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The high equipment of farms with machines ensures complete mechanization of most agricultural work. Strengthening the technical base, effective use of means of mechanization is an indispensable condition for intensive agricultural production. In the improvement of technology and the organization of agricultural mechanized work, the role of specialists is great. Their main task is the development of mechanized technology of work and production processes, annual and operational plans for the use of equipment in the fields, the organization and control of mechanized work and the organization of maintenance and repair of equipment. As technology becomes more sophisticated, a strong maintenance and repair base is needed to ensure its high efficient use. The design of systems and assemblies of machines becomes more complex. The number of units and systems, the repair of which can only be carried out by highly qualified personnel at special workplaces equipped with repair and technological equipment, is increasing. These circumstances lead to the need to organize such a form of labor, in which the repair of individual units and assemblies is carried out at specialized posts. The efficiency of the use of the machine and tractor fleet directly depends on the quantity and quality of agricultural products, the costs of appropriate resources and, ultimately, the economic well-being of the entire farm.

Project's Content

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Abstract.................................................................................................. 2 Introduction

1. Analysis of maintenance organization of the machine-tractor fleet of the enterprise

1.1. Analysis of availability and use of agricultural machinery............ 7 1.2. The repair serving base of enterprise.............................................10 2. Design of ICC maintenance system

2.1. Calculation of quantity and labour intensity of tractor maintenance

2.2. Structure of requests for maintenance of self-propelled agricultural machinery

2.3. Calculation of the cost of maintenance of cars

2.4. Calculation of cost of maintenance and repair of agricultural machines

2.5. Organization of maintenance of the machine and tractor fleet

3. Organization of storage of equipment.......................................................................30 3.1. Calculation of open area area for agricultural machinery storage......... 30 3.2. Calculation of the area of garages and canopies for storage of machines......................... 35 4 Organization of oil storage with TSM machines filling station.............................. 36 4.1. Calculation of the oil tank farm.............................................. 36 4.2. Selection of a typical oil storage project............................................................. 38 4.3. Determination of maintenance capacity of oil warehouse equipment

Cost-effectiveness of ICC maintenance organization

Conclusion............................................................................................................ 44 List of the used literature


To the course project on "Maintenance Management"

Machinery and Tractor Park of the agricultural enterprise Borisoglebskoye LLC

The course project was completed by a student of the 643 group Turdubekova N, 22.12.2021 Head: Lobachev A. A.

The course project was completed on 46 pages and contains 14 tables and 3 figures.

The course project presents the production technical characteristics of the farm; calculation of composition and planning of ICC use; planning and organization of ICC maintenance, as well as calculation of cost-effectiveness of ICC maintenance organization.


The high equipment of farms with machines ensures the complete mechanization of most agricultural work. Strengthening the technical base, effective use of mechanization tools is a prerequisite for intensive agricultural production. The role of specialists is important in improving technology and organizing agricultural mechanized work. Their main task is the development of mechanized technology of work and production processes, annual and operational plans for the use of equipment in the fields, the organization and control of mechanized work and the organization of maintenance and repair of equipment.

As the technique becomes more complex, a strong maintenance and repair base is needed to ensure its high efficiency. The design of machine systems and assemblies becomes more complex. The number of units and systems is increasing, the repair of which can only be carried out by highly qualified personnel at special workplaces equipped with repair and technological equipment. These circumstances lead to the need to organize a form of labor in which the repair of individual units and assemblies is carried out at specialized posts.

The efficiency of the use of the machine and tractor fleet directly depends on the quantity and quality of agricultural products produced, the cost of appropriate resources and, ultimately, the economic well-being of the whole economy.

Analysis of maintenance organization of the machine-tractor fleet of the enterprise

Borisoglebskoye LLC was established on September 26, 2002.

In 2008, the company was acquired by the famous Murom entrepreneur Elistratov Valery Sergeevich, who was the general director until 2013.

It was during this period that the reconstruction of the Borisoglebsky livestock complex began on the basis of the Comintern SEC. Agricultural equipment and equipment for a dairy farm were purchased.

During the work of V.S. Elistratov, the company became one of the most modern agricultural enterprises in the Vladimir region.

In 2010, the lands of SPK Prudishchinsky joined Borisoglebskoye LLC.

In 2011, Borisoglebskoye LLC rented the property complex of SEC Association.

In 2017, Borisoglebskoye LLC, during the reorganization, was joined by Zimenki Tribal Plant LLC.

Currently, Borisoglebskoye LLC is the largest agricultural enterprise in the Murom region and one of the leading agricultural enterprises in the Vladimir region.

The main areas of activity: dairy and meat cattle breeding, crop production, the production of rapeseed cake and rapeseed oil.

The company adopted a planned preventive system for the maintenance and repair of tractors and cars, which is a set of means,

regulatory and technical documentation and executors necessary to ensure the operable condition of the rolling stock.

This system provides for the serviceable condition of the unit by carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance and repair

The tractor fleet of Borisoglebskoye LLC is subjected to the following types of effects: daily maintenance (ETO), numbered types of maintenance (TO1, TO-2, TO-3), ongoing repair (TR). In addition, two seasonal technical services (STO) are held annually.


In the course project, an analysis was made of the machine maintenance system of the Borisoglebskoye LLC enterprise. Machine maintenance is at a high level, since the labor intensity of technical services for tractors, combines, cars, and the labor intensity of storing and repairing agricultural machines are correctly distributed. All maintenance is carried out according to the technical requirements.

The company is equipped with oil storage, fuel dispensers and oil dispensers. The enterprise has a sufficient area of ​ ​ open areas on which all cars can be placed.

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