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Part Process Development


Development of the manufacturing process of the differential satellite part. Design of workpiece drawings, processing fixture, manufacturing area of this part. Development of process adjustments.

Project's Content

icon 1. Общая часть.doc
icon 2. Технологическая часть.doc
icon 3. Конструкторская часть.doc
icon 4. Организационная часть.doc
icon 5. БЖД.doc
icon 6. Экономическая часть.doc
icon Задание на ВКР.doc
icon Заключение и литература.doc
icon 010.bak
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icon 010.gif
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icon 035.gif
icon 65111-1802158.TIF
icon график.frw
icon Констр.frw
icon констр.wmf
icon Конструкторская.gif
icon организац.gif
icon Поверхности.gif
icon сателлит.gif
icon Содержание и введение.doc
icon Маршрутно-технологическая.doc
icon Титульник ТП.doc
icon 5 Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw
icon 5 Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw.bak
icon Заготовка Сателлит.cdw
icon Заготовка Сателлит.cdw.bak
icon Наладки1 сателлит.cdw
icon Наладки1 сателлит.cdw.bak
icon Наладки2 сателлит.cdw
icon Наладки2 сателлит.cdw.bak
icon Планировка участка.cdw
icon Планировка участка.cdw.bak
icon ПМП1.cdw.bak
icon Сателлит.bak
icon Сателлит.cdw
icon Заготовка Сателлит.cdw
icon Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw
icon Наладки1 сателлит.cdw
icon Наладки2 сателлит.cdw
icon Планировка участка.cdw
icon Планировка участка.cdw.bak
icon Сателлит.cdw

Additional information





Service purpose of the part and technical characteristics of the article

Part Constructability Analysis

Qualitative evaluation of processability

Quantification of processability

1.3.Select Gear Production Type


Procurement Method

Gear Material

Selection of bases and baselines

Preparation of processing route

Process Activity Structure

Part Processing Sequence

2.6.1. Typical Process

Selection of process equipment

Selecting a Cutting Tool

Selection of measuring instruments

2.9.1. Gear Wheel Inspection

Define interoperative allowances

Calculation of cutting modes

Technical rationing


3.1. Design of special machine tool. Development of design diagram and power calculation of the accessory

3.2. Calculation of clamping device

3.3. Description of design and operation of special machine tool

3.4. Calculation of machine tool for accuracy


4.1. Mechanical Section Design

4.2. Detailed method of equipment quantity calculation

4.3. Estimated Production Area Calculation

4.4. Selection of vehicles

4.5. Determination of the number and composition of employees


5.1. Project Environmental Safety Engineering Justification

5.2. Production safety

5.2.1. Heating, exhaust, ventilation

5.2.2. Lighting

5.2.3. Calculation of artificial lighting in the workshop

5.2.4. Noise and vibration

5.2.5. Electrical safety

5.3. Fire safety

5.4. Emergency

5.5. Occupational Safety Instruction for Torquers

5.5.1. General Occupational Safety Requirements


6.1. Calculation of current costs

6.1.1. Salary costs

6.1.2. Tool Wear

6.1.3. Energy costs

6.1.4. Equipment depreciation

6.1.5. Equipment Maintenance

6.2. Calculation of economic efficiency indicators




to graduate qualification work for a student 

group 23, specialty 150900.62 

Topic of work :

approved by order of the university No. _________ of ______ _________________ 201 ___ 

The term of protection of completed graduation qualification work in GAK is June 2015                  

Basic data 1) the Working drawing of a detail "The satellite of differential " 2) the Annual program of release of products of 5000 pieces 3) Applicability of a detail in a product - 6511118021158. 4) Nomenclature of such details. 


1. Consultants issue a section assignment after the manager and accept the completed sections as they are ready. 

2. The task with the signatures of consultants on the issuance and reception of all sections is attached to the explanatory note and, together with the completed project, is submitted for protection.

List of graphic materials: 1) Workers the drawing - the 1-2nd. A1; 2) The drawing of preparation - 1 l. A1; 3) The Sketch of the Combined Transitions (SCT) - 12 l of A1; 4) The assembly drawing of adaptation - 12 l of A1; 5) Planning of the shop - 1 l of A1  .

Working drawings of mating parts from assembly drawings, posters on the economic part, Belarusian Railways and other graphic materials at the request of the diploma are possible .

List of process maps to be executed: 1) Cover sheet; 2) Roadmap; 3) Blank card; 3) Operating cards; 4) Sketch maps; 5) Control cards  .

List of mandatory sections of the explanatory note: 1) Introduction; 2) Description of the purpose and analysis of processability of the machined part design; 3) Substantiation of the developed route technology and its advantages (type of production, type of billet and method of its production, etc.); 4) Substantiation of the purpose of operational allowances, operational tolerances and mall solution (calculation of operational dimensions and determination of workpiece dimensions); 5) Substantiation of operating technology (assignment of bases, selection of equipment, cutting tool, measuring tools, accessories, etc.); 6) Calculation of cutting modes and technical time standards; 7) Diagram description and calculation of fixture for accuracy and fixing forces); 8) Section on life safety; 9) Conclusion (substantiation of advantages of the developed project in comparison with analogues); 10) Literature .

It is possible to substantiate novelty with a review of literature and patent studies in any sections of the project at the request of a diploma student.

General part

1.1 Service purpose of the part and its working conditions 

in the assembly unit

The part is a differential satellite, it is included in the design of the differential race of the KamAZ 6511 dispenser box.

The differential holder is part of the KamAZ dispenser box. 

Transfer boxes are installed on KAMAZ all-wheel drive vehicles designed for traffic on public roads and off-road.

The purpose of the transfer box is to distribute in a certain proportion of the power flow from the engine between the driving axles of the car: to the middle and rear driving axles, to the front driving bridge.

The transfer box provides for two modes of movement of the car: off-road, in the transfer box the lower gear is included, and on public roads, in the transfer box the higher gear is included.

When driving on slippery roads, to prevent the wheels from slipping, the transfer box provides for locking the differential of the drives of the front and rear driving axles.

The transfer box consists of a crankcase 39 (Fig.1.2) and a cover of the crankcase 40, having a vertical connector, in which there are mounted: a primary shaft 58 assembled with a gear and bearings; an intermediate shaft 24 assembled with low and high gear gears and bevel bearings; transfer box differential 38 assembled with parts of cylindrical planetary mechanism, driven gears of upper and lower gear; front axle drive housing 46 with speedometer drive parts, differential locking mechanism, front axle drive shaft; winch drive power take-off box 19 with control mechanism; Mechanism 11 (Figure 371) for switching on the lower gear; a higher gear switching mechanism 12; locking mechanism preventing activation of two transmissions simultaneously.

The crankcase and the crankcase cover are cast from gray cast iron, treated together and bolted around the perimeter. Sealing paronite gasket 9 is installed between them.

