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Coursework on mechanical engineering technology with description of part manufacturing

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Course project on engineering technology. Full description of part fabrication is presented

Project's Content

icon сверло2.bak
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icon Чертеж1.bak
icon Чертеж1.cdw
icon Чертеж2.bak
icon Чертеж2.cdw
icon 005 фрезерно центров2.bak
icon 005 фрезерно центров2.cdw
icon 010 черновая ток.bak
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icon 015 черонв ток2.bak
icon 015 черонв ток2.cdw
icon 020.bak
icon 020.cdw
icon 025 сврл.bak
icon 025 сврл.cdw
icon 030чистов.bak
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icon 035чистов.cdw
icon 040шлифов.bak
icon 040шлифов.cdw
icon 045накатка1.cdw
icon 045накатка2.bak
icon операция 50 полиров.bak
icon операция 50 полиров3.cdw
icon Пробка.bak
icon Пробка4.cdw
icon скоба.bak
icon скоба2.cdw
icon 5 лист.cdw
icon РПЗ моя.doc
icon Копия Спецификация резец.bak
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icon Копия Спецификация Тиски.bak
icon Копия Спецификация Тиски.cdw
icon 005-1 фрезерно центровая.doc
icon 010-1 Токарная черновая.doc
icon 010-2 Токарная черновая.doc
icon 015-1 Токарная черновая.doc
icon 015-2 Токарная черновапя.doc
icon 015-3 Токарная черновая.doc
icon 020-1 Токарная чистовая.doc
icon 020-2 Токарная чистовая.doc
icon 025-1 сверлильная.doc
icon 030-1 Токарная.doc
icon 030-2 токарная.doc
icon 030-3 токарная.doc
icon 035-1 токарная чистовая.doc
icon 035-2 токарная чистовая.doc
icon 040-1шлифовальная.doc
icon 045-1 резьбонакатная.doc
icon 050-1 полировальная.doc
icon титульный лист.doc
icon Эскиз 005.bak
icon Эскиз 005.cdw
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icon Эскиз 035.cdw
icon Эскиз 040.cdw
icon Эскиз 045.cdw
icon Эскиз 050.cdw

Additional information


Process Part

1. Assigning a Part to a Subassembly

2. Determination of annual output and production type

3. Part Constructability Analysis

4. Selection and justification of procurement method and its calculation

5. Selection of process bases

6. Develop Procurement Route

7. Calculation of operating allowances

8. Calculation of cutting modes

9. Calculation of instrumentation

Design Part

10. Selection of machine tool

11. Innovative Case




List of literature

Process Part

1. Assigns a part to a subassembly.

The gripper disk (collet clamp) is used to clamp cylindrical or prismatic objects, disks and then hold them for processing, or for further use.

It is also possible to use: in stands for dynamic balancing.

It is used in metal cutting machines, devices, collet pencils, etc.

3. Part Constructability Analysis

Each part must be manufactured with minimum labor and material costs. These costs can be reduced to a large extent from the correct selection of the process option, and its equipment, mechanization and automation, application of optimal processing modes and correct preparation of production.

The following characteristics are taken into account when evaluating processability:

- part design shall consist of standard and unified features or be standard as a whole;

- Parts shall be manufactured from standard uniform blanks or workpieces produced in a rational manner;

- dimensions and surfaces of the part shall have optimum degree of accuracy and roughness, respectively;

- physicochemical and mechanical properties and mechanical properties of the material, stiffness of the part, its shape and dimensions must meet the requirements of the manufacturing technology;

- parameters of the base surface (accuracy, roughness) of the part must ensure accuracy of installation, processing and control;

- part design shall provide the possibility of application of standard and standard technological processes of its manufacturing.

Based on the dimensions and shape of the part, its accuracy and roughness parameters, it is advisable to make it from a stamped blank by machining on metal-cutting machines (turning-and-cutting, drilling, grinding, milling).

4. Selection and justification of the method of production of the workpiece.

In the lifting and transportation machine building, a variety of workpieces are used for the manufacture of machine parts and mechanisms. The main types of rough blanks are as follows: rolled stock, injection molding, obtained by molding.

The need to comply with the requirements of drawings, specified surface allowances, hardness and workability defines the following basic requirements for blanks:

- surfaces used as basic in the process of further processing should be smooth, without profits, casting or stamping slopes, without burrs and parting lines of molds;

- to eliminate internal stresses the workpieces shall be subjected to heat treatment: annealing and normalization;

- in order to improve the handling conditions, castings must be cleaned of runners, profits, bays and other irregularities;

- at presence of curvature of blanks from high-quality rolled stock, they are straightened (on presses, percussion method, on correct-calibrating rollers, etc.);

- in the manufacture of billets of any kind, the production of a minimum mass billet, that is, a billet with minimum allowances, must always be ensured.

