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Manufacturing process of the housing

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Thesis project. Manufacturing process of the housing. Contains Drawings and Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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icon ПЗ - Корпус приспособления спутник25.05.10.doc

Additional information





1.1 Service Assignment Analysis

1.2 Part Drawing Analysis

1.3 Part Constructability Analysis

1.4 Ways to improve the process



3.1 Selection of workpiece production method

3.2 Casting in ceramic molds

3.3 Economic justification







7.1 Equipment Selection

7.2 Selection of accessories

7.3 Selection of cutting tool

7.4 Selection of controls


8.1. Calculation of cutting modes

8.2 Calculation of time standards



9.1 Situation Analysis

9.2 Development of a generalized technical solution

9.3 Search for information and select a specific technical solution

9.4 Formulation of the scientific objective and objective

9.5 Formulation of the original hypothesis

9.6 Selection of study type

9.7 Conducting the study

9.8 Diagram for calculation of initial hole diameter

9.9 Conclusion


10.1. Design Selection, Description, and Part Calculation

accessories for one of the process operations

10.2. Description of the structure and operating principle of the accessory



12.1 Structural parameters of the main elements

12.2 Calculation of measurement error


13.1 Organizational Part

13.2 Determination of required quantity of equipment, cutting and

measuring tools

14.3 Control Organization

13.4 Organization of supply of materials and procurement

13.5 Organization of Transport Facilities

13.6 Organization of work of the site and workplaces

13.7 Mechanical Section Layout


14.1 Description of workplaces, equipment and operations

14.2 Identification of hazardous and harmful production factors

14.3 Effect of the production factor on the body

14.4 Measures to develop safe working conditions at the site

14.5 Ensuring electrical safety in the production area

14.6 Ensuring fire safety in the area

14.7 Engineering Calculations

14.8 Environmental expertise of the developed facility

14.9 Facility safety in emergency and emergency situations

14.10 Output






UDC 621.9.01 (03)

Manufacturing process of the satellite accessory body.


Department Diploma Project.

Keywords: technological process, a technological route, preparation, base, a route, technological operation, processing equipment, machine adaptation, the cutting tool, the cutting modes, environmental safety, economic calculations.

The diploma project is designed to provide a given volume of production of parts - 10,000 per year with the required quality and minimum cost, as well as to improve the typical process of processing the case.

PD provides analysis of initial data and determination of production type, selection of procurement, technological bases, processing methods, development of technological route and operating technology.

In this case, progressive equipment, progressive cutting tool, high-performance machine tools are used.

The development of the process is accompanied by economic calculations reflecting the correctness of the selection of technical solutions.

Introduction. project objective

Mechanical engineering is the most important industry. Its products are machines for various purposes, supplied to all branches of the national economy. The growth of industry and the national economy, as well as the pace of rearming them with new technology and technology, largely depend on the level of development of mechanical engineering.

The technologists of machine builders are faced with the tasks of further developing and improving the production of machines, their quality, reducing the labor intensity, cost and metal consumption of their manufacture, introducing in-line working methods, mechanization and automation of production, as well as reducing the preparation time for the production of new facilities.

The production of machines became possible due to the development of high-performance production methods, and a further increase in accuracy, power, dc, wear resistance and other performance indicators of machines was achieved as a result of the development of new technological methods and processes. That is why it is very important that technological processes in enterprises be more advanced.

The basis of the technological preparation of the production is the development of an optimal technological process (TP), which makes it possible to ensure the production of a given number of products of a given quality in a given time period with minimal costs.

An important part of the development of the part processing TC is the development of the process route, that is, the definition of the TC operations and the sequence of their execution.

The purpose of the work is to ensure the specified release of the parts "Satellite accessory housing" of the specified amount with the lowest costs by developing the optimal technological route of its machining.

1. analysis of initial data. project tasks

1.1 Service Assignment Analysis

The body part is a satellite accessory assembly, which in turn is intended for use on automatic lines of various machining conveyors.

The satellite fixture serves to secure at the same time several parts of the same configuration, shape, for their subsequent machining.

The tool body of the satellite is an accurate part, has very precise surfaces and low roughness.

The material of the part is CH 10, which has high strength, good workability and low sensitivity to stress concentration.

The body of the satellite accessory is a basic part, other parts and assembly units are installed on it, the accuracy of the relative position of which should be ensured both in static and during the operation of the mechanism under load. According to this, the housing must have the required accuracy, have the necessary rigidity and vibration resistance, which ensures the required relative position of the parts and assemblies to be connected, correct operation and no vibrations.

The structural design of the housing, its material and the necessary accuracy parameters are determined based on the service purpose of the part, the requirements for the operation of the mechanism and its operating conditions. At the same time, we also take into account the technological factors associated with the possibility of obtaining the required configuration of the workpiece, the capabilities of cutting processing and the convenience of assembly, which begins with the base body part.

1.2 Part Drawing Analysis

The working drawing of the housing of the satellite fixture contains the necessary information for a complete understanding of the design of the part. Dimensions are correctly placed, their deviations are indicated, deviations from the correctness of geometric shapes, location, and the required roughness is indicated. The working drawing of the part is represented on the graphic part sheet.