The mutual arrangement of the crankcase and the cover of the crankcase is fixed by two pins, the holes for which are obtained during joint processing.

After processing, the crankcase and the crankcase cover are marked with one serial number and used together. Disassembly of them is not allowed.

At the top of the crankcase there is a hatch closed by a cover 12 with a sealing gasket 13, a valve 10 is screwed into the cover, preventing an increase in pressure in the cavity of the dispenser box. The valve seals the crankcase cavity from the external environment, which allows the car to overcome water barriers. Two eyes 11 (Fig. 370) for transfer box transportation are fixed on the cover attachment pins.

Power take-off box can be installed on the upper hatch. Take-off drive from special gear welded to primary shaft gear. The maximum allowable selection from the upper hatch is 44kW (60 hp). Power selection is possible both in the parking lot and during the movement of the car.

On the left side of the crankcase there is a filling hole and the same control hole closed by plug 1 (Fig. 1.3). In the lower part of the crankcase cover the drain hole is closed by plug 41 (Fig. 1.2) with magnet.

The primary shaft 58 (Fig. 1.2) of the transfer box is installed in the upper bore of the crankcase with a cover, rests on two roller conical bearings 8 and 10, which receive radial forces from the engagement of gears and axial force from the oblique engagement of gears. The front bearing is mounted in the cover 1 and in the cover 40 of the crankcase. Front bearing cover with sealing gaskets is attached to crankcase cover by bolts 3. A cuff 33 is inserted into the cover and has an inclined notch on the working edge to prevent the lubricant from flowing out. Package of parts: bearing (8), flange (59) are tightened with nut (57), tightening torque is 295345 N.m (3035 kgf.m), nut is locked with the girdle core in the slot of the primary shaft. The flange 59 on the end surface has teeth for connection to a similar surface of the cardan shaft.


Part Material Characteristic

The material of the shaft to be manufactured is 20XGNMTA steel, which is an alloyed chromomangan nickel steel with titanium. Alloyed steels in accordance with GOST 454371 are divided into high-quality, high-quality and special-quality (electric slag remelting). The letter "A" at the end of the name indicates that the steel is of high quality.

The purpose of the steel: gears, pinions, fingers. Gear divider synchronizer carriages and other cemented, highly critical, highly loaded parts that are subject to high strength, ductility, and core viscosity and high surface hardness requirements, operating under impact loads or at negative temperatures.

Table 1.1 shows the chemical composition of steel in percentage content, and table 1.2 shows its mechanical properties.

1.3 Part Drawing Design Control

As a result of studying and analyzing the working drawing of the part, the compliance of the drawing with the requirements of the current ESKD standards was checked. At the same time on the working drawing enough projections, cuts, sections and types for full understanding of a configuration of a detail are revealed, but not all necessary sizes are put down, not for all surfaces the roughness is put down, record of technical requirements conforms to requirements of standards. In addition, the working drawing contains information about the material grade of the part (St20XGNMTA), the mass of the part (0.36 kg), the scale (1:1), its name (Differential satellite). During the analysis of the working drawing of the part, deviations from the requirements of the ESKD were identified.

According to the analysis of the drawing, the following conclusions were made:

- part PRZ corresponds to ESKD;

- All specified views, sections and sections of the drawing, technical requirements, mass and material grade instructions are sufficient for designing the manufacturing process of the part.

1.4 Analysis of part fabrication specifications

1. Material substitute: steel 18KhGR TU 14155612008; steel 17HGR STO 000186465182008.

This specification indicates that a material substitute is provided for the part.

2. Grain size No. 5... 8 GOST 563982. Remnants of cast structure are not allowed.

This requirement is introduced for reasons of maintaining a uniform structure of the part material. The metal structure contains 5... 8 grain numbers, which allows you to maintain a uniform structure .

3. Year of birth. II 156... 207 HB GOST 847970. Forge the forging by isothermal annealing.

Gr II - this technical requirement indicates that the forging is made of one grade steel, a lot of forging together underwent thermal treatment before machining. Their main delivery characteristic is hardness. In this case it has to be in limits 156...207 HB.

4. Other TTs for forging as per GOST 750589. This technical requirement regulates the norms of forging form, its weight, nominal linear and angular dimensions of forging, as well as tolerances for the manufacture of the workpiece.

6. To Nitrotsementirovat on surfaces And, B, In, of not less h of 0.4 mm, on other surfaces of h of 0,6...0,8 mm, 61...66 HRC, the hardness of a core of 30...45 HRC. This technical requirement states the nominal hardness of the core and the tooth surface in order to achieve an optimal ratio between the viscous core and the hard and wear-resistant surface - the tooth will last longer and will not wear.

7. Parameters Fi, fi, Eas, Eai are checked in case of non-locking engagement with the measuring gear wheel, the number of teeth of which is z = 20, the normal tooth thickness along the arc of the dividing circle Snm = 5.574mm. Nominal interaxial distance at the same time and =56.544mm.8. On surfaces of E, Zh the ledge no more than 0.1 mm is allowed. With transition radius not less than 1 mm.

9. Grind. Grinding burns and microcracks are not allowed. Check on magnetic flaw detector with subsequent demagnetization. This technical requirement is introduced in order to control the quality of the tooth surface and prevent its premature wear during operation and industrial scrap.

10. * Size for reference.

This technical requirement applies to information, that is, this size does not need to be withstood and controlled, it is obtained automatically after completing all the necessary dimensions that affect the characteristics of the part in the assembly. 

11. Unspecified limit size deviations as per OST 37.001.24682. The specified industry standard regulates the values ​ ​ of unspecified dimensional deviations.

1.5 Part Constructability Analysis

One of the main tasks solved in the process of designing the technological processes of assembly works and preparation of production is to evaluate and ensure the processability of the product.

The differential satellite of the KamAZ car is not a complex, but a responsible unit of the car. The quality of its assembly and further work depends on the safety of traffic on the road.

The product consists of a small number of units, parts.

In order to allow parallel assembly, the product is divided into separate parts. 

The design and workability of the product requires the assembly of parts and assemblies by a method of complete interchangeability, without additional mechanical fitting. In this case, intermediate assemblies and disassembles are excluded. The design does not have ladder dimension chains. In the design of the units there are no parts of low strength and cruelty and parts of easily deformable materials, which eliminates the possibility of their deformation during assembly.

Assembly design provides free access of tools, controls and working bodies of technical devices to assembly places.

The base part in the subassembly is the intermediate shaft. Installation of the remaining units and parts is carried out at one constant position of the shaft in the accessory - the conveyor satellite. All parts and assemblies are selected with the required wear characteristics, which provide the specified service life of the intermediate shaft, and, accordingly, the entire gearbox.

Assembly units included in the unit are kinematically closed, that is, during transportation from position to position they do not fall into component parts.

The workability of the design depends on how the parts in the assembly are connected. When connecting gear gears with shaft, interference fit is used.

