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Pig for young people with 560 seats -cherti

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Course - Architectural part 3 sheets + Explanatory note + Scientific work

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Additional information



1. Introduction

2. Design Input

3. Explode rooms 4. Architectural and civil structures

5. Heat Engineering Calculation

6. Conclusion

List of literature


The designed building refers to production buildings.

Production buildings, as a rule, are built according to a frame scheme. As the main schemes of the frames of production buildings, rack-and-beam systems made of unified products are adopted. Frame and arched frames are also widespread for single-story buildings.

In production construction, three options for the construction of the structural framework of buildings are possible: reinforced concrete, steel and mixed. The variant of the frame is selected taking into account the parameters of spans, the type of equipment located inside the building, the degree of aggressiveness of the production environment, fire requirements, technical and economic indicators and other factors.

When choosing materials and type of building structures, the specifics of the local construction industry, geological and climatic conditions of the construction area and architectural and artistic requirements are taken into account.

Bearing structures of production buildings form a bearing frame designed for perception and transfer of active loads to the building base. Spatial rigidity in the longitudinal direction is provided by foundation beams, as well as cover and floor discs and bonds.

Design Input

1.1. Proposed construction site of Tikhoretsk.

1.2. Construction area with seismicity of 6 points.

1.3. Design temperature of external tn air = 22 wasps.

humidity zone - normal

normative depth of soil freezing - 0.8 m

design temperature of internal tv air = 12 wasps

building class II

degree of fire resistance II.

Description of the architectural and planning solution of the building

The shape of the building is rectangular.

Dimensions: along the axes of 119 - 105000 m.

along axes A-B -12 m.

The building is one-story.

The height of the entire building is 5.85 m.

The building will house a pig for repair young

Space-planning and structural solutions are made taking into account the requirements, norms and rules, sanitary standards, as well as the requirements of state industry standards at the time of design.

The development of the architectural and construction part of the working design was carried out on the basis of initial data.

Building Finishes:

Interior decoration - plaster and oil paint.

External finishing was made at the factory.

Space Explication

1 - Animal holding room - 1100 m2

2 - Room for maintenance personnel - 9 m2

3 - Inventory room - 12 m2

4 - Utility room - 109 m2

5 - Animal sanitizing room - 5 m2

6 - Drive station room - 18 m2

7 - Feed preparation room - 9 m2

8 -Sanuzel - 3.5 m2

9 - Tambouras - 60 m2

10 -Ventkamera- 162m2

11 - Ventchamber and panel - 54 m2

12 - Extraction yards - 94 m2

Architectural and civil structures

The frame of the building is reinforced concrete.

Foundations - prefabricated railway shoes for columns, prefabricated railway beams for panel walls. The foundation is laid to a depth of 1.665 m.

The building building system is large-panel.

The frame used is a railway column with a section of 300x300 mm, a frame height of 3.8 m and rail-free triangular trusses with a span of 12 m.

Slab - prefabricated railway slabs.

Roofing - asbestos cement wavy sheets along a wooden grating.

Insulation - soft mineral wool slabs

Floors - insulated ceramic concrete, ceramic.

Manure removal channels - prefabricated individual-made railway. Manure harvesting is carried out by a scraper conveyor located along the building in longitudinal channels (from prefabricated railway trays), closed by removable grids, followed by supply to the general farm conveyor.

The internal doors are wooden, under oil paint.

Outer walls are made of two-layer panels 200 mm thick. Panel walls are painted with light-colored silicate paint.

Internal walls are made of brick. All internal surfaces of railway structures are covered with enamel on the ground, in the service room - silicate paint, in the rest - lime paint by 2 times.


Agricultural buildings, like other types of buildings, must meet to the maximum the functional, technical, economic and architectural and artistic requirements.

The requirement of functional feasibility of the design solution means maximum compliance of the building premises with the technological processes flowing in them. This requirement is provided by the composition and dimensions of the premises, corresponding parameters of the internal environment, technological and sanitary equipment .

Economic feasibility assumes minimum one-time costs and operating costs with full satisfaction of the remaining requirements.

The architectural expressiveness of agricultural buildings is achieved by matching the forms and volumes of the building with its purpose, using architectural means such as scale, proportions, rhythm and meter, balance and dynamics, color, etc.

Floors in agricultural buildings must meet all sanitary-veterinary and physical-mechanical requirements, as well as have minimal thermal conductivity.

Under sanitary and veterinary conditions, the floors should be harmless for people and animals, convenient for cleaning and disinfection, and at the same time not slim.

Physical and mechanical requirements for floors are strength, durability, moisture resistance. The floors should also be resistant to the aggressive environment created by animal urine, slurry and disinfectants.

