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Planning, development and reconstruction of settlements for 6480 residents

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Urban Planning Study Project for Students in Urban Construction and Housekeeping

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Additional information


Source Data _____________________________________________

Purpose and objectives of the work _________________________________________

Introduction of ____________________________________________________

1. The population of the microdistrict,

calculation of housing stock area _____________________________

2. Calculation of the need for BWC institutions _____________________

3. Calculation of area of microdistrict garden, number and area

physical education and economic platforms ___________________

4. Planning organization of the microdistrict ____________________

5. Entrances to the neighbourhood, driveways, pedestrian alleys and

tracks _________________________________________________

6. Institutions and service enterprises ____________________

7. Microclimate control __________ _____________________

Table No. 1 Territory Balance _________________________________

Table No. 2 Technical and economic evaluation of design solutions ____

List of literature used _______________________________

Applications __________________________________________________

Source Data

1. The layout for the development of the course project is a schematic plan of the city of the course project No. 1 "City Design."

2. The microdistrict is appointed at the direction of the course project manager

3. The area of ​ ​ the microdistrict and the "rose of winds."

4. Highways limiting the microdistrict

5. The norm of housing security is 18m2/person.

6. The urban planning value of the territory is accepted by the author of the project based on the assessment - the territory of the microdistrict in the planning structure of the city

7. The number of residential buildings of various storeys, the types and number of schools and nursery schools is accepted by the author of the design project.

Purpose and objectives of the work

The task of the course project is to acquire skills in calculating the territory of the microdistrict, develop measures to create optimal living conditions, as well as improve the microdistrict.

Composition and scope of work:

1. The project for the planning and development of the microdistrict on a scale of 1:1000, which shows residential and public buildings, their nature (purpose), storey, networks of driveways and pedestrian paths, sites for various purposes, areas of green spaces and streets that limit the microdistrict.

2. Zoning of the territory of the microdistrict with the application of service radii for all public institutions, transport and

pedestrian development.

3. Sweep along the facades of buildings of one of the streets limiting the microdistrict.

4. Typical cross-sectional profiles of driveways, entrances, footpaths and alleys on a scale of 1:500

5. Technical and economic indicators of development and improvement.


The definition of a microdistrict as a level of structural organization of a residential area is adopted in accordance with SNiP 2.07.0189 *: A microdistrict is a structural element of residential development with an area of ​ ​ usually 1060 hectares, but not more than 80 hectares, not dissected by main streets and roads, within which institutions and everyday enterprises with a service radius of not more than 500 m are located; boundaries, as a rule, are main or, residential streets, driveways, pedestrian paths, natural boundaries (for general secondary schools, the service radius is 750 m).

The task for the implementation of the course project provides for the development of a detailed planning project for the microdistrict, in which red lines are installed, the placement of residential buildings, their storey, a network of driveways and pedestrian paths is applied, the necessary composition and placement of cultural and communal services, sites for various purposes, green spaces and streets that limit the microdistrict.

1. the population of the microdistrict, the calculation of the area of ​ ​ housing and the required number of residential buildings.

Based on the size of the territory of the microdistrict and existing standards of population density, a preliminary calculation of the residential area and the population of the microdistrict was carried out.

The estimated population density, people/ha, territory of the microdistrict is accepted in accordance with SNiPom 2.07.0189 * (Annex 4).

The microdistrict is defined as the area within the red lines 24, ha.

The density of the territory is an average of 270.

Estimated housing security - 18 m2/person.

Determined the number and housing stock of the microdistrict. The population of the microdistrict will be:

270 x24=6480 persons.

Housing stock:

6480 h18 = 117000 sq.m.

The microdistrict is subject to the development of 5, 7, 9 and 11-story sections of residential buildings.

The specific ratio of the total residential area of ​ ​ residential sections of five-story, seven-story, nine-story and eleven-story buildings in the microdistrict is 79%, 14%, 4% and 2%, respectively.

2. calculation of the need for institutions for cultural services and the size of land plots for these institutions.

The calculation of the need for cultural and consumer services institutions is carried out according to the norms contained in Table 2 of these methodological guidelines, compiled on the basis of SNiP 2.07.0189 *, Annex 7.

Calculation of the need for preschool institutions

The need for preschool institutions is calculated depending on the population of the microdistrict on the basis of 100 places per 1 thousand inhabitants with a land plot size from 30 to 40 m2 per 1 place and the capacity of the nursery-garden.

The population of the microdistrict is 6480 people.

The need for nursery-kindergartens will be:

(6480x 100 )/1000 = 648 seats.

According to standard projects, 3 kindergartens for 280, 280 and 95 places are accepted.

total: 280 + 95 + 280 = 655 places.

Then the area of ​ ​ land for nursery gardens is:

35x280 + 35x280 + 40x95 = 23400 m2, i.e. 2.35 ha

Calculation of the need for general education schools

The need for general education schools is calculated depending on the population of the microdistrict at 180 places per 1,000 inhabitants, with land plots ranging from 16 to 60 m2 per student, depending on the number of students.