Workability of the part - a set of properties and indicators, 

determining the possibility of its manufacture with the least cost when achieving the accuracy requirements specified in the drawing. The workability of the part can be pre-evaluated by comparing the part with the available analogues. The final decision on the processability of the part can be made after the development of the technical and economic calculations.

The differential satellite is a basic part. When testing for processability of the shaft structure, it is necessary to make an assessment according to qualitative and quantitative indicators. Requirements to workability of part design are given in GOST 14.20473. They are:

The part design must consist of standard and unified features or be standard;

parts shall be manufactured from standard and unified workpieces produced in a rational manner;

dimensions and surfaces of the part shall have an optimal degree of accuracy and roughness, respectively;

physicochemical and mechanical actions of the material, stiffness of the part, its shape and dimensions must comply with the requirements of the manufacturing technology;

parameters of the base surface of the part (accuracy, roughness) should ensure accuracy of installation, processing and control;

part design shall provide the possibility of application of standard and standard technological processes of its manufacturing.

When evaluating the workability of a part design, it is necessary to:

Calculate parameters of constructability;

Develop recommendations for improving technicality;

ensure the workability of the part design by making changes.

There are two general estimates of processability: 1) qualitative assessment of processability, 2) quantitative assessment of processability.

Quantification of workability of part design

Figure 1.4 shows the sketch of the part with the designation of surfaces, the name and purpose of the surfaces of the part are justified below.

Surface 1 - cylindrical holes, roughness Ra = 6.3, which corresponds to the 6th accuracy quota; auxiliary holes intended for supply of lubricant.

Surface 2 is a cylindrical hole, roughness Ra = 6.3, which corresponds to the 6th quota of accuracy; landing hole.

Surface 3- end surface, roughness Ra6.3;

Surface 4 is an outer cylindrical surface ∅22. It has requirements: roughness Ra 1.25 μm, accuracy quota 7;

Surface 5 is the surface of the gear ring. It is a complex surface, it must provide resistance to impact loads and destruction, as well as resist setting with particles of the mating part. Surface roughness Ra 1.25 mm;

Surface 6 is an impingement designed to exit the tool.

Surface 7 - end surface, roughness Ra6.3.

The main indicators of quantitative evaluation of the processability of the shaft design include:

unification factor of part features

1.5.2 Qualitative evaluation of processability


1. The part is a body of revolution and does not have inaccessible places and surfaces for processing;

2. The diameter differences in most surfaces are small, which allows you to obtain a workpiece close to the shape of the finished part;

3. Symmetrical about the axis;

4. The part allows you to process several surfaces in one installation (on an NC machine);

5. The design of the part provides free supply and withdrawal of the tool and LPG to and from the cutting zone, and removal of chips;

6. The part has reliable installation bases, i.e. the principle of constancy and alignment of bases is observed;

7. The design of the part is quite rigid;

8. Tolerances on the dimensions of precise surfaces do not complicate production technology.

Disadvantages: the shaft has a toothed surface.

Thus, having conducted calculations for processability and having studied the external features of the shaft structure, having considered qualitative and quantitative characteristics, we conclude that the design of the differential satellite is technological, since it meets most technological requirements.

Process Part

 2.1 Definition of type of blanks and methods of their manufacture

Various methods are used in the manufacture of shaft blanks. The best method is the one by which the blanks are most economical, provide the lowest allowance for machining and have the required quality. The technology of low-waste production of blanks contributes to reduction of metal rolling, improvement of quality and productivity in their manufacture. These methods are widely used in large-scale and mass production.

The selection of the procurement method is largely determined by the size of the program task and the technological capabilities of the procurement workshops of the enterprise. The use of progressive initial blanks with a small allowance for mechanical processing in all cases reduces the labor intensity and cost of the latter, however, the additional costs of equipping the procurement workshops pay off only with sufficient size of the program task.

However, it should be borne in mind that the cost of the product is determined by the sum of the costs of the original workpiece and its machining, so it is ultimately important to reduce the entire amount rather than one of its components. Taking into account the additional savings in machining of progressive raw materials with a small allowance, the limits of economic application of these methods will shift towards a decrease in the cost of the whole product.

Creating part designs that allow machining to be replaced by stamping or planting always leads to a significant reduction in labor and metal consumption. In cold-seating of initial workpieces of parts, for example bolts, metal wastes are 25 times less than in metal-cutting machines. For critical parts at present, raw materials obtained by hot stamping and casting are often used.

The part is a shaft. Therefore, the shaft blank can be obtained by stamping on the HPCS to form separate surfaces.

2.2 Feasibility Study of Procurement Selection

Let us give the economic justification of the method of obtaining the workpiece by the method of hot volumetric stamping on a horizontal forging machine (GKM).

Degree of complexity C2;

The group became M2.

Accuracy T4.

Technical and economic calculations show that the workpiece obtained by stamping is the most economical for using the material, therefore we accept the workpiece obtained by hot stamping.

The conclusion: based on the calculations, it can be concluded that the most expedient (at the cost of a unit of production) will use forging on hammers and presses for the production of this shaft.

Equipment - crank hot stamping press.

2.3 Selection of bases

The main indicators of the accuracy of an individual surface are surface size error, macrogeometric and microgeometric deviations from the shape. The achievement of these accuracy indicators is ensured by the selection and implementation of appropriate surface preparation and treatment methods.

The treatment of the surface consists in removing from its surface a layer of metal called a surge. Processing is performed in process systems. By process systems is meant a dynamic closed system consisting of a machine, an accessory for installing a workpiece, an accessory for installing a working tool, and a workpiece to be processed.

Each simple process system implements a certain processing method. By the method of processing is meant a kind of influence on the material of the part differing by the energy supplied to the processing zone, the scheme of forming the surface of the working tool with numerical values ​ ​ of the parameters of the modes.

The selection of process bases is decided simultaneously with the selection of the procurement method. The first steps are to create finishing bases for which rough surfaces are provided in the workpiece.

The choice of basing scheme depends on design and process requirements. The chosen scheme largely predefines the processing sequence, device design, achievement of the specified accuracy, and productivity. The accuracy of the part processing, rational use of devices, and the possibility of processing on high-performance equipment depend on the correctly selected installation bases.

By process base is meant the surface, axis or point by which the part is placed during machining and the position of the part relative to the tool is determined. When choosing a technological base, we are guided by two fundamental principles of construction of technological processes for manufacturing parts:

principle of base alignment;

principle of unity of technological base.

The essence of the principle of base alignment is that in order to achieve the highest accuracy of design dimensions, the location of surfaces should use the design base as the technological bases for each of them.

The principle of base unity is a rule for selecting technological bases, which recommends using the same single technological base as a technological base when processing all or as many surfaces of a part as possible in different or one technological system.

Methodically, the selection and justification of a single technological base is carried out according to the algorithm:

Evaluate the role of the base in coordinating other surfaces and surface sets.

