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Poultry house for fattening 4 thousand turkeys from 50 to 120 days with an area of ​ ​ 1188 m ² -AR


Course in architecture of c/c buildings. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Ткачёв И.Г. Птичник для откорма 4 тыс. индюшат от 50 до 120 дней.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка (Ткачёв И.Г.).doc
icon научная работа 5 сем.(Ткачев И.Г.).docx

Additional information



1. Design Input:

1.1 Construction site and characteristics of construction area

1.2 Design temperatures, humidity zone, ground freezing depth, seismicity

2 Volumetric planning solution

2.1 Room calculation, grouping, main structural units

2.2 Brief description of the functional and technological process in the designed building

2.3 Plot Plan

2.4 Technical - Economic Indicators

2.5 Master Plan Explorations

3. Description and substantiation of the adopted architectural and planning decision

3.1.Volatile planning solution. Heat engineering


3.2. Temperature-humidity mode in rooms

3.3.Lighting, ventilation, utilities

3.4. Interior decoration of the building

4. Structural solution of the building

4.1.1. Bases

4.1.2. Walls

4.1.3 Floors

4.1.4. Roof

4.1.5 Doors and gates

4.1.6 Building equipment

5. List of used literature


Currently, the national economy of the country is being revived, aimed at developing productive means of production, which will ensure the technical re-equipment and development of all other industries.

Industrial construction is the field of construction engaged in the creation of fixed assets of industry, including the implementation of a complex of construction and installation work related to the construction of new, expansion and modernization of existing industrial enterprises.

In industrial construction, a continuous increase in the technical level is carried out on the basis of further industrialization of certain elements of production buildings, enlargement of prefabricated reinforced concrete and metal structures, replacement of manual labor with mechanized one.

Currently, the organization of construction production should be improved and the responsibility of design and construction organizations for the scientific and technical level of construction products should be increased. Improving the quality of construction and architectural solutions of industrial buildings is also of great economic importance, as it increases the life of buildings and reduces the cost of their operation and repair.

It is important to build production buildings according to standard projects, which take into account the principles of co-operation and blocking of main and auxiliary industries, typification and unification of space planning and structural solutions .

Great attention should be paid to the worldwide use of new efficient building materials, prefabricated building elements, light economical large-sized structures and products of improved quality, with a high degree of factory readiness, ensuring an increase in the level of industriality, a decrease in material intensity and construction costs, as well as the durability, comfort and architectural expressiveness of production buildings.

This relates to the production of new thermal insulation structures, which increases industriality, i.e. assembly on site.

1. Design Input

The department's task is to develop a project for the agricultural production building of a poultry house for fattening 4 thousand turkeys from 50 to 120 days. The design is mixed.

1.1. Construction site and characteristics of the construction area.

This building is supposed to be built on a free site. The site is fully ready for the construction of the building, on which all the necessary communications are located.

1.2. Design temperatures, humidity zone, ground freezing depth, seismicity.

The soil is mainly lugs.

The normative depth of ground freezing is 0.8 m.

Seismicity of the construction area - 7-8 points.

The humidity regime in Sochi is wet.

Air temperature:

in summer: 30350C.

in winter: 570C.

internal air temperature t = 200С.

2.2. Brief description of the functional-technological process taking place in the designed building.

Poultry is intended for fattening 4 thousand heads of turkeys from 50 to 120 days.

The building of the poultry house consists of premises for poultry sections, separated from each other by mesh partitions at the entire height of the room, and utility rooms located at the end. There are 16 sections in total. The capacity of the section is 250 heads. The planting density of the bird is 4.7 heads per 1m2. The bird is grown on the bedding under artificial lighting with a light mode adjustable according to a given program. The mechanization of technological processes in the poultry house is decided on the basis of a tractor capable of distributing food by passing through the aisle, using the mounted equipment of this tractor, litter cleaning and litter change will be carried out.

Feeding of a bird is carried out by dry polnoratsionny compound feeds which are delivered to the building of the hen house by the loader of forages of ZSK (SSK) 10 and are loaded on a warehouse of forages. From the warehouse, the feed will be loaded into the tractor equipment, with which it will carry the latter through the feeders. Feeding front 8 cm per 1 head. The bird receives mineral feeding from a bunker feeder, which is loaded manually. The drinking of the bird is carried out from gutter dryers. Singing front 3 cm per 1 head.

For spraying of medicinal, vaccine and disinfection aerosols in premises for poultry, stationary pipeline for supply of compressed air is laid, to which sprayers RSSZh, SAG-1 or set of TAN are connected. For air cleaning and disinfection, poultry irradiation in the poultry room, KCO3 ("Pendant") irradiators are suspended.

When changing the number before harvesting, equipment is prepared: feeders, pallets and brackets are removed, groove dryers are raised. Contaminated bedding is removed by tractor with mounted bulldozer equipment. Poultry house and all equipment are washed with the help of the OM22613 machine and disinfected by the ECU. Waste water from the equipment washing and poultry house is supplied to the continuous horizontal sump located under the floor of the poultry house, and then through the pipeline to the sewage network.

2.3. Master Plan.

On the plot plan of the building is located in accordance with the technological process. At the enterprise, all buildings are located in zones.

