. Calculated electrical loads according to the method of installed power, determined the radial power supply scheme. According to these calculations, I selected the 6kV transformer corresponding to all parameters, and checked it according to the condition of reliable operation. Then he chose the compensating devices and determined the short-circuit currents. After calculating the loads, I determined the section and cable tag. Then, according to the currents received, he chose electrical equipment - circuit breakers and fuses, as well as high-voltage vacuum switches. I also calculated the resistance of the grounding circuit and determined the number of electrodes. He chose relay protection, calculated the electric lighting of the workshop room.
Consumers of electricity are electric receivers of the workshop - industrial equipment installed in accordance with the technology of the site. Calculation of electrical loads is given in 2.1, which is one of the most important tasks of power supply design. In 2.1.3, the total design capacity was determined. Item 2.2 is devoted to the selection of the power supply scheme, where I adopted the radial power supply scheme, since it provides high reliability of power supply to individual consumers.
When selecting transformers, you should rely on the selected power supply scheme and conclusions about the category of electric receivers regarding the reliability of the power supply .
In 2.3 TM 100/100.4 transformer is accepted, technical data of which is given in Table 2.2.
The final section of the wire or cable strands is selected as the largest, by comparing the results of calculations according to different selection conditions, calculations for them are given in 2.5.
On the basis of the short-circuit currents and operating currents calculated in paragraph 2.4 in section 2.6, the electrical equipment provided in tabular form is selected.
For the grounding device we accept: as vertical electrodes - angular steel with a side width of 50 mm, wall thickness of 6 mm; as a horizontal contour - round steel with a diameter of 10 mm. The length of the vertical electrodes is 3 m; the length of the outline along the perimeter of the building is 192 m (dimensions of the building: 60 × 36 m). The upper ends of the vertical electrodes are located at a depth of 0.5 m. The soil around the building is loam. Static capacitors have been used to increase coseta.
Based on economic theory, capital investment is inherently a form of real investment, as calculated in section 3.
Electric power at the MPC is spent on lighting the territory of the facility itself and the operation of three pump motors.
To ensure electrical safety, a grounding device was selected, and artificial lighting (searchlight) was calculated to ensure a normal working condition.
Section 4 is devoted to safety shafts: work in existing electrical installations should be carried out in accordance with safety rules for the operation of electrical installations, safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers, construction codes and regulations and EPBPR.
On environmental protection (Section 5), we will note: as the main technogenic sources of electromagnetic fields (EMP) and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations serve overhead power transmission lines (power line) of high voltage, radio and television transmitting stations, radar and navigation aids. In large areas, especially near high-voltage power lines, radio and television centers, radar installations, electric and magnetic field tensions are increased by 2-5 orders of magnitude compared to the natural electromagnetic background.
The conclusions on fire safety, set out in section 6, are as follows: each employee must know and strictly comply with fire safety rules, and in the event of a fire, take all necessary measures to save property and extinguish the fire. New entrants must be instructed on compliance with fire safety measures and how to call fire relief. All maintenance personnel shall comply with the established fire-fighting regime and procedure on the territory of the enterprise.
Areas for flammable material warehouses shall be cleaned of dry grass, buryan, bark, chips.
Areas and premises shall be kept clean. All burnt garbage and waste should be systematically taken (removed) to designated areas.


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