Evaluate the role of each set of support bases in coordinating other surfaces

Evaluate whether a free surface can be used as a single process base for machining without reinstalling the part. At this stage, it is necessary to analyze the design of the part in terms of the possibility of treating all its surfaces with the necessary accuracy and roughness from one installation.

If it is not possible to process this part from one installation, then based on the results, in the first, second stages, select the set of surfaces from which the largest number of other surfaces are coordinated.

Evaluate the possibility of using as a single technological basis a set of surfaces from which the largest number of other surfaces are coordinated, in terms of the three basic principles of the bases.

If this set does not meet the basic features of the bases, then the possibility and expediency of making a change to the design of the part in order to give the set of missing features to be considered is evaluated.

If all components in paragraph 5 are not available for use as a single process base, the design of the part should be modified to create an artificial set of single process bases.

Make a list of surfaces accepted as a single technological base.

2.4 Routing process design.

As a result of the development of the technological process, we determine the necessary equipment, technological equipment, etc.

A process plan is a set of different operations that change shape, dimensions, drawing requirements, and specifications.

The routing description of the process is an abbreviated description of all process operations in the sequence of their execution without indicating transitions and process modes.


2.5 Selection of process equipment

When selecting equipment, consider the following factors: 

-the size of the working area of the machine, which must correspond to the dimensions of the machined part or several machined parts ,

- possibility to achieve the required accuracy and surface roughness during processing,

-conformance of power, rigidity and kinematic data of the equipment to advantageous operation modes, 

- provision of required performance in accordance with the specified program of parts release,

- compliance of equipment with safety and industrial sanitation requirements,

-conformance of the equipment to the specified program according to the criterion of part manufacturing cost.

When selecting equipment in the current production conditions, you have to focus on the equipment available in the workshop and it is mandatory to take into account the degree of actual load of individual groups.

The following machines specified in Table 2.1 shall be used to manufacture the differential satellite.


2.6 Cutting Tool Selection

The selection of the cutting tool must be oriented to the standard tool. To perform individual operations, especially in large-scale production and mass production, it is advisable to use a special tool.

The cutting tool must have a high cutting ability, capable of high cutting modes, high dimensional resistance, ensuring the stability of the processing process, be quickly and conveniently replaced, adjusted and lifted during processing, stably form transportable chips and withdraw it without disrupting the normal operation of the equipment.

For the cutting part of the tool, hard alloys and fast-cutting steels of new grades, for example, P6M5 instead of P18, are widely used.

Cutting tool costs are included as a separate item in the cost of production.

To manufacture the part, we use the following tool: turning cutters: pass-through according to GOST 1905880, cut-off according to GOST 1904580, cut-off according to GOST 1907180, bore-through according to GOST 2661185; equipped with polyhedral hard alloy plates T15K6 as per GOST 2404081, GOST 2504281, GOST 2284780, GOST 2430181; rough and finished cutting heads; grinding wheel for grinding the hole; grinding wheel for grinding the end face.


2.7 Selection of measuring instruments

The selection of measuring means is made in accordance with the accuracy characteristics of the tool, the accuracy of the size performed, the type of the measured surface, as well as the scale of the release of parts. In large-scale production, automatic controls are used. It is necessary to strive for the time spent on control to be overlapped by machine time.

In our particular case, we will use as universal measuring instruments to control the accuracy of the manufacture of the part elements: calipers ShT11250.1 GOST 16689, ShT2500.05 GOST 16689, indicator ICH-10 kl.1 GOST 57768, micrometer dental MZ1001 GOST 650790, roughness sample GOST 937893, as well as special: caliber-scraps, templates, inter-centers. To control the distribution of the contact spot, use the KS38n2 toothing machine.


2.7.1 Gear Wheel Inspection

In the production of gears, the inspection operation should be given the same importance as any other process operation. The required accuracy in the production of the gear wheel can be obtained by applying the correct methods, means and systematic control throughout the technological cycle of those parameters of the blank and teeth that guarantee the quality and reliability of the gears. Most attention should be paid to monitoring in the initial and intermediate stages of production. The latter are especially important because after heat treatment it is not always possible to eliminate errors occurring before the heat treatment.

Two types of control are most common: technological and final. In turn, technological control is divided into two stages: production and laboratory control.

Production control is carried out by the operator and adjustment unit directly in the gear wheel manufacturing area with the help of fast-acting devices. The supervisor performs a sample check.

The first step is to monitor the base surfaces of the workpiece. The fitting hole and journals shall be of precise dimensions and the supporting ends shall be perpendicular to the axis of the workpiece. The base surfaces of the preform are typically 100 percent controlled prior to tooth processing.

After dentition and dentition on the device, which produces tight double-profile engagement of the treated wheel with the measuring wheel, the following is checked: oscillation of the measuring inter-axial distance (ISHR) for wheel rotation and on one tooth, size of teeth and allowance for chevering. Surface roughness is checked visually. Two first parts are controlled from each machine in the following mode: beginning of working shift, after tool replacement, after machine lifting, every 1-2 hours of machine operation.

Laboratory monitoring is designed to determine the errors of individual gear parameters in order to more accurately evaluate the quality of the gear and the technological process. control is carried out by the controller using instruments installed in a special room protected from noise and vibration. intervals and measurement parameters are usually selected by the manufacturer depending on the purpose of the gears and the quality required.

Final (acceptance) control of gears is carried out after their full processing. The inspection shall be carried out in a qualified and responsible manner, as the quality of the gear at this stage determines the service life of the transmission in the working unit. The parameters to be checked during final inspection are usually determined by the manufacturer of the gears depending on their operating conditions. The specification is specified in the part drawing.


2.8 Calculation of mechanical machining allowances.

When designing the machining process, it is necessary to establish optimal allowances that ensure the specified accuracy and quality of the machined surfaces.

Allowances can be operational and intermediate.

An operating allowance is an allowance that is deleted during a single process operation.

An allowance that is removed when one process transition is performed is called an intermediate allowance.

The establishment of optimal allowances plays an important role in the development of technological processes for the manufacture of parts. Increasing allowances leads to increased material and energy consumption, the introduction of additional technological transitions, and sometimes operations. All this increases the labor burden and increases the cost of manufacturing parts, and therefore reduces the competitiveness of the entire product as a whole.

Unreasonably reduced allowances do not allow to remove defective layers of material and achieve the specified accuracy and roughness of the treated surfaces, which can lead to scrap.

There are two main methods for determining surface machining allowances: experimental-statistical and calculation-analytical.

In the experimental statistical method, the allowance is established according to standards and tables, which are compiled on the basis of the synthesis and systematization of production data of a number of production enterprises. Allowances for mechanical treatment of forgings made by various methods and castings from metals and alloys are given in GOST 750589, GOST 706290, GOST 782970, GOST 2664585.

With the calculation and analytical method developed by prof. M.V. Kovan, calculate the minimum allowance based on the analysis of factors affecting the formation of allowance, using regulatory documents. Note here that machining allowance is determined to eliminate part manufacturing errors left over from previous transition.

