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Mechanization complex of lowering and lifting operations

  • Added: 04.05.2021
  • Size: 18 MB
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The purpose of the course project is to calculate and design a complex for mechanizing the lowering and lifting operations of a drilling rig for production drilling for oil and gas with a conditional drilling depth of 6500-10,000 meters.

Project's Content

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icon Soderzhanie.docx
icon Spetsifikatsia_kronblok.docx

Additional information




1 Informational overview

1.1 Technical facilities for the ACT

1.1.1 Tali system

1.1.2 Tool for gripping and holding drill pipes

1.1.3 Drilling winch

1.2 Requirements for drilling equipment

1.2.1 Models and technical characteristics of cranks

1.2.2 Tali blocks

1.2.3 Hook Models and Specifications

1.2.4 Models and technical characteristics of wire ropes

1.2.5 Models and technical characteristics of elevators

1.2.6 Drilling winch models and specifications

1.3 Setting of the design task

2. Calculation of parameters and development of product structures

3. Kinematic calculation of the tali system

4. Calculation of drilling winch

4.1 Test calculation of endurance rope

5. Calculation of the crown block


List of used drains


The technical process in drilling is largely determined by the efficiency of the drilling equipment and tool. The reliability of drilling equipment, the life of its individual units and repairability significantly affect the efficiency of the use of calendar time by drilling crews. When designing new drilling rigs in order to increase their overall reliability and reduce the volume of repair work, it is necessary to strive to create equal-strength equipment units with periodic replacement of individual quick-wearing parts.

When performing strength and endurance calculations, it is important to correctly determine the values ​ ​ of the active loads. When designing new parts and organizations for the production of spare parts, the optimal choice of material and hardening treatment is important. In the process of creating new drilling equipment, the operational requirements for each specific node should be taken into account.

Every year, the volumes and average drilling depths of wells increase, which poses increased requirements for the productivity of drilling equipment, the resource of its work and the quality of operations.

The purpose of the course project is to calculate and design a complex for mechanization of downhill operations of a drilling rig for production drilling for oil and gas with a conditional drilling depth of 650010000 meters.


The design of machines has to be guided by many considerations specific to the design process of a particular machine and a relatively small number of general design principles characteristic of the creation of all machines.

Design principles are not eternal. They change both with changing social conditions of social life and with the progress of science and technology. In different periods, the primacy of certain factors may change. In addition, for machines of various purposes, various factors can have a decisive effect.

The methods and recommendations for calculations used in the course project, although they are generally accepted in mechanical engineering, some of them are still morally outdated. The typical structures used as the basis for the design of SEC elements have also become obsolete, as a result of a large breakthrough in drilling technologies and techniques, fabrication materials, engineering solutions in the world practice of drilling and design of drilling equipment, over the past decades.

Modern engineering can be characterized by the following main areas dictated by the general economic development of society: high productivity, automation and mechanization of working processes, machine reliability in operation, normalization, specialization, unification of equipment, aggregation and increase in aggregate capacity, minimization of machine production costs, technical aesthetics and safety techniques, continuous improvement of machines.

As a result of this course project, the ACT mechanization complex was designed. Based on the calculations of the parameters and the development of the product design, the kinematic calculation of the talus system, the calculation of the drilling winch, the calculation of the crown block, we received respectively:

- casing diameters: 473.1; 377; 273,1; 177,8; 114

- equipment of the traction system: 7 * 8;

- drum length 2.2 m and deviation angle 1 °;

- load capacity of the crank unit 5874 kN.

Drawings content

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