Material of a detail is SCh 10 GOST 1412-85

1.3 Part Constructability Analysis

Technological analysis of the design provides improvement of technical and economic parameters of the developed technological process.

The design of a designed part allows multiple surfaces to be machined simultaneously. This will significantly reduce the processing time of the part and apply high-performance machining modes.

To improve processability, we use standard, unified elements: diameter, fit dimensions, chamfers, fillets, radius of fillets. The design of the part does not have hard to access places for processing. The dimensions and shape of the surfaces allow you to process with a standard cutting tool.

One of the criteria of the workability of the part is the combination of technological and measuring bases. Such base surfaces shall have a sufficiently high accuracy and low roughness.

Surfaces of different purpose are divided by accuracy and roughness. The accuracy and roughness of the machined surfaces are selected in accordance with the recommendations and manuals and comply with the standards.

In general, the body can be processed on normal precision equipment. The part design allows you to use standard measurement tools for inspection.

The analysis of the hull design is carried out according to two types of processability assessment: quantitative and qualitative.

1.4 Ways to improve the process

The objectives of the project are the development of the manufacturing process for the "Satellite accessory housing" part for medium-scale production, the design of technological equipment, the economic analysis of the technological process, the design of the machining section with compliance with all labor protection standards and rules.

When designing the machining process, it is necessary to analyze the dimensional relationships between machined and unprocessed surfaces. During the analysis, the following types of links are evaluated and fixed on the diagram:

- Links between machined surfaces (or between axes or planes of symmetry of surfaces)

- Links between machined and unprocessed surfaces or their elements.

Unprocessed surfaces associated with machined surfaces are used as reference bases in machining technology design.

In addition to the above tasks, it is necessary to try to improve the manufacturing process taking into account the achieved R&D.

3. Selection of procurement method

Based on the service purpose of the part, the annual production program requires the development of a technological process for obtaining a workpiece for this part, taking into account the feasibility study of such a production method that would ensure the minimum total costs for its subsequent machining.

Initial data: part - Satellite accessory housing - SCH 10 GOST 141285, annual release program NG = 10,000 pieces.

To solve the problem, we will consider two methods of obtaining procurement:

- method of casting into metal molds;

- method of casting into ceramic molds.

7.1 Equipment Selection

When selecting the type and model of metal cutting machines, we will be guided by the following [2]:

1) The capacity, accuracy, dimensions, capacity of the machine shall be minimum sufficient to ensure compliance with the requirements of the operation.

2) The machine shall ensure a minimum concentration of transitions to operations in order to reduce the number of operations, the number of equipment, increase productivity and accuracy by reducing the number of rearrangements of the workpiece.

3) In case of insufficient loading of the machine, its technical characteristics should allow to process other parts produced by this workshop, section.

4) Equipment should not be scarce, preference should be given to domestic machines.

5) In mass production, along with CNC machines and processing centers, specialized machines, flexible process modules, flexible automatic lines should be used. At each machine, no more than 40 operations should be performed per month when changing parts according to a certain pattern.

6) The equipment shall meet the requirements of safety, ergonomics, ecology.

If several machine models satisfy these requirements for the operation, then a comparative economic analysis is carried out for the final choice. When selecting equipment, we will take into account the following parameters:

1) Based on the shape of the surface to be treated and the method of processing, we choose a group of machines.

2) Based on the position of the machined surface, we choose the type of machine.

3) Based on the overall dimensions of the workpiece, the dimensions of the machined surfaces and the accuracy of processing, we choose the type (model) of the machine.

7.2 Selection of accessories.

Use the following guidelines when selecting accessories.

1) The accessory shall provide materialization with a theoretical scheme of basing on each operation using supports-pins or support plates, mounting pins for basing on the hole, prisms for basing on the outer cylinder; centers for axis basing, etc.

2) The accessory shall ensure reliable fixation of the workpiece during processing.

3) The accessory must be fast-acting.

4) In mass production, the blank clamping must be carried out automatically.

5) It is necessary to give preference to standard, normalized, universal-prefabricated devices, and only in their absence to design special devices.

6) Based on the type and model of the machine and the method of processing, we choose the type of device.

7) Based on the theoretical layout and shape of the base surfaces, we choose the type and shape of the support, clamping and mounting elements.

8) Based on the location of the base surfaces and their condition: accuracy, roughness; forms of workpiece and arrangement of machined surfaces are selected by design of devices.

9) Based on the dimensions of the workpiece and the dimensions of the base surfaces, we select the type of accessory.

After calculating the cutting mode, cutting forces are determined, from the value of which the clamping force is calculated, which should be minimal and sufficient to ensure reliable fastening.

Given the gain ratio, the drive force and drive power are determined. We compare these values with the characteristics of the accessory. If the clamping forces or power exceeds the allowable values, a more powerful device is selected. And if this is impossible, the cutting modes are recalculated.

Drawings content

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