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Organization of construction of a residential building

  • Added: 20.10.2014
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The organization of the construction of a residential building, the construction plan and the calendar explanatory notes to them.
The object of the work project is a 9-storey 3-section panel residential building. The height of the floor is 3 m. The building has a basement, the depth of which is 2.4 m. The design height of the building is 29 m. The number of apartments is 108; Building size: building length - 81 m, building width - 18 m Total building area: 1458 m2 Residential area of ​ ​ apartments Szhil = 3836.7 m2 Total area of ​ ​ apartments Stol = 7088.58 m2 Building volume: Vstr = 37435.5 m3

Project's Content

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Additional information

General part

Analysis of design materials.

General characteristic of the object, its purpose.

The object of the work project is a 9-storey 3-section panel residential building.

The height of the floor is 3 m. The building has a basement, the depth of which is 2.4 m .

The design height of the building is 29 m.

The number of apartments is 108;

Building dimensions: building length - 81 m, building width - 18 m

Total building area: 1458 m2

Residential area of ​ ​ apartments Szhil = 3836.7 m2

Total area of apartments General = 7088.58 m2

Building volume: Vstr = 37435.5 m3

Volumetric planning solutions.

On the side of the main facade there are 3 front entrances, equipped with staircases and elevators, cargo and passenger.

Each section houses 4 two-room apartments, which have balconies and loggia. The house also provides garbage ducts and ventilation channels.

Design solutions.

The foundation of the building is driven reinforced concrete piles (length 10 m, section 350 * 350 mm), united by a continuous pile pile 500 mm.

External and internal walls - factory panels, 400 mm thick, 100 mm thick gypsum-board partitions. Interstory floors made of prefabricated reinforced concrete, 220 mm thick, are arranged. The walls are lined with ceramic tiles in bathrooms, in the halls the walls are glued with wallpaper.

Windows - plastic double-chamber double-glazed windows (1480 * 1540mm).

Doors - inter-room from the array (900x2000), external - metal (980x2070).

Floors - parquet (in rooms), linoleum (in the kitchen) and tiles (in bathrooms).

Selection of construction methods and methods

Civil works include:

Geodetic works

The basis of all earthworks and other construction works is the geodetic breakdown of the entire construction site and future structures on this site.

Engineering and geodetic works in construction include:

- Geodetic works to create a control geodetic network, subdivision of the site into squares with fixing of peaks by reference points, check leveling of the territory.

- Subdivision of buildings on the ground, binding of buildings to control geodetic network or to existing adjacent structures.

- Arrangement of lining around the structure, connection of axes.

All measurements required during geodetic works are performed by special instruments: levelers, zenith-devices, theodolites, electronic tacheometers, etc.

Preparatory work.

Preparatory work: clearing of the territory allocated for development.


The leading process in the complex of earthworks is the development of soil. Soil development will be carried out in the most common way - mechanical. With such a method of development, soil, during earthworks, is subjected to cutting by working bodies of machines. As a result, parts of the soil are separated from the general massif and moved to the storage place. Earth-moving machines develop soil, and earth-moving vehicles develop and move.

Machines used:

- Among earth-moving machines, single-bucket excavators of cyclic and continuous operation are most common for earthworks. The excavator EO3322 (with a bucket of 0.63 m3) is equipped with a caterpillar running device and is capable of performing a variety of earthworks and loading and unloading operations.

- Bulldozer D290 based on tractor T180 for the development of extended and shallow excavations and reservoirs, backfilling of trenches and sinuses of pits, cleaning the bottom of the pit after excavation work, leveling the soil.

- Renault Kerax dump truck for moving soil.

Foundation arrangement.

The foundation is an underground part of a building or structure, the function of the foundation is to transfer loads from the structures of the structure itself to the base and distribute them to a large area.

We use a pile foundation consisting of driven, submerged in the ground, and a pile pile united on top by a slab, which transmits and evenly distributes the load on the piles.

Foundation works include:

- Cleaning of the bottom, which is performed along the entire area of the pit by bulldozer T180, which moves after the excavator EO3322 and cuts off the soil left by it. Immediately before laying the foundations, the bottom is manually cleaned with sections of small area.

- Piling. Piles are immersed in the ground by applying a vertical (sometimes inclined) load. The base machine serves to engage the pile, lift it and start it in a hammer moving along the guide mast. Further, the hammer dumps the impact part and hammers the pile into the ground. Use MSDSH1 rod hammer for piling.

- Pedestal arrangement. When arranging monolithic pedestals, it is advisable to use prefabricated metal formwork. Before laying the concrete mixture, it is necessary to check the correct installation of formwork and reinforcement, clean the formwork from debris and dirt, and rust reinforcement. The concrete mixture delivered to the facility by CIFA RY/SRY 1300 vehicles is loaded into rotary trays. Baggies with concrete are supplied to the place of laying with concrete pumps CIFA K38L (with a concrete duct diameter of 125 mm and with a capacity of 150/90 m cubic meters. per hour).

5) Erection of the building frame. Installation of panel walls can be carried out in complex using a crane designed for installation of prefabricated structures. Panel walls of multi-storey buildings are mounted floor-by-floor, within each column pitch, to the entire height of the floor.

Construction Plot Plan Design

The construction master plan is the construction site plan, on which, in addition to the designed and existing permanent buildings and structures, the location of temporary buildings, structures, mechanized installations and communications necessary for the construction and installation work is shown.

The construction master plan is designed to better provide the construction site with the necessary production and living conditions, acceptance, storage and delivery to the workplace of construction materials, products and semi-finished products, for the normal operation of construction machines and mechanisms, uninterrupted supply of water, heat and energy resources. The construction plan reflects the solution of issues of safe performance of work and labor protection, lighting of the construction site in the dark and fire prevention measures.

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