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Pig farm 100 heads


Course project for the Moscow Agricultural Complex Pig Farm 100 heads, screw conveyor design

Project's Content

icon Конструктивная часть 2.cdw
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The course project allows you to consolidate knowledge on general technical and special subjects, develops the ability to use manuals, reference literature, as well as the achievements of science and best practices in solving specific practical problems.

The course project on the mechanization of livestock farms is a set of tasks that are interconnected and unite such disciplines as the basics of animal husbandry, hydraulics, heat engineering, the theory of mechanisms and machines, machine parts and lifting machines, the basics of interchangeability, machine-building drawing.

Analysis of existing technologies and justification of the course project theme

Modern pig farming is a highly developed livestock industry with huge production potential. Based on scientific achievements in the field of pig breeding, existing and new highly productive swine breeds have been improved in many countries of the world, and efficient pork production technologies have been developed in the conditions of in-line production in large industrial complexes and small farms. Great achievements have been made in the field of breeding, feeding and maintaining pigs, which has significantly increased the productivity of animals.

Currently, in the world and in our country, pork in general meat harvests occupies 3550%. From one sow you can get 1820 and even 2530 piglets per year, growing which with intensive fattening, you can get 1.83.0 tons of pork with minimal labor and feed costs.

In addition to meat and fat, pigs receive many by-products (skin, intestines, bristles, blood, etc.) used as raw materials for further processing. Valuable products (sausages, ham, Korean, etc.) are prepared from pork.

The reserves for increasing the efficiency of the pig industry are very large. Based on the scientific developments and best practices of the best pig farms in the world, the following level of pig productivity can be considered scientifically justified: multi-breeding of 12 head sows, their safety up to 2 months is 8890%, the average live weight of a piglet at 2-month age is 1822 kg, at 6-month age is 100 kg, the average daily increase in live weight of young animals at growing 350450 g, at fattening 800900 g, feed costs per 1 kilogram of growth of 3.03.5 feed units.

Further improvements in pig production will depend entirely on improved pig productivity through improved breeding practices, improved feeding, maintenance and care. All this will significantly increase meat production, reduce feed consumption per unit of production, more rationally use production capacities, increase labor productivity and the economy of pig farming.

Characteristics of the farm

The structure of the building is designed taking into account the use of local building materials from light concrete panels and

blocks. The height of the building from the floor to the bottom of the load-bearing structure is 2.4 m. The length of the building is 24 m, the width is 12 m. The building is covered with prefabricated slabs on a wooden frame with plank cladding on a wooden farm. Roof - asbestos cement sheets of unified profile.

Organization of Labour

Pigsty is served by two people. Their working day is 8 hours, c 42 - an hour working week. The duties of pigs include: receiving food waste, preparing and distributing feed, cleaning premises, maintaining veterinary health in the pig farm and on its territory.

Diet practiced

The organization of pig feeding is based primarily on the balance of diets for nutrients and minerals. The project provides for the feeding of pigs:

Practiced daily diet per head:

• end feed - 5 kg;

• root-club crops - 10 kg;

• food waste - 5.5 kg.

Machine tools

Fattening livestock is located in a pig farm with dimensions of 12 * 24m ..

In the production room, equipped with group machines, which are placed in 2 rows


Easel area by 1 gol1.0 m2, feeding front 30 cm. The lighting in the pig house in the daytime is natural, at night-electric. The content of pigs in machines is insensitive. The floor has a slope in the defecation zone of 5%. In the defecation zone, the slab of the manure channel is assumed to be 700 mm. The protection of group machines is made of brick or panels with a height of 1000 mm. The machine guard is continuous in the area of ​ ​ the den (side and rear walls) and lattice in the area of ​ ​ manure channels. Feeders in group machines are reinforced concrete, group, made according to drawings developed by the Giproniselkhoz Institute.

All necessary domestic facilities are provided in the pig house.

Process mechanization


Pig singing in group machines is carried out from cup autopilks of the PSS1 type, which are installed above manure channels one at a time per machine. These drinkers are stationary, designed for milking pigs with simultaneous cleaning of the dryer cup from the remains of feed and dirt.

Technical characteristics of the dryer:

• number of animals served - 25... 30;

• productivity, l/min - 16;

• capacity of the bowl, l - 0.3;

• overall dimensions, mm - 180Х155Х245;

• weight, kg - 4.5.

The temperature of the animal water in the group machines shall not be less than 16 ° C.

Watering cranes are provided for washing the room and equipment. The porcine water flow rate per day is approximately 750 liters.


for processing of food wastes and preparation of fodder mixtures, the design provides for fodder preparation. Food waste must be delivered to the feed house in a special container. Heat treatment (sterilization) is carried out in the double-channel steam boiler MZS374. Before loading into boilers, food waste must be cleaned of foreign impurities: bones, rags, etc. Boiler loading is provided through the panel and funnel using electric steel TEO, 5V3P and PK125 overhead ladle.

The process of reloading sterilized food waste is carried out in the trolley by blowing with compressed air supplied from the CO45A compressor to the digester header. After the manual trolley TU300 intended for feed distribution is installed under the outlet pipe of the feed pipeline, the gate valve ZOh bbr opens and the compressor is turned on, which must be adjusted to a pressure of 0.7 atm.

After the boiler is released, the warm water of the gate valve is filled into it), the stirrer turns on and the boiler is washed. Dirty water is transferred by compressed air into the trolley and then drained into the sewage system. The process can be carried out using detergents followed by thorough washing of the boiler.

Feed feed is distributed by feed dispenser in pure form.

In case of shortage or temporary absence of food waste for feeding pigs can be used

welded root-club crops. Root clubs wash in

specially installed shower tray.

Porcine feeding is two times. Combined feed is brought to the pig warehouse in the calculation of stock for 10 days.

Manure harvesting

For mechanized manure harvesting, the project provides for a TSN26 scraper conveyor passing in the front of the machines. Conveyor is located in channel, which is closed from above

with a grille. Thus, pigs are pushed through the grid

manure mass per conveyor. Then manure from horizontal

conveyor enters inclined and is fed into tractor single-axle trailer, after which it is transported by tractor to fields or manure storage.

Technical characteristics of TSN-26 conveyor:

• capacity, t/h - 4.5;

• Power (horizontal and inclined, respectively), kW-4 and 1.5

• Chain length, m 36;

• Manure channel dimensions, mm - 0.055X0,258;

• Chain speed, m/s - 0.18;


To ensure the required air exchange and create the necessary temperature conditions in the livestock room, in accordance with zootechnical standards, two centrifugal fans C470 N ~ 3 and two exhaust shafts of square section (square side 0.65 m) are installed on the farm.

Drawings content

icon Конструктивная часть 2.cdw

Конструктивная часть 2.cdw



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