In rooms for holding pigs, the floors should be empty, sufficiently strong, resistant to the effects of waste liquid and disinfectants, non-slip, low-heat, waterproof.

To prevent atmospheric water from flowing into the building, the floors in the passages of the pig must be at least 150 mm higher than the planning elevation of the ground. The floors in the machines shall be 50 mm higher than the floor level in the passages. For the discharge of manure liquid in group machines, the floor is made with a slope of 5% towards the manure removal channel.

The most widespread use was made of concrete, brick and wood floors. Concrete floors are not warm enough, and also lead to rapid abrasion of animal hoodies.

Conventional brick floors are warmer and quite suitable for keeping animals. However, the construction of such floors is very laborious, their cost and short service life are high. In the practice of construction, wooden (plank) floors are used according to lags flooded in adobe preparation. The small difference between the temperature of the surface of the wooden floor and the air of the room creates satisfactory conditions for the holding of pigs, in particular young. However, such floors are susceptible to the destructive effect of urine, and in sanitary terms they are inferior in strength and durability to asphalt concrete.

One of the rational warm types of floors is lime-clay pol. in service passages, tile or monolithic floors made of bitumized soil cement are recommended. In rooms for storing inventory and bedding, cheaper adobe or clay-crushed stone floors can be made. In the rooms for maintenance personnel, the floors can be linoleum, ceramic and mosaic. In places of intensive accumulation of manure, that is, between rows of boxes, in dung passages, in group sections for holding pigs, slot floors are arranged. Slit floor grids can be made of cast iron or reinforced concrete. More economical are reinforced concrete slotted floors, the grids of which are made of M 400 concrete. The width of the slats during the arrangement of grids, slotted floor should be: for piglets-detachments of repair and fattening numbers - 40-50 mm, for cartilages and uterus - 70 mm, and the width of the gaps between the slats, respectively, 20... 22 and 26 mm

Prefabricated floors. Prefabricated lattice floors are used in pig mumps when feeding pigs in machines - a continuous strip with a width of 1000 mm; when feeding in aft passages - in feeding places and when feeding in special rooms - throughout the entire area of ​ ​ these rooms and in passages to them; in cows for feedlot cattle with a stall content of animals - in half it stood adjacent to the manure passage, and in the passage itself.

Prefabricated floors can be made of wooden, reinforced concrete, cast iron, ceramic, asbestos-cement grids, made of metal rolled stock and plastics, laid on brick or concrete walls of manure canals on the same level as the floor. Manure falls through the lumens in the grates underground, from where it is removed by sawdust mechanisms.

Wooden grids are assembled from separate bars (Fig. 1.18, a), laying them one from the other at a certain distance on the binding. Planks are antisepted with bitumen, coal oil or its mixture with anthracene oil. Wooden grates are most affordable and cheap, but short-lived, even if aptisepted.

Reinforced concrete grids (Fig. 1.18.6) - are made of M 400 concrete with reinforcement from hot-rolled steel of periodic profile and are coated with epoxy, polyester resin or a mixture of FA monomer and epoxy resin to protect against aggressive medium. The last (epoxy-furan) coating is the cheapest. Reinforced concrete grates also serve a relatively short period due to their insufficient chemical resistance.

Cast iron grates (Fig. 1.18, c) are better than wooden and reinforced concrete, they stand at 2... 3 times more expensive than reinforced concrete and made of scarce material - gray cast iron.

Asbestos concrete grids (Fig. 1.18, d) - consist of concrete grids lined on the sides with asbestos cement strips that perceive the forces coming from the grids and provide manure runoff into the channel. They are made in prefabricated wooden or metal form, in which inserts are installed in place of future gaps. Strips cut from asbestos cement sheets are laid between inserts. Holes are drilled at the ends of the strips, into which metal rods with a diameter of 6... 8 mm. The mold is filled with concrete with gravel or crushed stone fractions size up to 10 mm or cement sand mortar. To increase chemical resistance, grid surface is coated with composition using epoxy and furan resins. Asbestos cement grates are easy, strong, have an openwork appearance and are more economical than reinforced concrete and cast iron.

Combined floors can be arranged from ceramics, rolling metal and plastic (fig. 1.18, d, e, g).

The grating floor, especially the wooden floor, is sprinkled with a thin layer of sawdust so that it is not slippery. Sawdust also contributes to the heating of manure underground, drains it, which simplifies the harvesting of manure by the conveyor. Periodically, as the floor is contaminated, it is cleaned to prevent contamination of the lumens. The dimensions of the slats and the width of the slats in the grating floors shall be taken according to the process design standards of the relevant enterprises.

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