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Network Diagram for The Household Building


Subject: "Development of a network schedule and a construction master plan for the building of the administrative and household building of the plant for the production of dry building mixtures in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan"


1 Initial data for design 

1.1 Background 

1.2 Space-planning solution 

1.3 Design solution 

2 Statement of calculations of the scope of work 

3 Identification card 

4 Network Diagram 

5 A brief description of the construction plan of the object indicating all the necessary elements shown at the construction site

6 Calculation of the number of construction personnel

7 Identification of the need and selection of types of inventory buildings 

8 Organization of warehousing 

9 Temporary roads at the construction site 

10 Temporary power supply of the construction site 

11 Floodlight lighting of the construction site 

12 Temporary water supply of the construction site 

13 Temporary heat supply of the construction site 

14 Temporary sewerage at the construction site 

15 Measures for labor protection and fire-fighting equipment 

16 Environmental protection measures

17 Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan 



Project's Content

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Additional information



Design Input

Source Data

Space Planning Solution

Constructive solution

Bill of Quantities

Determiner card

Network Chart

Brief description of the construction plan of the facility with indication of all necessary elements shown on the construction site

Calculation of construction personnel

Define requirements and select inventory building types

Organization of warehousing

Temporary roads on site

Temporary power supply of construction site

Floodlighting of the construction site

Temporary water supply of construction site

Temporary heat supply of construction site

Temporary sewer at site

Occupational Safety and Fire Safety Measures

Environmental protection activities

Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan


List of sources used


The main goal of the course project is to deepen theoretical knowledge and acquire skills to solve complex design tasks of the construction production organization. The course project was completed in two stages. The first is the design and calculation of the network construction model. The second is the calculations necessary for the development and construction of a construction master plan.

Construction is a material production industry in which production and non-production fixed assets are created; in addition, construction is the process of erecting buildings and structures, as well as work on their repair.

The creation of fixed assets in all sectors of the national economy is carried out by capital construction. Capital construction includes new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures.

New construction - the construction of an enterprise, a building, a structure carried out according to the originally approved project.

The organization of construction production should ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on the achievement of the final result - the commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality and on time.

Prior to the start of the construction of the facility, measures and work on the preparation of construction production should be carried out in an amount that ensures the implementation of construction at the designed pace, including general organizational and technical training, preparation for the construction of the facility, preparation of the construction organization and preparation for the construction and installation work.

The construction of each facility is allowed to be carried out only on the basis of previously developed decisions on the organization of construction and the technology of work, which should be adopted in the construction organization project and work execution projects. The composition and content of design solutions and documentation in the construction organization project and work execution projects are determined depending on the type of construction and the complexity of the construction object.

The construction of the facility should be organized taking into account the expedient expansion of technological specialization in the performance of construction and installation works, the use in construction of combined organizational forms of management based on a rational combination of industrial and construction production.

When organizing construction production, the following shall be ensured:

coordinated work of all participants in the construction of the facility with coordination of their activities by the general contractor, whose decisions on issues related to the implementation of approved plans and schedules of work are mandatory for all participants, regardless of departmental subordination;

complete delivery of material resources at the rate on the building, a construction, knot, the site, section, the floor, a tier, the room in the terms provided by planned schedules and schedules of works;

erection of buildings, structures and their parts by industrial methods on the basis of wide use of complete supplied structures, products, materials and equipment, as well as sets of units of high factory readiness;

execution of construction, installation and special construction works using in-line methods with observance of technological sequence and technically justified alignment of them with wide use of a brigade contract;

high culture of construction and installation works and strict compliance with safety rules;

Compliance with environmental protection requirements.

Design Input

Source Data

Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan .

Constructive solution

The structural diagram of the building is mixed (with an incomplete load-bearing frame and load-bearing monolithic reinforced concrete walls of cross-location ).

The overall stability of the building is ensured by the joint work of walls and columns rigidly connected to the foundation slab and monolithic slab discs.

Load-bearing structures of the building are made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete of class B25 according to GOST 266332012. The grade of concrete of structures of the "zero" cycle of the building in terms of frost resistance is adopted F150, in terms of waterproofness W6. Concrete grade of structures is higher than "zero" in waterproof W2. Fittings are accepted by A500C and A240 in accordance with GOST P 340282016.

Monolithic reinforced concrete foundations of a mixed type: under the walls - ribbon, under the columns - columnar, under the group of walls - slab. The abutment of vertical structural structures to foundations is rigid.

Bearing walls are accepted 200 mm thick.

The external walls are insulated with mineral wool slabs PZH120 GOST 95732012 with a thickness of 140 mm, with finishing with ventilated hinged facades from fibrous cement panels installed at a distance of 30 mm (air gap) from the heat insulation layer and attached to the subsystem from metal profiles .

Intermediate floors and paving slabs - cast-in-situ reinforced concrete with a thickness of 250 mm with thicknesses of up to 500 mm in the capitals zones.

Partitions 200 mm thick are made of slag concrete stones and foam block.

Partitions on the third and fourth floors with a thickness of 100 mm are accepted by an element-by-element assembly of gypsum-fiber sheets of GCL with a thickness of 12.5 mm (GCLV in bathrooms) on a single metal frame 75/50 of type C112 (complete system of partitions KNAUF).

Stairs - monolithic reinforced concrete three-march. The width of the flights of stairs is 1700 mm.

The roof is flat with an internal drain. The upper layer is bulk of round gravel. Under it there is a two-layer water-insulating carpet made of roll material. Heat insulation of the roof is provided from mineral wool plates PZH160, the thickness of the layer varies from 150 to 450 mm to create a slope to the water collection funnels. According to the bearing structure of the coating, a steam-insulating layer device is provided.

Glazing in rows "A," "P," "D," "I" and axis "4" - tape in metal binding; in rows "B," "H" and axis "1" - stained glass in metal binding; on row "L" and on axis "16" - windows in metal binding.


During the course project, a network schedule was developed depicting the relationships between the main works of the construction of a four-story administrative building.

Based on the network data, a site-wide construction plot plan has been designed, on which construction machines, temporary buildings and structures, temporary roads are located, open warehouses and canopies, electric, water, heat and sewage lines, connected to permanent networks, boundaries of the construction site are determined in terms of convenience and safety of their use during construction and installation works, and with regard to sanitary, fire, environmental and economic requirements. Technical and economic parameters of the construction plan are determined, with the help of which the economy of the chosen solution is determined.

As a result, the most efficient process of organizing the construction of the facility was designed, which allows you to carry out construction and installation work qualitatively and with the lowest costs.

Drawings content

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