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Operational Sketches for Body Machining

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Design of process of assembly of "Coaxial transition" assembly, _ design of manufacturing process of "Housing" part.

Project's Content

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Section A. Assembly Process Design

1. Purpose of the node (Coaxial transition) in the machine, a brief description of its design

2. Analysis of assembly specifications with development of inspection diagrams according to specified requirements

3. Technological analysis of the assembly design with calculation of processability indicators

4. Select how to achieve assembly accuracy and calculate dimension chains

5. Development of process diagram and assembly sketches with calculation of fill force

6. Development of assembly process with selection of equipment, assembly tools, filling of maps, technical normalization by elements and determination of total labour intensity of assembly of the assembly

7. Development of assembler workstation layout

Section B. Part Manufacturing Process Design

1. Part assignments in the node, revision of the drawing according to the current GOST. Justification of part material selection: operating conditions, selection criteria, possible options

2. Analysis of technical requirements, identification of technological tasks arising during manufacture, development of inspection schemes according to specified requirements

3. Process analysis of part design with determination of processability indicators

4. Selection of the method of workpiece manufacturing with development of sketches of its production and characteristic of the used equipment, feasibility study for workpiece selection

5. Develop a route for machining the main surfaces of a part

6. Selection of bases, development of processing route, selection of equipment type. Preparation of machining and control sketches with simplified symbols of bases as per GOST

7. Calculation of processing allowances with calculation table

8. Creates a workpiece outline and allowance values on the part working drawing. Workpiece Drawing Design

9. Development of operating technology with selection of equipment models and types of cutting tools and rationing

10. Electrochemical operation content and modes

11. Development of plot layout scheme with calculation of number of machines and

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List of literature

Appendix A

Appendix B


The task for the course project is based on factory practice held at the Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant, the project considers the process of assembling the Coaxial Transition and manufacturing the Hull part. The project proposes processing technology, and the assembly process of the node developed for training purposes.

The note consists of two sections. Section A is devoted to the development of the process of assembly of the "Coaxial transition" node. The assembly assembly is described. Technical requirements and tasks arising during assembly are analyzed, soldering problems are solved. The process of assembly with filling of the roadmap is being developed.

Section B is devoted to designing the manufacturing process of the housing part. A brief description of the part assignment in the subassembly is given. Part Design Processability Analysis. You select the production method for the workpiece. Hazardous places shall be checked for stresses occurring in them during fabrication. The CNC lathe program is written. Routing and operating technologies for the manufacture of a part with the filling of a roadmap are being developed. Equipment, cutting and measuring tools are selected.

Drawings content

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