Exchange Rate Project for Mechanical Assembly Shop

- Added: 16.05.2021
- Size: 4 MB
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Course project at Autocad. 4 sheets and a note.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1.1. General Data
1.2 Technical and economic indicators
1.3 Space planning solutions
1.4 Structural solutions of the building
Industrial construction is the field of construction engaged in the creation of fixed assets of industry, including the implementation of a complex of construction and installation works related to the introduction of new, expansion and modernization of existing industrial enterprises.
The modern design of industrial enterprises is a complex process that takes into account and interconnects many different factors, the degree of influence of which changes and is conditioned by specific specified requirements.
In industrial construction, a continuous increase in the technical level is carried out on the basis of further industrialization of certain elements of production buildings, enlargement of prefabricated reinforced concrete and metal structures, replacement of manual labor with mechanized one.
Improving the quality of construction and architectural solutions of industrial buildings is of great economic importance, as it increases the life of buildings and reduces the cost of their operation and repair.
Modern industrial construction production is carried out on the basis of a developed network of manufacturers.
Projects intended for introduction into mass construction should fully meet modern functional and aesthetic requirements and ensure cost-effectiveness of construction due to the wide use of progressive space-planning and structural solutions, as well as the maximum use of industrial methods of building construction. These requirements are most fully met in typical design, which is the leading
direction in the design of mass civil buildings.
Typing consists in the constant selection of the most universal volumetric and structural solutions for this period, which give the greatest economic effect in the construction and operation of buildings.
Before starting construction, they are developing a project for the future building. The concept of the project includes a complex of the survey, proektnokonstruktorsky, settlement, budget and other works defining the most expedient space-planning and constructive solution of the designed building and also its cost.
The purpose of the course work is to develop drawings and DBE for the facility "Mechanical Assembly Workshop"
Project Tasks:
1. Obtaining and systematization of theoretical knowledge in the studied discipline ;
2. Study of special literature on the problem under consideration;
3. Study of reference and scientific literature on design in the AutoCAD system;
4. Acquisition of skills to work with the selected software;
Work structure:
1. Floor plan at elevation 0.000 (1:200)
2. Cross section and longitudinal section 1-1 and 2-2 (1:200)
3.Fasad in axes A-G (1:200)
4. Foundation plan combined with coating plan (1:200)
5. Roof Plan (1:200)
6. Nodes (1:20)
7. Explanatory note
The purpose of the course work was to develop drawings and DBE for the facility "Mechanical Assembly Workshop"
In the process of work, the following tasks were completed: obtaining and systematizing theoretical knowledge in the discipline studied; Study of special literature on the issue under consideration; study of reference and scientific literature on design in the AutoCAD system; obtaining skills to work with the selected software.
All necessary drawings such as:
1. Floor plan at elevation 0.000 (1:200)
2. Cross section and longitudinal section 1-1 and 2-2 (1:200)
3.Fasad in axes A-G (1:200)
4. Foundation plan combined with coating plan (1:200)
5. Roof Plan (1:200)
6. Nodes (1:20)
7. The explanatory note has been fully implemented.
In the explanatory note, the characteristics of the space-planning and structural solution were considered, the general plan was considered, and the thermal engineering calculation of the enclosing structures was carried out.
49c Механосборочный цех.dwg
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