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Modernization of the bridge crane in order to increase its carrying capacity - course


Full course - drawings, note, specifications.

Project's Content

icon Барабан.cdw
icon Вал.cdw
icon Механизм передижения.cdw
icon общий вид 1.cdw
icon общий вид 2.cdw
icon Тележка 2.cdw
icon Тележка.cdw
icon Экономика002.dwg
icon специф Мех передв тележки.cdw
icon специф Общий вид.cdw
icon специф Тележка.cdw
icon Барабан.spw
icon Мост.spw
icon Передвижение крана.spw
icon Приспособление крана.spw
icon БЖД.doc
icon Введение - Конструкторская часть.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Титульный.doc
icon Экономика.doc

Additional information



1. Design Part

1.1. Calculation of load lifting mechanism

1.2 Calculation of trolley movement mechanism

1.3 Calculation of crane movement mechanism

1.4 Calculation of trolley frame

1.5. Bridge calculation

1.6 Conclusion on calculations

2. Process Part

2.1 Service purpose and part processability analysis

2.2 Definition of production type

2.3 Optimization of procurement type

2.4. Designing a Processing Route

2.5 Calculation of allowances

2.6 Optimization of cutting mode parameters

2.7 Technical rationing

3. Economic part

3.1 Basic Equipment Cost Calculation

3.2 Determination of capital investments

3.3 Calculation of costs for new equipment

3.4 Determination of unit cost

3.5 Calculation of annual economic effect

3.6 Determination of Capital Efficiency Factor


3.7 Measuring Productivity Growth

4. Safety of life

4.1 Brief description of the building and premises,

work performed, workplace and environment

4.2 Analysis of existing hazardous and harmful factors

4.3 Measures to protect against hazardous and harmful factors

4.4 Instruction for crane operators (drivers) on safe operation of bridge cranes





The calculation of mechanisms and steel structures of the bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 8 tons showed that to increase the lifting capacity of the crane to 10 tons, the following measures should be carried out:

a) strengthen the upper and lower belts of the main beams of the bridge with additional sheets of 6 mm thickness;

b) a reducer of the mechanism of raising of RM - 65Q to replace with RTsD750 reducer;

c) install cargo suspension with load capacity of 10 t;

d) replace cargo rope 17G1LK01764 GOST 337780 with rope 18.0G1LKR1960 GOST 268880;

e) replace the axis of the drum, making it from 40X steel.

Increase of crane lifting capacity does not lead to reinforcement of crane track, since the pressure of the running wheel on the crane track, taking into account the restriction of the trolley approaching the crane track axis by 500 mm, is 148.38 kN and does not exceed the pressure of 150 kN specified in the certificate.

Drawings content

icon Барабан.cdw


icon Вал.cdw


icon Механизм передижения.cdw

icon общий вид 1.cdw

общий вид 1.cdw

icon общий вид 2.cdw

общий вид 2.cdw

icon Тележка.cdw


icon Экономика002.dwg

icon специф Мех передв тележки.cdw

специф Мех передв тележки.cdw

icon специф Общий вид.cdw

специф Общий вид.cdw

icon специф Тележка.cdw

специф Тележка.cdw

icon Барабан.spw


icon Мост.spw


icon Передвижение крана.spw

Передвижение крана.spw

icon Приспособление крана.spw

Приспособление крана.spw