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Water Management Systems and Water Use for Settlements


Water supply is the process of delivering clean water to consumers, while wastewater disposal is the process of removing used water and treating it before discharge. These two processes are closely related to each other and form the vital cycle of water.

As a result of the assessment of the integrated use of water bodies when used for the needs of a settlement and an industrial enterprise, a conclusion is made about the potential for the development of the district, taking into account the quantity and quality of water.

Project's Content

icon бПВ-211 Ерёменко Ю. Н. Водохозяйственные системы и водопользование.pdf
icon бПВ-211 Ерёменко Ю. Н. Водохозяйственные системы и водопользование.docx
icon бПВ-211 Ерёменко Ю. Н. Водохозяйственные системы и водопользование.dwg

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