According to the specified conditions, we set the processing route:

- Procurement;

- Rough turning;

- Heat treatment

- Grinding.

2.9 Calculation and selection of cutting modes.

The efficiency and quality of manufacturing of machine parts depend on the rational processing of metals by cutting, which is achieved when the following conditions are met:

the cutting part of the tool has optimal geometry and high-quality sharpening;

workpiece processing is carried out with technically and economically justified feeding (S) and cutting speeds (V);

kinematic and dynamic capabilities of the machine make it possible to realize reasonable values of feed and cutting speed.

Calculation of cutting mode elements:

1. The roughing depth (t) is assigned as much or as much as possible to the entire machining allowance or most of it. During finishing, depending on the requirements of accuracy of dimensions and roughness of the treated surface. The value is selected from the table based on the data.

2. Supply (S) during rough processing is selected as much as possible based on stiffness and strength of AIDS system, power of machine drive. At finishing - depending on the required degree of accuracy and roughness of the treated surface. The value is selected from the table based on the data.

3. Cutting speed (Vtb) for turning operations


3.1 Description of the structure and principle of the device operation.

Proposed device is intended for fixation of blanks on schlycaeser during spline milling. The main requirement for schlycefrestration devices is to ensure the concentricity of the pitch circle of the splined rim with respect to the base surface, i.e. with respect to the central opening.

The fixture consists of a centering part 2, which is based on a vertical table of the schlycefreser and is fixed to it by six screws 21. A tip 11 is based on the centering part 2 and six sleeves 3 are moved. Adapter 1 and flange 4 are rigidly fixed to each other by six screws 22 and bushings 3. Collet clamp 9 is connected to flange 4. The clamp body 5 is based on a vertical table of the schlycefreser and is attached thereto by six screws 23. The ring 7 is based on it by means of a pin 20 and is pressed by a ring 6, which in turn is based on the clamp body 5 by screws 18. Cover (8) is installed on ring (6) with mounting screws (19) and attached by screws (17).

The billet is secured by collet clamp as flange 4, screws 22, bushings 3 and adapter 1 move downwards. To prevent movement during milling, the blank is pressed on both sides by the tips 10 and 11. Bolt 12 is used to prevent rotation of collet clamp 9.

3.2. Development of calculation scheme and determination of fixing force.

Development of a theoretical basing scheme.

The required machining accuracy is ensured by a certain position of the workpiece relative to the cutting tool. Under the basis of machining of workpieces on machines, it is considered to give the workpiece the required position relative to the machine elements that determine the trajectories of the feeding of the processing element .

To mask the workpiece with the main base in the form of an internal cylindrical surface in the device, this means to align its axis with the imaginary axis of the device. 

To completely eliminate the mobility of a solid in space, you must deprive it of six degrees of freedom. This is achieved by overlapping the links. By links are meant the positional constraints imposed on the movements of the points of the body in question. In the devices, each of the links is implemented as a point of contact of the base surface with the support element. The location of the contact points on the base surfaces of the workpiece is a basing scheme. 

The following basing scheme can be used for short cylindrical blanks. The main base in this case is the inner cylindrical surface of the workpiece, on which two reference points are located. They deprive the billet of 2 degrees of freedom (movements along two axes). Links located on the end surface of the workpiece deprive it of 3 degrees of freedom (movement along the axis and rotation relative to the other two axes). 

Development of the attachment scheme

During the process operation, the procurement position achieved during basing must not be disturbed. Force (s) must be applied to the workpiece for this purpose. Determining the point of application and the direction of action of forces is the main task of developing a anchoring scheme.

For this part, the fixing scheme is developed taking into account almost all the basic requirements for the device. Namely, first, the direction of action of the cutting force extends in the immediate vicinity of the support members, thereby minimizing the necessary fixing force. To avoid shear of the workpiece during fixation, the fixation force is directed perpendicular to the support elements. To reduce crushing of the workpiece, specific pressure is dispersed over the surface. 

Development of calculation scheme and determination of fixing force.

During the processing of the workpiece, cutting forces and moments arise, and the cutting forces change their value, as well as direction within the treatment of the surface itself. However, the position of the workpiece itself during processing must be unchanged and this mobility is ensured by the fastening. There are the following rules:

1). Fixation must not violate the procurement position achieved during basing;

2). Fixing must be reliable - this means that the position of the workpiece should not be violated during the entire service time;

3). Deformation of the workpiece as a result of the action of the fixing force should be minimal during finishing and be within the tolerance during rough processing.

Failure to comply with at least one of the rules leads to errors, and in the worst case, failure of the instrument. The implementation of these rules is ensured by developing this anchoring scheme. The main objective of the design of this scheme is to select the point of application of the clamping force, its magnitude and direction of action relative to the mounting elements of the device. The development of the fixing scheme is carried out simultaneously with the development of the basing scheme. The following provisions should be used:

- in order to reduce the fastening pattern, it is necessary that the cutting force be directed to the mounting element;

- in order to increase the reliability of contact of the base surface of the workpiece with the support element and prevent shear, it is necessary that the fixing force is perpendicular to the plane of the support element;

- in order to eliminate deformation, it is necessary that the line of action of the fastening force necessarily intersects the plane of the support element;

- To eliminate deformation of the workpiece and crumbling of the surface, it is necessary to disperse the fastening force in several points, or in area, if possible. This is achieved by using the appropriate structures of the contact elements of the clamping devices;

- to eliminate the workpiece vibrations during its processing it is necessary to bring the fastening forces as close as possible to the cutting force.

The amount of clamping force required can be determined based on the solution of static problems, considering the balance of the workpiece under the influence of the forces applied to it. 

Organizational Part


In general terms, the design task can be formulated as follows: to design a workshop or a site that provides a given program for the production of products of a certain range and the required quality, at the minimum reduced manufacturing costs, taking into account all labor protection requirements.

At the initial stage of design, according to the annual product production program and their nomenclature, the type of production is determined, which further dictates the degree of specialization and features of the equipment used.

Safety of life

5.1. Engineering justification of environmental safety of the project.

Life safety is a scientific discipline that studies the safety of human life in its habitat, which includes: life, production, environment. In all spheres of life, a danger to man can be distinguished. There are two types of hazards:

hazards of natural origin;

dangers of anthropogenic origin (associated with a certain type of human activity).

Studying and solving problems related to ensuring healthy and safe conditions in which people work is one of the most important tasks in the development  of new technologies  and production systems. The study and identification of possible causes of industrial accidents, occupational diseases, accidents, explosions, fires, and the development of measures and requirements aimed at eliminating these causes  make it possible to create safe and favorable conditions for human work. Comfortable working conditions are one of the main factors affecting the productivity and safety of work, the health of workers.