Considering the most common options for obtaining blanks, I came to the conclusion that a blank obtained by stamping is most suitable for my task. Since metal consumption is reduced during machining, and accordingly leads to a decrease in cost.

The effectiveness of procurement selection in terms of material savings is determined by the material utilization factor:

where: Q1 is the mass of the part, Q2 is the mass of the workpiece.

Depending on the method of obtaining the workpiece, the material utilization factor can be from 0.5 to 0.9.

Since Km = 78%, it can be concluded that the material is consumed rationally (a small amount of metal goes into chips).

I also considered another option for obtaining a blank - prokotom. But there are shortcomings in this method of producing blanks: a large amount of metal goes into chips, the material is spent irrationally.

5. Selection of process bases.

A base is a surface or a combination of surfaces (axis, point...) belonging to a workpiece that performs the same function and is used for basing.

A process base is a base used to determine the position of a workpiece or article in its manufacture or assembly.

Selection of process bases is one of the complex tasks of process design. The right choice of technological bases largely depends on:

- accuracy of obtaining the specified dimensions;

- correctness of mutual arrangement of surfaces;

- degree of complexity of technological equipment, cutting and measuring tools.

Operation 005 Milling and Centering:

Process base - unprocessed surface 50mm,

Operation 010 Turning (Rough):

Process base - - unprocessed surface 50mm

Operation 15 Turning (Rough):

Process base treated surface 120mm, end 33mm

Operation 20 Turning (Finished):

Process base - machined surface 46mm, end 115 mm.

Operation 25 Drill:

Process base - treated surface 30.6mm

Operation 30 Lathe Finish:

Process base - treated surface 115mm, end face 30 mm.

Lathe Finish Operation 35:

Process base - treated surface 115mm, end face 30 mm.

Operation 40 Grinding:

Process base - alignment holes 3.15 mm.

Threading operation 45:

Process base - treated surface 45mm.

Operation 50 Polishing:

Process base - alignment holes 3.15 mm.

6. Development of procurement processing route.

Activity 000Preparation:

The workpiece is obtained by stamping.

Operation 005 Milling and Centering

Trim ends to size 250 mm, drill alignment holes, GOST 14034-74

Operation 010 Turning (Rough):

Trim the face to the size of 13 mm, turn the surfaces 116 mm, 70.8 mm, for a length of 13 mm, 68 mm, respectively, sharpen the cone 15˚.

Operation 015 Turning (Rough):

Trim the end face to size 82 mm, sharpen the surfaces 68mm, 46mm, 40.8mm, 30.6mm by length 16 mm, 41mm, 35mm, 82mm, respectively, trim the end face 68mm, 40.8mm to size 84mm and 76mm, respectively, sharpen the radius R4.

Operation 020 Turning (Finished):

Sharpen surface 70 mm, 115 mm by length 50mm and 12 mm respectively, sharpen cone 15˚, make radius R2.5, R2.5, R6

Operation 025 Drill:

Drill the hole 8 mm to a depth of 30 mm.

Operation 030 Turning (Finished):

Sharpen the surface 67mm, 45mm, 40mm, 30mm, by 15 mm, 40 mm, 36 mm, 82 mm.

Trim end face 67mm, 40mm to size 82 mm, 76mm, respectively.

Perform radius R4, turn groove 44.9mm, remove chamfer 2x45

Operation 035 Turning (Finished):

Turn 2 grooves 65mm, turn surface 51mm, make radii R1.5 and R2

Operation 40 Grinding:

Grind surfaces 45 mm and 40 mm to a length of 37 mm and 36 mm, respectively.

Operation 45 Threading:

Roll the thread M30 × 1.5 to a length of 62mm.

Operation 50 Polishing:

Polish surface 28 mm for length 20 mm.

7. Calculation of operating allowances.

Two methods for determining processing allowances are used in lifting and transport engineering: experimental, statistical and even analytical.

In the design-analytical method, the intermediate allowance at each technological transition should be such that when it is removed, the processing errors and surface layer defects obtained at the previous transitions are eliminated, as well as errors in the installation of the processed workpiece that occur at the performed pass-through are excluded.

10. Selection of machine tool

To perform the milling centering operation (005), I chose this type of accessory as a push-pull with a pneumatic clamp. The position of the clamping jaws at a considerable height from the base allows for the installation and clamping of complex shaped blanks. The sub-prominent sponge is mixed by loosening the screws 20. Adjustment of clutches by specified size and preliminary fixation of blank is performed by screw 6. Final clip from pneumatic drive. The sponge stroke from the pneumatic clamp is 10mm. Clamping force at air pressure in the network 0.39 MPa 1702 N.

Drawings content

icon сверло3.cdw


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icon 005 фрезерно центров2.cdw

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icon 025 сврл.cdw

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icon 045накатка1.cdw


icon операция 50 полиров3.cdw

операция 50 полиров3.cdw

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icon скоба2.cdw


icon 5 лист.cdw

5 лист.cdw

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