The population of the microdistrict is 6480 people.

Need for school places:

(6480x180 )/1000 = 1166 seats.

We accept one school for 1280 students.

Then the area of ​ ​ the land plot is equal to:

1280 x21 = 26880 m2, i.e. 2.7 ha

3. calculation of the area of ​ ​ the microdistrict garden, the number of areas of sports and economic grounds.

The territory of the microdistrict garden is determined according to the norm of 3-5 m2 per 1 resident.

According to the calculation, the area of ​ ​ the microdistrict garden is:

The 3rd 6480 = 19500 sq.m, i.e. 1.95 hectares.

The territory of sports grounds is determined from the norm of 1.52 m2 per 1 resident .

1.5 x 6480 = 9720 m2, i.e. 0.97 ha.

4. planning organization of the microdistrict

The borders separating the territory of residential areas and microdistricts from all types of city streets are shown in red lines. Along the street, the buildings are located along the building line, which departs from the red line deep into the microdistrict by 6 m. The strip between the red line and the building line is used for protective landscaping.

Microdistricts are built up by buildings of various purposes and operating conditions, therefore, when planning, the territory is zoned. The following zones are highlighted:

1) residential, on which residential buildings with landscaped courtyards and green stripes between the red line and the building line are placed;

2) school;

3) preschool institutions;

4) cultural institutions;

5) a microdistrict garden with sports grounds.

These zones are separated from each other by green stripes of ordinary shrub and tree planting.

To determine the size of each zone, a preliminary balance of the territory of the microdistrict was drawn up. At the same time, the area of ​ ​ the residential zone is established in accordance with the calculation of the density of the housing stock, and the area of ​ ​ service institutions in accordance with the standards.

The location of children's institutions is established taking into account their service radii, which should not exceed 300 m. A 95-seat kindergarten is located in the eastern part of the microdistrict along Right Street. The maximum service radius is 130 m. A 280-seat kindergarten located in the northern part of the microdistrict along Verkhnyaya Street, the maximum service radius is 270 m. The third 280-seat kindergarten is located in the southern part along Nizhnyaya Street, the service radius is 225 m.

A comprehensive school with 1280 places is located in the central part of the microdistrict. The service radius of the school is 750m. According to the project - 352m. On the territory of the school there is a sports stadium, courts for volleyball, basketball,. There is also a platform for conducting classes in the natural sciences, arbors and lectories in the open air.

The microdistrict garden is located near the public center of the microdistrict on Levaya St., in the western part of the microdistrict. It borders the school grounds. The main entrance to the garden is located from a citywide highway, there are also four secondary entrances. On the territory of the garden in the central part is a fountain. There are areas for active and quiet recreation.

5. entrances to the neighbourhood, driveways, walking alleys and paths.

This microdistrict is organic:

from the north by residential street Verkhnyaya;

from the south - the highway of district significance by Nizhnyaya Street;

from the west - the citywide main street of the Left;

from the east by residential street Right.

The width in the building lines of the citywide highway is 72m, the highways of district significance are 52 m, and residential streets are 30m .

Microdistricts and neighborhoods with 5 floors and above are served by two-lane driveways (2x2.75).

Dead-end driveways with a length of not more than 150 m and end with turning platforms of 12x12 m, providing the possibility of turning garbage trucks, harvesters and fire engines.

For pedestrian traffic in the microdistrict, pedestrian alleys and paths are designed.

Pedestrian alleys connect groups of residential buildings with a microdistrict garden and the public center of the microdistrict.

The area in front of the shopping center and the main pedestrian alleys are paved with paving tiles.

Sidewalks are designed with a width of 1.0 and 2.0 m with a fascia height of 0.15 m .

8. institutions and service enterprises

Institutions and service enterprises should be located on the territory of urban and rural settlements, bringing them closer to their places of residence and work, usually providing for the formation of public centers in connection with the public passenger transport network.

When calculating service institutions and enterprises, social standards of security should be adopted, developed in the prescribed manner.

In this project, the BWC zone is represented by a shopping center located on the street. Sadovaya, which is a highway of regional significance. The service radius of the shopping center is 1500m, according to the project, the maximum radius is 470m.

Also at the intersection of Left and Lower streets, additional retail premises were added to the residential building

The shopping center houses trade, catering and consumer services, a grocery store, and an industrial goods store.

9. microclimate control

Accommodation and orientation of residential and public buildings (with the exception of preschool institutions, general education schools, boarding schools) should ensure a continuous duration of insolation of residential premises and territories of at least 2.5 hours per day for the period from March 22 to September 22.

Placement and orientation of buildings of preschool institutions, comprehensive schools, shkolinternat, healthcare institutions and rest have to provide the continuous three-hour duration of insolation in the rooms provided by the Sanitary standards and rules of providing with insolation of residential and public buildings and territories of the housing estate approved in accordance with the established procedure.

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