Safety of work (production) activity is a comprehensive system of measures to protect a person at work and the production environment (habitat) from hazards generated by a specific production (technological) process . I.e. this is such a state of labor (production) activity in which potential industrial hazards affecting human health are excluded with a certain probability. The comprehensive system is composed of legal, organizational, economic, technical, sanitary, medical and preventive measures of protection.

The production environment is the space in which a person's work is performed.

Any activity can cause harm to a person: work in production (technological process), various types of recreation, entertainment, and even knowledge-related activities. Human practice, therefore, gives reason to argue that any activity is potentially dangerous.

5.2. Production safety 5.2.1. Heating, exhaust, ventilation

To maintain the normative values ​ ​ of the microclimate parameters, heating, exhaust, ventilation are necessary.

In winter, a heating system is needed to maintain the optimal temperature. The purpose of heating is to maintain a given temperature. Heating system happens:

- water (heating of water temperature from boiler plants to 100 ° and above);

- steam (high and low pressure steam is used);

- air (heated air is supplied to the room);

- combined. 

Ventilation - a set of interconnected devices and processes to create the required air exchange in the production rooms. The main purpose of ventilation is to remove contaminated or superheated air from the working zone and supply clean air, as a result of which the necessary favorable air conditions are created in the working zone. 

Depending on the method of air movement in production rooms, ventilation is divided into natural and artificial (mechanical). Natural ventilation is not enough for a full-fledged air exchange, and therefore artificial ventilation is used.

During mechanical ventilation, air exchange is carried out due to the head of air created by fans (axial and centrifugal); air in winter is heated, and in summer it is cooled and, in addition, it is cleaned of contaminants (dust and harmful vapors and gases). Mechanical ventilation at the place of action is divided into:

general exchange (provides air exchange of the entire room);

local (provides air exchange of individual places). Local ventilation happens: 

exhaust (exhaust cabinets, umbrellas, curtains, etc.);

plenum (air souls, veils, oases)

The plenum ventilation system consists of two separate systems - plenum and exhaust, which simultaneously supply clean air to the room and remove contaminated air from it. Plenum ventilation systems also compensate for air removed by local suction and consumed for technological needs:

 firing processes, compressor units, pneumatic transport, etc.

In the designed area, the main activity is machining of metals by cutting. The closed premises of the facility shall have an air condition monitoring system.

 All rooms shall have a permanent supply ventilation system, heating, air conditioning. Ventilation and air conditioning in the workshops create an air environment that meets occupational health standards. Ventilation controls the temperature, humidity and cleanliness of the indoor air. Air conditioning creates an optimal artificial climate. Modern automatic air conditioners clean the air, heat or cool it, moisten or dry it depending on the time of year and other conditions, ionize or ozonize it, and also supply it to the premises at a certain speed.

5.2.2 Lighting.

Production lighting happens: natural, artificial and combined. 

Natural lighting involves the penetration of sunlight into buildings through windows and various types of light openings (upper light lights). It often changes and depends on the time of year and day, as well as on atmospheric phenomena. Lighting is affected by the location and structure of buildings, the size of the glazed surface, the shape and location of windows, the distance between buildings, etc. Natural illumination is normalized according to SNiP  230595.

The most common type of artificial lighting is electric lighting. Rational artificial lighting provides for uniform illumination, without sharp changes and ripples, favorable spectral composition of light and sufficient brightness. Therefore, for rational lighting of premises, it is necessary to create common and local lighting. General artificial lighting is divided into working, emergency, security, duty, localized, safety lighting and evacuation lighting.

 With local lighting, the luminous flux is concentrated directly at workplaces. The combination of general and local lighting forms combined lighting. Incandescent and fluorescent lamps are used for artificial electric lighting. Fluorescent lamps provide high quality, and they are economical in terms of electricity consumption, light output and service life.

To illuminate rooms, electric lamps are placed in special fittings of various types. The valves direct the luminous flux obtained from electric lamps with the least losses, and also protects the eyes of workers from blinding brightness, and in some cases, changes the spectral composition of the light source. Valves together with a lamp are called a lamp. 

In the designed workshop, it is assumed that there is no sufficient lighting in daylight, so artificial light will be used - combined lighting. It is provided for by existing regulations.

According to the current Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP230595), the lowest permissible illumination of workplaces (300 Lk) is regulated for artificial lighting, and for natural and combined - the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO). Lighting standards are given depending on:

- accuracy of work execution;

- object values.

5.2.4. Noise and vibration .

Noise is a messy combination of sounds of different frequency and intensity (force), which adversely affects a person, arising from mechanical oscillations in solid, liquid and gaseous media.

Sound waves propagate in space - an audio field that is characterized by:

Oscillatory velocity v, (m/s) is the rate of oscillation of particles relative to the equilibrium position;

Speed of sound propagation with, (m/s) - speed of sound wave propagation;

Sound pressure p, (Pa) - the difference between the instantaneous value of the total pressure and the average pressure, which is observed in an undisturbed medium;

Sound intensity I, (W/m2) - the energy carried by the sound wave when it spreads in space;

Noise abatement techniques and tools:

Methods for reducing noise from sources (noise silencers);

methods for reducing noise in the source of education (structural replacement);

personal protective equipment (anti-noise headphones, anti-noise inserts, anti-noise helmets and helmets), reduces noise by 10-25 DB.

Vibration - mechanical oscillatory movements of an object transmitted to the human body or its individual parts during direct contact. Vibration happens:

General - vibration that affects the entire human body (through a chair, floor, etc.);

Local (local) - vibration that acts on individual parts of the body of the worker.

For most internal organs of the human body, the natural frequencies lie in the range of 6-9 Hz. Mechanical damage or even rupture is possible when the oscillation frequency of the workplaces is close to the intrinsic frequencies of the internal organs. Systematic exposure to general vibrations characterized by a high level of vibration speed leads to disruptions in the physiological functions of the body due to damage to the central nervous system. These disorders cause headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, reduced performance, deterioration of health, disturbances in cardiac activity.

 When exposed to low frequency vibration (less than 125 Hz), the disease occurs after 8-10 years, when exposed to high frequency vibration (more than 125 Hz) - after 5 or less years.

Distinguish between hygienic and technical rationing of vibrations. Hygienic limits parameters of vibration of workplaces and surface of contact with hands of workers on the basis of physiological requirements excluding possibility of vibration sickness. Technical limits vibration parameters not only taking into account the specified requirements, but also based on the vibration level achievable today for this type of equipment.

Permissible values and methods for evaluation of vibration characteristics are given in GOST 12.1.012. - 90 "Vibration safety. General requirements. " Vibration rationing is carried out separately for general and local vibrations. In this case, RMS values ​ ​ of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration are used, as well as their logarithmic levels in dB. For general vibration, these values ​ ​ are set in octave frequency ranges with average geometric values ​ ​ of 1, 2, 4, 8, 32, 63 Hz. For local vibrations - in octave frequency bands with average geometric values ​ ​ of 16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000 Hz. The standards are set for the duration of the shift of 8 hours .