1. Pre-plant zone.

a) passage (gearbox), desbarrier

b) administrative corps

2. Auxiliary production zone.

a) bedding warehouse

b) storage

c) automobile scales

d) quarantine personnel ventsanskipper

e) ventsanskipper

3. Production area

a) the hull.

b) workshop for fodder preparation, slaughter and carcass treatment.

4. Transport area.

The square-shaped area is sized. Gaps between buildings comply with sanitary and fire safety design standards.

The plot relief is relatively flat.

The building is oriented according to the "rose" of winds and insolation requirements in order to reduce heat loss in winter and create an optimal light mode in the room.

Green spaces are provided on the territory.

2.4. Technical - economic indicators.

1. Plot area - 168500 m2

2. Building area - 12500 m2

3. Hard surface area - 80150 m2

4. Landscaping area - 75850 m2

5. Development percentage - 7%

6. Percentage of territory used - 55%

7. Greening percentage - 45%

3.3.Lighting, ventilation, utilities.

Lighting - natural (wooden windows GOST 1640770 *) and artificial (electric lamps of daylight).

Ventilation - natural, carried out through doorways, gates, ventilation system.

Power supply - from city networks with local distribution voltage 220/380 V.

The watershed of atmospheric precipitation is external.

3.4.Internal decoration of the building.

The interior decoration of the building is made in the staff room: household plaster, tiles.

The poultry room is made of lime plaster, water emulsion and enamel paint.

Painting of carpentry with enamels PF223, GOST 1492378x and PF115, GOST 646576x, protection of metal structures with perchlorovinyl enamels KHV1100, GOST 699379x according to primer XS010, GOST 935581.

4. Structural solution of the building.

4.1.1. Bases.

A glass-type foundation is selected in the designed building.

The depth of foundation laying is accepted structurally as per GOST 2484781.

To protect walls from capillary moisture, a number of measures are arranged to install vertical and horizontal waterproofing. Vertical waterproofing - coating of walls with bitumen in 2 layers, horizontal -2 layers of toll or ruberoid.

4.1.2 Walls.

The walls are made of panels of high factory readiness PST 6.30.20 with a thickness of 200mm. Partitions and end walls are made of 250mm thick brick.

4.1.3 Floors.

Floor structure - monolith (concrete grade

B-12.5), underlying layer of sand 100mm, main soil .

Monolithic construction is one of the most promising technologies for the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes. The construction process looks like the erection of structural elements from a concrete-containing mixture using a special formwork directly on the construction site. The stages of concrete preparation and delivery, formwork preparation and, finally, concrete laying are distinguished. It is especially necessary to note the possibility of creating curved shapes during construction, which significantly expands architectural capabilities. Monolithic construction technology reduces the thickness of walls and floors, and therefore reduces the total cost of construction work. This technology has a number of undisputed advantages that help to optimize the construction process as much as possible: the entire cycle of work is transferred to the construction site, which eliminates the need to organize the production base, and the working surfaces are almost ready for subsequent finishing. All this makes it possible to reduce the costs and terms of construction and installation work as a whole for the object.

Advantages of monolithic construction technology:

- Construction time decreases by 3-4 times compared to conventional technologies;

-The cost of construction is significantly reduced;

- Unique indicators of heat saving and sound conductivity;

- Lightweight structure, which also provides high strength of the building;

-The production process is performed directly at the construction site;

- Minimum demand for construction equipment;

- Simplified process of installation of engineering systems ;

-It is not necessary to prepare the structure for finishing ;

- Unlimited architectural capabilities;

The construction process, including the construction of the framework, is carried out directly on the construction site. It is not necessary to pre-order the framing elements and then install them on the site. This, in turn, allows you to reduce the construction time and reduce labor costs when finishing joints and seams, which are practically absent, which increases the heat and sound insulation performance of the building being built.

Works on the technology of monolithic construction can be carried out at any time of the year. Observing certain technological conditions, it is possible to carry out construction work in the winter months, which is especially relevant for the "cold" regions. Often, this feature becomes a decisive argument when choosing construction technology for some large-scale projects, where delays in the delivery of facilities are especially unacceptable.

4.1.4 Roof.

The roof was covered with asbestos cement roof (cipher).

Asbestos cement wavy (ribbed) sheets combine the functions of the supporting flooring and roof. Asbestos cement sheets are produced by forming a mixture of Portland cement, water and asbestos, the fibers of which increase the strength of the slate. The roof of the slate is fireproof, can be operated for decades. Asbestos cement cipher produces two types: wavy reinforced (VU), which is longer than VO and is used in the construction of industrial facilities., Their width is 994 mm, height is 50mm, wave pitch is 167mm, thickness is 8mm, sheet length is 2000mm .

Flooring is laid on runs or directly on bearing structures of coating. The run steps take 750mm. The floorings are fixed to the runs with self-cutting bolts, which are installed at the ends in each depression, and on intermediate runs - in at least three places along the width.

Wavy sheets are attached to the runs with nails and other devices.

Drawings content

icon Ткачёв И.Г. Птичник для откорма 4 тыс. индюшат от 50 до 120 дней.dwg

Ткачёв И.Г. Птичник для откорма 4 тыс. индюшат от 50 до 120 дней.dwg