In accordance with the requirements of GOST, standards for permissible levels of vibration of hand-held machines, standards for technical requirements for means of measuring and monitoring vibration at workplaces and standards for means of testing of hand-held tools have been developed .

5.2.5. Electrical safety.

Electrical safety - a system of organizational and technical measures and means that ensure the protection of workers from the influence of electric current.

The formation of electrical hazard in production can be divided into: the danger of electric current when passing through the human body; danger of electrical networks; danger of electrical equipment; electrical hazard caused by the category of production premises in which electrical networks and electrical equipment are operated.

The most dangerous alternating current is 20-1000 Hz. 

According to the rules of electrical installations (PES), all production rooms are divided into three categories:

Rooms with increased danger characterized by the presence of one of the following features:

- dampness when relative air humidity exceeds 75%;

- high air temperature exceeding 35℃;

  conductive dust;

  conductive floors; 

  possibility of simultaneous touch to metal structures of buildings, technological devices, mechanisms, etc. connected to the ground, on the one hand, and to metal buildings of electrical equipment on the other.

Particularly hazardous premises characterized by the presence of one of three conditions:

particular damp when the relative humidity is about 100%;

a chemically active medium where the vapors contained or deposits formed act destructive on the insulation and current-carrying parts of the equipment;

two or more features at the same time, characteristic of rooms with increased danger.

Rooms without increased danger, characterized by no signs of increased and special danger.

The designed area belongs to the first category: premises with increased danger and requires the following protective measures:

In electrical installations: low voltages, control of insulation damage, ensuring inaccessibility of current-carrying parts, protective grounding and grounding, double insulation and protective disconnection .

Protective grounding is designed to eliminate the danger of electric shock in the event of touching the housing and other non-current-carrying parts of electrical installations that are energized due to closure to the housing and for other reasons. At the same time, all metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical installations are connected to the ground using grounding conductors and a grounding conductor. 

To ground the equipment, first of all, natural grounding conductors are used: reinforced concrete foundations, as well as metal structures of buildings and structures located in the ground. According to PES, grounding resistance in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V shall not exceed 4 ohms.

Protective ground, as well as protective ground, is designed to eliminate the danger of electric shock when closing the housing of electrical installations. Protective connection is carried out by connecting the housing and other structural non-conductive parts of electrical installations to a repeatedly grounded zero wire, due to which a short-circuit current flows through the protection (fuse or automatic circuit breaker), which will cause the fuse to burn out or turn off the automatic circuit breaker. In order for the protection to operate quickly, the short-circuit current was 3 times the nominal current by fusing the fuse insert or automatic disconnector. This requirement is met if the zero wire has a conductivity of at least 50% of that of the phase wire. As zero wires, steel strips, metal looms of cables, etc., can be used.


5.3. Fire safety.

Fire safety of industrial enterprise, technological process, equipment is ensured by fire prevention measures. Fire prevention is a set of technical and organizational measures aimed at preventing explosions and fires, at their localization and creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

A necessary condition for the occurrence of a fire is the presence of a fuel oxidizer and a source of ignition. Ensuring the fire safety of the process, i.e. preventing the occurrence of a fire, means eliminating the possibility of creating the conditions necessary for the development of the fire. The fire safety of the process is achieved by developing two types of measures: excluding the occurrence of ignition sources (ignition pulses) and preventing the formation and ingress of combustible mixture into the ignition source zone in the process. 

Ignition pulses in the process can be: open flame; hot and heated surfaces with a temperature above the self-combustion temperature; combustible mixtures, the temperature of which increased during compression to the temperature of self-ignition; sparks caused by impact or friction; sparks during electrical discharges; electric arc; self-heating of substances leading to spontaneous combustion; static electricity; the appearance of atmospheric electricity.

To stop the fire, the following methods are used:

insulation of the combustion center from air oxygen (for most combustible materials at an oxygen concentration of less than 14%, the combustion process stops);

cooling the combustion zone to a temperature below the self-ignition temperature or lowering the burning substance temperature below the self-ignition temperature; 

dilution of reactants with non-combustible substances; inhibiting the rate of combustion (slowing down the oxidation reaction); mechanical knocking of the flame from the combustion center; the creation of a fire barrier in the way of the spread of flames; insulation of combustible substances from combustion zone.

Fire extinguishing compositions and extinguishing means include water supplied to the combustion center by a continuous jet or in a sprayed state and providing mainly a cooling effect; chemical and various multiplicity air-mechanical foams, which have mainly insulating effects; inert gases (carbon dioxide and steam) having a diluting effect; halocarbon compositions having chemical inhibitor properties; powder compositions having universal fire extinguishing properties; combined compositions (combination of powder and foam compositions, water-halogen carbon emulsions).

The choice of fire extinguishing means depends on the production technology, physicochemical properties of raw materials, intermediate products and products; from the conditions preventing the occurrence of harmful side effects when reacting a fire extinguishing agent with a burning substance (for example, explosions, the formation of toxic gases), as well as from the conditions of the combustion process and the technical capabilities used to extinguish the fire.

The designed area belongs to the fire hazard category D. Since 1 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and 1 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher are required for 50 m2 of area, 7 foam and 7 carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are required for the workshop area (S = 315 m2).

5.4. Emergency.

The development of an emergency or dangerous situation is overwhelmingly probabilistic. Effective prevention of accidents and accidents requires: identification or identification of hazards, their quantitative assessment, reliable prediction of the occurrence of dangerous situations and a reasonable choice of measures to prevent accidents and disasters.

In case of emergency, a set of special tasks is solved to eliminate their consequences, the most important of which is the conduct of rescue and urgent emergency recovery operations (SNAVR).

SNAPR are performed in a certain sequence and as soon as possible. At the 1st stage, they resolve issues of emergency protection of people, prevention of development or reduction of emergency impacts and preparation for the deployment (execution) of rescue and urgent work. At stage 2, RSAs are performed, as well as works started at stage 1. At stage 3, issues are being resolved to ensure the livelihood of the population in areas affected by emergencies. At the same time, work begins to restore the functioning of economic facilities.

Based on the specific conditions of the emergency, the information received on its nature, scope and development of the consequences, they determine the specific list and scope of the chosen measures and methods to combat the elements and protect people, the sequence of their implementation, the attraction of the necessary forces and means. SNEPS shall be performed continuously day and night, in any weather, in conditions of destruction, fires, contamination of the atmosphere and terrain, flooding of the territory and other adverse conditions until the complete completion of all works.

. Occupational Safety Instruction for Torquers

5.5.1. General occupational safety requirements.

 Persons under 18 years of age who have undergone  a medical examination  , training  in the profession    of a turner, an internship  , induction training, and instruction at the workplace are allowed to work on lathes. 

The turner must:

Comply with internal labor regulations. It is prohibited to consume or stay in the workplace, the territory of the organization or during working hours in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication;

Perform only the work assigned by the wizard. If the safe way to do your work is not well known, contact the wizard for clarification;

Not to be distracted by extraneous affairs and conversations, not to distract others;

Prevent persons who are not related to the assigned work from entering their workplace;

Do not work with faulty tools and on faulty equipment;

Work in relying overalls, overcoats and use personal protective equipment;

Maintain the workplace in order and cleanliness throughout the working day and do not clutter it with parts, blanks, wastes;

  Provide first aid   to the victim   in the workplace ; 

Take measures to eliminate violations of labor protection rules. Report all violations of labor protection rules and cases of injury to the foreman.

Being on the territory of the plant, workshop, each worker must be attentive to the warning signals of electric cars, electric cranes in other types of moving transport, as well as comply with the requirements of warning, prohibiting and indicating safety signs and light signals; not under the lifted load. If people work at height, bypass these places of work at a safe distance.

After completion of work, workwear and shoes shall be cleaned of contaminants. Store workwear and shoes in cabinets in ventilated rooms at a distance of 1 m from heating devices.

Having discovered a malfunction of protective equipment, they must be immediately taken out of use.

People who have been trained according to the Rules for the arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes, "who have passed the exam and who have the certificate of the right to operate the crane from the floor by hooking the load on the hook, are allowed to work with lifting mechanisms.

During operation, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may affect the turner:

electric current;

sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of the part and tool;

movable parts of equipment;

movement of floor and motor vehicles;

lubricating - cooling liquids (LFR);

production noise;

falling objects from a height.

To protect against harmful effects, the turner must work in overalls and use personal protective equipment:

overalls in/l {suit x/b);

leather boots;

protective glasses;

hoses x/b (gloves x/b).

In order to prevent skin diseases of the hands, when using cooling liquid on machine tools, grease the hands with a special paste or ointments before starting work:

at oil LPG - IRK1 paste;

with water SOF - IRK2 paste or silicone cream.

For local lighting, use lamps with a voltage of not more than 42 V, with non-illuminating reflectors with a protective angle of not less than 30.

If a malfunction or failure of the machine is detected, notify the foreman        and do not work until the failure is eliminated     

to start.

To avoid accidents and ingress of dirt and chips into the machine mechanisms, it is forbidden to blow air from the hose to the treated surface of the part and machine.

It is forbidden to work on the machine in sleeves or gloves, as well as with bandaged fingers without rubber sleeves.

The turner must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation:

not to eat in the workplace;

wash your hands before eating warm water with soap,

do not store workwear at the workplace;

observe drinking mode (water temperature must be within (1520 С);

do not wash your hands with emulsion, solvents with oil products and wipe them with dirty rags.

The turner must know and observe fire safety rules:

do not clutter arrivals and passages to fire equipment;

not to use open fire and electric heating devices;

smoking only in designated places;

when working with flammable materials, observe fire safety and have fire extinguishing equipment at the workplace.

in case of fire or fire, immediately start extinguishing the fire and inform the fire department, as well as inform the foreman.

In case of injury or malaise, inform the master about this and contact the health center.

The turner should be able to provide first (pre-medical) assistance to the victim.

Processing area in universal machines intended for processing of blanks with diameter. Up to 630 mm inclusive, shall be protected by a protective device - a screen, both on the side of the workplace and on the side opposite to the workplace. Shields shall protect the machine operator and the people in the vicinity of the machine from flashing chips and coolant  . 

Clamping cartridges of universal turning and turning-turret machines must have barriers, if necessary, easily retractable during installation and removal of blanks, which do not limit the technological capabilities of the machines, preventing accidental touches of the hands of the worker to the rotating clamping cartridge.

The guard (protective casing) of the clamping cartridge must be equipped with a limit switch that stops the voltage supply to the machine motor when the guard is open.

Economic part

6.1 Calculation of economic effect from improvement of differential satellite manufacturing process

Cost-effectiveness is determined by creating and analyzing a business plan for 5 years. The comparison is made with the version adopted as the base. The base comparison is the original system.

In the basic embodiment, the processing of step 040 is performed on the following machine: 

- 5B833, processing is performed by a special tool;

At new option the processing is made on the gear grinding GearSpect SBO 340 CNC Basic CNC machine, with use of the special tool. 

Decommissioned 1 5B833 machine, which is sold at residual cost at the time of decommissioning.

Semi-automatic 5B833 - 190,000 rubles.

Total: K 1 = 190,000 rubles.

  Purchased 1 NC grinding machine GearSpect SBO 340 CNC Basic 116 for 2,115,000 rubles, K 1 = 2,115,000 rubles.

We expect investments for 5 years.

We will calculate capital investments only by changing costs, i.e. by the composition and quantity of equipment. The other components of the investment will be considered unchanged. Since it is planned to produce a wide range of parts with similar technological processes on the designed machine, we take the sum of parts similar in technological characteristics as the annual program for the release of the representative part for approximate calculation of the economic effect.


During the graduation work, options for constructing a technological process were studied, taking into account the production program, the nature of the products, as well as the technical and economic conditions for the implementation of the production process. The developed technological process is mainly differentiated, i.e. divided into separate operations, which are assigned to individual machines. When using machines, universal devices, a universal cutting tool, a measuring tool were used to ensure the interchangeability of processed parts.

Content and sequence of process transitions, cutting modes are determined. Process Improvement 

The use  of CNC machines significantly reduces the auxiliary time for processing the part by reducing the auxiliary time for changing the tool, numerous reinstallations of the part and reducing the main time due to the possibility of increasing cutting modes.

The design part of the project contains the design issues of the clamping device for the tooth cutter operation.

In the section, safety and environmental friendliness of the project, the following issues are considered: occupational safety during machining of materials by cutting; noise pollution of the environment, characteristics of noise sources in the designed workshop, noise rationing in the enterprise and in the residential area; ensuring stability of the designed area operation in emergency conditions.

When planning and organizing production, the following were determined: the form of organization of technological processes, the production structure of the site, the composition of the site. Based on the comparison, the most preferred layout of the workshop was chosen.

Drawings content

icon 010.frw


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icon Констр.frw


icon 5 Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw

5 Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw

icon Заготовка Сателлит.cdw

Заготовка Сателлит.cdw

icon Наладки1 сателлит.cdw

Наладки1 сателлит.cdw

icon Наладки2 сателлит.cdw

Наладки2 сателлит.cdw

icon Планировка участка.cdw

Планировка участка.cdw

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icon Заготовка Сателлит.cdw

Заготовка Сателлит.cdw

icon Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw

Конструкторская Сборочный А1.cdw

icon Наладки1 сателлит.cdw

Наладки1 сателлит.cdw

icon Наладки2 сателлит.cdw

Наладки2 сателлит.cdw

icon Планировка участка.cdw

Планировка участка.cdw

icon Сателлит.cdw


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